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Accepted JUDGE | fauxkyo's Application


Level 8


In-game Name:
(Tourning is my main account.)

Previous bans (include appeal links):

Discord Tag:
(If you have any additional inquiries about my application, I'm typically on discord 95% of the time I'm awake, so I'd advise that you contact me there.)

Do you have a working microphone?:
No, but I’m able to almost always able join VCs, and will actively try to make communication as seamless as possible though any means necessary. Whether that be by TTS software, in-game chat, Discord's VC-chat feature, or anything else that may come to mind.

Timezone & Country:
BST (GMT 00:00)
United Kingdom

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): - [ACCEPTED]

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been actively playing SRP for almost two years now, first logging on in 2017, and later becoming active in October 2020, I have spent many weeks and months playing the server in this relatively short time-span, accumulating roughly 15 weeks of play time in 21 months. While it should be noted that my overall activity has slightly waned over the past few months, I believe that this application will provide me with new found motivation to get on more, similar to that of where I once was. As of now, I get on about everyday to every other day, each time spanning around a one to a few hours. However, I expect this to change for the better in the coming days and weeks. Another thing to note is that I'm very flexible with whatever time of day I need to get on for, whether it be early morning or late at night, so please, take this into account whilst looking at my time-zone.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying comes from multiple places, some for sure stranger than others, however, I will try my best to tread on all of the major reasons I’ve decided to go through with this application. The main reason, which you may find to be one of the stranger ones, occurred a couple nights ago, around July 14th, in which me and two of my IC co-workers at Lightning Electronics were having a discussion about some experiences we had on the server at large. I don’t exactly remember the circumstances in which the topics were brought up but eventually we started talking about adult roles, and how we’d like to help contribute to the AdultRP scene, make the adult scene more active on the server in general. Some things were said and before we knew it, the three of us have decided to go through with the application process for separate adult roles, in hopes that we’ll be accepted and pursue our goal of fleshing out the often uninteresting AdultRP scene on SRP.
The second main factor that contributed to my motivation in applying, whilst equally as personal, if not more so, was also something much more grand and overarching, that being my almost two-year-long quest to actually get myself to apply for an adult role on the server. This is not to say I had no motivation to, which I certainly did all throughout the time I’ve actively been on the server, but there’s always been a few factors that have made me shy away from the prospect. Namely, the issue with having no microphone, multiple times in the past I’ve been politely told that I don’t have much of a chance in getting accepted, and this oftentimes made me reconsider applying for any role that I wanted to try actually applying for. However, I’ve noticed that recently, the attitude towards people like me, with no microphone, has improved slightly in terms of IC roles. This change has been enough to finally push to apply, on top of the aforementioned reasons. Another aspect to this is something of an intimidation-factor, which is the factor of roleplay-quality and experience. To elaborate, I had always beat myself down in terms of how I roleplayed, often seeing myself as too socially awkward OOCly to properly roleplay ICly, often avoiding conversation and not being able to form meaningful relationships ICly as a result. Or perhaps thinking of my roleplay as undetailed and boring to read, in any case, I've greatly improved both my roleplay prowess as well as my ability to roleplay freely with others whenever I find it appropriate, or even when I just have the desire to, which I believe will improve RP in both the government/law faction, as well as the server at large for those who may happen to interact with me through any means necessary.
A final thing to note concerning my motivation to apply for Judge is my new-found OOC interest in the field of law, and other fields associated. Since starting the process of writing this application, I've found myself consuming a great deal of media relating to the field of law, whether it be shows, movies, games, or anything else I can readily access.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I’ve read through the entirety of the laws/legislation of Karakura numerous times, as well as Karakura’s constitutional rights. and I’ve come to memorize a great portion of both documents, including whether any given law is a Felony or Misdemeanor in the former. With this knowledge I am confident that I will be able to carry out my IC duties without hesitance, and will be able to preform said duties far more efficiently, no matter the circumstances.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes, both me and my character have multiple goals for this role. First, the goals that concern myself, my main goals are to one, feel as if I have more purpose on the server, and two, to meet new people and establish new relationships. To elaborate, over the past 10 or so months, I have slowly started to feel as if SRP is monotonous to me, and I’ve been constantly been looking for ways to fix this, I’ve tried replacing my characters, getting a house, attempting to re-establish old friendships, and so much more in an attempt to feel more motivated and excited by the server. However, I feel like the best course of action for me at the moment is to just apply for a role that will allow me to roleplay in new scenarios, and meet new people. Another goal I have for this role is the pursuit of gaining more insight in the field OOCly, as I mentioned when listing my motivations for applying, I've gained a great deal of interest in Law/Jurisdiction OOCly over the past week or so, due to this very application. In all, I do truly hope to achieve my set goals and more if I get accepted as Judge, as I see this as a great opportunity to re-establish my personal sense of purpose on the server, as well as helping the server at large by hopefully contributing new roleplay experiences and perhaps even knowledge of the field to the Government Faction.
My character on the other hand, while not having a presence on the server prior to this application, is looking to mainly continue her storied career in a new setting, a setting in which my character is greatly intrigued by. She believes that continuing her career in Karakura will be a beneficial move for her career, seeing as Karakura’s notoriously high rate of crime means that she’ll gain much more experience in the field than she would’ve if she were to stay in any other part of the country. She also believes she can try to benefit Karakura as a whole by becoming solely dedicated to her position, participating in as many cases and reviews as she possibly partake in.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
In the Japanese Judiciary system, a Judge typically works on a panel of multiple judges, and in Karakura’s case in specific, usually around 3. In the government at large, a Judge is responsible for overseeing court hearings, whether civil or criminal, as well as participating in the decision-making process relating to the application of laws and facts on in any given case at hand, along with the other panel members. Later on in the court/trial process, the Judges are expected to deliver a full statement on any given case. These statements are typically used to further elaborate on their explanation of their application of law as well as their application of facts on the case.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do acknowledge that if I were to be accepted, I can be subjected to removal at any given time, and for any given reason.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand if I were to be accepted, I would be expected to become dedicated to the position, and I can assure you that I will fulfill this expectation the best I can.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am aware that if I were to display any OOC bias towards anyone on the job will result in punishment. I define OOC bias to be showing favoritism and prejudice to one or more parties in any given situation. For example, if I went into a trial knowing that I would be giving the defendant a guilty verdict due to my experiences with them outside of roleplay, even when there's sufficient evidence to say otherwise, that would be OOC bias.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I’ve read through the rules numerous times and have thus comprehended and agreed to said rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
While I do have the rare, occasional disturbance in my weekly schedule, I am extremely confident that I will actively be able to participate and attend weekly meetings and events, especially when it is required of me for any given reason.


