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Kōdō Senjutsu | [ 戦術的行動 ] | BIOGRAPHY


Level 6
Kōdō Senjutsu

Kodo Senjutsu 1.png

"Pops always told me. 'Son you're just as good as the tools you work with.' So I chose to work with the unit that only offered the best of the best."

First Name:


Preferred Name:

( chronologically ) :
"Keeg", "Delta 4-5", "Kōdōmo", "Prometheus", "Murasaki"





A muscular ectomorph build with well-shaped muscles
"Look old man, my training finally paid off."

Skin Color:

Eye Color:
Light Blue

Hair Style:
A rather simple men's undercut with his natural brown hair color, a nice little change from his old black-dyed shoulder lenghth hair.


Classic Military Style Casual Wear

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"In this town, you either wear criminal attires, designer clothing or workplace uniforms. I find it quite shameful that I fit in the category of military-styled outfits with those who are still going through their middle-aged identity crisis and believe they're legends when they were most likely stationed in a base for their entire service."





Date of Birth:
December 11th, 2003

Place of Birth:
Chicago, US



Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

General Appearance:

Kōdō stands at a solid 6'3 height which would go perfectly along with his broad shoulders and muscular ectomorphic build. At first glance Kōdō's shining body factors would be his pair of darting blue eyes followed up by a charming soft smile, a real lady-killer. His muscles would be well-sculpted into his body and under his usual military fashioned outfits with his iconic shades, would hide a rather detailed and complex full body yakuza tattoo. The main highlights of the said tattoos being: his arms and legs covered in outlines of koi fish which could be a representation of his ambition to climb higher and achieve true power as the Japanese myth goes, his pectorals being covered by a tattoo of two blue oni masks holding FX-G4BS hunting blades in their mouths, a pair of red spider lilies on each shoulder and another tattoo that covered a major part of his torso, that being the infamous Zhang Shun, the tattoos on his torso are also repeated on the back with symbols of water and waves being present as well on his arms and legs.


Kōdō is a rather laid back individual, calculative, focused, although he can appear quite elusive to most. He has an iron will to reach his goals and complete his objectives no matter the cost
( said goals being revealed in the backstory that is ). He treasures those close to him and is never afraid to fight for what he thinks is right. In rest, he's a simple and honest guy, not much that can be said about that.



He can be seen usually going around in compressed shirts ranging from the colors of black and green paired up with 'Pentagon' pants or just some basic Crye G3 combat trousers.



"Back home my father gave me one of the greatest presents ever on my 15th birthday. His gunsmithing table. Sure, it's not a very normal gift to hand out to your kid like that, especially at that age but I had little to no care in the world, I've been waiting for this moment and unlike most kids that would have little to no idea what the hell to do with so many accessories hung up on a wall, I sure did. Going from taking out a shitty Daniel Defense stock from your average DDM4 V7 to exchanging parts with the help of a couple M-LOK beauties."

Practicing Martial Arts

"Me personally? I've seen way too many fucking 'third rates' going around and pretending like they know how to fight. Going off and talking like they're kickboxing champions while all they do practice their shitty ass sport, Tae Kwon Do, that truck load of shit is mainly for show, one judo procedure like the Tai Otoshi or O goshi on hard ground and they will beg for you to take them to the hospital."

Shooting Drills

"My dad had a couple of his... G.E.O. friends come over at our place to talk all about how they've got this cool ass open space on a private island which they use for special training, shooting drills and whatnot, and what did my father do? Buy himself some land in the middle of nowhere, 4 clicks away from home just to turn all of that into a shooting range for himself and I. Since he's got old and is basically a walking fart now he's left me to do the honors to clean up the targets and every now and then and make sure that they don't get snatched off or anything. It's quite fucking awesome if you ask me since I can use it whenever I feel like it, let's hope that the prices for ammunition don't go up though, seeing a .223 go further than 2 dollars will be a crime in my book."


Kōdō is an extraordinarily talented fighter, having practiced judo and kickboxing for over 3 years and jiu jitsu for almost a year. He is a keen intellect that studies his opponent, reads the room and uses it to his advantage, the ultimate multi-tasker in stressful situations that require critical and quick thinking for decision making! Kōdō's strongest feat however would have to be his capability to observe his opponents, how detailed or sloppy they are and quite literally make solid carbon copies of their strongest moves on the go, a couple good examples would have to be Cora Tachibana's tornado kick, Skylar T. Tsu's donkey kick and Hirohito A. Sabuano's beast-like cross punches, all thanks to Kōdō's photographic memory.


