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Judge | | Cherisly's Application


Level 1


In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Timezone & Country:

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Describe your activity on the server:
3pm - Whenever​

9pm - Whenever​

3pm - Whenever​

3pm - Whenever​

9 pm -Whenever​

All day​
4pm - Whenever​
Usually, more days will become all day availabilities depending on the week.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I wanted the opportunity to branch out and get more roleplay experience, especially outside those that the school offers. I tried JockRP for about a year, joined the basketball team, and did that, eventually getting the role of Captain for about three months before eventually taking my leave. I enjoyed it but knew I wanted to do something different. When I saw the discord notification, I wasn't sure about applying, but now I am. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the server wherever I was. That's why I chose to apply for judge. The faction is full of wonderful people I know I'll enjoy spending time with.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

I’m not an expert on them, but I have read all of them and considered every law and constitutional right, even rewriting them to my understanding. The laws range from Fineable offenses, Motor Vehicle Offenses, Animal-related Offenses, Minor crimes, Assault crimes, Government crimes, Major crimes, and Murder Crimes. All of them are also classified as misdemeanors [M] or Felony crimes [F]

Fineable offenses
Fineable Offenses are petty crimes that are classified as Misdemeanors. They cannot result in jail time, only fines, as told in the name. There are currently sixteen Fineable offenses:

1 ✦Loitering: Remaining in a private area past the welcome time.

2 ✧Jaywalking: Walking or crossing a roadway that isn’t marked to be walked on.

3 ✦ Harassment: the act of distributing someone in any form or act against their will; harassment generally includes multiple laws/crimes and can be broadened (It isn’t limited to just the term harassment)

4 ✧ Illegitimate Possession of Bats/ Ballistic Masks: Having a bat or ballistic mask on you with a criminal record since the two cannot go hand in hand.

5 ✦Defamation: Damaging one’s reputation by slander.

6✧ Criminal Intimidation: Making threats with criminal intent toward a party.

7 ✦Blackmail: The act of intimidation to make the receiving party do or act on something.

8 ✧ Possession of Unprescribed Medication: The act of having medicine that requires a prescription without a prescription. In the case of crutches, if one is found with one without the necessary prescription, they will be taken from the individual.

9 ✦ Irresponsible driving: Driving without following the proper driving conduct, i.e., Not driving on the right lane or doing a turn in ‘the middle of a roadway’

10 ✧ Bribery: The interruption of official work by attempting to undermine with money.

11 ✦ Underage possession of alcohol or smoking accessories: When someone under the age of 20 has alcoholic beverages or smoking accessories.

12✧ Possession of Fake Identification: Having a forged government ID

13 ✦ Disorderly Conduct: Conducting oneself in a manner that’s disruptive to other parties

14 ✧ Disrespect Toward a Government Official: Acting rashly to a Government Official

15 ✦ Public Intoxication: Being drunk in a public area

16 ✧ Failure to Possess a ID: Not showing an ID when asked by Government officials; this only applies to parties who are 16+

Motor Vehicle Offenses
Motor Vehicle Offenses are crimes involving a vehicle. They result in jail time and are recorded on an individual’s criminal record due to the KMVA (Karakura Motor Vehicle Act). However, they can be misdemeanors or felonies, as they are not defined by just one. There are currently four laws in this section.

1 ✦ Kidnapping with a Vehicle: Taking someone against their will from one place to another with the use of a vehicle. It is a felony punishable by 6 months of jail time.

2 ✧ Evasion with a Vehicle: Evading Government Officials with a Vehicle. It is a felony punishable by three months of jail time.

3 ✦ Street racing: Illegal racing on public roads. It is a misdemeanor punishable by two months of jail time.

4 ✧ Drunk driving: Driving while intoxicated. It is a misdemeanor punishable by two months of jail time.

Animal-related Offenses
Animal-related offenses are crimes involving an animal. They fall under the KAWA (Karakura Animal Welfare Act), which was put in place to protect the town's animals legally. The crimes under this section range from misdemeanors to felonies. There are currently three laws in this section.

1 ✦Animal murder: The killing with intent behind it of an animal. It is a felony punishable by twelve months of jail time.

