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The "Art" of Karakura.
An article By; Kaneko S. Knežević

The places you may be able to find these murals, or as others may call it, ‘defilement’, would be around the Beach parking lot, behind and beside the bowling alley, next to shops in Shopping District, or even on the sides of apartment complexes, or sadly, even beside our church. Really, you can find them anywhere. But if you do wish to look at them, just be sure to be safe at all times.


The Bowling Ally

The Bowling Ally seems to have quite a few around it, mostly behind it and in little places where shops used to be! Colours arrange from pinks, greens, yellows and reds. Each come with either just a silly little design, or a few words. Not even full sentences. The designs back there are never the same. As usually the paint seems to wear down due to the heat waves we tend to get or the occasional splashes of rainwater from passing cars/bikes.


The Beach Parking Lot!

The Beach Parking Lot is where many people, whether it be by themselves, or a large group of people, tend to hang out and catch up! But the walls are also decorated with 'Art' that have been left by anonymous people! Usually, these murals tend to be in darker colours, Blacks, grays, blues- usually it's rare to see bright colouring with these murals!

Church sadly.png

The Church of Karakura.

The Church, though it has its holiness to it, its sacred duty to protect and a place of worship- People have decided that the walls that lead you to this beautiful building, need some 'POP' of colour. That's right, in Shopping District, there are many, and I mean many sprays of art. And these ones tend to be just as bright as the stained glass. Pinks, greens, yellows and purples, usually decorate the walls of The Shopping District and near the Church.


Art? Or Defilement?

Many people believe it’s wrong to spray along the walls of Karakura, and many believe it’s a healthy way to encourage, express and tell a story. Whether it be by words, by objects, or by animals. Like a kitten, or books, or a simple ‘You got this!’. No matter the day, the streets of Karakura always seem to be decorated with new murals, new expressions and new stories! Seems like Karakura is filled with talented artists, and writers!


Never The Same..?

The murals or “sprays” as what they’re formally called, are always changing! They're never the same. Even if they might be the same colours, the design, the words, are never the same. I wonder- how many new murals and new designs, new stories and messages will be shared with us in the future?

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Level 175
Other towns provide old infrastructure and allow spray can artists to make things pretty. Maybe we should do this with the old Power Plant. Letting citizens spray beautiful motifs there!

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