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K249'S Police Application


Level 79
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): K249, though I have two ALTs which would be kuyan and sayakasan.

Previous bans: In all honesty, it’s difficult for me to remember. To my knowledge, I’ve no recent bans and any I have had in the past I take full responsibility for and can guarantee I have changed as an individual. Along with this, I doubt I have had any recent warnings.

Describe your activity on the server: Prior to my resignation, I was the most active on K249, logging on for various amounts of time daily. I’m now primarily online on kuyan, multiple hours at a time. If I were to receive this rank I would of course up my activity on K249, considering I currently have no purpose to actually log on.

Which timezone are you in? BST

Do you have Discord?: I do have discord, it is tori#2151

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: Once more, I do own a microphone and am willing to talk in calls, the only time this might not be the case is if there is something stopping me, which is rare.

List your current and past applications:
School-related applications:
x2 Library Assistant application - Denied
x1 Teacher application - Accepted

Language and Illness applications:
x1 Russian Language application - Denied
x2 Russian Language application - Accepted
x1 Spanish Language application - Accepted
x1 Korean Language application - Accepted
x1 French Language application - Accepted
x2 Albanian Language application - Accepted
x1 Icelandic Language application - Accepted
x1 PTSD application - Accepted

Police/EMS related applications:
x2 Police Application - Accepted
x1 Forensics Application - Accepted

Staff application:
x1 Staff application - Accepted (Demoted shortly due to my age)

x1 BMD application - Denied

What is your motivation for applying?: Before I go into my reasoning, I completely understand my recent resignation may affect the outcome of my application. I would like to apologise for that, actually. It was sudden and rushed due to me not having time to think about it. To summarise my short explanation, I just wanted a fresh start. Now, onto why I'd like to make my return to the force. I'll begin by saying I did not intend to cut my time short as an officer. I noticed I wasn't able to perform to the best of my ability last time and additionally would like a second chance to prove myself, and also to be able to experience being in the force once more. As obvious as it is, I've seen the force is changing for the better; with new officers and new additions, the overall quality has increased. This lures in new players wanting to apply and has also convinced me. Of course, I'm not returning simply for the experience, I've also been motivated by other individuals to give this another shot. My initial intent was to hold this application off, though I realised I should try once more while I still see myself capable to be an officer. Supposedly this is a gut instinct taking action. What I'd like to achieve with my attempt to return is to come back as once more, a more mature and more motivated individual. I have acknowledged my mistakes that I have made and deem myself capable to redeem myself if given the chance. Though this may mean nothing, I have previously gotten to the Lieutenant rank, (along with S.A.T Elite, though I don’t think that counts here) which in my opinion shows that even if I have made mistakes I'm able to perform well. Moving on to another reason, I simply would like a fresh start and show what I'm capable of as a cadet once again.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, after a lot of work in the police force and my own additional research, I’m positive I understand.

What are the Police ranks?

In this order, from lowest to highest.
Cadet - The first rank you receive when joining the force, you are trained by I believe Corporals and the heads of training - unless this has changed.
Patrol Officer - The role given to you after you have passed your cadet test. You can now leave the station unsupervised, though it isn’t always recommended.
Corporal - You obtain the pepper spray and are assigned various days to train cadets. There are two types of training, physical and informational.
Sergeant - You will begin to go through Sergeant training to prepare you for Lieutenant.
Investigator - Equivalent to Sergeant, though not a higher up due to recent changes. You obtain a Glock - this department is separate from the main division.
Lieutenant - You have now been deemed a higher-up which gives you access to a Glock.
Senior Investigator - Equivalent to Lieutenant, also deemed a higher-up.
Head Investigator - Head of the investigator division.
Head Lieutenant - Self-explanatory, it’s a rank that singles out a more responsible individual to be the head.
Captain - Second highest achievable rank, aids the Commissioner.
Commissioner - Head of the entire police force, in charge of practically all decisions.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I possess quite a lot of knowledge of Police Work considering I’ve been in the force twice. I understand new things have been added since my departure but this does not completely erase all that I have remembered. I know a decent amount about how everything works and believe all I need as a cadet if accepted is a little bit of a reminder.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP? Police are important to SRP for various reasons. The main reason that stands out is, of course, GangRP having its ups and downs. There are periods of time when the genre of roleplay skyrockets and there is a ridiculous amount of it. It’s times like these when officers must step in and do their jobs, arresting, detaining or even shooting individuals. Of course, even when GangRP isn’t as popular, there are always things to do. Assaults and robberies happen often, along with misdemeanours taking place left right and centre. Even though it seems like that’d be it, there are also non-crime related things to be done. These are things such as confiscating bats, taking bails, visitations and even reports. In conclusion, your everyday officer has a lot to do and the force is required in Karakura for it to function and be a realistic district in Japan.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Of course, I will make sure I'm more cautious about this if I am able to make my return.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? Yes, I acknowledge the fact I must have good activity and dedication and will aim to be better than last time.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]? Once again, I am aware of this and will attend every training possible if I am accepted into the force.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? Despite it being stressful at times, I’m aware I cannot take IC into OOC as this would be rule-breaking and extremely frowned upon whether I am an officer or not.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?

