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KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: The Karakura Umbrella Crisis!


Level 88


N. Jaibatsume, 2024

There is an issue in Karakura that NO one seems to talk about.. In plaza, at the beach, at the pier, around the city! They’re everywhere! All these umbrellas… of unusually SMALL size!

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

I went to EVERY public spot in Karakura I could find that had umbrellas, and was ultimately very disappointed with the result! Every umbrella I found appeared to look EXACTLY the same besides the color! ONTOP of that .. they were all - you guessed it! SMALL!!! My first stop of course, was the city Plaza, which I took a nice close-up photo of the standard city umbrella. As you can see, its a simple small umbrella with a tall pole.. Some could even say its quite unproportionate!

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

Next I went to the beach to give a BETTER view at how small these things really are! Now, as you can see, this umbrella pole is the same height at me! So quite tall, yes? But.. the actual umbrella part didn’t seem to fit the pole! Its incredibly SMALL in comparison to the pole! Below I set up a camera to take a photo of me, and as you can see, the umbrella BARELY covers me! Matter of fact, when I tried to stand underneath it, a bit of my head peaked out!

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

But you know what? I’ll give credit where credit is due, SOME umbrella’s do cover the seats placed at the beach given its slanted… (The other chair is totally exposed though!!)

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

Now you can say “Nigiri! You didnt try to sit at any of the seats at plaza! You need to sit down at a table to test the umbrella coverage!”and you’re right! SO I did you one better, I went to the pier and sat outside Rotasu Music where they had even SMALLER tables than plaza. Why is that an important fact? Because! Seeing at the table is smaller, realistically, I should have a better chance of being covered by the umbrellas! And you know, I was covered! … BARLEY!!! I set up a camera to take a side profile photo of me sitting at the table IN THE RAIN to show the coverage.. And as you can see! Barely half of my head was covered!

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

ONTOP OF THAT!!!! I took a photo looking straight up from my POV of sitting at the table, showing exactly how much of the umbrella covered me! A NORMAL umbrella wouldve been all you can see in the photo! However, these unnamed and unmarked Umbrellas spread across the city did NOT cover the entire photo, instead you can clearly see the sky!

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

Now if this wasn’t proof enough, I went around the city more - ending up right beside my own News Station! Here is a table that is the exact size as the ones in Plaza, and is actually the standard outdoor table size you’ll find in Karakura. I did a similar set up as I did at the pier, where I took a side profile photo of me sitting there. And to no shock of anyone at all, I wasn’t covered at ALL! Thankfully this time it wasn’t raining .. but come on! Just look at it! The umbrella is doing absolutely NONE of its purpose!!

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

And if that wasn’t enough, heres another photo of me looking up! And LOOK! To even have the umbrella in FRAME of the photo I had to tilt it forward, further showing how USELESS the umbrella is! Might as well remove it from the table as a WHOLE!

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

Now, another issue I’d like to bring up regarding the Umbrellas is… WHERE IS THE CITY GETTING THESE!? They’re all the same shape, make, size, and model! Only difference? The color! Did the city get these things for 75% off at some clearance section!? Why invest SO much money on umbrellas that don’t even work! They’re practically only there for aesthetics!!

N. Jaibatsume, 2024

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Level 145
ngl thought this was gonna be like some spin-off of the show The Umbrella Academy SRP edition lmao- anyways W article

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