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Accepted Judge | oxyed’s Application


Level 3


In-game Name


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Do you have a working microphone?

Yes, I have a fully functioning microphone.

Timezone & Country

Eastern Time Zone. EST/EDT. USA.

Links to any current & past applications
0XED_ is an old IGN.




Describe your activity on the server

Despite my schedule down below, I still log on frequently. I would classify myself as a moderately active person within the server being at least 7/10. Although day-to-day I have my moments of not being able to log on due to personal problems or events. But, overall, I do my best to log on as much as I can willingly.


Tuesdays & Thursdays. From 10:30 AM ~ 7:45 PM.

Mondays. From 12 PM ~ 1 PM.
Wednesdays. Normally around 10 AM ~ 2 PM.

Fridays & Weekends. Any time.

[Taken on 11-02-2024]


What position are you applying for?

I am applying for the Judge role.

What is your motivation for applying?

One of my main motivations for applying to the government faction purely comes from a large interest in my character's lore. I believe that this specific faction could help bring out more ideas and lore for my specific character, with how her backstory is created I believe that a stark community could help bring not only a different mindset but a creative standpoint within her own lore.

For my other main motivation is purely just wanting to bring more creativity and enjoyment within the community that already formats as a stable faction. From an outside view, the faction seems well put. Having strict positions and formats is something I greatly enjoy. Along with the fact of having a personal interest within the government theme in general, I believe this was a great attempt into pursuing something I enjoy.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?

Yes, I have a clear understanding of the Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?

My major role for my character with this role is to bring the idea and thoughtful creation to a more realistic standpoint. Being in the government faction, despite what her backstory is, is a conflict that I would love to manage through within her personal lore and overall being to bring out the different creativity within this government community.

To be able to bring out a character whose lore was almost the exact opposite of what it would stereotypically end with, in this faction, is something I would love to perform on my own terms. As I understand this is a selfish want, I would like to further explain how my character could be a great asset towards this faction with doing the proper procedures, and expectations and overall being a great character to rely on within these tasks.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government

In the government section, a judge plays an important role within the faction. As it follows through with their basic but valuable responsibilities that are not only important to the citizens but to workers as well; attending trials, issuing warrants, reviewing cases, officiating marriages, filing restraining orders, following up on the front desk work, and finally approving adoption paperwork.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?

I understand and acknowledge this decision completely.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?

I fully understand the expectation of me being dedicated to this position when accepted, as I will follow through with that.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?

I am completely aware of this rule, as I agree to its consequences and expectations.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?

I have read and agreed to follow the government faction rules completely.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?

Yes, I can make the time in my schedule to attend the weekly meetings and events.


Full name

Observing the individual, she adjusted her sitting position. Forming a strict and proper seated posture, she casually placed her palms flat onto her lap, just to make her ‘serious’ aura more clear. Taking a moment to let the individual finish their question, she replied with a subtle tone of sternness.

“My name is Aki. Aki Saemonsaburō.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.)

Taking a subtle moment to glance around her surroundings casually, she focused directly into the individual's eyesight. Letting them complete their full question, she hummed as a response starter, replying with a stern but casual tone.

“My preferred title is Ms. Properly though, is Ms. Saemonsaburō, but I understand how lengthy my surname is, so Ms. Aki is just fine.”

Current age

Squinting her eyes at the question, she couldn’t help but closely observe the individual. Since a part of her family culture of their question was considered taboo, she pushed her family traditions aside. Understanding the work environment for answering only honest replies strictly. She properly, and honestly answered their question that was laced with a more firm response.

“I am currently, twenty-five years old.”

Date of birth

Leaning back slightly in her strict seated posture, she takes a small moment to think thoroughly about their question. Since it's been awhile for her to remember her own birthday.. As she quickly replied to the individual's question to make it subtly seem as if she did remember her birthday.
Very odd, somewhat.

“I was born on June 6th, 1999.”


Tilting her head to one shoulder slightly, she subtly replied with a tone that was laced with pride.

“I consider myself as a semi-young adult female.”

Academic Degree

Humming quietly, she listened closely to the individual's question. Taking a slight moment, as she processed her words to be detailed but as simply efficient as possible, she took a slight deep exhale. Since, it’s been years about explaining her whole academic degree. Replying to the question with enough detail and ‘straight-to-the-point’ efficiently.