The only son in the family, Keegan P. Russ Kōdō Senjutsu was always seen as the most calm and quiet individual in his family, having grown up in a residential area in Chicago, Kōdō was meant to pick a couple of friends to spend his childhood with, something that he avoided doing due to being rejected by others too many times for his chubby appearance which sparked an inferior complex within him at a young age. He was average at school, nothing incredibly special despite his family's background. His father was a colonel in the United States army whereas his mother was an outstanding lawyer working for a well known agency. One eventful day however, Kōdō was picked on by a group of kids due to the lack of his social status in class, he wasn't really known as anything other than "that one random kid" or "just average", their words weren't meant to hurt him at first, but then due to Kōdō's indifference with the mentality of "If I ignore them, they'll just drop it off.", their words would soon result in proper middle school type of bullying, from throwing away his pen case to kicking his school bag intentionally, Kōdō couldn't tell the homeroom teacher, and why would he? It was too embarrassing to begin with, if he was really the son of a colonel and a lawyer then he just HAD to have something to say back, however he didn't, he stayed quiet for an entire school year, being promoted from 5th grade to 6th, the early signs of puberty would appear within Kōdō, such as high levels of hormones and testosterone which would result with Kōdō brutally beating up the entirety of the group that had once picked on him for an entire year. Once at the counselor's office the first words that came out of his mouth were: "I just so happened to pick up a couple of kickboxing classes from youtube." he said without any shame, he didn't smile nor was he proud of what he had done but one thing that he was aware of was the fact that he stood up for himself and that was plenty enough to get his father just a little more interested in his son rather than his job, Kōdō was then presented the choice to further expand his fighting capabilities during his "tough" adolescence period, for his father it'd be like hitting two birds with one stone, if he managed to actually register his son in a good gym that would make him practice actual martial arts compared to the ones that he saw online, that would not only develop his son's physical status but also his mental health and behaviour.

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"The hell is up with these guys? They talk so much trash to others and yet they can barely back it up in the ring."

If discipline was going to be knocked into his head then now would be the best time. And so Kōdō complied with his father's wishes, picking up martial art classes and attending as many training sessions he could, after school and during the weekend, he had carefully arranged his schedule around schoolwork, homework, projects and whatnot just to not get in trouble or flunk a year or two aswell. Luckily enough, he was not suspended after that fight due to the empty promises that his father had told the principal, things like "I will make sure to ground him in a proper manner and correct his attitude immediately". Even though his father wasn't supportive of Kōdō's sudden outburst, scolding him for standing up for himself wasn't going to make his son a better man in the future either.

A couple years pass and Kōdō found himself at the age of 16, in which he received the offer to drop out of high school and attend the R.A.S.P. program ( Ranger Assessment and selection program ) after his father had a talk with a certain 'friend' of his in order to improve Kōdō's capabilities physically, mentally and academically much greater than any high school could grant him in a short period of time. And so, Kōdō couldn't help but comply again, despite his age and being classified as a minor, the inner connections that his father had with the Ministry of Defense had granted him the ability to attend the said program but only after going through a full summer school period to prepare Kōdō for a High School final exam mock test, just to not forge the documents and have Kōdō attend the program as a "Ghost Student" in the database, the records of the said exam were sealed and if needed to be shown to the public they were more than ready to present that Kōdō indeed passed an exam which was at the same level of one given to a senior student to graduate from the institution. He found himself surrounded by people older than him obviously, expecting more bullying or mocking, K. Senjutsu was instead greeted with warm welcomes and nice comments, praising him for having the guts to join such a program despite his younger age. After a hellish 8 week, 3 phased training and courage course, Kōdō found himself to be relatively close to the top list of those 25% of graduates that have passed the program.

Almost 17 at that time, his mother had an argument with his father how placing his own son under such a rigorous training program was inhuman and immoral, his father knew best to not complain back to his own wife, he knew better than that and so he had offered Kōdō to go back to school and try to live his life like a normal kid and use that R.A.S.P. graduation paper that he had received on his last day to make one, if not the best applicable CV out there to get a good and high-paying job out there on the market. Kōdō declined.

Kōdō had wanted to apply what he had learned all those months in action, they couldn't just steal away the kind of life that he had to adapt and work on for all that time just go back being that same old average kid back in high school, he thought that they were trying to rob him of an amazing and fulfilling life full of action that he could have had alongside with the 75th Regiment rangers serving in Iraq by that time. He tried his best to persuade his parents into letting him join the 75th regiment and serve as a proper soldier, and it worked, about 50%. His mother couldn't stand hearing him want to throw his life out the window, either getting shot or blown up, she just couldn't accept the idea of letting her poor little baby boy that grew up so fast go in the middle of nowhere and be bossed around by those high in the table such as his father. And his father? He was more than proud that his son finally grew up from being a wuss into the closest image of a man that a teenager to grasp upon.

