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Karakura News | Colors of Spring


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April 1, 2022
Aya Hanazono

Gooooood day Karakura! Who needs April Fools’ when your whole life is a joke? Anywho, Aya here with her first report for the start of April where the spring season is finally back in action. We’ll be discussing some exciting stuff that will be happening throughout the month!

Spring season, a season where plants start to grow again, where the sakura trees start blossoming again once more, a perfect temperature to go out and hang out with friends! You must be wondering, in such an amazing season what exactly are the events that will happen this month?

Well luckily for you, here are the calendar of events that will happen. First off, throughout Japan, sakura trees are finally in boom again! the leaves changing to their beautiful pink color, it's a great time to go outside and have a picnic with friends or family. Don’t forget to take pictures also if you do!

Second is the Easter festival will happen during April, where you and your friends can partake in many fun activities! An Easter Egg hunt, mini-games, food & drink vendors, and plenty of opportunities for you to earn prizes and enjoy yourself during this festival.

The third is Earth day! This will be a school event where students from both high school and college departments are split up into teams to collect trash and clean up the school. Be sure to participate to help keep your school be a clean and safe environment for all!

And finally, the school’s seasonal Fire drill. Every season a drill or exercise will take place to ensure the school students' safety in the unlikely event of a disaster, which last school drill a huuuuuge earthquake happened- so it's best we’re always prepared for any disaster that will happen!

That's all for the month of April and I hope you’ll enjoy this whole month, don’t forget to go outside and be with others during it. That’s all for my report today, until the next report everyone!

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