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Kevalhi's KPD Application.


Level 5

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
જ⁀➴๋࣭ Alt: Lochnessic

I am applying on my main account's first slot.

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
Eastern Standard Time [EST]

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED]

Busy: 1PM-5PM
Free: 5:00 PM- 2 AM
Busy: 1PM-5PM
Free: 5:00 PM- 2 AM
Busy: 1PM-5PM
Free: 5:00 PM- 2 AM
Busy: 1PM-4PM
Free: 4:00 PM- 2 AM

Describe your activity on the server:
When I am off of work I maintain a high level of presence on the server, utilizing almost all of my available free time to stay active and engaged. This consistent participation ensures that I am frequently online and accessible.

What is your motivation for applying?:
The reason I am applying for this faction is because, during my time on SRP, I have discovered a genuine enjoyment in exploring and experiencing new factions. Despite my enthusiasm and active participation, I have yet to find a faction that truly aligns with my interests and aspirations. My time on SRP has been marked by frequent transitions between factions, each offering unique experiences, but none that fully resonate with me. I am hopeful that this faction will provide the fulfilling environment I have been seeking.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
✩ Cadet
Role: The rank of trainee officers.
Duties: Learning through tasks including criminal investigation, crime prevention, enforcement duties, traffic control, and responding to calls under the supervision of a higher-up.

✩ Patrol Officer
Role: Basic operational officer.
Duties: Responding to calls, writing crime reports, answering questions from people.

✩ Corporal
Role: Junior supervisory rank.
Duties: Includes all patrol officer duties plus supervising police personnel, providing training, and overseeing field activities for prisoners.

✩ Sergeant
Role: First-line supervisor.
Duties: Assigning, planning, reviewing, and checking the work of police, coordinating police operations, and responding to calls and questions.

✩ Lieutenant
Role: Mid-level supervisory officer.
Duties: Planning work schedules, overseeing cases, assisting work, conducting investigations, and aiding officers.

✩ Captain
Role: Senior supervisory officer.
Duties: Allocating budget resources, studying criminal data to identify trends, and providing information to reporters about investigations and ongoing cases.

✩ Commissioner
Role: Executive leader of the police force.
Duties: Managing day-to-day administration, reviewing budget resources and criminal data, and providing directives to captains regarding management.

Detective Department Ranks and Responsibilities

✩ Detective
Role: Entry-level investigator.
Duties: Crime scene examination, interviewing witnesses and suspects, testifying in court, gathering facts and physical evidence, and observing suspect activities.

✩ Detective Sergeant
Role: Supervisory detective.
Duties: Investigating criminal cases, gathering evidence for organized crime cases, and performing the duties of a police sergeant.

✩ Detective Inspector
Role: Senior investigative officer.
Duties: Handling sensitive documents, completing investigation documentation, obtaining witness statements, protecting informants and witnesses, and investigating official corruption.

✩ Detective Chief Inspector
Role: Senior management investigator.
Duties: Planning, monitoring, and managing operational police activities, resource deployment, and performing similar tasks as other detective ranks.

✩ Detective Superintendent
Role: Head of the detective division.
Duties: Supervising and managing detective performance, ensuring completion of tasks ordered by the commissioner, testifying in court, and protecting informants and witnesses.

(Thank you NCIS)

Service Stripes

Meaning: Each service stripe represents 5 years of service.
1 stripe = 5 years
2 stripes = 10 years
3 stripes = 15 years
4 stripes = 20 years
5 stripes = 25 years
6 stripes = 30 years
7 stripes = 35 years
8 stripes = 40 years

Essential Police Equipment

✩ Radios
Function: Vital communication tool, relaying information and coordinating with officers and EMS.

✩ Nightstick (Baton)
Function: Used for controlling and dispersing crowds, especially during riots.

✩ Handcuffs
Function: Used to restrain suspects, preventing further assault or escape during transport.

✩ Flashlights
Function: Essential for brightening dark areas, and aiding officers in various situations, especially in low-light conditions.