Full name:
Maremokikusuroyaechiyoko Itō
(Appears as M. Itō in game, if this isn't allowed, I’ll gladly change my character’s name.)

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Dr. Itō, Ms. Itō

Current age:
I am 37 years of age at the time of me sending in this application.

Date of birth:
I was born on November 29th, 1984.

I am a Female.

Academic Degree:
I graduated with a Law Ph.D at Kyūshū University.
While I was at Kyushu University, I took part in the University’s LL. D. program which allowed me to earn my doctorate/Ph.D in Law.

Political Sciences


Work experience:
Throughout the latter half of high-school and college, I had worked in various retail positions. These positions ranged from cashier positions at local stores, to managerial positions at supermarkets, these jobs were mainly taken up between the ages of 18-25, mainly as a means of gaining funds for my studies and other expenses that my university might have required of me, in which they served their purpose successfully, for I lived a content college and university life, free of food or rent struggles, even if my parents did contribute some of their funds for the cause. These jobs also comfortably introduced me to the workforce, and I believe I greatly benefitted from participating in them, having taught me a lot about workplace culture and the routines that come with enlisting yourself in the workforce. Later in my college/university career, or rather, when I had graduated law school around the age of 27, I had officially received my first position in the field of law as an Assistant Judge in the Ibaraki District Court. I held this position for multiple years, expanding my knowledge as much as I could in the mean time. A few years had passed since I had received the initial position of Assistant Judge before I was eventually promoted to the role of Judge at the Ibaraki District Court. Mito, Ibaraki is also where I reside currently in the workforce as well as in my home-life, however, I have recently been looking into moving to Karakura for a Judiciary position, having been intrigued by both the city’s location and culture. I hope to acquire my desired position as a Judge whilst in the city, and if/when I do get accepted, I do plan on staying there for the rest of my professional career, working as a dedicated Judge until retirement.