2 ✧Animal abuse: the act of physically assaulting an animal. It is a felony punishable by four months of jail time.

3 ✦The illegitimate possession of an animal: Abducting an animal not under the current party's ownership. It is a misdemeanor punishable by two months of jail time.

Minor Crimes
Crimes that are more criminal and result in jail time alongside being added to a party's criminal record. There are currently eleven laws in this section.

1✧Tampering with Government Equipment: Tampering with any Government Equipment without the proper authorization is a felony punishable by three months of jail time.

2✦Illegal services: Any services that go against the law, which can include a wide variety of things. It is a felony punishable by three months of jail time.

3✧Theft/Scamming: Taking a party's belongings with the intent of not returning through malicious means. It is a misdemeanor punishable by two months of jail time.

4✦ Restraining Order Violation: When a respondent violated the terms of a given restraining order. It is a misdemeanor punishable by two months of jail time.

✧ Obstruction of Justice: When a party interferes in the work of a Government Official, both physically and verbally. It is a misdemeanor punishable by two months of jail time.

6✦ False reporting: Stating any false information that may hinder the responsibilities of a government official. It is a misdemeanor punishable by one month of jail time.

7✧ Vandalism: Destroying or causing damage to public property. It is a misdemeanor punishable by one month of jail time.

8✦ Evasion: Leaving an area against the discretion or orders of a KPD Officer. It is a misdemeanor punishable by one month of jail time.

9✧ Trespassing: Entering a private party against or without the property owner’s consent. It is a misdemeanor punishable by one month of jail time.

10✦ Resisting arrest: Obstructing the work of an Officer actively involved in making an arrest. It is a misdemeanor punishable by one month of jail time.

11✧ Misuse of the 110 hotline: Using the 110 hotline for anything besides an emergency requiring emergency services. It is a misdemeanor punishable by three days of jail time.

Assault Crimes
Crimes involve unwanted contact between parties. This section currently has five laws.

1 ✦Assault with a deadly weapon: The use of a deadly weapon on a party with the intent to harm the receiving end. It is a felony that punishable by twelve months of jail time.

2 ✧ Assault on a government official: Unwanted contact to harm a Government Official. It is a felony punishable by six months of jail time.

3 ✦Assault with a weapon: The use of a non-deadly weapon onto a party with the intent to harm the receiving end. It is a felony punishable by six months of jail time.

4 ✧ Kidnapping: Taking someone against their will from one place to another. It is a felony punishable by four months of jail time.

5 ✦Assault: Unwanted contact with the intent to harm the other party. It is a misdemeanor punishable by two months of jail time.

Government Crimes
Crimes involving the Government and anything that may concern them. This section currently has four laws, all of which vary in consequences.

1 ✧ Tax Evasion: The act of intending not to pay taxes. It is a felony. The time spent for this crime depends on each specific situation.

2✦Government Corruption: Acting against the interest of the government and for any criminal or criminal organization. It is a felony punishable by twenty months of jail time.

3 ✧ Government Misconduct: Not acting in the government's interest and putting other parties at risk. It is a felony punishable by six months of jail time.

4 ✦Government Negligence: Not following one’s duty in the line of government work. It is a misdemeanor that has no jail time consequences.

Major Crimes
Severe crimes that result in the perpetrator becoming a felon on their criminal record. All of these laws are felonies and have long jail times. There are currently five laws in this section.

1 ✧ Weapon Trafficking: Distributing weaponry to individuals. It is punishable by twenty months of jail time.

2 ✦Hostage taking: Holding someone captive with the intent of receiving something. It is punishable by sixteen-months of jail time.

3 ✧ Gang Affiliation: Being part of a criminal organization or being associated with one. It is punishable by sixteen-months of jail time.

4 ✦Possession of Illegal weaponry: Possessing illegal weapons (Blunt weapons). It is Punishable by three-months of jail time.

5 ✧ Breaking and entering: Destroying private property with the intention of entering. It is punishable by four months of jail time.

Murder Crimes
Crimes that involve the loss of life of an individual. These crimes are put onto one’s criminal record, resulting in jail time. However, depending on the case, there is a chance for it to be a life sentence. There are currently five laws.
1 ✦Capital Murder: Taking a life from a Government Official. if attempted, a 40-month jail time or, if successful, a life sentence.

