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Karakura News | Tachitsu Lives On


Level 79


Tomochin Taikan

Good evening Karakura.

Today I got a concerning phone call from an unknown number - a payphone. We often don’t get anonymous calls but my curiosity urged me to answer. It was most definitely out of the ordinary.

TT: Can I get your full name and – occupation?​

??: Metagarou Tachitsu. Mercenary.

That’s right. Gang leader and runaway from the police force, Metagarou Tachitsu contacted me today to give his rendition of the story to the News - asking for a simple broadcast with what he deems to be the truth. Buckle up, this is interesting.

TT: You are the leader of a gang, correct, Mr. Tachitsu?​

MT: Correct

TT: What is that gang’s name?​

MT: The Kishi Division.

TT: How long have you been in this position?​

MT: Hmm.. A little over a year. I’ve had my connections long before then, though.

TT: So you’re the top dog of this gang.. When leading the gang - what vision did you have for it? What was its purpose, what did you want to achieve?​

MT: Well, it’s quite simple, really. Just as the purpose of every other illegal operation throughout history, for profit. We’re good at it, too. Extortion, weapon trafficking, protection services you name it. We’ve proven ourselves time and time again, whether it’s slaughtering the Yakuza or the KPD, we’re really the only ones with dominion over the city.

TT: So you’ve created the gang for the raw purpose of wreaking havoc? Or is there something deeper to it. Why did Kishi start? Why does it still exist? What’s your motive, Metagarou?​

MT:It was created to line our pockets with money. And to support the KPD. I hope you realize, I couldn’t have done this without the support of my friends at the Karakura Police Department. Well, think about it. Crime gets out of hand. People get scared. People get desperate. This gives the Karakura Police Department an excuse to ramp up supplies, weaponry, officers, and most importantly, restrictions. The stronger we are, the more power they get, and nobody bats an eye. I couldn’t have done this without either of my partners. Ernesto Martinez, and Reizo Tokushima.

TT: Has anyone from the police department ever directly supported this gang of yours? Being corrupt, I suppose.​

MT: Not publicly, no. Although I’m surprised nobody has pieced it together on their own yet. When you’re controlling a population through fear and blood, you don’t exactly do it behind open doors.

TT: I see.. Well - would you mind telling me about the recent events? Malachi Moralez’s safety, perhaps, too.​

MT: Of course. Well, as you know I’ve been in prison for quite some time. Thanks to Reizo. He didn’t execute me due to our partnership, despite the fact that I’m responsible for the killing of five officers. Ernesto brought me back so I could escape. Ernesto brought me to the local police station here for ‘questioning’, when in reality it was just a dramatic performance. He disabled the cameras during the ‘interrogation’ and beat me to the point of requiring a hospital. During the transport, my members ambushed the ambulance and escaped with me. Moralez was kidnapped, Martinez was allowed to walk away unharmed as per the agreement between him and I.

TT: Agreement? Could we get some more info on that?​

MT: He got me out of jail, I let him live.

TT: Darn. So, was this Martinez putting his own safety before the people of Karakura’s?​

MT: Well, can you really blame him? My people have been targeting, stabbing him repeatedly ever since I got put away. This was also in Reizo’s best interest, having me back on the streets means more dead police, more dead innocents. More reason for him to beg the mayor for more power under the guise of necessity.

TT: Alright.. Alright, Metagarou, what are your plans? What will you do next?​

MT: Well, I’m not sure if you’ve taken notice, but myself and my former partners aren’t exactly cooperating right now. Reizo feared that the public might catch on, and has now suddenly decided to play the good cop. That’s why I’m telling you all of this. He currently has my gang members locked inside of our base of operation, presumably to raid it any day. Let me tell you, when that happens, it will be a bloodbath. I cannot guarantee Moralez’s safety at that point. As for me? I’ve been staying in a safehouse as of now. If the police have searched my last hideout, they’ll have the knowledge that I possess a Glock 17. Unless they want more innocents to die, I suggest that they remove themselves from our residence. Moreover, I think the public will have something to say about all of this. To the KPD. To Ernesto and Reizo.

TT: You keep running out of cash on the payphone. God. Anyways. What do you want to say to the people of Karakura?​

MT: Remember, the only reason why I’m still breathing, living, is because Reizo refused to execute me despite having killed several officers, and countless innocents. The only reason I’ve escaped and continue to threaten all of your worthless lives is because of my long term deal with Ernesto. Does anyone seriously think that my gang ambushed that ambulance on a whim? No. This was all planned. I’m going to kill you all. You know who to blame for it now, too. No matter who wins, who dies. I will not see the inside of a jail cell. You can mark my words. My name is Metagarou Tachitsu, you all will fall beneath the booth of Kishi, or the current state of the Karakura Police Department. You lose both ways. This is up to you, now.

TT: Anything else to say? This is your last chance to speak before I hang up this phone and wish that this day did not happen.​

MT: I wish you luck. Malachi Moralez is a good kid. Doesn’t deserve to die. If the people don't rise up against the corruption and greed of Reizo Tokushima and Ernesto Martinez, then unfortunately him, among many others, will die. Lock your doors.

And that was the chilling phone call. Theorists of Karakura, what do you think Tachitsu is conspiring? Or rather, who. These were immense shots fired at the KPD .. Remember to stay safe.

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Level 4
Holy- best report i've seen in a while. I doubt the KPD's gonna have an easy time recovering from this one.

IGN: Opxxi
DISC: vicssimp#9608

IHOT1I [F.K+] [18] [Grade-12] Seana "Soul" W. Lacrosse
IHOT1I [F.K+] [18] [Grade-12] Aimee 'Meme' D. Yamada​


Level 70
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BROOO THIS IS SO GOOD. Literally so entertaining it legit makes me want more :o This will definitely be interesting for future events aye?

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