Antigone Gabris is a mature woman, standing at the height of 5’10. Her hair would usually be tied back or up into a bun, and it would be of a lustrous yet faded brown. Due to her ethnicity, being Greek, she would have very defined features; despite this, her skin would be of a cool porcelain tone. Personality-wise, she’d be strict yet the type of joke around if the given situation has the right atmosphere. During most situations, she’d be fast to react, over-all deemed to be honest to a fault. It would be up to debate if you could consider Antigone a witty individual, as she was not one to flaunt her academics or her IQ. Gabris would be well-mannered and preferred to be quiet in social situations out of sheer respect and ability to ****yze the ongoing events.

What he's like on and off the job?

On the job she would give off an aura of confidence and seemed like a put together individual, attempting to do things to the best of her ability and as quickly as she could. She often takes up multi-tasking and stays professional as often as she can. Off the job she is almost a timid individual, hesitating to do things and often resorting to the comfort of her own home. She is not a people-person and often finds herself in situations she prefers to stay out of when leaving to socialise. These two personalities contrast each other quite a lot, though it is due to the sheer fact Antigone prioritises work over her social life.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?

Gabris views her co-workers equally, for the most part, identifying she has to act accordingly around all of them, especially those higher than her. When it comes to work and the people she’s going to be alongside every day, Antigone tries her best to call out any problematic or poorly behaviour as much as she can. She doesn’t see anything else to life other than this, working until she can’t go on much longer. Her only sort of family aspect would be her one daughter, and she swears to protect her with her life.


Antigone Hera Gabris, later dropping the middle name, was born in Nagoya, Japan to her two parents. Their names were Gaia Gabris and Claus Gabris. She was not the first child to the couple and would not be the last. Antigone had an older sister, who would have been 6 at the time of her birth. Her name was Artemis Gabris, a girl who her sister resembled greatly in later life. Focusing slightly more on the Gabris household before talking about Antigone specifically, the family was rather large. Cicero Gabris, the father of Gaia, was around often for his daughter, in-laws and grandchildren likewise.

Antigone was quite shy as a child, her first words being pretty late, at about 1 and ½. She seemed to get a lot of attention from her parents until age 3 when her little sister was born. The child was named Amethyst Gabris, therefore granting Antigone the title of the middle child. The stereotypical ‘middle child syndrome’ applied to her here, pushing her further into the habit of being an isolated individual. Despite her slight ignorance from her parents, she confided in her studies, placing over average in the majority of her subjects. It was taken into account by her teachers that Gabris had a specific interest in P.E and Criminology, despite it not being a subject she would have been able to take in early education.

Social wise, she had a very tightly knit group of friends, though Antigone refused to take part in most activities. Her friend group seemed to be of various personalities. Her social butterfly like friend often tried to boost her to come out of her comfort zone, though it wasn’t often that she did.

Slightly focusing more on her family, once more, her father began becoming less loyal to his wife. When Gabris was about 14, her father had an affair with an unknown lady. None of the Gabris family has ever found out about this and her father keeps this as one of his deepest darkest secrets. Antigone has never met this secret brother of hers.

Returning focus to her life, Antigone began to question her sexuality in her teenage years. It was apparent to her that male attention simply did not cut it for her, coming out to herself as a lesbian at age 17, even though she had never been in a relationship with a female at this point in her life.

Skipping forward to past her university years, she majored in criminology and received a minor in P.E and Psychology. At age 21 she met a woman who she deemed to be the love of her life, and the female thought likewise. They were very much in love, engaged by 22 and in quite a rushed relationship. Gabris was sure this woman was the one for her. 5 months before their marriage, Antigone and her spouse adopted a little girl named Emiri Gabris. They were ready to call it a happy ending, however, there was a darker twist to this. Antigone was aware her partner suffered suicidal thoughts, but she was unaware of how bad it was getting. She offered therapy to her fiance and attempted to help her get through this, but it wasn’t good enough. Two months after the wedding, Antigone found her wife hanging from her neck in the bathroom.

This struck her terribly, of course. There was a lot of healing she had to go through, after all, she had now lost the only person she’d loved. For a while, she found herself lost, a helpless and emotional mess. However, she knew her spouse would want her to continue living her life. So she did. Antigone went into police training at age 27 and officially joined as a cadet at age 29. Her first time in the force went very well, though she had to resign in order to care for her daughter as she needed the extra attention.

Emiri, Antigone’s daughter is now able to cope without her mother there 24/7 and this has motivated Antigone to attempt to enrol in the force once more.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Antigone Hera Gabris
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): "Anti-Gone"
Preferred Name: Antigone, or Gabris
Age: 29
Gender: Female
IC Phone number: 426817500
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Widowed
Nationality: Greek
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2
Working Experience: Previously an officer
Academic Degree: Bachelor’s degree in Criminology
Year of Graduation: 2013
Major(s): P.E, Finance
Minor(s): Psychology
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: N/A



Level 135

After reading through your application and getting an input from the other officers, we’ve come to a decision that you’re suitable for the police-officer role.

Upon seeing this, be sure to check the Karakura Police Department discord.

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