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Jun'ichi Santarossa | Biography - 2.1


Level 64
[Cosetto Jun'ichi Santarossa]
"I am quiet, I bury no one, blood drying beneath my nails. I do not know which me it belongs to."
[Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ]

♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪

[INSERT HEADER: Basic Information]

Cos, Etto, Sin, Seto, Jub-Jub, Jun'i, Jun, Juichi

G E N D E R | ♀ Female ♀ Male
A G E | 21
H E I G H T | [ 5'3
W E I G H T | ???
B I R T H D A T E | December 22
Z O D I A C • S I G N | Sagittarius
P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Someplace in Italy
M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Single
L A N G U A G E S | Russian, Japanese, Latin.
M O R T A L • S I N S | Wrath
S E X U A L I T Y | Bisexual, demiromantic
O C C U P A T I O N S | College

P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H
He has scars covering a decent portion of her body, he doesn't remember where they came from exactly. .

M E N T A L • H E A L T H
He currently has D.I.D. . He doesn't even know of these alters, he just thinks of them as the 'voices' everyone has, or just short-term memory loss.

Cosetto - Core - 22
'Sin' - Prosecutor - 23
'Seto' - Caregiver (Internal self-helper) - 37
Aiko - Little - Trauma holder -4
Jigoku - Fragment - Original-Host - ??? - 21 [ CURRENTLY FRONTING ]
Ma - Protector - 405
Sparkles - ??? - ???

Separation Anxiety
He currently has separation anxiety from being away from his sister Serena for a long period of time and a certain hat. .


[INSERT HEADER: Character Descriptions]

Personality Traits

[] + Positive Traits + []


[] - Negative Traits - []

[] • Other Traits • []
Serena Santarossa

Physical Description
Cosetto Santarossa, a 5'3 Japanese woman, held many scars all along her body, standing out like broken glass shards against a glass window, abruptly and sudden. She held long black hair, that went down to her waist. She was finally being happy with her natural self; she didn't wear contacts anymore. She had a few piercings, a nose chain one! She also held a split tongue, along with that she had braces. She held a few small tattoos, one on her ribcage 'Divine Feminine' and one going up the opposite side of her body, from her thigh almost up to her chin; holding a grey-scale dragon. One going along her spine ; 'Love yourself before loving another.'

Jun'ichi, a 5'3 Japanese male.. he held many scars along his body. Like broken glass against tinted windows which was his skin ; covered in tattoos. He held short black hair. No longer wearing contacts, he had a few piercings on his face.. A nose chain one and devil bites! He had a split tongue, along with braces on all of his teeth. He held many tattoos, mostly being snakes that went around his torso.

O V E R A L L:
–– / 130 [Must not exceed 115]
Credit: @Totoro_Sam

S T R E N G T H – 10
P E R C E P T I O N – 3
E N D U R A N C E- 8
C H A R I S M A - 1
I N T E L L I G E N C E - 2
A G I L I T Y -6
L U C K -8
H E A L T H - 7
M O R A L I T Y - 3
P R I V I L E D G E - 2
O B J E C T I V I T Y - 7
S A N I T Y - 3.1
S O C I A L - 1


He holds a very skateresque fashion.. Sometimes going out of his comfort zone and stealing his sister's clothes.

Character Voice / Mannerisms
[Voice Claim Name]

Non-Combat Skills


- This is just something he also enjoys doing, and could be listed as a hobby. Yet with how much he does it, and how he does it; its listed as a skill.

Combat Skills


[ INSERT HEADER: Relationships and History]


Self-note ; ♥ = All personalities like this person.

He may not know some of these people at all, (aka listed as stranger) yet she still has a word for them.

Sister | 21 | Serena Santarrosa [ Alive ]
"You're a fucking bitch, thank god I grew the confidence to say that to your face."

Brother | 20 | Andre Santarossa [ Alive ]
"Stop acting like you're all tough. Its not cool, and a good look for our name."

