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[ -- Keiko O. Honne / オサナイホンネ ● ケイコ | Biography/Lore -- ]


Level 4
[OOC]: All the information below is not to be taken ICly, unless it is discovered by your character. Some parts of this bio are also subject to change.


[ill insert an image later]
"Bitch, life's too short for followin' rules."


N A M E || Keiko Osanai Honne.
N I C K N A M E S || Kei, Cake, Nurse.
G E N D E R || Female.
A G E || 20.
H E I G H T || 1.8m (5'11").
W E I G H T || 68kg (150lbs).
B U I L D || She is strong, as shown by her six-pack.
R A C E || Korean.
D A T E ' O F ' B I R T H || Unknown.
P L A C E ' O F ' B I R T H || Seoul.
N A T I O N A L I T Y || Korean.
S E X U A L I T Y || Unknown.
R E L I G I O N || None.
P O L I T I C A L ' S T A N C E || None.


A B N O R M A L I T I E S || None.
T A T T O O S || None.
P I E R C I N G S || None.
S K I N ' C O L O U R || She has tanned skin, showing the time she spends outside.
E Y E ' C O L O U R || She has a pair of bright, blue eyes.
H A I R ' C O L O U R || She has naturally brown hair.
H A I R ' S T Y L E || She bears a nice, well-kept head of hair. It falls far, almost reaching her legs.
C L O T H I N G || She is usually seen wearing a jacket with a dark crop top hidden behind it, as well as a pair of black pants. She is also seen wearing a nurse outfit, or a black outfit for crime-related needs...


B E H A V I O U R || She mostly cares about herself, but she's still protective over her friends. She spends her spare time vandalizing the school or starting trouble.
L I K E S || Vandalism, fighting, alcohol, rejecting people, and taking risks.
H A T E S || School, and the police.
A D D I C T I O N S || She has an alcohol addiction...
F E A R S || Abandonment, being arrested, and loss.

[ -- ATTRIBUTES -- ]

D E X T E R I T Y || Her ability to use instruments and weapons is good.
I N T E L L E C T || Her overall knowledge is average.
S T R E N G T H || Her overall strength is good.
P E R C E P T I O N || Her ability to take note of her surroundings is good.
E N D U R A N C E || Her overall stamina and ability to outlast others is good.
R E A S O N || Her overall charisma and ability to talk her way out of problems is very good.
S T A B I L I T Y || Her overall predictability and ability to control herself is terrible...
A G I L I T Y || Her ability to move swiftly is very good.
L U C K || Her overall luck is bad...

[ -- FAMILY -- ]

Keiko Honne, herself (alive).
"Yeah, I know I act like a bitch, but d'ya think I fuckin' care? I love bein' this way, so I'll keep doin' my thing."

[REDACTED], mother (dead).
"I won't forget any of the shit ya did. Love ya."
"...fuck cancer."

[REDACTED], father (alive).
"Love how ya got me into art, mainly 'cause it got me into vandalism n' shit. It's a shame ya gotta stay in Seoul."

[ -- ASSOCIATES -- ]

Akira Aka-Hasashi, best friend, ex boyfriend (alive).
"You're the best fuckin' person I know. We've been friends for years, and shit'll stay that way for life."
"...I can't live without ya."

Masaru Murasaki, friend (alive).
"Ya make a good friend, and ya also understand how good drinkin' is."

Sunny Shibuya-Hasashi, friend (dead).
"Ya may not respond to me, but that ain't gonna stop me from chillin' with ya."
"...stop smokin' already."

Kenshi Hasashi, best friend (alive).
"Ya say some fucked up shit, but I like hearin' it, doc."

Ryooki H. Siduki, friend (alive).
"You're a nice person, and ya keep me from fightin' sometimes. It's a fuckin' surprise."

'Sparky', pet (alive).
"You're the best dog I know, 'cause ya always smuggle booze and threaten to bite hands off 'n shit."

Rick Smith, friend (alive).
"Ya remind me of Aki, but ya do way more illegal shit than him."

Maria Marino, friend (alive).
"Ya remind me of myself a bit, but without the fightin' and criminal shit."


[ -- PART I -- ] (WIP)

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