Level 3
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): Kanashiii
Previous bans
I was banned once for asking to be for a break.
Describe your activity on the server:
My actitvity on the server is usually going to class to do the work to get grades when I'm online, running the Natural helpers club as one of the leaders and helping friends or others in need. (My /Ar time is over 30 days.)
Which timezone are you in?
(GMT) timezone
Do you have Discord?
Yes, my discord is Sleepy non#3277
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I do.
List your current and past applications: (waiting) (accepted) (accepted) (accepted)’s-language-application.19458/ (accepted)
(Waiting to see what happens with this application unless I get accepted for janitor but all the others were accepted! :))
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying to be a police officer is I'd like to try something new out for the server as an experience as a job and since I do a lot of SeriousRP I think I would fit in well with this role as an officer to be honest, It's also interesting to work and see how their point of view and life is as an officer to do so. It would also motivate me to play SRP even more than before ! And due to having too much time on my hands I think this would be rather suitable for me.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I do understand the japanese laws and basic conducts and I'm also open to learn more!
What are the Police ranks?
(10) Commissioner
(9) Lieutenant (Head Lieutenant)
(8) Lieutenant
(7) Head Investigator
(6) Investigator
(5) Investigator Trainee
(4) Sergeant
(3) Corporal
(2) Patrol Officer
(1) Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
The duty of a police officer is that you must work with others in a team or alone but team work and communication is very important in order for everyone to be safe and know the plans so no injuries occur, you get trained by upper ranks of police officers to learn what you need to do in certain situations, you need to protect citizens in danger and make sure they aren't doing anything illegal like killing, assault, drugs, and ect. You must be able to make a quick decision in order to protect everyone for safety from any possible danger. This job means that you can lose your life if you make the wrong move so this job takes full dedication.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police in Karakura is here to serve and protect the citizens who live here from any dangers that is possible and to stop illegal activity going on.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand that i can be demoted anytime.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I understand that I have to be fully dedicated which is why I would like to apply since I have plenty time on my hands due to going to college.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I understand.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I understand.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes her unique?
She would stand at 5'3 in height with a straight posture, the female would have slightly shaved black hair at the sides and slight bangs that wouldn't go past her eyes. She would have grey/blue eyes with a beauty mark would be decorated under her left grey eye, and she would be average in weight.
What She's like on and off the job?
The female on the job she would act very serious and be open to everything and anything from her co-workers, she would be respectful to everyone in the station and to all citizens unless they were to cause any potential danger to her co-workers or citizens around, and she would stay clear and make sure to communicate with her co-workers by keeping contact with them.
The female would remain respectful to everyone even when she's off of her work but if there were to be any dangers she would call up others who would be on duty for help and tell then what's going on for it to be sorted since she would be off duty.
Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?
Her plans for the future is to remain a police officer and to always spend her time learning about new things as she went going as a police officer, she would be open to new ideas and tatics from her co-workers which would be her plans for the future, learn and improve.
Hyong was always a smart girl for her age, her father used to be an officer in Korea which encouraged her to be an officer since she was little, due to a young age Hyong grew up without a mother since she was killed by a big gang so she never really gotten over that until one day she moved into a city called Karakura at the ae of 14 years old. She went to school full time and never missed a class unless she was severely sick that she couldn't walk but other than that she still went to school to focus on studying with full dedication. Her father called Ruki who was an officer in japan became seriously unwell due to the work so she had to take over with earning money and making sure that he got better with the medical bills by selling people food and showing them how to cook. At the age of 19 years old she started going to college to focus on getting her diplomas for science and English along with her Criminology that she needs for being an officer, she pretty much stayed in for the studying taking the whole thing seriously.
At the age of 20 she started on job hunting for being an officer until she found the Karakura police station to sign out an application for her hopes to be an officer just like her father was. . . .
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Hyo Yae Haung
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
25 years old
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
5 years for her wanted position.
Working Experience:
She used to be a bouncer for a bar in Germany for one year.
Academic Degree:
Bachelor degree in police law and a criminology degree
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): She has Highers in English and science (Biology)
mathematics is less focused due to not much of that in her college.