Brother | 20 | Matteo Santarrosa [ Alive ]

'Brother' | 20 | Jebediah F. Kirisuto [ Alive ]
"Best future brother ever. And super tall!"

Father-Figure / Psychiatrist | ♥ | 36 | Silus Marceau [ Alive ]
"I like you, you are nice. You're trying to help me away from her, and not burying my feelings."

Ex-boyfriend| 20 | Hao Miyushi [ Alive ]
"Fuck you, cheater."

Close friend | 20 | Kirahoshi Ichikawa [ ??? ]
"Where did you go...?"

Close friend | 20 | Molly Helvete [ Alive ]
"Best duo ever, just us two."

Crush | 20 | Riwoo Yeun [ Alive ]
"So nice!! Such a sweetheart-"

Best friend | 21 | Enza Delarosa [ Alive ]
"Bestest. Ever."

Freind | 18 | Mist K. Helvete [ Alive ]
"I love you."

Friend | 22 | Nathaniel Blackwell [ Alive ]
"I forget how I met you, but I thank you."

Friend, ex-situationship | 18 | Gavin V. Santiago [ Alive ]
"I missed talking to you like this."

Girl-crush | 21 | Haruka Hanazono [ Alive ]
"Pretty lady, she is very nice!"

Ex-Boyfriend | 20 | Yaketsuku M. M. Kimura [ Dead ]

Old-Captain | ??? | Patricia Masuo [ Alive - I hope ]
"Best fucking Captain ever, come back. Now. I mean STAT."
"I miss cheerleading.."

Stranger | 23 | Himawari Heddo [ Alive ]
"You're weird as fuck. Go away, stop being obsessed with poor Nathaniel."

Stranger | 21 | Akiyama Chiharu [ Alive ]
"No. Fuck you, we may be teammates but you're still an asshole, and I'll be all of the asshole I want back, Gagiyama."

??? | ??? | 'The mice' | [ Dead ]
"Sorry, it was kind of funny."

Ex-Cheer-Captain | 21 | Mee-Young Jaibatsume [ Alive ]
"Second best Captain ever, we relate on so many levels."

Idol | ?? | Tailor Speed [ Alive ]

Rival | 18 | Stella Banks [ Alive ]
"Can't even keep a solid conversation... she can't even know whats 2+3."

Hated | ??? | 'Sadara' | [ Dead ]
"I'm gonna hit you in the face so fucking hard with an Ofuda, you won't even see it coming you dead bi-"



He drives me insane
I search up the wall
He keeps me hostage
The love I drive for.

Hidden in a box
I can't search for
He hides it away
The love I drive for.

He makes me want to hide away
In search of love
He huddles away
The box of love.
(By Cosetto Santarossa)


I hold the lighter
I watch the flames
I watch the heart that envelopes fire,
My heart.

I feel the pain
I watch as the flesh drips
I cry in vain
The ones I've lost cheer.

The pain hurts me more
Tears run down my face
The bitter salt makes the fire burn
The heart of my lovers flourish.

The fire burns
It burns through me
It torments me
It makes my heart sore
(By Cosetto Santarossa)

Pretty ugly

I'm very ugly
So don't try to convince me that
I am a very beautiful person
Because at the end of the day
I hate myself in every single way
And I'm not going to lie to myself by saying
There is beauty inside of me that matters
So rest assured I will remind myself
That I am a worthless, terrible person
And nothing you say will make me believe
I still deserve love
Because no matter what
I am not good enough to be loved
And I am in no position to believe that
Beauty does exist within me
Because whenever I look in the mirror I always think
Am I as ugly as people say?
(By Abdullah Shoahib)


Personality traits for all personalities
More poems
Make pinterest fashion board​
Last edited:


Level 64
Thread starter

- New name
- Updated some relationships
- Updated pronouns

- Brother relationship add
- Descriptions for friends
- Personality traits for all personalities

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