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KARAKURA NEWS | What are Popular Citizen-Run Businesses?


Level 4
Written by Jeong-Won Maeng

Karakura is a bustling business hub for aspiring entrepreneurs, with a diverse demographic of consumers, ranging from the average student to wealthy adults. In the city, many citizens get to actualise their dreams of owning a business of their own. With a robust Shopping District north of the city’s epicentre, Karakura has much to boast in terms of economic prospects for the ambitious businessman.

Apart from the vast amount of physical businesses run by established business owners, Karakura also has a diverse scene in citizen entrepreneurship. In this report, the writer will be discussing the awareness, and the populace’s opinions on them!

Firstly, what are citizen-run businesses? They are commonly run by everyday citizens, such as the reader, and not by established and Government-recognised business owners. In addition to being run by, well, citizens, they commonly do not have a storefront as compared to the stores the reader may see around town!

Top: The storefront of Daisuki Yohin (Please sponsor Jeong-Won Maeng)

As such, the writer had interviewed citizens about their knowledge on local citizen-run businesses. Firstly, he asked the populace about the local businesses that they were aware of, and yielded many results. According to the people he interviewed, some of the most popular citizen-run businesses included Euphoria, a clothing tailoring business, founded by Sana Kekoa, and currently run by their CEO, Vivienne DuPont. Many of the people the writer had interviewed also mentioned that their outfit at the time came from Euphoria. Another popular mention would be Misfits Corporation, another clothing tailoring business. Founded by Fumihito Bonheur, the company is currently under the helm of their current CEO, Alessia Misono.

The writer was also fortunate to be able to interview and take pictures of some willing participants and their outfits from these tailoring businesses.

Top: Mano Yamashita-Takada, with an outfit from Elysian.

Top: Seo-Yun Deong, with an outfit from Misfits Corporation.

When asked why customers patronise tailoring businesses like these, they mentioned that they enjoy the diverse selection, style and creativity these businesses are able to offer to them. Apart from tailoring businesses that are run by citizens, the writer has found that citizens also run other businesses, such as an unnamed taxi service that provides transport services, Hoshino Productions, an up-and-rising entertainment company in Karakura, founded by Akane Hoshino. Lastly, MORZARELLA, a pizza delivery company, run by the writer’s very own nephew, Moriel Maeng!

Top: A picture from Hoshino Production’s model department (Onrain, 2024)

Top: A picture of MORZARELLA (MORZARELLA, 2024)

However, there have been some shortcomings observed with small businesses. When it comes to clothes tailoring businesses, some of the people the writer interviewed mentioned that these places may be inactive, thus customers may find some difficulty in purchasing an outfit from these businesses. Another problem mentioned was that some outfit tailoring businesses demand high prices for their outfits, with some places charging as much as 100,000 Yen for a single outfit. The writer would like to extend the question to the reader, are prices like these too expensive for the average consumer? Should clothes be charged at such a high price?

As a growing economical hub, Karakura is bound to see new entrepreneurial prospects, and new business ideas pop up eventually over the years. When the writer surveyed the general populace on what they hope to see in the upcoming future, many diverse responses were yielded. Some respondents mentioned that they hope to see more transport services, like Ubers, in the city, so that they need not rely on foot, or the metro system for a cheap way to get around. Others mentioned delivery services, including food delivery, and grocery delivery, such as from Mori’s Mini Mart. Having services like this would make a great impact on the convenience of locals and finding food or groceries, as some may not have the time to make a trip to the supermarket, or to cook. An interesting answer that stood out to the writer was entertainment, or bands for hire, for events such as parties, or the local school’s events, at assemblies and the like. Perhaps Hoshino Productions could take a look into that, or if any aspiring musicians, comedians or actors are willing to take the leap and advertise their services up for booking?

Once again, Karakura is a bustling place for the aspiring entrepreneur. Opportunities are rife, and starting one’s own business does not always need to stay merely a dream. This writer would like to mention that the reader, should they have dreams of starting their own business, to take the leap, and try it out. You never know what Karakura needs, and there is a target audience for everything! From imported alcohol from Italy to real estate, there is a target market for almost everything, and to establish your own business, one just needs to get it validated at the town hall. As the writer wraps up this article, he hopes he leaves you with more insight into the citizen-run business scene in our community.

Until then, stay hydrated!

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