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KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura Verified Businesses!


Level 20

Today at Karakura Beach an event was hosted by Deputy Mayor, Nicole Brown alongside with the Karakura Wrestling Entertainment, or KWE. With the referee wearing a horse mask and making jokes to hype up the crowd! The fight ensued with an amazing turnout, snacks, drinks and free entertainment! An amazing addition to look forward to in Karakura!

KWE Beach Wrestling Match!

[!] An MP4 begins to play! [!]

Willow enters as the reigning champion

Hunter appears claiming to fight him for his place as champion

Crowd chants fight

Both fighters circle the ring

The bell rings!

Hunter swings in for a clothesline hit

Willow countered Hunter’s attack and performed a swingblade! He got on top of Hunter before he was kicked off!

Hunter escaped to the ropes for a breather! He ran towards Willow and successfully performed a clothesline! With that Willow layed out on the floor but was tackled and began to get flurries with punches! He kicked himself out of the struggle after the second punch landed.

Hunter attempts to perform a drop kick on Willow but Willow runs away! He lept onto the ropes and attempted a frog splash! Hunter rolled out of the way causing Willow to slam into the ring on his belly. He struggles to get back up!

Hunter attempts another clothesline but is countered by Willow! Landing him on the floor! Willow plays with the crowd as Hunter is layed out! The Referee counts to three before getting up! Nearly giving a point to Willow!

Willow drags Hunter over to the corner, Hunter takes a knee! Willow throws his shirt into the crowd ! He performs a Swanton Bomb! Slamming his back on Hunter! Hunter stays on the ground as the bell is rung! Willow keeps his title!

[!] The Video begins to get shaky and pointed to the ground, going back up to show the face of Willow! [!]

W: "Thank you very much."

E: “Will you continue to hold your reigning title?!”

W: "I will until someone who is man enough to try and take this title from me who knows who that can be."


W: "I'm completely fine, It's just years of training and knowing where to land without hurting the other person you are working with inside the ring."
E: "I see! Thank you for your time sir, once again GREAT performance!"

[!] The Video would End! [!]

Photo of Willow!

A signed autograph from Willow! Wait. He spelt my name wrong…

Willows Shirt!

With the public release and uproar of Verified Businesses, you can now sign up to start your own online! Link provided below!

Click Here!

Do you have something you wish to let us know about? Give us a ring!
(020)-980-4487 (P.S. No, I will not be picking up calls about your life problems, I'm looking at you Blaire Togomi.)

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