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KARAKURA NEWS | The Return of Bao Koji


Level 71
THE RETuRn Of bao kOjI.gif

Umeda Kame, Senior Reporter

Say, do you happen to remember one of the most political public trials of this year? No? Perhaps it slipped your mind or you were not relevant enough to know what really happened. Well, I shall inform you of it!

Bao Koji stood as a pillar of the community. As one of three Governors, he saw the inner political workings of Karakura on a daily basis. However, his fall from grace was anything but elegant. A female named Saeko Koji, the daughter of Bao, and a few of her friends were caught in an argument with Mister Koji, resulting in… a slap to Saeko with a riding crop. An object Bao has been seen with it plenty of times.

However, Saeko was not the one to come forward, in actuality, detective Ernesto Martinez was the one who filed for the case. After being tried for battery in relation to an incident involving his daughter and her friends, he was locked away and stripped of his ranking.

Forgotten by most of the city, he was left behind bars to rot. However, the day of his return would draw nearer, and today was that day. Released from his shackles, I was able to snag a word with the former Governor about his plans, what’s changed, and if he plans on returning as a Governor, as well as a… few more questions.

the voices of Umeda Kame, and Bao Koji were heard.

U.K: “Mister Koji! I had a few questions... If you have the time for it all.”

B.K: “Yes, my dear? Please, speak.”

U.K: “This will be all around the whole... release and trial! Hope that's alright. I know your sentence was battery, correct? Did you spend the complete three months in jail or were you bailed out? Do you wish to state who handed over the bail money to the officer?”

B.K: “More than that, my dear. And yes, I was bailed. Along with my the****** deeming me docile and my good behavior, it was an option put on the table. As for who bailed me, I rather not speak on their behalf.”
U.K: “Your secretary testified that day, yes? What strain did that have on your relationship with her?”

B.K: “She testified towards my cause. She did all she could and told the truth. However, I believe my being put away has put a strain on our relationship, yes.”

U.K: “From what I've been told, She's been by your side for a while, has that relationship ever turned from a professional standpoint?”

B.K: “Heavens no! Lady Kazue is a woman of class! One cannot simply, as some put it, “hit on her”. She’s exquisite! Her soft, pale, fair skin… fiery locks of mulberry hair. Her personality, has always been by my side, even when others haven’t… she’s.. Er- uhm- yes, she means a lot to me- Oh- Forgive me, what was the question?”

U.K: “Oh, it was about your relationship with your secretary, however, I got my answer.. Well then... What was your exact emotion after being told you were guilty? Anger? Hate? Disappointment? Sad?”
B.K: “Ah, now there’s a question! I would refer to it as a conglomerate of things. Hatred, anger, disappointment, sadness, happiness, and more. I felt many emotions that day. Disbelief, but relief. I am a changed man.”

U.K: “I could only imagine what you were exactly feeling. I know I'd be distraught if a family member sent me away. What is your new view on Saeko Koji, after she was the person who stripped you of all of your political power in Karakura?”
B.K: “She did not act alone. I myself led to my own downfall through my actions, the judges sentenced me, and my dear little brother stripped me of power. It was a team effort, really.”

U.K: “Do you regret physically assaulting Saeko? As well as what would you have to say towards her friends, more specifically Lorenza Santarossa, the person who started the whole ordeal..?”

B.K: “While I still believe adults should be adults, I do admit I was wrong in how I went about dealing with the situation. No matter what insult is thrown my way, no matter how many times I was- ASSAULTED, myself, I should have known I had no right to defend myself back. I have learned since to deal with my issues in a different way.”

U.K: “Your brother came to your face and if I recall, said he despised you and was disappointed, if you were to reply to that, what would you have said in return?”

B.K: “While I’ve forgiven Saeko, where is my dear brother now? Hmm? Yes, that’s what I thought…”

U.K: “Did you feel betrayed by your family after being arrested?”

B.K: “Yes and no. All I’ve ever done was to benefit the family, they turned their backs on me and left me to rot. I did it to myself, but my dear brother and sister, I could not entertain now if you paid me. As for my sister-in-law, the same thing. As for younger kin, Kosei, Kon, Mint, Saeko. I forgive them and have planned to work towards our relations.”

U.K: “Did you feel betrayed by your Co-workers for not standing up for you?”

B.K: “They were in service of my brother, they wouldn’t dare even if they wanted to. Besides, I was clearly in the wrong.”

U.K: “Will you be returning back to the Karakura political scene?”

B.K: “Perhaps, only time will tell.”

U.K: “Now, while in your absence, Alex Koji stepped down as mayor, Mister Akihito coming forth as the new one. What is your view on this?”

B.K: “From what I’ve heard, he is a much more competent Mayor and I hope I’m given the opportunity to work alongside him, creating the city Karakura was always meant to be.”

U.K: "Thank you, Mister Koji, that is all. Enjoy your evening."

Now isn't this all just... exciting? From Mister Koji's replies, it seems he's changed.. But has he actually? Do you also believe his relationship with his secretary was... more than professional? I mean who couldn't from that response. Or perhaps he was lying to please the press. This is all big news to take in, and I'm sure to keep you all updated in the near future on what happens to Bao Koji, and his family.


Level 130
B.K: “Heavens no! Lady Kazue is a woman of class! One cannot simply, as some put it, “hit on her”. She’s exquisite! Her soft, pale, fair skin… fiery locks of mulberry hair. Her personality, has always been by my side, even when others haven’t… she’s.. Er- uhm- yes, she means a lot to me- Oh- Forgive me, what was the question?”

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