✩ Tasers
Function: Non-lethal force option for subduing suspects. Requires extensive training to avoid causing serious injury.

✩ Breathalyzer
Function: Measures blood alcohol content to determine if a driver is above the legal limit, enhancing road safety.

✩ Riot Shield
Function: Protects officers from attacks with blunt or edged weapons and thrown projectiles.

Pepper Spray
Function: Causes temporary blindness and respiratory distress, incapacitating suspects for safe apprehension.

✩ Luminol Spray
Function: Detects blood traces on weapons and surfaces, crucial for crime scene investigations.

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?
Police officers are crucial because they maintain order, justice, and safety. People have to recognize that their actions have consequences, and no one should be allowed to injure others without fear of repercussions. Everyone needs to be free of the threat of random attacks, whether by masked or unmasked people. I remember when SRP's crime rate was so high that it dimmed the important part of other factions. Fortunately, things have greatly improved since then.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I understand that I must be present whenever I am available to attend, If I am accepted I know that I need to attend training whenever I am available. It will be my responsibility to make sure I am there on time and give my full attention to KPD.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Cassandra Badeaux.

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
25 years of age.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female || She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
"Well, I studied forensic science in a college back in France."

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
"Well I grew up mostly in Germany, that was the main language we spoke back at home. I'd like to add I also speak Gaelic and Russian, all of the languages are so beautiful..."

Describe your character; how they look, and what makes them unique?
Cassandra stands at the height of 5’9, she is a French and German female. She’d have blue eyes that were concealed by grey contacts, around her face, you could see bright white face paint. The face paint would be matched with dark eyeliner, black lipstick, and false lashes. Cassandra has long straight black hair with a few grey whispy spots to her hair from stress, on her left hand was the face of Medusa with snake hair around the rim of her hand. Along with the tattoo she had short black nails which made it more helpful for on-hand work. During her free time Cassandra, she wore a black dress with intricate silver jewelry and black stilettos.


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How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Cassandra takes professional settings very well as she grew up in a very professional home, some would say Cassandra was quite plain. She had a dominant presence that was complimented by her quiet personality. Sometimes she gets distracted by little things like her phone but it doesn’t take her long to get back into the right setting. Cassandra’s quiet and dominant personality makes her easy to get along with seeing as she’s quite easygoing most of the time. Although she will speak up when she feels she’s being walked over.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Cassandra believes that every person she meets is equal to her, although she holds a deep belief that co-workers before her are better than her. She is the kind of person who shows respect to those who came before her and to those after her giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. She values the concept of teamwork, believing that it is essential for the success of any organization. Cassandra is always willing to help out others and is willing to give her opinion constructively. She believes that working together is the only way to achieve the best results.

