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Kaneko Shkodra|| "Fine Wine"


Level 2
Kaneko Shkodra


‘Fine Wine’
[None of this may be taken icly! If you wish to learn more about Kaneko, interact with her icly!]

“God, I wish I never spoke. Guess I better wash my mouth out with Soap..” ‘Soap’ - Melanie Martinez

Preferred Names;
Kaneko- Strangers
Kane- Friends, family
Cherry- Close Friends

Gender; Female/She/Her/Hers

Height; 5’5”||165.1 Cm

Weight; 165.74Lbs|| 75.16 Kg

Build: Hour Glass, Pear, Athletic

Skin Color; Sun kissed, Ivory

Eye Color; Soft moss green

Age; 18 Years of Age

Birthday; November 13, 2005
Hometown; Rome, Italy
Colour Code; 940119-Cherry Wine Red

Hair Style: Long, wavy, curls near the end. Most of the time, her hair is mostly down, just a bit it clipped up with a butterfly hairclip.
Hair Color: Dark cherry red, nearly a blazing dark flame.

Fashion: Angelcore, streetcore

Abnormalities: Burn marks cover her entire back, her shoulders and the left side of her torso. They can be seen if she wears a crop top or hanging sleeve top.

Nationality: Italian-Japanese.

Sexual Orientation: Straight, ally of the LGBTQ+

Religious Beliefs: “I would rather not- discuss that.”

Political Beliefs: “Not this either-”

General Appearance

“We’ll be a fine line, We’ll be alright..” ‘Fine Line’ - Harry Styles


  • A young Italian-Japanese woman who stands at 5’45” and weighs around 165.73Lbs. Her skin is sun-kissed and freckles decorate the bridge of her nose. While burn scars cover her back, shoulders and the left side of her torso. A scar can be seen on her bottom lip. Her eyes are a soft granny smith apple green, complimenting her blazing red hair. Her attitude is harsh, sarcastic and she holds herself with pride. Every step she takes, the smell of Cherry Wine perfume follows her as she passes people with a scoff. Kaneko isn’t afraid to act sweet to get her way- but that’s all it is, an act.


  • Photography; Kaneko picked up this hobby after the passing of her parents. When they passed, she really didn’t know any other way to express how she was feeling or to talk about her feelings. Most of the photos she would take are family photos, nature, weather and really just about anything- that wasn’t gross. She tends to mostly use a polaroid camera. Hanging up every photo she took as a memory- as hers tends to get a little foggy from time to time.
  • Dance(belly dancing); Kaneko found an interest in belly dancing when she watched her aunt’s classes. Her aunt being the teacher and when she was left with her, she liked the outfits, the way they danced and the meaning behind it. From time to time, Kaneko can be found in a studio dancing. The music is loud and keeps the outside world away from her.
  • Reading Murder Mystery Books; Kaneko has a thrill reading mystery murder books. She lives for the mystery and even figuring out who the killer is before the end of the book or being surprised! A lot of the time, she’ll think up her own murder mysteries in order to crack her own or give them to her friends to solve.
  • Family Time; Though she doesn’t really have any family besides her mother, Noelle Shkodra. She still loves to spend time with her. Whether that be a girls night out, movies, stay at home and gossip, paint nails or even just read books together. Just being around her mother makes her happy.
Fun facts;
- Kaneko has NEVER gotten a haircut until recently! Due to a fight, and someone cutting her hair with a katana, Kaneko had to call Enru to give her a haircut. Her hair that once reached her hips, is now at her shoulders.
- Her favorite fruit is Kiwi! She likes that tang and the flavor!
- When Kaneko is stressed over her limits, she feels like she's burning and smells smoke. This relates to the Hazuki house fire from her childhood that she has no memory of.
- She has a pet fox named Miko!
- Even though she smells of cherries, Kaneko really doesn't like to eat the fruit. She'll admire the fruit, but never eat them.
- Despite not liking to get close to people, Kaneko does like to help if ever needed, but once done; She loses all contact with said person.
- Kaneko is great at manipulating people if she ever needs to! It's one of her many skills!

Noticeable Physical Traits: Upon looking at Kaneko, you could see her snake bite piercings and a glint on her tongue when she spoke, revealing her tongue piercing. She would have four earrings on her left ear while her right had six. She has a kitsune tattoo on her right hip and burn marks on her left side. She has a visible scar on her bottom lip and one across the bridge of her nose. The freckles that scattered like petals on her cheeks can be seen when up close to her. She has a spine tattoo and a lower back tattoo. Both of which she doesn’t tend to show off much.

Personality: When meeting Kaneko for the first time, she’s harsh, honest and sarcastic. She’s not big on letting people past the walls she has built over the time of her life and doesn’t plan on letting them down anytime soon. But if you do manage to climb over those walls, Kaneko is actually just a very sweet girl. She’s caring for those she holds dear to her heart, mostly family and very close friends. She does her best to not let people get into her head, and she’s not great at emotions- which is why when she does speak on how she feels, she does it over text. Never in person, or in a call.

Character Voice: Lady Tomoya- Demon Slayer. Eng and Jap vers.

Equipment: Kaneko can usually be seen carrying a bag and her biker helmet. Within the bag, she has; A taser, self-defense keychain, a tactical knife (for self-defense), small first aid kit, lipstick, a bali, and always an extra pair of clothes. On her wrist, she always has two extra hair ties, and a bracelet she never takes off. She also has a knee brace she carries with her when doing anything sporty!