On his 18th birthday, Kōdō had applied immediately for the 75th Regiment and he was let in. Being placed under the command of Carl Bookhart, former sergeant, third battalion in today's time, a natural born killer that had instructed Kōdō and his team thoroughly with physical, computer, medical classes, weapon strip sessions ( at that time stripping an HK G36 or 416 in under two minutes flat and reassembling it ) and shooting drills, a lot of shooting drills.
"GET READY, ODDS LEFT, EVENS RIGHT!" - Carl Bookhart during one of his many hosted shooting drills

Ranger's gun drill.png
Much like his sergeant, Kōdō was a natural, he thrived in the army, something that made Carl feel sympathy with a little nostalgia. Deciding to make him the leader of his own little squadron which he would have to take the shots with soon.

Kōdō felt right at home, in a place where he belonged alongside with his squadron, being the team leader had granted him quite a lot of respect around the barracks, his own friends looked up to him and he'd return all that kindness with the same energy but that was cut short once they were deployed in Baghdad, 2020, on a messy rescue operation. The task at hand was to raid a local hospital in the city which was guarded by insurgent forces or, better called, 'freedom' fighters which were also helped by some of the locals, only problem was, they were threatening unarmed civilians, soon enough opening fire which only resulted in the lives of 12 innocent Iraqis to die and later on and be dropped in a ditch, that's when Kōdō's squad got the green light for the operation, supporting a fellow team of USMC tanks on their way to the hospital aswell.

The operation itself went according to plan, Kōdō's 6 man squad managed to lead the way to the hospitals while other teams of marines and even tanks were still struggling to get through all of the screaming locals at the open fire shots which only lead to more chaos to unravel. Whilst inside the hospital itself his team moved cautiously, checking their corners, breaching and clearing out rooms whilst taking out numerous armed insurgents on their way to the 8th floor where the US intelligence officer known by the name of Marcus Oracle was being held hostage.


Eventually they had successfully breached the room that Marcus was being held in forcibly whilst Kōdō took the deciding shot, taking down one of the insurgent's lieutenants and rescuing the intelligence officer. Kōdō would proceed to personally lead Marcus to the closest evac point he could call out on radio to get the intelligence officer out of that shithole. The fight with the local freedom fighters had continued on that day for eight straight hours, air support was nowhere to be found and all the little birds or black hawk's would've been rendered as spare parts to all the locals that had heavy artillery ready to use. Kōdō alongside with his own squad and two more teams made out of marines had to fight their way out of the city, reaching it's outskirts to finally call in immediate evac due to there being a lot of casualties in the other squads, the fallen soldiers being carried by their battle buddies, it was a struggle, Kōdō saw it in their faces as he lead the way.

Once at the M.O.B. ( main operating base in that sector ) the morale and ego of everyone in the barracks had skyrocketed and every single ranger in there had all the reason to feel proud of themselves. Kōdō would soon be notified by one of his team members that his father was trying to reach for him in a video call on his laptop as Kōdō was taking a stroll outside the barracks to avoid all the noise, he'd soon be greeted by his own proud father congratulating him for his successful mission, it looks like Carl Bookhart was quite the little bird that both Kōdō's mother and father had always needed. Despite his proud attitude, his father had brought to his knowledge some heartbreaking news, his mother was in the hospital due to not being able to handle the constant stress of her job and now that Kōdō was deployed in Iraq she no longer had that emotional cushion that she so longed for, his father recommended that he should return home and try to live a normal life whilst also supporting his mother. He took it to a personal level, wondering if his father was trying to blame his own son for the sudden drop in his mother's health, however that was not the case, Kōdō's father had finally revealed the truth of how he had wanted his son to be the best of the best, do what he could not have done at his age, he was both amazed and shocked of how much Kōdō had grown as a person and a man as a whole but felt responsible for taking away his mandatory school years away from him, given the fact that his high school records were sealed on US soil, Kōdō's father had successfully managed to sign his own son in a foreign Highschool set on a private island in Japan, pretty much attending the final year to get in college. His father had already signed the papers for his son's "honorable" resignation from the rangers and bought him plane tickets. Kōdō was furious, he could not just leave his own military career behind like it meant nothing to him but at the same time he couldn't refuse his father, he again, complied. A C130 had returned Kōdō back home alongside with a bunch of caskets that had the American flag strapped on top of them, they were fallen soldiers sent back home, it was not the best of experiences since the caskets were most likely filled with the same people that Kōdō himself had served along with on his previous operation. He simply sat down, and stared at the ground for hours until he had finally managed to return back home.

