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Kiasu Hill


Level 0
[ Character Name: Kiasu Hill ]
First Name: Kiasu
Surname: Hill

Gender: Female Age: 14

Height: 5'4

Weight: 105

Build: Thin

Color: Tan

Eye Color: A sunny yellow

Hair Style: Pigtails with low hanging hair

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Date of Birth: 1/14/2008

Place of Birth: ? ? ?

Nationality: Japanese Race: African american/Asian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

General Appearance: Mostly in casual light colored clothing

Personality: Dismayingly Kind

Character Voice: Not to high pitched but bubbly

Equipment: A flip phone and some headphones

Clothes: Something that covers her arms and is not too dark

Hobbies: Sketching

Family: Just a burning memory

Backstory: Has an older sister but hasn't seen her since her grandparents died. Got moved to an orphanage after some people found her in a abandoned house on a hill. She got adopted but did like the place so she ran and decided to try and get in contact with her sister. She took a train to karakura city, we're she begins her new life in.​

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