Clothes: Most of the time, when Kaneko is spotted, she can be seen wearing ripped faded blue jeans, a crop top and a butterfly hair clip. Other outfits she has consists of;
- Her white and blue kimono with cherry blossom designs and a white bow to match.
- A white short sleeved shirt, black jeans and a flame haori, with a matching black headband and flame earrings.
- A black and green flannel with a black undershirt, bootcut jeans and Haise’s cowboy hat with her boots.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Kaneko has a bad drinking habit when she gets lost in her emotions or overly stressed. She has a minor diagnosis of Schizophrenia and major OCD, She has PTSD due to the loss of her parents- though her memory is completely fogged as her mind tries to block that memory out. And due to the burnage- Kaneko’s eyesight in her left eye is a little blurry, but she can still drive just fine!


“You didn’t mean to say, I love you..oh I love you.. but I don’t want to.” ‘I love you’ - Billie Eilish

??? Hazuki; ‘Mother?’

“My mind is uhh- a little foggy. My apologies.”

??? Hazuki; ‘Father?’

“I have no memory.. I’m sorry.”

Noelle Shkodra; ‘Mother’
“My everything.”
Noelle had found Kaneko in Rome, a mangled mess and smelling of smoke and on death's door. She took Kaneko to the hospital and a year later, adopted her after finding out about the death of Kaneko’s parents. Due to this, Kaneko is inseparable from her mother. And if anything were to happen, Kaneko would happily watch the world burn and crumble.

Haise Knežević; ‘Cowboy’
“I love him.”
Fun fact: Kaneko had quite literally snatched up this man out of curiosity. And they’re both glad she did. They’re a troublesome pair, but they always seem to have fun no matter where they go. Kaneko has never been good at emotions, but with him, everything seems easy. He’s the first person besides her mother that she doesn’t have to hold her act up for. Tp this day, she can be seen around him. And if you don't, she's probably asleep or somewhere near!

Kaladin R. Kazaki; ‘The devil himself’
“I would watch him burn again.”
Kaladin and Kaneko met at a club on the mainland during a family trip and they were- close. But after Kaladin confessed his feelings for her- Kaneko panicked and quickly blocked all contact from him and was ready to head back to Karakura. Now, Kaladin has moved to Karakura and has done nothing but anger Kaneko to the point that they’ve fought and shed blood. They even had a bet at the dojo at whoever wins, gets to carve the loser- well- Kaneko won.

Yamato C. Hanazono; ‘Uncle’
“He’s not my actual family, but I look up to him.”
Kaneko doesn’t know much about him. She bumped into him while helping a professor named Naja and likes how he holds himself with pride and power. She calls him Uncle as she sees him as family in a way.

Enru Mizoroge; 'Mother when Mom isn't around'
"When Mom isn't around- I go to her."
Kaneko connected to Enru while Ms. Mizoroge was still working at the school. Always attending her class and hanging out afterwards. And a lot of the time, she always kept Kaneko out of trouble, fights included. Even now after Enru quit her job at the school, Kaneko still goes to Enru if she ever needs a parental figure around when Noelle isn't in town at the moment. Just recently, after an incident, Kaneko called Enru and Ms. Mizoroge gave her a haircut!


“If I’m turning in your stomach, and I’m making you feel sick- am I making you sick? ‘Strangers’ - Ethel Cain

Kaneko, her name meaning “Golden Child” or “Ore”, was given to her due to her being not only an only child, but her parents' golden child. Kaneko was born in Rome, Italy soon after her parents moved there. Her parents of the Hazuki family wished to start a new life over and away from Karakura, Japan. They wanted to not only give a life to themselves, but a future to their daughter. Away from the crime, the fear and to keep her safe. Life was great, Kaneko’s parents treated her with such love, such adoration.

Over the years, as Kaneko grew up, she realized being an only child isn’t all of what she thought it was. She used to love the fact that she was the only kid, gaining all the attention of her parents and family that visited. But she wasn’t prepared for how high the expectations were for her. Since she was technically the last blood of the Hazuki family, so much was expected from her and she needed to be perfect in her parents eyes. With the dream of their child being wealthy or married to a wealthy man, going to a high degree college and studying day and night. It wasn’t long until her parents even started to plan an arranged marriage with a wealthy man. The Hazuki family met another, a wealthy family, The Aadland Family, from Norway, having come to Rome for a few months for vacation and for their son to see the world as they promised he would. The two families grew close and they had Kaneko and the boy get close. Kaneko did her best to act all cheerful. But in all honesty, there was so much being hidden. The emotional, mental and physical damage done by Kaneko’s parents to her in order for her to be their “Golden Child” had started to drive Kaneko to the verge of insanity at the age of 15.

An arranged marriage was planned between Kaneko Hazuki and [REDACTED] Aadland and it would be happening when the two were of the age of 18. But within two weeks after the agreement, the deal was sealed. The Hazuki family suffered from a house fire. The only survivor being Kaneko. She was a mangled mess, her arm was broken, she was bloodied and covered in soot and smelled of smoke. She wasn’t burned, but she just stared at the burning house with no emotion. The person who had called in the fire was Noelle Shkodra, having been in Rome for a vacation, she had found Kaneko and a year later, she had adopted her. After the fire, Kaneko had lost most if not all memories of her childhood, the reason for the fire, the marriage, and the names of her parents.

After her adoption, she was taken to Karakura, now living with Noelle in Japan, Kaneko has become nothing but a shell of the bubbly girl she used to be. She tries her best to be much like her mother, caring and understanding. But instead, she’s honest, harsh and highly sarcastic. But she does this for a reason. Besides her mother, Kaneko blocks everyone out. And she likes it that way. No one ever gets close. Or past the walls she’s built. This is how she keeps herself safe. Everyone around her, to her, seems to have X’s on their face. That was- until she met him.

Now, Kaneko does her best to at least be a little kinder to those around her. Having a reason to soften up and do her best to slowly take down the walls she has in hopes for a safer future.

[This will be updated the more lore and rp I do with Kaneko! And if I forgot your character, let me know!]

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