Level 5
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
That account has a bear and a cat whitelist; if it is possible, I'd prefer to keep the cat.
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Accepted - Kevalhi's teacher Application.
KEVALHI’S TEACHER APPLICATION *ੈ✰‧₊˚༺✰༻*ੈ✰‧₊*ੈ✰‧₊˚༺✰༻*ੈ✰‧₊ Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Kevalhi [I’m applying on my Lochnessic account] Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): Kevalhi Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a...
KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): NO1UKNO Previous bans: N/A Describe your activity on the server?: To be honest, my activity on the server has been a minimum of 8 and a high of 9 seeing as currently, I am always on the server even if...
Kevalhi's KPD Application.
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Kevalhi જ⁀➴๋࣭ Alt: Lochnessic I am applying on my main account's first slot. Discord Name & Tag: Kevalhi Which timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time [EST] List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications...
Accepted - Kevalhi's teacher Application.
KEVALHI’S TEACHER APPLICATION *ੈ✰‧₊˚༺✰༻*ੈ✰‧₊*ੈ✰‧₊˚༺✰༻*ੈ✰‧₊ Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Kevalhi [I’m applying on my Lochnessic account] Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): Kevalhi Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a...
KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): NO1UKNO Previous bans: N/A Describe your activity on the server?: To be honest, my activity on the server has been a minimum of 8 and a high of 9 seeing as currently, I am always on the server even if...
Kevalhi's KPD Application.
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Kevalhi જ⁀➴๋࣭ Alt: Lochnessic I am applying on my main account's first slot. Discord Name & Tag: Kevalhi Which timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time [EST] List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications...
Describe your activity on the server:
I currently work through the weekdays. My day starts at 7 am and ends at 4 pm from Monday to Thursday. On Friday, I only work till 12; although my day may be long, I make time to be on the server. I play the main character on the College Female Basketball team, meaning I frequently come online. When I first joined, I participated in GangRP. It was a time of my life where I was hopping from gang to gang because gang RP was slowly dying. For a while, I did miss GangRP, but I only recently made a character for GangRP.
I currently work through the weekdays. My day starts at 7 am and ends at 4 pm from Monday to Thursday. On Friday, I only work till 12; although my day may be long, I make time to be on the server. I play the main character on the College Female Basketball team, meaning I frequently come online. When I first joined, I participated in GangRP. It was a time of my life where I was hopping from gang to gang because gang RP was slowly dying. For a while, I did miss GangRP, but I only recently made a character for GangRP.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Busy: 7 AM-4 PM | Busy: 7 AM-4 PM | Busy: 7 AM-6 PM | Busy: 7 AM-4 PM | Busy: 7 PM-12 PM | FREE ALL DAY | FREE ALL DAY |
What is your motivation for applying?:
During my time on SRP, I've been in various factions, some of which are sports teams, EMS as a psychiatrist, and the school faction. Becoming a member of the KPD would present that challenge and offer me an even stronger motivation to continue my journey within SRP. Although I've spent time on the past factions, I always wanted more, a challenge to push me further, a challenge to push me to be a better roleplayer.
I want to contribute a positive attitude to the KPD, helping our community be at its best, whether by upholding the law or responding to emergencies. Being a member of this faction would help me expand my roleplay experiences, I am convinced that joining this faction will not only help my development as a role player but also enable me to give back to the community in a way that enhances SRP's experience for everyone.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police work is about teamwork and communication; everyone needs to be one and help one other, pushing the limits. Officers need each other.
"There's no I in team."
Policing is fast-paced and has a wide range of responsibilities, often in high-pressure situations; they are tasked with maintaining order, responding to emergencies, and working to prevent crime. Police work is most important, whether through patrols or community engagement. Officers work along with citizens, businesses, and organizations to build strong relationships through public cooperation. Additionally, modern policing needs training in areas such as conflict resolution, de-escalation tactics, and crisis intervention. Officers must keep an unbiased and professional attitude to this job.
Baton: Used as a way to diable hosile individuals. Batons can be used by all KPD officers, they're made out of a type of plastic to prevent serious harm/ damage.
Tranquilizer: Only used by Police Sergeants and Detectives. The tranquilizer is almost like a dart; when shot, it calms the body, making it easy to detain.
Handcuffs: Can be used by all KPD members; they're a linked chain with metal rings to put around the wrists. Handcuffs are a restraining method, making resistance/ escape harder for the individual. Handcuffs are mainly used for taking people into custody.