At the time that Kōdō had arrived back home, his father was waiting with the plane ticket in his hand to hand it over to his son. It was safe to say that neither of them were very happy about it given the fact that Kōdō's mom was in the hospital, which drove him to visit her as soon as he could. Her condition was stable, she began to explain with water in her eyes to Kōdō how worried she was about her baby boy being in some foreign country and risking getting shot for nothing, she simply felt overwhelmed and frightened over the fact that she may not get to see her son over again, in which Kōdō replied with a struggled look to ease his mother's pain: "Mom, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about, I will live until retirement, you'll get to see me set on my own two feet as well, it will all come in our favor, I promise.". His mom broke into tears as she had embraced her son in a hug whilst laying down on the hospital bed, whispering to him the following: "You will grow into a fine man one day, I just know it.". He went silent, unaware how to respond but what was certain was that his mother was smiling, more proud than ever, and that sort of image gave him enough strength to go back home, pack his luggage and head over to the airport alongside his father. Before hopping off his car, his father would reach for his son's shoulder, patting it, Kōdō turned back to face him, his father then would ask of him to make a promise, a promise to graduate high school, go to college and soon get himself a college degree and perhaps aim even higher, to which Kōdō had replied "Once I'm done with both high school and college for once and for all, I'm redeploying, whether you want it or not, nobody will be able to hold me back from accomplishing my dream, old man.". The upcoming reaction was not expected, Kōdō was waiting for his father to appear mad and yet, he looked proud of him. And with that, he left, arrived in Karakura, something which even he was surprised, out of all the high schools that his father could have applied for, he chose one in Japan, on a remote, peaceful island.

Kōdō had finally set foot in his new home, for now. He had a total of 150.000 yen in his wallet and a whole new journey to begin. The only problem was that this new chapter in his life will take him much longer to overcome than he had expected.

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Level 34
Kōdō Senjutsu

View attachment 43628

"Pops always told me. 'Son you're just as good as the tools you work with.' So I chose to work with the unit that only offered the best of the best."

First Name:


Preferred Name:

( chronologically ) :
"Keeg", "Delta 4-5", "Kōdōmo", "Prometheus", "Murasaki"





A muscular ectomorph build with well-shaped muscles
"Look old man, my training finally paid off."

Skin Color:

Eye Color:
Light Blue

Hair Style:
A rather simple men's undercut with his natural brown hair color, a nice little change from his old black-dyed shoulder lenghth hair.


Classic Military Style Casual Wear

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"Barely seen anyone in this town wear something similar like me, just thugs in their pathetic attires or 'blackout' uniforms, no spark of creativity."

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Date of Birth:
December 11th, 2003

Place of Birth:
Chicago, US

"Just like the old man..... I bleed red white and blue"


Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

General Appearance:
Kōdō stood at a solid 6'3 height which would go perfectly along with his broad shoulders and muscular ectomorphic build. At first glance Kōdō's shining body factors would be his pair of darting blue eyes followed up by a charming soft smile, a real lady-killer. His muscles would be well-sculpted into his body and under his usual military fashioned outfits with his iconic blue shade sunglasses, would hide a rather detailed and complex full body yakuza tattoo. The main highlights of the said tattoo being: his arms and legs covered in outlines of koi fish which could be a representation of his ambition to climb higher and achieve true power as the Japanese myth goes, his pectorals being covered by a tattoo of two blue oni masks holding FX-G4BS hunting blades in their mouths, a pair of red spider lilies on each shoulder and another tattoo that covered a major part of his torso, that being the infamous Zhang Shun, the tattoos on his torso are also repeated on the back with symbols of water and waves being present as well on his arms and legs


Kōdō is a rather laid back individual, calculative, focused, although he can appear quite elusive. He has an iron will to reach his goals and complete his objectives no matter the cost
( said goals being revealed in the backstory that is ). He treasures those close to him and is never afraid to fight for what he thinks is right. In rest, he's a simple and honest guy, not much that can be said about that.



He can be seen usually going around in his green fleece hoodie with a 'Pentagon' pair of jeans or a black jacket paired with a 'Crye Multicam' black camo-patterned pair of pants.



