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Karakura News | MYRIAD v. POPOVICH & The Mayor's Resignation


Level 105
[ Man, what a formally written report… It’s almost boring and bland! C’mon, they can’t all be like this, right? ]

AUGUST 23RD 2021

August 21st, 2021 marked the resignation of Karakura’s mayor, Suruga Sengoku, who ran her course shortly after Luke Herrington’s reign over the town. The events that unfolded before her resignation were nothing but devastating and witnessed as a whole by a percentage of Karakura’s population within the courtroom itself.

Said events that occurred within the courtroom that day were as per result of the Myriad vs. Popovich case; In which freelance rapper Nicholei Popovich was unlawfully detained by police commissioner Preston Herrington. The details of the case implied that Popovich was caught wielding a knife which he’d claimed to have mistaken for a Myriad-brand microphone. Herrington refuted; to which he made the claim that Nicholei Popovich was elsewhere while in possession of a knife, stained in dried blood.

It wasn’t until later, the CCTV was revealed and the truth of the situation was revealed to Karakura. A courtroom full of people on the edges of their seats, and two individuals fighting for their rightful beliefs were hit with a heart-sinking discovery. . . Each defendant was lying. It didn’t end there, however. The court dubbed Preston Herrington as ‘guilty’, and he was sentenced to arrest by his former colleague. However, that arrest was cut short as Preston Herrington withdrew a glock-17 and aimed directly at Nicholei and another officer. As Nicholei was put into a weaker spot. . .retaliation was no mystery, and with a newly obtained glock-17, Popovich returned the favor to Herrington.

Soon enough, the rest of the police force (The ones who hadn’t revealed their origins of corruptancy for the entire town to view) escorted just about everyone out of town hall. There were no injuries, but four fatalities: Officers Trey Allemburg and Raleigh Delgado, alongside their commissioner, Preston Herrington. The other defendant, Nicholei Popovich, shot by Preston, was also one of the four.

The situation leaves a question in the air. . . Was Preston Herrington’s downfall justified? At the end of the case, was Popovich truly a hero to us all by “saving” Karakura from a corrupt commissioner, one who didn’t even hesitate to shoot his own officers? Or… Had there been something worth protecting in Myriad towers that Herrington felt strongly about. What could it have even been? Could this have been a god awful mistake, on both sides? These questions remain unanswered.

A gloomy, tear-filled day enveloped Karakura. Many had hoped for it to be the end.

A video clip is attached amidst the article. Once played, one would become face-to-face with an angled video of Sengoku, offering a speech as mayor for a final time.

"As of today, August 21st, I'll be stepping down as Mayor. Over time, I've realized being mayor is something that requires physical knowledge of the crime-individuality and that is why I'd like to officially appoint Alex Koji as the next mayor. I believe greatly that he'll treat this town with respect. I'd also like to thank everyone for supporting me throughout the time."

The video concludes just as the speech does.

It wasn’t the end. Chances are, this is also not the end. Endless chronicles will follow throughout Karakura’s existence, for as long as it shall exist. This is, however, a new chapter for Karakura. A new mayor steps into place; a monumental change for us all. The town will be guided into a new direction, one that we can only assume will be beneficial for the town. Only time will tell… But not just anyone would be put into the role of MAYOR OF KARAKURA. Not to mention the change of guidance in the Karakura Police Department.

As S.S. Karakura sails off into a new direction, we shall continue to progress and probably mourn the deaths of our loved ones.


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