Radio: A communication device that connects KPD and EMS. This item can be broken but not mugged.
Body Cam: Used to record all situations, placed on an officer's outfit. It needs to be on while patrolling or taking in an individual.
Luminol Spray: This item is inaccessible to all KPD and is used to spray on top of masks/ weapons to check for blood.
Riot Shield: Used to protect officers. Can serve to protect from blunt objects and any thrown projectiles. When the shield is equipped in the officer’s main hand, they are unable to use an offensive weapon.
First Aid Kit: Contains bandages, syringes, adhesive tape, padding, and large bandages that can function as a temporary sling or agent to bind said wound. It can also extend a victim’s survival time by five additional minutes before they succumb to blood loss.
Crowbar: Gioven to Corprals, can be used to open locked doors/ anything that can be locked. This is used to open anything that could be considered to be hosting any suspicious objects.
Pepper Spray: Used by both KPD and EMS; can blind someone for a short amount of time. If the person has a gas mask, the spray will not work and should be stayed directly in the eyes.
Gas Mask: Can be used by both KPD and EMS, specifically to prevent any unwanted chemicals from affecting the body.
Commissioner: The highest role in the police department, the main man of the Karakura Police Department. Managing day-to-day control, reviewing resources and criminal data.
Captain: Within the main division, it's the highest ranking for the division. Working hand in hand with the Commissioner. They're second ranking to the Commissioner, making them able to demand.
Luteninant: Police forces higher-up, their job is to collect information and report to the Commissioner if needed.
Sergeant: Another important role of the Main Devision; they oversee divisions like patrol officers and detectives.
Corporal: Trained to help new cadets with the roles of the Police Department, they can be put in situations where their lives can be put at risk.
Patrol Officer: They can go off duty but do not hold any power over the other ranks. They're officers who just passed training, they go through the streets, answer phone calls, and sit at the desk for any questions.
Cadet: The last ranking, officers who just got accepted into the Police Department. They're unable to patrol alone, having higher rankings join them. They're usually taking less dangerous situations because they've yet to take their exams.
Detective Department
Detective Constable: They're the lowest ranking, much like cadets. They have been picked by the Detective Higher Up team, they have been seen as trustworthy enough to take on this role.
Detective Sergeants: They specialize in forensic work and interrogations; they're able to train other detectives, and they gather evidence for crime cases.
Detective Inspector: They're able to train new oncoming detectives. Trusted help with cases and can be tasked with interrogations.
Detective Chief Inspector: The Chief Inspector is second to the Detective Superintendent. They're to oversee the department and report back to the Detective Superintendent. Specifically in cases where one is abusing their ranking.
Detective Superintendent: This is the highest ranking in the detective ranks; they are the thoughts behind the detective system, keeping authority to the detective division.
They're are 6 codes used for the Karakura Police department, specifically the 10 codes which I won't put the meanings to for roleplay reasons.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
KPD plays a crucial role in maintaining order and balance within the server. Without law enforcement, chaos would likely happen, and there would be no system in place to hold every character accountable for their actions. The police department ensures that when a character engages in unlawful roleplay, there will be consequences to actions, reinforcing the roleplay environment that makes the server engaging for everyone on the server.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training is hosted while I’m on duty, I am required to be present; otherwise, I risk being punished.
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
Brandy Hertz
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, she/her
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
(I have to apply for this language on my alt)
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Brandy stands at 5’6” with long, golden blonde hair that cascades perfectly over her shoulders, her hair practically overgrown, framing her delicate features. Speaking of aura, Brandy fully embraces her identity as a self-proclaimed witch, pouring all of her hard-earned money into an ever-growing collection of shimmering crystals, tarot decks, and other trinkets. Brandy keeps an eyepatch over her left eye, although she says it's only for show. Underneath the eyepatch, her left eye was blind at birth. Her right eye was light green mixed with blue, while her left eye was a pink and white color.
Her style is a living tribute to the 1960s, almost as if she’s stepped straight out of a time machine. With a love for vintage fashion, she creates outfits that scream free-spirited, bohemian. Specifically, long, flowing skirts are a staple in her wardrobe, often paired with lace tops, shawls, and dangling silver jewelry, including her prized possession, a necklace that held her late uncle's ashes. Brandy strives for the enchanting, whimsical spirit of a current-day witch.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Although Brandy is a free-spirited woman who enjoys walks through Karakura forests barefoot, she shows up to professional settings with a poise, unbowed, and un-intimidated demeanor. She uses everything in her spirit to rise to the top, showing that anyone can use help, no matter the age or status. She will put her heart into her work. Brandy stops at nothing to create fairness and a community in which people can live comfortably. She is not one to shy away from people instead, she welcomes them with open arms, ready to help anyone who needs it. Brandy is a hard-working woman; she has been since she was young.
