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Karakura News | Life Poll


Level 72
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Umeda Kame

Hello, cool citizens of Karakura!! Yesterday I was feeling a little quirky and nosey and decided to send out a poll asking you all how life was in Karakura. The poll was strictly anonymous, and even with the results I’ve ensured your identity to be hidden. Besides all of that, here are those cool results! Starting off with the ages.

I kind of hated that there were actually kids who took this, oh well. The average age was 20-22, normal to be honest. Those kids are more into this stuff than others. Next, I asked you guys where you were born….. But that was in all honesty a filler question.!! However, the average was Japan!! Next was home information, pretty simple.

SURPRISINGLY!! You guys aren't homeless, happy to see the new housing developments are rendering you all homes!! The highest rating for Karakura was 7, doing well so far!

Most of you guys are pretty active with your friends, the answer mildly active coming in at a nice 38.6%! You guys are hella single, no worries, I am too! With the answer ‘No’ coming in at 42.6%

Overall, most of you believe you are a good person, as well as believe others think you are too, very confident in yourselves! Now, the good part is, the people who took this poll AREN'T REALLY CRIMINALS!!! With major crimes being committed at an all low of 21.3%!

Now to move on to your opinions of big factions here in Karakura. To be honest, I’m surprised with the government part of things, most of you guys didn’t have a full-fledged opinion, while others had some interesting ones. Such as the government could be doing more or less, or that they aren't doing anything in their eyes. People's opinions on KPD are a WHOLE other ball-park, EVERYONE had an opinion on them. The big opinions were surrounded by the fact that KPD officers aren't doing enough, nor doing their job properly… as well as just not being in situations on time.

Now we are on to school opinions!! The main subject airing these replies is just the fact that Teachers and professors are being hurtful to the students, throwing out insults and yelling at them, possibly accusations of teachers and professors hitting students… There have been a few replies that state that professors specifically need to think about what they do say in class, maybe they are teaching topics that they aren't well trained on? Who knows. This area obviously has very harsh opinions. I’d like to include one from a teacher, though I don't really know if they are one since this poll is anonymous

‘ I am a teacher. And, what might be an unpopular opinion, I do not hate school. While many students do display hostile behavior, I see no point in giving them hostile behavior either. Many people, including myself, have issues going on within them. While that is no excuse to be a harmful person, it still is a cause. However, it has been shown on many occasions that the faculty I work with is deplorable. They treat students like garbage, like lesser, and then expect to be treated with respect and kindness? It makes me sick. Fools like that are what causes students to treat all faculty like garbage. ‘ - Some random teacher.

I believe people should take this into account, maybe the teaching at Karakura High and College really needs to be worked on? The other main focused issue is that there is so much drama, which you guys are in college and high school. Can you really expect there to not be drama? Anyhow, that's mainly all of the important results of this poll. I thank you all for answering this and giving your opinions on these topics.

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