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Thank you for taking your time to read this ! <3
IGN (In-Game Name): Kanashiii
Previous bans
I was banned once for asking to be for a break.
Describe your activity on the server:
My actitvity on the server is usually going to class to do the work to get grades when I'm online, running the Natural helpers club as one of the leaders and helping friends or others in need. (My /Ar time is over 30 days.)
Which timezone are you in?
(GMT) timezone
Do you have Discord?
Yes, my discord is Sleepy non#3277
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I do.
List your current and past applications: (waiting) (accepted) (accepted) (accepted)’s-language-application.19458/ (accepted)
(Waiting to see what happens with this application unless I get accepted for janitor but all the others were accepted! :))
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying to be a police officer is I'd like to try something new out for the server as an experience as a job and since I do a lot of SeriousRP I think I would fit in well with this role as an officer to be honest, It's also interesting to work and see how their point of view and life is as an officer to do so. It would also motivate me to play SRP even more than before ! And due to having too much time on my hands I think this would be rather suitable for me.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I do understand the japanese laws and basic conducts and I'm also open to learn more!
What are the Police ranks?
(10) Commissioner
(9) Lieutenant (Head Lieutenant)
(8) Lieutenant
(7) Head Investigator
(6) Investigator
(5) Investigator Trainee
(4) Sergeant
(3) Corporal
(2) Patrol Officer
(1) Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
The duty of a police officer is that you must work with others in a team or alone but team work and communication is very important in order for everyone to be safe and know the plans so no injuries occur, you get trained by upper ranks of police officers to learn what you need to do in certain situations, you need to protect citizens in danger and make sure they aren't doing anything illegal like killing, assault, drugs, and ect. You must be able to make a quick decision in order to protect everyone for safety from any possible danger. This job means that you can lose your life if you make the wrong move so this job takes full dedication.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police in Karakura is here to serve and protect the citizens who live here from any dangers that is possible and to stop illegal activity going on.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand that i can be demoted anytime.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I understand that I have to be fully dedicated which is why I would like to apply since I have plenty time on my hands due to going to college.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I understand.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I understand.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes her unique?
She would stand at 5'3 in height with a straight posture, the female would have slightly shaved black hair at the sides and slight bangs that wouldn't go past her eyes. She would have grey/blue eyes with a beauty mark would be decorated under her left grey eye, and she would be average in weight.
What She's like on and off the job?
The female on the job she would act very serious and be open to everything and anything from her co-workers, she would be respectful to everyone in the station and to all citizens unless they were to cause any potential danger to her co-workers or citizens around, and she would stay clear and make sure to communicate with her co-workers by keeping contact with them.
The female would remain respectful to everyone even when she's off of her work but if there were to be any dangers she would call up others who would be on duty for help and tell then what's going on for it to be sorted since she would be off duty.
Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?
Her plans for the future is to remain a police officer and to always spend her time learning about new things as she went going as a police officer, she would be open to new ideas and tatics from her co-workers which would be her plans for the future, learn and improve.
Hyong was always a smart girl for her age, her father used to be an officer in Korea which encouraged her to be an officer since she was little, due to a young age Hyong grew up without a mother since she was killed by a big gang so she never really gotten over that until one day she moved into a city called Karakura at the ae of 14 years old. She went to school full time and never missed a class unless she was severely sick that she couldn't walk but other than that she still went to school to focus on studying with full dedication. Her father called Ruki who was an officer in japan became seriously unwell due to the work so she had to take over with earning money and making sure that he got better with the medical bills by selling people food and showing them how to cook. At the age of 19 years old she started going to college to focus on getting her diplomas for science and English along with her Criminology that she needs for being an officer, she pretty much stayed in for the studying taking the whole thing seriously.
At the age of 20 she started on job hunting for being an officer until she found the Karakura police station to sign out an application for her hopes to be an officer just like her father was. . . .
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Hyo Yae Haung
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
25 years old
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
5 years for her wanted position.
Working Experience:
She used to be a bouncer for a bar in Germany for one year.
Academic Degree:
Bachelor degree in police law and a criminology degree
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): She has Highers in English and science (Biology)
mathematics is less focused due to not much of that in her college.
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Thank you for taking your time to read this ! <3
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