Some things are important to Hertz, but tending to those in need is one of her top priorities. Hertz has fears of this world and wonders when she will be one with the forest forever, but she is open-minded to risks and accepts them with no regrets.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Brandy strives above and beyond when it comes to teamwork; she grew up on it all of her life. She puts her soul into making friendships. She goes out of her way to speak to her colleagues when duty is not needed, she enjoys making connections with those around her, and when it comes down to it, she puts her everything into her community, caring very deeply for those around her. She's the kind of girl to invite you to every event she will be headed to, even if it's just her walking through the forest alone. Hertz's fear is excluding a friend, she wants everyone to feel welcomed into her life, even if the feeling isn't reciprocated. She will rise above, showing her skills to her co-workers and putting them on the table because she knows she has the power to make an impact.
Brandy is driven by the idea of upholding and having others' backs. Although she may not be a leader, she is the one who will always stand at the leader's left-hand side with her head held high.
What's your character's backstory?
In January 1996, Brandy was born to a loving mother. Her father was not present in her life, so she was given her mother's maiden name. Hertz grew up very close to her mother's side of the family, specifically her mother, her aunt (mom’s sister), and her aunt’s husband. Once she was born, the world brightened a bit. From her first steps, it was clear Brandy was going to be a girl with spunk to her. The young girl's favorite activity growing up was dancing, specifically barefoot. Since she was born, she was free-spirited, not caring how she proceeded by people; all she cared for was being seen. When Brandy was born, her left eye was impaired, a white fog practically covering her iris. It was obvious by a young age that she would be blind in one eye, and it came out true; at not even 6 months old, Brandy's left eye was fully blind.
Brandy Hertz was born in a small town in Germany, Her town didn’t have Wi-Fi, so she depended on gossip, specifically through her mother. Although her home was small, she was always out helping people with small tasks such as helping the elderly, tending to the sick, tending to small crops, and helping with her mother's bakery. Her mother's bakery had everything you could ever dream of. The pastries always came out hot, each batch tasted like the hard work the Hertz took time on. Her aunt began working alongside Brandy’s mother; the two were almost attached at the hip. Wherever one went, the other followed with a smile, and Brandy began to join them on their adventures, even if she always wished for a sister to be at her hip.
Brandy Hertz struggled with the fact she was blind in one eye, usually keeping her left eye closed at all times so people didn't notice, even though it caught people's attention more than it would’ve before. Brandy thought if she was to hide the fact she was born impaired, people would never have a reason to pity her. She didn't want to be seen as fragile and depended on her determination. She swore she would never be pitied in her life because of her blindness.
Brandy's power to help others never stopped, despite her challenges. If anything, they made her stronger to push herself further, not allowing herself to rest. Brandy's unique perspective allowed her to connect deeply with those she helped, making her an irreplaceable asset to her community. Her resilience inspired others, demonstrating that true strength lies in overcoming obstacles with compassion and determination.
For a while, Brandy’s father's absences played a part in her life, always pondering why the outcome was him not in her life, but as she got older, she lost care or even want. She didn't want to know his excuses or what he had to say because she had a beautiful small family. Very quickly, Hertz’s uncle filled the slot as a father figure, he did everything in his power to put a smile on the gaping-toothed girl's face. When she was at the age of 10, her uncle and aunt built a small playset in the back of their yard for her to play. Although the playset was small, she grew up on it, spending every free moment on it.
Brandy’s time with her family and friends was her warmest moment, she loved to be active within her community, giving trust and time to most things she put her mind to. However, her time with her uncle was short-lived. At the age of 14, her uncle passed away from a heart attack, and her world came crashing down. Not only was her father not present, but now her father figure was gone, and her healing process was nothing but chaotic. Her mood swings not just as a girl who couldn’t pause her life to heal but as a girl who was growing up. The answer to whether she ever healed is a touchy subject. She never had the time to grieve fully because of her fast-paced lifestyle, but after a while, she began to come to terms with her loss. She found solace in her community and the memories of her uncle, using them as a source of strength. Over time, she learned to balance her grief with her daily life, gradually finding peace.