"Back home my father gave me one of the greatest presents ever on my 15th birthday. His gunsmithing table. Sure, it's not a very normal gift to hand out to your kid like that, especially at that age but I had little to no care in the world, I've been waiting for this moment and unlike most kids that would have little to no idea what the hell to do with so many accessories hung up on a wall, I sure did. Going from taking out a shitty Daniel Defense stock from your average DDM4 V7 to exchanging parts with the help of a couple M-LOK beauties."

Practicing Martial Arts

"Me personally? I've seen way too many fucking 'third rates' going around and pretending like they know how to fight. Going off and talking like they're kickboxing champions while all they do practice their shitty ass sport, Tae Kwon Do, that truck load of shit is mainly for show, one judo procedure like the Tai Otoshi or O goshi on hard ground and they will beg for you to take them to the hospital."

Shooting Drills

"My dad had a couple of his... G.E.O. friends come over at our place to talk all about how they've got this cool ass open space on a private island which they use for special training, shooting drills and whatnot, and what did my father do? Buy himself some land in the middle of nowhere, 4 clicks away from home just to turn all of that into a shooting range for himself and I. Since he's got old and is basically a walking fart now he's left me to do the honors to clean up the targets and every now and then and make sure that they don't get snatched off or anything. It's quite fucking awesome if you ask me since I can use it whenever I feel like it, let's hope that the prices for ammunition don't go up though, seeing a .223 go further than 2 dollars will be a crime in my book."


Kōdō is an extraordinarily talented fighter, having practiced judo and kickboxing for over 3 years and jiu jitsu for almost a year. He is a keen intellect that studies his opponent, reads the room and uses it to his advantage, the ultimate multi-tasker in stressful situations that require critical and quick thinking for decision making! Kōdō's strongest feat however would have to be his capability to observe his opponents, how detailed or sloppy they are and quite literally make solid carbon copies of their strongest moves on the go, a couple good examples would have to be Cora Tachibana's tornado kick, Skylar T. Tsu's donkey kick and Hirohito A. Sabuano's beast-like cross punches, all thanks to Kōdō's photographic memory.


The only son in the family, Keegan P. Russ Kōdō Senjutsu was always seen as the most calm and quiet individual in his family, having grown up in a residential area in Chicago, Kōdō was meant to pick a couple of friends to spend his childhood with, something that he avoided doing due to being rejected by others too many times for his chubby appearance which sparked an inferior complex within him at a young age. He was average at school, nothing incredibly special despite his family's background. His father was a colonel in the United States army whereas his mother was an outstanding lawyer working for a well known agency. One eventful day however, Kōdō was picked on by a group of kids due to the lack of his social status in class, he wasn't really known as anything other than "that one random kid" or "just average", their words weren't meant to hurt him at first, but then due to Kōdō's indifference with the mentality of "If I ignore them, they'll just drop it off.", their words would soon result in proper middle school type of bullying, from throwing away his pen case to kicking his school bag intentionally, Kōdō couldn't tell the homeroom teacher, and why would he? It was too embarrassing to begin with, if he was really the son of a colonel and a lawyer then he just HAD to have something to say back, however he didn't, he stayed quiet for an entire school year, being promoted from 5th grade to 6th, the early signs of puberty would appear within Kōdō, such as high levels of hormones and testosterone which would result with Kōdō brutally beating up the entirety of the group that had once picked on him for an entire year. Once at the counselor's office the first words that came out of his mouth were: "I just so happened to pick up a couple of kickboxing classes from youtube." he said without any shame, he didn't smile nor was he proud of what he had done but one thing that he was aware of was the fact that he stood up for himself and that was plenty enough to get his father just a little more interested in his son rather than his job, Kōdō was then presented the choice to further expand his fighting capabilities during his "tough" adolescence period, for his father it'd be like hitting two birds with one stone, if he managed to actually register his son in a good gym that would make him practice actual martial arts compared to the ones that he saw online, that would not only develop his son's physical status but also his mental health and behaviour.

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"The hell is up with these guys? They talk so much trash to others and yet they can barely back it up in the ring."

If discipline was going to be knocked into his head then now would be the best time. And so Kōdō complied with his father's wishes, picking up martial art classes and attending as many training sessions he could, after school and during the weekend, he had carefully arranged his schedule around schoolwork, homework, projects and whatnot just to not get in trouble or flunk a year or two aswell. Luckily enough, he was not suspended after that fight due to the empty promises that his father had told the principal, things like "I will make sure to ground him in a proper manner and correct his attitude immediately". Even though his father wasn't supportive of Kōdō's sudden outburst, scolding him for standing up for himself wasn't going to make his son a better man in the future either.

