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KARAKURA NEWS | Dangerous places in Karakura


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Karakura Police Department reveals continuous crime related activity in certain parts of town. Crime rates have yet to slow down in the dangerous town, with specific areas becoming even more threatening to the safety of citizens. With criminal activity on the rise, it’s important to know where these locations are and how you can avoid conflict in the future. To help show the importance of steering clear of these dangerous locations, Karakura News has conducted an interview with one of Karakura’s Patrol Officers to get a better insight at what is really going on.



Transcript of Interview with Officer Wolffe Kennedy from Karakura Police Department

Interviewer: Pippa Heddo
Interviewee: Wolffe Kennedy
List of Acronyms: WK = Wolffe Kennedy, IN = Interviewer

IN: Where in Karakura would you say you’ve had the most calls to or criminal activity to deal with?

WK: Anywhere can be dangerous, little missy, I’ll tell you that. Just earlier today we chased a guy who had a nagi on him, and he just chucked the thing willy-nilly onto the pavement! It’s lucky I got it before anyone else could get it. That’s just a tangent. I’ll tell you what I think. You’ve got the power plant, people go there in masks just to fight each other and cause trouble. Think of a bear cage, people are riling each other up and trying to look bigger than each other. So most of our recent calls have been around that area. This is our main problem spot, with all the dark corners. Oh, and the connections to the sewers? You can go right down into that smelly sauna of a labyrinth and get lost for hours. I've even tried to find my way around that place. Sewers are mostly used for more organised crime, when people are planning kidnappings and all that. Those are your two main criminal hot-spots you’ve got to look out for. Then you’ve also got the forest, which is dangerous for bears.

IN: Do you have any advice for those wishing to camp or explore the wilderness?

WK: Don’t go into the wildlife sanctuary or the old bear cave! Don’t poke the bears, take some bear spray with you as well. Don’t leave food out and make sure you know where to go if you find some bears. Don’t provoke them, it’s not good for the bears and it isn’t good for you either. I must remind people that disturbing the wildlife can end up getting you fined. Summer is coming, go to the beach, not a cave. What is this? 10000 BC?

IN: Well thank you for your input, this has been very helpful. Is there anything you’d like to say to the citizens of Karakura?

WK: Follow me on Onrain to learn how to NOT GET ARRESTED! Since you all are pretty bad at it. @wolf, you hear? Also I post about my beautiful children as well.

End of Transcript


Based on the information Karakura News received from Officer Kennedy, your top three most dangerous places in town are the power plant, the sewers and the forest. More specifically around the wildlife sanctuary. If you’re looking to stay safe and avoid any potential dangers, avoiding these three areas will be your best bet. If you’re looking for activities to do this summer with your friends that will keep you out of trouble, the beach is looking especially clean this year.

The power plant has had a steady incline in activity over the past couple of months due to its lack of security and many places to hide. Many citizens have witnessed weapons of all sorts being used in the vicinity, from pocket knives to spiked bats. Karakura Hospital has had an overwhelming number of patients being dropped off by masked individuals before leaving without word of the incident or how it happened. Speculation suggests these patients are the victims of gang related crime. Avoid becoming a statistic of these crimes by avoiding the power plant entirely, for your own safety and the safety of others.

Stay safe, Karakura.


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