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Denied justsimba_ | Priest Application


Level 76
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section



However I have two alts: _justsimba (EMS), and HazukiPlayZ (Adult)


EST | Eastern Standard Time

I have never been banned and I plan to keep it that way.

Yes, I am often in a VC daily with friends so I open to being within a VC.

I am online whenever I manage to be online. I am in college and marching band so it’s really whenever I have a free moment but I am always on for at least 2 hours each time I log on. Weekends however I am usually on for a minimum of 6 hours total within a day. So during the week I’d say my activity is more around a 6 out of a 10, of course this changes depending on what I have going on, but as for weekends I am a 10 out of 10.

I am applying for the position of; Priest

What I know:
Shinto is about promoting harmony and purity within all aspects of one's life. Humans are thought to be fundamentally good, and evil is caused by evil spirits. Therefore, one of the major main purposes of Shintoism is to pray and offer to the kami to keep away evil spirits.

Am I prepared/willing to learn more about the religion?
Of course! Shintoism is a religion I have a good bit of interest OOCly in and I'd love to be able to help bring it to SRP.

Due to being faculty once before and now EMS, I understand what it means to be able to dedicate myself to a role within the SRP community. I put as much freetime I can into what I do and strive to keep up activity and communication.

Yes, I acknowledge I will have to attend mandatory trainings to be taught more about Shintoism and the procedures at the shrine.


In-Character (IC) Section

SECTION 1: Character Details


Hajime Yamashita

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):



(030) 207-9029

Shintoism is very important to me like it is for many others, I wish to be able to share the knowledge I have now and will learn upon this knowledge being accepted and as time goes on about the monastery and the religion itself, or to even help answer questions anyone, either that be guest or other monastery staff, may have. I have worked for the Karakura Shinto Preservation Foundation since its creation, and I wish to more closely be able to help those within this town or even people just visiting to learn or help practice this amazing beautiful religion I hold so dear.

I am aware that the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery is the 3rd one within the Karakura area, the previous two both being burnt to the ground. I do not remember the time periods in which it happened but I am knowledgeable on that much.

Dear Kannushi,

I am very thankful for you and the priest and maidens for making this a reality for myself and others to be able to enjoy the shrine and this amazing and beautiful religion here in Karakura. As someone who has been in this town for a few years now and has worked with many at the shrine, as I take part in helping with the Karakura Shinto Presence Foundation, I have seen this shrine grow from almost being lost to history, but for the few who did or do care for the monastery and/or took part in the religion, to now seemingly getting traffic rather often as I see more maidens and priests sharing information about the shrine. This could not be done without your amazing work, which I am deeply grateful for. Even if my application is not accepted, I thank you for taking the time to read it and those of others whom have also applied to work alongside you at the monastery. I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. I hope to be able to work alongside you and keep teaching the people of Karakura about this religion that many today seem to have forgotten about. If not, I will gladly continue to work alongside the monastery in KSPF.


