Level 7
IGN: Bald1Discord: bald7594
Describe your activity on the server: 7-8/10 depending on work shifts and irl plans!
What is the name of your business?: KCW aka Karukura Combat World
Attach a discord link to your business here:
In a paragraph or more, please describe what your business does:
The KCW business has moved to karukura to provide a new form of entertainment, and help push forward talented individuals who are wanting to show the world their skills in the art of combat sports, KCW are able to host live events in front of a audience who have bought tickets, they are also able to do private events for parties etc, however this option is limited to certain conditions. Around the city there is plenty of business however not a lot for the entertainment of civilians in the city of karukura so this is why KCW is here to provide the perfect night of entertainment for the people of the great city.
Is your business non-profit or for-profit?:
Personally i do not care for the profit that the company makes, however we will need money to provide payments and the prizes for the fights, the way we plan to make money is charging for customers to attend events and post fight events, and also providing food and drinks at prices for the attendees, we will also have a V.I.P lounge where we will charge people a bit more money to get a better view and more options for the V.I.P members, for example a bar, tvs, and if allowed a betting lounge where they can bet on fights on the night and see if they are able to win money or lose it.
What is your business’s mission statement?:
"KCW is here to provide the best entertainment possible, tired of the theme park? Basketball? Attend the event for one of the best nights of your life."
What do you plan to accomplish with your business?:
My goal with this is to provide a business where players can come and enjoy a event and have a great night on the server, taking a different route from my normal activity on the server ive wanted to host something like this for a while, however i never really made any progress due to certain rules and regulations, but with talks and questions i was able to set up a business which would not be interfering with FC "Concept", with this business i hope to make in popular and host frequent events so that players are constantly able to come watch the pre fight shows (Face offs and press conferences) and the main events, i also want to help other players push their rp skills and allow anyone who has the dedication to join the business and hopefully be apart of a great project.
Specify one event your business would host/take part in on the server:
Grand Opening
With a fight card arranged with numerous fighters and other employees to help run the event, we would start with a press conference/face off to build up excitement and hype for the upcoming event.
Face off day
Starting the day, we would announce a set time and date for the first part of the event, in this part anyone who has paid for tickets can attend the event to watch the fighters ask any questions the audience may have, and any questions the reporters may have. After this the fighters will be asked questions by the employees for example: "Who do you think will win" "What do you think of your opponent" and any other questions. At this point the fighters may engage in a little push and shove, making the rp experience more fun and making the fight seem to have more emotion and purpose. After the event is done the audience and fighters will go home hopefully excited for fight day.
On this day we will start opening the Area where the fighters will perform, this is where the audience can start to enter the arena and get any items we will offer for the event and take their seats, Before the fights we will allow V.I.P members and reporters access to the area where the fighters stay to observe the fighters pre fight, The Reporters if they wish can perform exclusive interviews with all the fighters. After the interview process the V.I.P members and Reporters will be escorted to their areas to get prepared for the event.
Medical Checks and Fighter Preparations
After the Fighters are in the area and it is time for their fights, Their coaches will start the wrapping of gloves and backstage warm ups, if they wish having a member of the opposite team inside the area to observe to make sure no wrong doings happen during the preparations, After the fighters are ready and prepared they will head over to some of our employees who will check their gloves and do a quick observation to make sure the fighters are prepared correctly and the fight will be fair for both parties
Lower Card Fights
Starting the night there will be 3 fights before the main event, these fights will normally be straight forward with just a normal MMA/Boxing fight providing build up to the later events and the main event. The announcer will enter the ring announcing the first fighter who will head to the ring with his team, this will be followed by the next fighter with their team, once both fighters are in the ring the announcer will announce how many rounds and how long the rounds will be, and then will go on to announce the weight height and names of the fighters. After this process the referee will proceed to bring the fighters to the centre and talk them through the basic rules and to be alert of the referees and bell. Then the fights will start, proceeding through each fight and declaring a winner or draw of each one.
Main Event
After the lower cards it will be time for the main event, in this event it will always be something unique for example championship fights 2v2 fights and maybe even 3v3 fights. Depending on how many fighters their may be co main events for both male and females. The main card will follow the same process of the lower cards bringing the Main event fighters to the ring and announcing them, Normally the main event fights will have longer rounds and extra rounds on top. The fighters will go to their fights and then the referee will declare the winner or a draw, However this is what is different with the KCW, we do not believe in draws. if the fight ends in a draw the fight will enter a overtime round until on of the fighters can be declared the winner.
After Fight Interviews
After the fight the fighters if they wish can take part in interviews to share their thoughts on the fight and provide information on their next plans and if they will continue to fight.
Do you understand that your business may lose its verified status if not kept active?:
I do acknowledge this and will make sure the event is active
Do you have any additional comments?:
If their is any questions about this please come to my dms and im happy to answer anything!!