A couple years pass and Kōdō found himself at the age of 16, in which he received the offer to drop out of high school and attend the R.A.S.P. program ( Ranger Assessment and selection program ) after his father had a talk with a certain 'friend' of his in order to improve Kōdō's capabilities physically, mentally and academically much greater than any high school could grant him in a short period of time. And so, Kōdō couldn't help but comply again, despite his age and being classified as a minor, the inner connections that his father had with the Ministry of Defense had granted him the ability to attend the said program but only after going through a full summer school period to prepare Kōdō for a High School final exam mock test, just to not forge the documents and have Kōdō attend the program as a "Ghost Student" in the database, the records of the said exam were sealed and if needed to be shown to the public they were more than ready to present that Kōdō indeed passed an exam which was at the same level of one given to a senior student to graduate from the institution. He found himself surrounded by people older than him obviously, expecting more bullying or mocking, K. Senjutsu was instead greeted with warm welcomes and nice comments, praising him for having the guts to join such a program despite his younger age. After a hellish 8 week, 3 phased training and courage course, Kōdō found himself to be relatively close to the top list of those 25% of graduates that have passed the program.

Almost 17 at that time, his mother had an argument with his father how placing his own son under such a rigorous training program was inhuman and immoral, his father knew best to not complain back to his own wife, he knew better than that and so he had offered Kōdō to go back to school and try to live his life like a normal kid and use that R.A.S.P. graduation paper that he had received on his last day to make one, if not the best applicable CV out there to get a good and high-paying job out there on the market. Kōdō declined.

Kōdō had wanted to apply what he had learned all those months in action, they couldn't just steal away the kind of life that he had to adapt and work on for all that time just go back being that same old average kid back in high school, he thought that they were trying to rob him of an amazing and fulfilling life full of action that he could have had alongside with the 75th Regiment rangers serving in Iraq by that time. He tried his best to persuade his parents into letting him join the 75th regiment and serve as a proper soldier, and it worked, about 50%. His mother couldn't stand hearing him want to throw his life out the window, either getting shot or blown up, she just couldn't accept the idea of letting her poor little baby boy that grew up so fast go in the middle of nowhere and be bossed around by those high in the table such as his father. And his father? He was more than proud that his son finally grew up from being a wuss into the closest image of a man that a teenager to grasp upon.

On his 18th birthday, Kōdō had applied immediately for the 75th Regiment and he was let in. Being placed under the command of Carl Bookhart, former sergeant, third battalion in today's time, a natural born killer that had instructed Kōdō and his team thoroughly with physical, computer, medical classes, weapon strip sessions ( at that time stripping an HK G36 or 416 in under two minutes flat and reassembling it ) and shooting drills, a lot of shooting drills.
"GET READY, ODDS LEFT, EVENTS RIGHT!" - Carl Bookhart during one of his many hosted shooting drills

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Much like his sergeant, Kōdō was a natural, he thrived in the army, something that made Carl feel sympathy with a little nostalgia. Deciding to make him the leader of his own little squadron which he would have to take the shots with soon.

Kōdō felt right at home, in a place where he belonged alongside with his squadron, being the team leader had granted him quite a lot of respect around the barracks, his own friends looked up to him and he'd return all that kindness with the same energy but that was cut short once they were deployed in Baghdad, 2020, on a messy rescue operation. The task at hand was to raid a local hospital in the city which was guarded by insurgent forces or, better called, 'freedom' fighters which were also helped by some of the locals, only problem was, they were threatening unarmed civilians, soon enough opening fire which only resulted in the lives of 12 innocent Iraqis to die and later on and be dropped in a ditch, that's when Kōdō's squad got the green light for the operation, supporting a fellow team of USMC tanks on their way to the hospital aswell.

The operation itself went according to plan, Kōdō's 6 man squad managed to lead the way to the hospitals while other teams of marines and even tanks were still struggling to get through all of the screaming locals at the open fire shots which only lead to more chaos to unravel. Whilst inside the hospital itself his team moved cautiously, checking their corners, breaching and clearing out rooms whilst taking out numerous armed insurgents on their way to the 8th floor where the US intelligence officer known by the name of Marcus Oracle was being held hostage.

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Eventually they had successfully breached the room that Marcus was being held in forcibly whilst Kōdō took the deciding shot, taking down one of the insurgent's lieutenants and rescuing the intelligence officer. Kōdō would proceed to personally lead Marcus to the closest evac point he could call out on radio to get the intelligence officer out of that shithole. The fight with the local freedom fighters had continued on that day for eight straight hours, air support was nowhere to be found and all the little birds or black hawk's would've been rendered as spare parts to all the locals that had heavy artillery ready to use. Kōdō alongside with his own squad and two more teams made out of marines had to fight their way out of the city, reaching it's outskirts to finally call in immediate evac due to there being a lot of casualties in the other squads, the fallen soldiers being carried by their battle buddies, it was a struggle, Kōdō saw it in their faces as he lead the way.

