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"everyone either is me or wants to be"

First Name: Juna (辰巳, meaning profitable name) (주나 in Korean)
- Gojo (五条, meaning 5th street, from her adoptive family)
- Tatsumi (潤名, meaning dragon/snake)

Preferred Name: Juna

Juju - usable by those she knows - 7/10
Feel free to give her some IRP <3

Gender: Cis Female
Age: Year 8 ATM (14)

Height: 5'2
Weight: 102lbs
Build: Ectomorph
Skin Color: Lightly tanned
Eye Color: Pink (colored contacts)
Hair Style: Long & full bangs
Hair Color: Blonde (box dye)

Fashion: A mix of gyaru and streetwear

- Her most distinctive features are her unusual hair and eye colors
- Can often be seen staring off into space daydreaming

Date of Birth: December 12th
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean
Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: Agnostic
Political Beliefs:
- She honestly doesn't like talking about politics.
- Juna is anti-gang along with the rest of the Gojo family.

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General Appearance:
see photo above

Personality: ENTP

+ Curious
Juna is a bright girl. She is prone to getting into things that she probably shouldn't if they're tempting. Exploring new places is one of her hobbies.
+ Outgoing
Juna talks a lot once you know her. She's an ambivert (leaning extrovert) so, although she's reluctant to approach strangers herself, she would rather have someone talk to her than be alone.
+ Quick-witted
Although she is not known to apply herself, Juna is a very street-smart. She is fast on her feet and knows how to bargain because of her upbringing.
+ Loyal
Juna cares about her siblings and friends more than anything.

- Blabbermouth
Although Juna tries to be a good friend, she has one main weakness: her love for gossip. Juna speaks her mind easily and without much hesitance which can get her in trouble. If someone were to offer her information on a particularly juicy piece of gossip she could be convinced to give them some money.
- Slacker
Juna does exactly as much work as she has to— nothing less and nothing more. She is in school to play rather than work. Her ambitions? They consist of hanging out with her friends, eating snacks, making a bit of money (so she can buy more snacks), and helping her siblings.
- Blunt
Juna is a very honest person. She says exactly what she thinks which some people might perceive as her being rude or mean. Whatever. She would rather be mean than fake.

Diseases/Illness: Lactose intolerant

Character Voice: Need to find a good VC

Equipment: TBD (she can often be seen drinking monster)
She's currently also saving up for a flip phone.

Juna's main outfit is an oversized blue jacket with a pink school uniform

- Urban exploration
- Writing
- Trying new things
- Dancing
- Fashion

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
- See her personality sections for her personality flaws
- Juna also has a minor energy drink addiction. She often drinks monster instead of sleeping at night.

- She likes to seem more intimidating than she is
- Her favorite colors are pink and blue
- Disorganized, often seen pulling things out of her bag

The Gojo Family

Yuichi H. Gojo - adoptive brother
Archer F. Gojo - adoptive brother
Kazuto O. Gojo - adoptive brother
Maks X. Gojo - adoptive brother
Leslie L. Gojo - adoptive sister
Miko Gojo-Osiri - adoptive sister
Maddie G. Ivankov - adoptive sister

The guy who gave her the fishing pole (she forgets his name)

crown girl (name unknown) - slightly rude - seems spoiled but interesting


coordinating with family to figure this out
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