2 ✧ First Degree Murder: Killing of an individual that is planned with intention. If successful, a life sentence; if attempted, a 30-month jail sentence.

3 ✦Second Degree Murder: The killing of an individual with no planning before the killing. If successful, a life sentence, if attempted, twenty months.

4 ✧Manslaughter: The killing of an individual without the intent to kill beforehand. It is punishable by sixteen months of jail time regardless of whether it is successful or attempted.

5 ✦ Conspiracy to Commit Murder/Major Injury: Indirectly being involved in a murder, i.e., ordering a hit through illegal services. It is punishable by ten months of jail time.

The Constitution of Karakura
The Constitution of Karakura currently has seventeen articles. It is the building block for the rest of the town's law and defines every citizen's rights.

Article 1✦ Every citizen has human rights that cannot be violated.

Article 2 ✧ All articles originate from the government and cannot be abused by those within the government.

Article 3✦ The citizens of Karakura are reserved the right to be treated with respect and have the right to life and happiness until they threaten the public well-being.

Article 4✧ All are equal under law and cannot and will not be discriminated due to race, sex, wealth, family origin and creed.

Article 5✦ All have the right to free speech and conscience as well as freedom to religion

Article 6✧ Marriage is based on the consent of two parties, and in the case of same-sex marriage, it cannot be discriminated against.

Article 7✦ If 16 or older, the individual may work and get paid.

Article 8✧ Businesses’, corporations, and anything else established through the government is liable to be taxed.

Article 9✦ Life or liberty cannot be taken from an individual. Criminal punishment cannot be carried out unless given due process within the court with a proper jury and if the decision follows the appropriate laws.

Article 10✧ All have the right to make a formal request otherwise known as a petition against the government for any liable situations. Those who use the right cannot be discriminated upon for doing so.

Article 11✦ The citizens of Karakura reserve the right to dismiss those who represent them within the government, be it a court case or any applicable situations, and given the chance to instead represent themselves.

Article 12✧ A person or property cannot be searched without proper suspicion of a law being in violation.

Article 13✦ A individual will be informed of the reasoning or pending charges against them if they are going to be searched, detained or arrested.

Article 14✧ All have the right to remain silent if in investigatory detention and reserve the right to call and hire a attorney.

Article 15✦ A individual cannot face any external pressure from outside parties into giving a testimony. If it is found that is the case then the testimony will be disposed of.

Article 16✧ Those sentenced to death have the right to a painless death.

Article 17✦All if arrested by a KPD officer have the right to plead not guilty and take the case to court and be given the chance to be represented and be proven innocent.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

I do not have any specific goals in mind for my character. However, I wish to develop and make her well-known within the town. I do not want her to be just any other character that people will eventually forget about. As for me, I do wish to put myself out there and gain more experience in different areas of roleplay, which is why I decided to apply for the government faction. I want to learn new things and experience new things.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Judges has various responsibilities, some that are unique to the job and some that are shared throughout the government faction. Though, there are currently seven which include:

✦Attending Trials

✧Issuing any warrants

✦Reviewing Cases

✧Officiating Marriages

✦Filing restraining orders

✧Any front desk work

✦Approving adoption papers

As well as anything else that may be needed or necessary later down the line.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I acknowledge that I may be removed at any point of time if I am accepted into the government faction as a judge.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand that I’m expected to be dedicated to this position if accepted

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I’m aware and understand that any ooc bias towards anyone will result in punishment. I want to provide a fair and engaging roleplay environment to all regardless of who they are, being OOC bias would not only disrupt that but be unfair to all and against the rules.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read all the rules to the Government faction and have agreed to follow all of them closely.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I will be to attend, as long as they do not conflict with my schedule.


Full name:

“The name’s Ritsuko Kadenokōji! A pleasure to meet you.” She’d have a rather honeyed voice; it sounded sweet but at the same time as if there was a serious undertone to it. Adjusting her outfit and hair, she’d place a pen and folder on the table. “You won’t regret giving me this opportunity.” A slight smile left her face, tilting her head a little bit.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“I prefer Mrs.- well, not I AM Ms., so I prefer Ms...” A slight sigh left her mouth as she looked down at the ground, shaking her head before looking back up. “I do wish to be married eventually, though. So, yeah.. I just haven’t found that someone. Yet at least.” A nervous chuckle left her mouth before quickly composing herself. “Anyways!”