Once at the M.O.B. ( main operating base in that sector ) the morale and ego of everyone in the barracks had skyrocketed and every single ranger in there had all the reason to feel proud of themselves. Kōdō would soon be notified by one of his team members that his father was trying to reach for him in a video call on his laptop as Kōdō was taking a stroll outside the barracks to avoid all the noise, he'd soon be greeted by his own proud father congratulating him for his successful mission, it looks like Carl Bookhart was quite the little bird that both Kōdō's mother and father had always needed. Despite his proud attitude, his father had brought to his knowledge some heartbreaking news, his mother was in the hospital due to not being able to handle the constant stress of her job and now that Kōdō was deployed in Iraq she no longer had that emotional cushion that she so longed for, his father recommended that he should return home and try to live a normal life whilst also supporting his mother. He took it to a personal level, wondering if his father was trying to blame his own son for the sudden drop in his mother's health, however that was not the case, Kōdō's father had finally revealed the truth of how he had wanted his son to be the best of the best, do what he could not have done at his age, he was both amazed and shocked of how much Kōdō had grown as a person and a man as a whole but felt responsible for taking away his mandatory school years away from him, given the fact that his high school records were sealed on US soil, Kōdō's father had successfully managed to sign his own son in a foreign Highschool set on a private island in Japan, pretty much attending the final year to get in college. His father had already signed the papers for his son's "honorable" resignation from the rangers and bought him plane tickets. Kōdō was furious, he could not just leave his own military career behind like it meant nothing to him but at the same time he couldn't refuse his father, he again, complied. A C130 had returned Kōdō back home alongside with a bunch of caskets that had the American flag strapped on top of them, they were fallen soldiers sent back home, it was not the best of experiences since the caskets were most likely filled with the same people that Kōdō himself had served along with on his previous operation. He simply sat down, and stared at the ground for hours until he had finally managed to return back home.

At the time that Kōdō had arrived back home, his father was waiting with the plane ticket in his hand to hand it over to his son. It was safe to say that neither of them were very happy about it given the fact that Kōdō's mom was in the hospital, which drove him to visit her as soon as he could. Her condition was stable, she began to explain with water in her eyes to Kōdō how worried she was about her baby boy being in some foreign country and risking getting shot for nothing, she simply felt overwhelmed and frightened over the fact that she may not get to see her son over again, in which Kōdō replied with a struggled look to ease his mother's pain: "Mom, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about, I will live until retirement, you'll get to see me set on my own two feet as well, it will all come in our favor, I promise.". His mom broke into tears as she had embraced her son in a hug whilst laying down on the hospital bed, whispering to him the following: "You will grow into a fine man one day, I just know it.". He went silent, unaware how to respond but what was certain was that his mother was smiling, more proud than ever, and that sort of image gave him enough strength to go back home, pack his luggage and head over to the airport alongside his father. Before hopping off his car, his father would reach for his son's shoulder, patting it, Kōdō turned back to face him, his father then would ask of him to make a promise, a promise to graduate high school, go to college and soon get himself a college degree and perhaps aim even higher, to which Kōdō had replied "Once I'm done with both high school and college for once and for all, I'm redeploying, whether you want it or not, nobody will be able to hold me back from accomplishing my dream, old man.". The upcoming reaction was not expected, Kōdō was waiting for his father to appear mad and yet, he looked proud of him. And with that, he left, arrived in Karakura, something which even he was surprised, out of all the high schools that his father could have applied for, he chose one in Japan, on a remote, peaceful island.

Kōdō had finally set foot in his new home, for now. He had a total of 150.000 yen in his wallet and a whole new journey to begin. The only problem was that this new chapter in his life will take him much longer to overcome than he had expected.

