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JustVibinn's News reporter app

[OOC Section]
IGN (In Game Name):

Previous bans:
I've been banned 4 times falsely because of my brother i haven't broken any rules other wise
Describe your activity on the server: I play every day for 2-5 hours a day

Do you have Discord?:
Yes its JustVibinn#6969

Do you have a microphone?:
yes i have a working mike

List your current and past applications:

my account got deleted for something so i dont have them

What is your motivation for applying?:
I am very interested in media, and the works behind every report. I enjoy reading the news and sharing it to my friends and fellow news enthusiasts, I think that news can be lied about and corrupt I want to ensure that proper news is shown to the people, in this case the citizens of Karakura. The news plays an important part in the shaping of our society and is important for setting precedent for dealing with future situations.

Knowledge of journalist work?

Journalists educate the public eye. Journalists research, edit and write file news stories and articles. Their work on TV, radio, magazines, journals, and newspapers they thrive to report the best as possible
Why are reporters important? Reporters are important because without them people wouldn't be able to learn about the things going on and around them, for example, if someone get murdered they can wright an article about it or the current political situation

Full name
: Ching t. Contine
Title: Mr.
Given and Preferred: Alastair

Age: 19
Gender: male
Religion: none
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Britain and Sweden
Years of training: 2.5
Working experiences: Nurse
Year of graduation? Working still
Languages: French
Last edited:


Level 165

⇣≡ [DENIED] ::

You may re-apply on [06/03/20]

❏. [Changes…]

- Make sure to use the correct format, which you can access by clicking here

Nonetheless, I appreciate the time that you spent on applying for the role of News reporter! I hope you take the time to

fix the mistakes and re-apply.


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