Hajime Yamashita

BACKSTORY (1,485 words):
After Yua's death, Keiko entered Takahiro's life again- as a friend.. as support. Though that hadn't lasted long as by month 6 they were together. Keiko became the new mother for Ichiru and looked over him like he was her own. Respecting his mother and all that she did for Takahiro and Ichiru of course, she wanted Ichiru to grow up like this as well. To be respectful of others and their struggles and their pasts. Keiko gave birth to the perfect little set of... twins- ahhh yesss.. twins run rampant in her family. It wasn't that odd to them when they arrived- it was odd to the Yamashitas when they arrived. Ichiru was already aged 4 by this time, the twins' mother was 26 and the father was 27. The perfect little angels were indeed perfect till Ichiru taught them how to be a menace.. how to be troublemakers and ohhhh boy when the 3 of them united... Let's just say they had to hire maids more often to clean the walls. By the time they were able to move around, comprehend, speak and all that- the 3 of them became inseparable. Truly the troublemakers of life, sneaking out at night to get a little more time on the backyard's playground. Going on trips together and all other things pertaining to life, truly- it was hard to see any of them be apart from each other. Hajime and Ichiru were like brothers with their 'lil' sister. Life was a jungle and they were going to claim it! Become the kings! Well- queen for Aiko... But still! They were going to enjoy it to the fullest this was until the twins were 8 and Ichiru was 12- he pulled away from them. Kept saying he was busy and wouldn't establish what this business he had was. Their days became a little duller, and nothing felt like it was complete anymore. This seemed to hurt Hajime more than it had seemed to hurt Aiko, though it hurt her equally as much... just- the connection between Ichiru and Hajime seemed to be a bit more special. They were brothers and nothing could change that or so Hajime thought. Seeing as how his brother was now he started to change a bit as well. Though still hanging out with his sister and friends every chance he got, studying and getting good remarks still. The question that would never be answered is what Hajime would think and probably till this day. Why the sudden change? And why was Ichiru avoiding so many questions or staying out later at school.. diving his entire life into his studies and that was that? Hajime didn't think much of it since he was expected to be great, to be a lawyer, and excel in all aspects of life. Though it seemed the older they got the more the drift got bigger to the point it didn't seem like it could fix. Both of them still talked but it never felt like it was complete. Another thing... around age 12, Aiko and Hajime seemed to drift a little bit- then again it was due to the fact Hajime was male and Aiko was female so she was going through the whole... female... thing... Yeesh. He would never understand a female and he respected that... Of course, he was the type to buy his sister things when she was a bit.. well moody... He was proud of her- really.. getting council vice president and being the president of the debate club. Quite the feet- though what was Hajime doing? Well.. he just so happened to be captain of the football[soccer] team! Which Might not be the best choice for his time but oh well! He had fun and enjoyed having the best friends he could imagine! His relationship with Aiko was good too and with Ichiru.. it was good- but still not like how it should be. His final football game of the season was his senior year, and Hajime managed to get the goal that led his team to the championship, but just like all his other games, his family had opted out of attending his game for his brother instead. That championship was the last time Hajime ever touched a football. Ichiru, Hajime, and Aiko would grow up attending a private school, with the team being very selective about its members. They all received a lot of private tutoring to be the best; Ichiru was valedictorian and other things; Hajime never wanted that; he just wanted to be well, free, and his person. When Hajime became captain, he made an effort to increase the diversity of his team. Hajime, though, was forced by his father to immediately attend law school after he graduated, which he did. He became a lawyer in Japan at the age of 25, straight out of college, and stayed there until he was 30 before quitting because he never wanted to be a lawyer in the first place and only did it to please his father and brother. While Takahira was a decently kind man to Hajime and his siblings, Takahira was abusive when he got drunk. If he wasn't working, Hajime often found their father drunk if he had a bad business deal, was too stressed, or didn't get what he wanted from Aiko. This is what Hajime always thought had caused Ichiru to become so different. Their father had done something to their brother, just like Takahiru was physically abusive to Aiko. Hajime, before he quit, finally had enough. He moved into his brother and sister-in-law's place not long before quitting his position as a lawyer. Hajime, on the other hand, had appeared out of nowhere for his brother and sister-in-law, his brother not minding because, even if Ichiru was not the same as they were as children, he still loved his brother. However, Ayaka, Ichiru’s wife, had an issue with it after some time. Hajime had come to them to "run away" from the rest of the family for a bit, mainly running from Takahiru, though Hajime would end up freeloading off of them for 2 years. Those first eight months were fine between Hajime, Ayaka, and Ichiru, but over the next sixteen months, Hajime and Ayaka would fight over everything; parenting was a big one, as was Hajime being there for so long freeloading. Ichiru didn't mind at all until Ayaka convinced Ichiru to talk to Hajime after two years of Hajime staying with them. However, this didn't go smoothly. Hajime and Ichiru would end up getting into a large fight over many different sorts of topics, all about issues that Ayaka had with Hajime during these two years. Hajime, on the other hand, did not take to fighting well; during the night, while everyone in the house was sleeping, Hajime would pack his belongings and leave. not leaving any notice behind that he had left, where he had gone, and for how long. To the family, Hajime had disappeared off the face of the earth. Hajime would have first run off to South Korea, a country with which he had become familiar due to all of his father's business trips there every summer and often every winter that he and his siblings often tagged along on. While some of his family, primarily his sisters, searched for him, Hajime stayed in South Korea for four months to let things settle down before starting to travel around in the cheapest way possible. taking on small jobs here and there to make ends meet and afford food. In his spare time, Hajime would study a religion that his mother had taught him, one that the family had once practiced but had since abandoned. That religion was Shintoism. Hajime would spend three years doing this before deciding to return to Japan and track down his family in Karakura, Japan. Hajime would board a plane and fly to the largest island in the Izu Archipelago after three weeks of deliberation. Ironically, he discovered his twin sister Aiko in the plaza, directly ahead of where he had alighted from the train station. Thus began Hajime's journey within Karakura. He'd watch his brother, a lawyer in Karakura, and his sister, a nurse at the high school and community college, as well as his niece, nephews, and youngest sister, Kagome, grow and help them grow away from the path their family name seemed cursed to take. While slowly rebuilding his relationships with his family, his parents were unaware of his return, and Hajime spent much of his time at the shrine. Even volunteering at the Karakura Shinto Preservation Foundation (KSPF), he eventually decided to join the priests and maidens at the shrine to dedicate the new amount of time he had now that his family had returned to the Japanese mainland to be closer to their parents as they grew older.