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{Chapter I}
"No Mercy"

After he managed to adapt and buy himself a flat apartment over at the newly built Complex I and settle himself in, Kōdō had to learn the language. His father had passed on him a japanese grammar book and manual with a bunch of tips and bookmarks with the most important subjects, pronunciation, how to say "Hello!", "What's your name?", "Goodbye!" as the basics of the basic and a bunch of video titles for him to watch on Youtube and learn the language in under 2 months. Kōdō had spent the entirety of May and summer in his apartment learning the language properly so that he himself could speak it fluently although he still had a lot of errors, he first started with basic communication, in order to pay the rent on a monthly basis ( before getting to own his apartment he had to translate everything he had wanted to say to the estate agent since he wasn't lucky enough to have her speak english herself before getting the contract in hand ) and to go over to the town's 7/11 and buy himself groceries whilst having rather simple conversations with the cashier. It was quite clear at that point that Kōdō knew what to do and how to survive and look after himself, but only after learning where the Town Hall was located to make himself a Japanese ID and prove to the workers there that he was still at the age of a student, in order to get a monthly allowance to live off of. The summer vacation had ended and Kōdō had to go to his very first class, again, it wasn't nothing extremely different compared to what he had to learn back in the states, once the class itself was done, Kōdō was making his way down the stairs when he saw two students making a fuss around the lobby area. The two were around his age, one with light brown hair and the other with a very strange white colored hair, it was most likely dyed, he thought to himself. He minded his own business until the brunette boy grabbed a hold of Kōdō's jacket, soon enough to reveal himself to go by the name of Blaze Fujiwara. Unaware of his behaviour, Kōdō soon found out that he was being picked on by Blaze, given the fact that he was an outsider, a student from abroad and that he was not welcome in this school. Kōdō, confused at first at Blaze's bullying tactics, wasted no time and pummeled him to the ground using nothing else but his usual kickboxing combo, made out of a right jab, left uppercut and a left-sided crescent kick aimed directly at his liver, which was more than enough to settle Blaze down, luckily enough for Kōdō, there was little to no faculty around the area at that time so he did not get in any trouble. The white haired boy appeared to be both worried about his friend and relieved over the fact that Kōdō had managed to calm him down by. . . . beating him up, he would introduce himself under the name of Yoshi, but his friends called him "Cloudi", he was extremely different from the boy that was taking a nap on the hard floor, Yoshi was calm, spoke softly and had a very gentle touch with his words. Kōdō thought that he had a very dumb name so he left, but not before being forced by Yoshi to take a yellow-colored note in his hand with his number.

Kōdō was making his way back home, soon enough being called. After reaching for his newly bought flip phone from the town's Shopping District, he stopped himself from walking and immediately answered, it was none other than Carl Bookhart, after asking about Kōdō's well-being, already knowing about his current whereabouts and why he was sent back to high school because of his father, Carl had told Kōdō about sending in additional "emotional support" backup. Kōdō thought about it as one of his sergeant's old and nasty jokes, but he was serious. He managed to get in contact with one of Kōdō's old friends, back in 5th grade there was one single student that cheered for him whilst Kōdō was brutally beating the kids that continued picking on him, that student being, Hayden Maxwell, a good friend of Kōdō that he himself got along with extremely well throughout the course of middle school. After being told about a couple more details about Hayden, such as, how Bookhart had managed to get Hayden from the states to Japan, why did he do such a thing and when Hayden will arrive, all that Carl had to say was the following: "Listen kid, you were a natural in the unit, your father had told me about how... "well" you took the news that you'll be resigning in order to go back home and I couldn't really say 'no' to the colonel, just for you to fly away from the US and make an attempt to graduate from a school in Japan. I don't really know why he sent you there nor do I really care but, just to give you a helping hand I discussed with one of your old bud's parents, offered them personally for their child to get a chance himself to graduate from the same school since their kid was dreaming about visiting Japan one day and maybe even going there for college and make a living, therefore it was a piece of cake. He'll be arriving in 48 hours, I hope you've rented yourself out some apartment since you can't really leave the kid homeless, nor can you stay homeless." Kōdō had exchanged a couple more kind words before thanking his sergeant for everything that he had done for him.

Kōdō wasn't really certain whether to feel great about Hayden's sudden visit to Karakura but at the same time it didn't sound like it'd be too much of a pain for as long as he wasn't the loud type, again, the last time that Kōdō had seen the guy was during the graduation ceremony in their middle school, puberty could have changed his behavior drastically. Debating by himself on whether to let Hayden sleep on the couch or have to ask for a full remodel process of his own flat to add another bedroom, he'd soon stumble across two men waiting at the front of the elevator that Kōdō needed to use to get to the 4th floor to his apartment, it appeared to be Blaze Fujiwara again and. . . . a random person in what looked to be a completely blacked out uniform with a mask that Kōdō soon recognized to be a bulletproof kevlar face cover used by foreign special forces, although the "thug" infront of him as Kōdō recalled was no SF, it looks like Blaze wanted revenge.

I love this bio! looking forward to finding the free time to read the backstory, it looks detailed and you definitely put quite a bit amount of work into it! great job! :)

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