Current age:
She chuckled a bit before taking a deep breath and responding, “Well, I look quite young, don’t I?” she tilted her head again before picking up the pen she had previously left on the table. She’d adjust the folder to be in front of her, scribbling a few things. Picking the pen up and pointing it at her hair afterward. “I mean, I don’t have any gray hairs.” Now, shifting the pen towards her forehead, “Nor do I have any wrinkles on my forehead.” Placing the pen back down on the table,” So, I’m at the ripe age of thirty-one!”

Date of birth:

Reaching into her folder, she’d grab a paper, slide it out onto the table, and close her folder right after, “I was born on November seventh! On a wonderful month and on a great day.” She’d motion her hand towards the paper before placing it back in her lap. It was her birth certificate, though it was a photocopy and not the real one.

“I’m a woman, a proper lady at that, might I add”

Academic Degree:

“I am, in fancy terms, a Doctor of Jurisprudence, but, to put it into simple terms, I have a Doctorate in Law.” Opening the folder, she’d shuffle through several papers before finally settling on one. Grabbing the paper, she slid it onto the table. It would appear to be a photocopy of her degree. “In the flesh, I’m the real deal, you could say. I take quite a pride in it; I worked long and hard, and it wasn’t for nothing”
“I Majored in Criminal Justice!” A bright smile grew on her face. Something about the topic made her quite happy. It was probably the fact she did like to talk about herself, and she had found the opportunity to do so. “To be quite frank with you, at first, I wasn’t sure I wanted to pursue law until I realized I wanted to do more with my life. I wanted to make a difference, and I knew that a job in the field of law, namely criminal law, would allow me that chance I wished to have”

“I minored in Philosophy, quite a fitting minor for a major in Criminal Justice, I’d say, and I’m sure you’d agree as well. Philosophy serves or helps to provide some insight into understanding the world and its nature, which is quite needed. To be able to understand someone alone is not enough. However, understanding its nature is quite needed within the field of law. You cannot make a decision that severely affects someone’s life without knowing the nature behind it. It’s simple ethics, I’d say”

Work experience:
She’d open the folder again, going through the same process, shuffling through papers until settling on one and pulling it out. It appeared to be a resume that was quite lengthy, and not a space of paper was empty. “Well, I do have quite a lot of work experience or just experience in general within the field of law. But I’ll tell you the most notable one.” Taking a deep breath before speaking again, “The most notable thing I would say is that I have worked in a judicial clerkship under the guidance of a judge. My responsibilities were pretty much whatever the judge I worked under needed. I filed paperwork, did legal research, and drafted various legal documents.”

Nationality & born location:
“I’m Japanese, raised and born in the country. However, for specifics, I lived in the countryside in the Kannami prefecture in Shimoda. I was born an only child and stayed as one; in my parents' words, ‘I was more than enough to bring honor to the family’...”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
“I’m fluent in Japanese, and that’s about it. Though, I want to broaden my horizons and maybe learn a language or two more! This town is quite diverse; there are many different cultures and people. Learning a new language would allow me that chance to connect with more people.”

Criminal record:
A shocked expression appeared on her face before, yet again, composing herself “Criminal . . . RECORD?” Taking another deep breath, silence filled the room for a couple of seconds. Seconds that felt long and drawn out, as she just stared before responding, “I’m applying to be someone who upholds the LAW; to have a criminal record would tarnish my reputation and career, so NO. I do not have a criminal record”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“I know what I’m doing; I have the education to back it up and the experience from my previous Judicial Clerkship to back it up; all of it was through hard work. I am a hard worker when something needs to be done. I will get it done quickly and efficiently, not to mention flawlessly. I understand the ethics of the job, and I will use my philosophical background and conscientiousness to make the most just decisions in and outside of the court. I will represent the government of Karakura with grace and courtesy. As I understand, if accepted, I will be the face of the government and represent its beliefs and interests.”​

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