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:

Shinto Priests and Maidens have many different duties they fulfill at the Monastery, some examples of this are helping to hold ceremonies such as weddings, praying and making offerings or even helping people who visit the shrine do such, they also help with the upkeep of the shrine and help clean. They help in aiding with other activities such as tea drinking, tarot card readings, emas, and even have a gift shop for people to buy one of the things they offer there in the gift shop.

What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
While I don’t remember all of the proper names of each thing, there is a small well per say near the entrance of the Shrine grounds along with a larger pitcher or even sometimes I find a bowl there. You take this pitcher and fill it with the water within the well, carefully pouring the water over your hands and arms one at a time.

How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
To the public at least, there are seven steps to this process. As you approach the area you will bow slightly towards the box before gently placing in your coin or coins. The amount of this coin or coins do not matter as they don't increase or decrease anything. If there is a bell, you will reach for it and ring it two or three times in a row in order to signal to the gods that you have given an offering. After this has been done, while the final ring of the bell is still ringing you then will perform two deep 90-degree bows, clapping twice with your left hand slightly in front once you have completed the two bows before you pay your respects and thank the gods. Many will often give a prayer here, each person in their own self gives a prayer for a different reason. Once this is all completed you will then give one final deep 90-degree bow before you are permitted to then take your leave.

How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
First you will offer the guest if they would like any tea or sake, if they say yes to the tea, you then take them to the tea house which can be found on the Monastery grounds. You will then prepare the tea, in Karakura this is often Green Tea. Grab a tea bowl and carefully pour the tea into the bow. Making sure the front is facing you while you do this. The tea bowl is then placed onto the tatami mat in front of you, with its front facing you. Pick it up with your right hand and place it on your left palm. With your right hand, turn it clockwise by around 90 degrees so that its front is not facing you anymore but now the guest. You will then offer this tea bowl to the guest to make sure that the tea is prepped in a way of their liking before taking the rest of the prepared tea into tea cups. Pouring it for the guest as you bow to them. Making sure to refill their tea if they are done or to then clean up and return everything to its home once the guests have finished their tea. Make sure to bow to them each time you begin to speak with them again and before they leave.

Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
Tamagushi: an offering made with sakaki-tree branches decorated with strips of washi paper, silk, or cotton.
Ofuda: is talisman made out of various materials such as paper, wood, cloth or metal
Kagura Suzu: A set of 12 bells on a singular one handed handle used in dances.

(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Not sure, I haven’t done much research on the different Kami’s.



Level 86

Your application to the shrine is appreciated, and after an incredibly tough decision, as a team we've come to the decision to deny your app due to not having enough open slots. Feel free to reapply in the future! If you do choose to reapply, you are welcome to reuse the backstory portion. However, put a little more focus onto the OOC part of the application as well!​

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