Political background:
For much of my early life, I had no real, meaningful experience with politics, nor had any of my immediate family members been involved in politics. At the time, my only exposure to the field throughout my adolescent and teenage years was through either media broadcasts or passing conversation discussing news concerning whatever was going on in my local, Prefectural, or national government’s situation. I had always been seen to vaguely interested in these passing conversations and broadcasts, though admittedly, I had also never showed any sign that it’d be something that I’d be terribly interested to pursue in the future, let alone as my career, for I was like most other girls of my age, aspiring to be a veterinarian, or perhaps a Princess, if I was lucky. However, when the time came to choose my college majors and minors, I was what I could only describe as uncharacteristically intrigued by the idea of Political Sciences, setting the class as one of my two majors in college, alongside Criminology. From then on out, I had dedicated a large part of my life to politics throughout all of my college and university career. When I had passed my classes, and graduated from my college at large, I continued to involve myself in the field throughout law school and onwards, mostly via being an extremely politically-active citizen and keeping on top of any changes to the government, and specifically the judiciary system in Japan brought in by new policies or laws.

Nationality & born location:
Namegata, Ibaraki, Japan.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:
I have nothing on my criminal record, as I try to uphold the idea of the model citizen in my day to day routine, for my own sake as well as my career's.


What makes you a good candidate for this job?
What makes me a good candidate for this job could potentially be a multitude of things, however, I will list some major factors that I believe greatly impact my qualifications as a candidate for the job. The absolute first thing that comes to mind, and this may be exclusive to just me given my circumstance, but, the factor of bias in and out of the courtroom. To elaborate, I believe that due to my overall lack of experience in the city, I, at this current point in time, or any time in the past or future, am unable and have been unable to be swayed by external forces that may use bribes, threats, or any other method of persuasion. To add on to this last point, I am also entirely unaware of nearly anyone or who they’re aligned with, causing any further possible bias to be essentially vanquished from the realm of possibility.
The second prominent reason that comes to mind that makes me believe that I’d be a good candidate for this position is experience, as I’ve mentioned previously, I’ve gone through a great deal of education and experiences up until this point. Not only have I met the required qualifications to become capable of acquiring such a position, I believe that I’ve gone beyond that threshold because of both my diligence in the field of politics, especially political issues that may pertain to Judiciary matters, as well as my prior decade of experience in the position of Judge and roles associated up until this point. These two factors combined makes me personally believe that I am capable of both receiving and carrying out the tasks that come with the role of Judge.
Outside of capability, I do believe there is more to discuss, namely, my willingness to collaborate and form relationships with my colleagues. I think this could greatly benefit the workplace, as having a better relationship with those you often interact with, especially in the workplace, can prove extremely beneficial to productivity, as well as a sense of “morale.” I also consider myself extremely dedicated to any given cause or role that I find myself getting involved in, this can range from my career down to simply doing housework. I can and will spend hours and hours doing the most tedious, monotonous tasks if it means that I can end up improving or bettering something in the end, even if its as I said, just housework that may be undone in a couple weeks time. All in all, I do sincerely believe that I am a fit candidate for the role, taking in consideration from my points made pertaining to both traits capability as well as things more personable to oneself. So please, with all of that being said, I do implore you to consider me as an a proper candidate, and I hope this application reaches you well.

Regards, Maremokikusuroyaechiyoko Itō
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Level 192

Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,after reading through we've decided to accept this:
  • Shoot me a DM over Discord to get things started MikeShotZ#0960

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