What's your character's backstory?
Cassandra Badeaux was born on a chilly winter night in Munich, Germany, to Amélie and Hans Badeaux. Her mother, Amélie, a sophisticated French author, and her father, Hans, a stern German man who worked in the construction industry, imposed a strict atmosphere in their household. From a young age, Cassandra was ******* to succeed, with her days meticulously planned to include academic tutoring, boxing classes, and spending a lot of her spare time in the library. Despite her strict upbringing, Cassandra looked for comfort in the arts, and she was especially drawn to the mystical appeal of Gothic tales and aesthetics. She discovered the Goth interest at sixteen while participating in an online community. She started experimenting with her appearance, taking on the Goth style that would later become her signature, drawn to the dramatic makeup and dark elegance. The bond between Cassandra and her father, Hans, was complex. Hans was a difficult man who kept up a spotless public image while keeping an underground life. When Cassandra was seventeen, she accidentally came across documents in her father's office that exposed him as a participant in a worldwide smuggling operation. The information destroyed her faith in him and planted the seeds of mistrust and disappointment. Struggling with this secret, Cassandra didn't confront her father directly, fearing the fallout. Instead, she threw herself deeper into her Gothic persona, finding strength and peace in the ritual of her daily makeup and the welcoming of the online Goth community. Her appearance became a form of armor, shielding her from the emotional disturbance at home.
When Cassandra was twenty years old, Hans was caught in a high-profile police operation, shattering the appearance of normality. Her parents separated as a result of the controversy, which split the family apart. Heartbroken and humiliated, Amélie returned to France to avoid the public eye, but Cassandra decided to move abroad to Karakura, Japan to complete her education and begin a new chapter in her life. Determined not to follow in her father's footsteps, Cassandra decided to join the Karakura Police Department. She was driven by a profound sense of justice and a desire to prevent others from experiencing the betrayal she endured. Her time as a trainee was grueling but transformative, honing her resilience and discipline. Despite initial skepticism from some of her peers about her Gothic appearance, Cassandra proved herself through her unwavering dedication and exceptional skills. Cassandra's journey is one of transformation and redemption. She maintains a close relationship with her mother, Amélie, who has found peace in her work and the peace in the countryside of southern France. They speak often, their bond strengthened by shared experiences and mutual support. Cassandra's life is evidence of her determination. She built a life based on justice by relying on the lessons she learned from her history, both good and bad. Cassandra Badeaux is an individual who has accepted her true self in the middle of the darkness of her history and is an ally of the law as she patrols the streets of Karakura.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“First of all, owning a pocket knife is illegal in Karakura. I believe there is zero reason for anyone to need such a weapon in Kakakura… It’s outrageous for people to think they need such a weapon.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“God... Ask me a harder question! There are reading glasses, eyepatches, wooden canes, band-aids… And… cough syrup.”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“What would I do if I were to witness a co-worker physically abusing an inmate… Well, I’d begin by turning off my body cam this is an important step because it is going to help me gather evidence of this or any situation in the future. I’d then report the situation to highway-ups as soon as possible. The next thing I am doing is staying at a distance while I call for backup I’d also take the important steps to ensure the inmate has access to any required medical care needed. After both steps, I will proceed with caution I think retraining or distracting my co-worker is the best possible option. I will then assess the situation and determine the best course of action. I will then ensure that the inmate is safely contained. Finally, I will document the situation and report it.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Remember when I asked for harder questions? I didn't think this is what you’d have in mind…”
“I am going to assume this question is speaking on physical abuse, I’d like to mention this is going to sound like a repeat of the first question… Well after coming in contact with the situation I am going to keep a good distance so I can call for backup and for EMS to be on stand-by. Although we’d all love to say we are some superhero that can take on a situation like this alone it’s important to keep me and said co-worker safe and I will then assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Keeping an eye open waiting for the perfect moment to step in, that could be by using my taser, tranq, etc. Anything I can do to de-escalate this situation the best way possible.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“I’m going to hope this is a rhetorical question and not something that happens a lot here. I think that I’d number one start off by informing a higher-up and I’m specifically mentioning that this was a hunch. I think mentioning that this all is a hunch is important, this is just so my higher-up is aware that I possibly may be incorrect. I think the next best step would be to continue to gather information on said co-worker, gathering information ensures that any proof I have can be documented and shown to higher-ups. I think the best way to handle this kind of situation is to keep my suspicions between me and higher-ups so things spread.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“Bribe me? Starting that isn’t going to slide well with me and I’m pretty hard to bribe either way… Right away I’m shutting down the idea of any possible bribery, proceeding with a verbal warning mentioning how bribing an officer is illegal. If they were to proceed I’d be forced to give them a 25k fine (25,000), this situation would be recorded on my body cam of course. I’d like to mention I’d inform my associates of what went on.

Additional Note:
I'd like to add, if I am accepted I'd like the tag to be placed on my first slot on my Kevalhi account. (High school slot)

(7/28.24: p.s I'm still active just on my other account- lochnessic)

Last edited:


Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of your applications detail & reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
Try applying to other factions to improve your reputation around the server and try to include more detail within your application

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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