“Since I was adopted from Cajamarca in Peru, I was moved from there to Kobe, Japan. Where I attended an all-girls private school for my secondary education. After four years of gaining my secondary education diploma, my adoptive mother helped me attend a university for my bachelor's degree. During my time gaining my bachelor's degree, I was offered various sorts of internships, but due to how busy my schedule was during the time I wasn’t able to attend any of them. Luckily, after earning my bachelor's degree, with the help of my adoptive mother's cousin, I was able to gain a judicial internship to shadow my cousin. Since he was a judge in Takarazuka, I had major support of being exposed to this type of court environment. As I was offered a judicial internship, I attended for a few months. Afterward, I finally signed up for law school. During my time there, I worked in a judicial clerkship for only a couple of years.
Since I was given a huge supportive environment, along with having large amounts of experience, I was able to quickly follow through with my J.D degree.”


Letting the individual fully ask their short question, she gave them a casually stern glare. Having her head posture be strict, she idly placed her hands to hold onto her hanging leg knee, being as formerly ‘strict’ as perfectly she could. Afterward, she replied with an efficient and short answer.

“I gained my major in political science during my time as a law school student”


Continuously swaying her hanging leg over the other, she stayed with a simple and short answer. Forming to proper her posture afterward.

“My minor choice that I gained through my bachelor's degree, is in psychology.”

Work experience

Humming quietly as her response starter, she closely replied with a casual tone of sternness. Still, keeping up her ‘strict’ form of proper aura. And staying with her strict posture position.

“My valuable work experience I have was during my time as a law school student, where I worked closely with my cousin in Takarazuka as a judicial clerk. Some of the responsibilities and expectations I followed through with were; proofreading and cite-checking my cousin's orders, along with his opinions. I closely communicated with the counsel with various case management and procedural requirements. I was also my cousin's main courtroom assistant during his courtroom proceedings. I was also involved with being responsible for completing administrative tasks. Where I kept a strict maintenance schedule with the chambers library, efficiently assembling documents, and following through with any other administrative tasks that I was ordered to do during my time as a judicial clerk.”

Nationality & born location

Letting out a quiet, and subtle sigh. She couldn’t help but let her past thoughts go by in her mental state, her memories of various events running throughout her head as she quickly replied with a short answer. Not wanting to go into any further detail, just to keep things short, honest and simple.

“My birthplace was in Cajamarca, Peru. Which was where I got adopted from at the age of seven. During the following year of me being adopted, I was brought to Japan, instantly becoming a Japanese citizen due to my adoptive mother’s connections and wealthy income.”

Fluent languages

(Underline your native)

Humming as another response starter, she began to reply as subtly and slowly with a tone that was laced with sternness.

“Before I was adopted and traveled to Japan, my biological parents taught me Spanish. Since I was young, it was easy for me to speak it fluently within a short amount of time. Although, after I moved to Japan, it took a semi-long while for me to learn Japanese. But for my environment, as I grew up, it was easier than expected. During my time in secondary education, I didn’t have many hobbies or interests that the other girls in my class had, so I chose to learn Russian and Chinese as a hobby. Being trilingual, my native language is Spanish while my other two languages are Russian and Chinese.”

Criminal record

Sitting more strict and straight, she properly, and honestly answered the individual's question without any hestation, Since, this truth was such a stereotype for her during secondary education, being the student who was considered the ‘teacher's pet.’

“None, I don’t have anything on my criminal nor did I commit any criminal acts throughout my life.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

Having a self-sense of subtle pride, she began her words with a more up-tune tone. Being confident in her years of education and overall experiences as a whole, it was clear she was proud of the hard work and education she had gone through, despite what she had passed on.

“Being a quick learner, knowing multiple languages, and specifically having a long period of education is something I strongly believe would make me a great candidate for this job. I spent endless nights of studying on the proper steps to become a judge, gaining work experience as much as I could with the limited amount of time I had during my years of being a student. Along with having first-hand exposure of how the court environment is, being grateful for my support and luck for experiencing this, I used those resources as a build-up to be the best judge that I can be. Seeing others fulfill this job, whether it be from my cousins, peers, and even on the news it made me want to become one. Having this strong motivation to be the best as I can be made my work experience and mindset could help bring more ideas could not only benefit the town, but benefit people entirely.”

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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Welcome to the Government Faction! In order to get your roles set up, please ping me in the Karakura Town Discord so I can give you them accordingly.

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