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KARAKURA NEWS | What's more popular? Bikes or Motorcycles?


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Do YOU or the people you know like motorbikes or a Cycling bike? Let's see!

While vehicles are seen often speeding around the city, many people prefer cars over some type of bike, as for myself I was curious on if they had to choose a bike what kind of bike they would choose. So i went around asking people about their opinions on the choice, while some got more detailed conversations others decided on give me a simple answer on the topic, all answers will help me decipher which has more common answers, being a person of curiosity of people interests and how people think of certain things I'm sure, the motorcycle will get more favors over people, as more people find it more entertaining than a cycling bike. If anything I would hope to see more people wanting to use the cycling bike as it is more economically safe than the motorbike.

Throughout my daily walks through the town I’ve noticed a rather similar amount of the two bikes, I want to ask one of each of the riders of a motorbike or a cycling one if they would change their choice, if they could. It's more likely that a lot of them may not change their answers. Being a person that is truly interested in the type of things people are into, I love to learn, and gain this information, in hopes that it will be more included in the events of Karakura.

[The man in the photo, is Mozzie!]

Well now we will get into the transcripts of these different interviews that I was able to get to, a couple being individuals that enjoy the topic, or some that have no information on it, I tried to interview people that would give me many opinions on different bikes.

A interview with Miss Sugiyami! A transcript.

Ms. Sugiyama: “You would answer a couple questions for me? I’m currently working on a report.”

Karhu Shevhuk : “I would love to.”

Ms. Sugiyama: “First question, If you could bike out of a motorbike or a cycling bike with the money you currently have which would be more affordable?”

Karhu Shevhuk : “I would choose a bike mainly because it's affordable and a good workout”

Ms. Sugiyama:Thank you, Now for my next question, If you didn't have to think of affordability would your answer change at all?”

Karhu Shevhuk : I wouldnt change my answer, I enjoy cycling and it keeps me in good shape.”

Ms. Sugiyama: “And now for my last question, Would you say people would have the same answer as you?”

Karhu Shevhuk : “Probably not, many people enjoy driving and racing, but I'm sure if they had the money they would choose a motorbike.”

Ms. Sugiyama: “Thank you for your time, sir.”

As for the talk with Mr. Shevhuk it went smoothly. I would walk around more Karakura looking for anyone who would be interested in the topic, and if they would listen and reply to my questions, in hopes of determining which of the options are more to people's tastes. Whilst looking for a person to ask, I had come across a college student on the Spartans Baseball team, and decided to ask him the questions I had asked Mr. Shevhuk.

Ms. Sugiyama: “If you could afford a Motorbike or a Cycling bike, which of the two would you be able to get with the money you currently have?”

Tomas Bloomenfeld : “I have a car so buying either would be pointless to me.”

Ms. Sugiyama: “I see, that is understandable, next question. If you had to pick between the two which one would you choose, of course forgetting if u have a car already."

Tomas Bloomenfeld :
“If i had to choose one i would buy a Motorbike”

Ms. Sugiyama: “Do you think other people your age, or just in general would agree with your choice?”

Tomas Bloomenfeld :
“Absolutely! After all, I speak for the people.”

[A 1995 "FATBOY" Harley, that belongs to a Johnny Jin-Ryuk Reeves]

After writing down his responses I had continued to search for any other people I could possibly interview, while I was hoping to be able to interview a hospital staff member. I decided against it as I didn't want to disrupt the little bit of peace they have. So I went walking around, although the plaza would've been the easiest to do, I wanted someone who seemed a little bit interested in the topic, although the next person interviewed would be a Lawyer, by the name Ji Kaizen. Of course starting off the conversation with introducing myself, as Ms. Sugiyama, following along with the similar questions I asked the other two.

Ms. Sugiyama: “If you are able right now, which of a motorbike or cycling bike would be more affordable for you to buy?”

Ji Kaizen : "I would personally pick a Motorbike cause they are faster and take less effort."

Ms. Sugiyama: “Thank you, I’ll write that down.. Now if you didn't have to think about money would your answer change at all?”

Ji Kaizen : “No i wouldn't change my mind, My answer will remain Motorbike.”

Ms. Sugiyama: “I'm gonna quickly write down your answers.. Okay! Now for the last question I have. Do you think other people will agree with you?”

Ji Kaizen : "I would hope they do.. or there is something wrong with them."

Ms. Sugiyama: “Thank you for your time..”

[A bike owned by Erkan T.]

After that I would go around asking different people their opinions on motorcycles and what benefits they have, most of the people i had spoken to said they were fast and more enjoyable to ride. A few others said they like cycling bikes but had ultimately decided on Motorcycles, having seen all these peoples reactions and replies I have grown more interested in the type of things people enjoy doing here. So far I've heard Street Racing is fun for a lot of the individuals I have asked for this report! Moving on to the last two people I had decided to interview that I had interviewed at the same time.

Ms. Sugiyama: “Excuse me, you two gentlemen. Would you mind if I asked you a couple questions?”

Mr. Yamazaki :
“Depends what they’re about.”

Ms. Sugiyama: “Just a couple questions on bikes!”

Intentsu : “Sure i wouldn't mind!

Ms. Sugiyama: “Okay first question, if you had to buy one with the money you have now, which would you choose? A motorbike or a Cycling bike.”

Intentsu : "A cycling bike, due to remembering how expensive Motorbikes are."

Mr. Yamazaki :
"Motorbike, though honestly both are too expensive"

Ms. Sugiyama: “Thank you now for the next question. If you could pick either of the two without the involvement of money, would your answer change?”

Intentsu :

Mr. Yamazaki : "Why would i? who would pick a cycling bike over a motorbike"

Ms. Sugiyama:Wonderful, now for the last question you two! Do you think others will agree with your choices?”

Intentsu :

Mr. Yamazaki : "I would hope so, but people have their own thoughts."

Ms. Sugiyama: “That's all the question i have, thank you both for answering my questions!”

[A Shuzuki RGV500]

After talking to Mr. Yamazaki and Intentsu, I would walk around Karakura asking people the simple question if they like Motorbikes or Cycling Bikes more, Although a lot of them were confused by the sudden strange question from a blue haired woman.. But from the answers I had received were that 12 people like Motorbikes, while one person had chosen a Cycling bike, Even while walking although more cars than any bike.. I always did see more Motorbikes, it is rather interesting that people chose a flashy, most times dangerous vehicle over a safe, for both you and the environment, type of ride. Even through it all it was interesting to learn what people had to say and how they think of the topic, and how most times if money isn't involved they would almost always pick the engine required one!

As time goes on I look forward to learning more and more about the interests of the citizens of Karakura, knowing from the outside it's a town full of children, and would always have a high rate of crime. Learning the likes and maybe dislikes of certain people can be fun! While I can't wait to go around asking more people about the topics, it will always be a treat to be able to document the process, which I plan to do with all my future reports! Overall, of the 13 people I've asked only 1 choose differently! Which is so interesting.. After hearing all the reasons, I can see why most would want a motorbike! I mean, what about you reading this, either from your browser or one of our newspapers, or even just from the news channel! What would you choose if you had to pick one of the two? Would you want a Motorbike that takes less effort to drive around and looks far cooler, but will require you to pay gas to drive? Or would you be with the single person that chose the Cycling bike, with the benefit of it improving your physical health, while also helping the environment from the terrible fumes that the Motorbike will have leaked into the atmosphere!

Thank you so much for reading, as this is my first report in Karakura getting any feedback will be lovely! If you wish for me to write on a topic give the News hotline a call, or my personal number a call, (030) 450 0032.

[Here are some outtake shots i did other the bikes above!]





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