Hertz quickly got tired of every day being the same: wake up, get dressed, and head outside to help. It got too repetitive for her because every day was the same; nothing new happened in her town. So for a good amount of time, she went back and forth throughout countries to see what they offered her, and when she finally got to Karakura, she was hooked. The people and the buildings had her in awe, but they also had WI-FI... Brandy loved how every day was different; almost everything was new, so she stayed and has now called Karakura home.
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
You are not legally allowed to own a pocketknife in Karakura.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
The five medical items you are allowed to have without a prescription are glasses, an eyepatch, paracetamol, cough syrup, and a wooden cane. All other items must have a prescription.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Brandy would come into the situation with an unbiased opinion until she heard both sides of the story, quickly taking action not caring for the story until later, her main concern was making sure the inmate was safe. Radioing for backup and removing the two from each other so the situation would not escalate further. Leaving the inmate to EMS, she would question her co-worker to figure out where everything went wrong.
"I'd start by keeping my composure if I am to react in an unthoughtful way the situation could escalate further. Turing my body cam on to record the situation, I would keep my eye on the situation, back away enough so they're unable to hear me, and call for back up over my radio immediately. I'd ask for EMS to make their way over to the department to check on the inmate, I will take my co-worker from the situation quickly, getting them away from the inmate. He/she is then put against a wall for a standard patdown of the body. Femoving any sharp/ weaponry from their body; I'd report to a higher ranked officer giving them the footage I had on my body cam."
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Brandy would step onto the scene noticing her co-worker was being assaulted... She'd radio for backup, telling them to make their way to said location immediately, turning on her body camera before she even arrived at the situation, seeing as her body cam was already on; she wouldn't have to turn it on. Tasing the aggressor, cuffing them, and then moving back to her co-worker, she'd make sure they got to EMS to be checked up on. If the aggressor was to get away, Brandy would make it her duty to find them, passing out a warrant for them. Taking time to make sure her co-worker was going to be okay, using her radio, she'd make sure 110 was aware of the situation so they're able to help her find said person. If she was to find the person, they'd be put against any nearest wall, patting them down for any sharp weapons. If there were none, she'd cuff them and put them into custody. If there were any harmful objects, she'd take them, spraying them down with luminol spray checking for any blood left on the objects.
"I would approach the area noticing my co-worker was being assaulted, radioing for backup right away, I'd tell them the exact where about on where we were. I would already have my body camera on, so there would be no reason to turn it on.. Maybe I'd straighten it? I'd tasing the aggressor and cuffing them so I could tend to my co-worker I'd make sure they were to be checked by EMS. If they were to get away somehow, I would call 110 to make sure they knew they had escaped and for them to keep their eye out describing them, making sure they have all details of the person and the situation. When they're found, I would get them against a wall to cuff them, patting their body down to check for any weapons. If there was, I'd spray them down with luminol spray to check for blood, although I'd still take them to custody."
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Brandy stumbled upon the criminal activity that her co-orker was condoning, She'd make sure her face was unreadable, maybe even putting on a fake smile to ensure her thoughts weren't on her face. She'd gather any evidence on the gang, making sure she had enough evidence to go to higher-ups on the matter. Telling them everything that happened and sharing her body cam footage.
"I assume my co-worker didn't come to me in confidence on this, so I'm going to take it that I stumbled upon this randomly. I'd put on my best poker face so my true emotions weren't known, making sure my body cam was on to record everything being said or done. I'd start by gathering evidence, looking for more clues, and researching the gang. I would need to have enough evidence to go to a higher-up on what was going on. I would place my co-worker under arrest, telling them the charges placed against them and the laws they've broken. I'd let them know their bail price and the sentence they'll be doing."
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
She'd deny the offer completely, making it clear she had no interest in bridery and that it wasn't going to work. She'd add it to the list of charges, making sure it was on their record. If they were to continue, she would put it down as an Obstruction of Justice. Brandy's job is to uphold the law; there is nothing that would waver her loyalty to the law.
"Am I allowed to laugh? No? Alright then, sorry, I’ll keep it serious. First of all, I want to make it clear that I would never, under any circumstances, accept a bribe. Any attempt to offer me one would be immediately shut down quickly, and I would ensure that the bribery itself is added to the list of charges against the individual. If they proceed with such an attempt, I would document it as an Obstruction of Justice. My duty as an officer is to uphold the law with confidence, and I take that responsibility very seriously. No amount of money would ever change or challenge my commitment to enforcing justice fairly and unbiasedly. Ensuring that the law is respected and maintained will always be my top priority."
Thank you.
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