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Accepted Kinyuun's Performing Arts Teacher Application


Level 29
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, I have discord. My username is Kinyuun, similar to my IGN

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I do

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Standard Time, which is also referred to as EST

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I have a clear understanding that if I am inactive, I will be demoted and lose my position in the teacher faction.

Describe your activity on the server:

My activity on the server varies based on what I have going on in real life. Due to the fact that I work around twenty hours a week and attend twenty hours of cosmetology school a week, my activity varies based on my availability. However, even with such a tight schedule I can still manage making time for the server. My activity will also heavily vary based on the days I work throughout the week, since I have around two to three weekdays off of work. I typically will always be unavailable from 5:00 PM-9:00 PM on weekdays since I attended school during those times until February. Due to these circumstances, the availability sheet listed below isn't totally accurate, however it lists the times that I know for a fact I'll be available.
12:00 PM - 1:00 AM12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
9:15 PM - 1:00 AM
12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
9:15 PM - 1:00 AM
12:00 PM - 4:30PM
9:15 PM - 1:00 AM
12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
9:15 PM - 1:00 AM
12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
9:15 PM - 2:00 AM

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
Accepted - KimiWasa- Drama Teacher Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
KimiWasa- Italian application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
KimiWasa - Korean Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[Adult] Mikasa Akiyama (Character I'm applying with)
[Grade-12] Kinyuun Ishikawa

[Bird] Meowzer

What subject are you applying to teach?:
I'm applying to teach in the Performing Arts department! Specifically theater, theater tech, and improv.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

Ever since I was a kid, I always found myself enjoying roles that involve leadership. I have found that I have a passion to help others learn and grow, which I feel I can execute exponentially by being a Performing Arts teacher on the server! I have a sense of creativity and a passion for theater in my real life, as it was one of my most loved subjects in high school. My experience in the subject heavily ranged based on the year of which I took the course, but I found myself in all four years of performing arts! Other classes I took alongside the main course included theatre tech, as well as improv classes. Due to my range of knowledge, passion, and experience within the subject, I feel as if I would shine the most in this specific department. Not to mention the most fun I've had on the server was when I had previously held my position as the Head of the Drama Department back in the early years on the server, from 2017 to 2018. Being granted this position is what gave me the confidence in my characters growth, which overall helped by allowing me to open up more in roleplay. It helped me create a bond with members of the server and faculty, creating both a fun and positive environment which overall led to some of my most enjoyable times with the other players on the server. These reasons alone give me the motivation for becoming a teacher.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I understand that the position I am applying for is an Unqualified Teacher.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I am willing to endure extensive training to ensure that when roleplaying in a classroom setting, I am executing it to the best of my capabilities. I understand that a lot has changed since the last time I taught on the server, which is why I believe the training will be beneficial to help me learn and grow in the position.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are records held on spreadsheets to ensure that a teacher is involved with the school and meeting the requirements needed in order to maintain the position. It is used to ensure that the quota for the required number of classes held in an OOC month is met, as well as ensuring teachers are receiving an accurate pay based on the work they have put in. These logs also allow for further promotion based on performance and activity.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
-Keep phones and other technologies off and put away while class is in session unless given permission to do so. This provides a distraction-free environment, allowing those who are willing to engage in roleplay to do so freely without unnecessary interruptions from phones going off in the middle of a lesson.
-Remain seated in your desk unless you are working in a group activity or performing on stage. This is important to keep track of the students, ensuring that they’re following the lesson promptly without moving around unless needed.
-Profanity and inappropriate conversations are prohibited as it is never beneficial to the subject in any way. Vulgar language and conversations are unnecessary in the classroom as not only do they create distractions, but they are disrespectful to both the students and the teacher.
-Food and drinks are not permitted in the classroom. They are distracting as they both create loud noises and can create messes in the classroom. There is a designated time to eat, it does not need to be permitted within the classroom. The only exception would be if the food or drink is being used as a prop.
- Remain silent unless spoken to or called on, as long conversations in a classroom that are not related create distractions. If students must speak, they can do so through whispering as long as the conversation is school appropriate and not distracting those around them.
- Follow the student code of conduct. Be mindful of the rules that take place within school grounds and practice them in a classroom setting as well.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I would say that I have a large variety of experience in roleplay! I began roleplaying at a very young age. To be more specific, I began in 2015 back when the Minecraft roleplays on YouTube were a big thing. This is actually what spiked my interest and is what introduced me to the server! After about a year I began taking roleplaying seriously, interacting with more and more people that were just involved in the server as I was. When I had promoted from being a college student to becoming a teacher on the server, my love for roleplaying grew exponentially. This allowed my creativity to expand, creating characters and backstories with my peers as if it was something natural to me. My roleplaying experiences varied widely, joining different fantasy Minecraft roleplays and eventually different discord servers. Another platform I was heavily involved in was Google+, before it had gotten shut down. I have large amounts of experience being able to follow along in a accurate manner and keeping true to my characters. I would say since I've matured, the way I execute my characters personalities has grown exponentially.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD

↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description:
The Head of Department takes on the role of overlooking the teaching department that they are in charge of. They are the ones who manage the development of the department and newer teachers, observing their growth and performance. They are the ones in charge of promotions and are considered to be the highest role in the School Faculty excluding those in the SLT department.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Qualified Teachers are teachers who have been teaching for quite some time, deeming them eligible for the role. After a given time being an NQT, you become qualified which is what grants you the position. They possess the knowledge and experience necessary for the role and are considered to be the second highest teaching department; of course, excluding the SLT department.

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Newly Qualified Teachers are teachers that have met the requirements and have been released from teacher training. They are now able to host their own classes without supervision. However, there are times where Newly Qualified Teachers will require evaluations and assistance. They are considered to be the third highest role in the teaching department.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Unqualified Teachers are those who have just been accepted into the teaching department. These individuals require the proper training necessary in order to ensure that they fit the requirements to teach promptly. They are not able to host classes themselves, and often undergo different stages of evaluation.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers hold an important role and service in society, as the essential purpose of being a teacher is to educate. Teachers are required to offer both guidance and knowledge, in which allows students to learn vital development skills in order to reach their full potential in society. Teachers endure vast amounts of education in order to hold the position that they are in. To begin with, a teacher must receive a bachelor's degree in Education. However, in some places this is no longer necessary, allowing anyone with a bachelor's degree the right to pursue a profession in teaching. Once you've received your degree, it is required that you pass a general teacher certification in the area you wish to teach. Once you've received your license, you should be accredited to becoming a teacher.

The server holds a system very similar with the different roles required in order to move up from position to position. The average Japanese teacher earns roughly $65,000 in USD, which can range from $20 to $32.80 an hour. The server is much more generous, providing at the most ¥500,000. The base salary of a Newly Qualified teacher is around ¥350,000 per month if ten classes are completed and Qualified teachers average around ¥400,000 per month, as long as the same quota is met. Every five classes completed and logged in the teacher logs earn an additional pay of ¥50,000, maxing out at ¥500,000.

On another note, a lot of teachers will teach differently based off of either the subject that they are teaching or the grade level. On the server, this is a little different considering most of the grades are bunched up together in one class, separated from either being in college or in highschool. Nonetheless, teachers are required to utilize different teaching skills! This may include things such as group activities amongst students, lectures that require undivided attention, discussions with both the teachers and the students, as well as student one on one discussions. Or may even different visual aids, which can be accomplished through the /it command. These various teaching skills are necessary in order to keep students engaged and learning to the best of their capabilities. Teachers who work affectively can read their students and use various teaching strategies to meet the needs of everyone. Outside of the classroom, teachers are just normal people! They do the same thing your caretaker more than likely does. They participate in their hobbies, go home to their families, and spend quality time with individuals. Teachers are just normal people at the end of the day.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are important to the SchoolRP server because without teachers, it couldn't be a SchoolRP! School requires teachers to allow students a pursuit in education, and the players who deem themselves capable of managing a vast number of individuals deserve some sort of praise for that. They are capable of withstanding different individuals and work to meet the needs of each and every one of them. They help build a community and bring people together in such a small classroom. Not only that, but they also help guide the characters on the server to further gain interest on what they would like to pursue as far as roleplaying goes and allows for more creative and motivated players! Due to the fact that the majority of the server is involved with the school itself, teachers are vital to maintain that fun and engaging environment.
Teachers are also beneficial to the server because they are required to communicate clearly with the faculty members around them through radio systems in order to ensure that those who are breaking the school rules are dealt with promptly and adequately. This is important to make sure that students are following the rules and allows for further roleplaying experiences between all party’s!

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

The lesson planning system is based on a MoSCow system. To further elaborate, it stands for Must-have, Should-have, Could-have, and Won't-have.


Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?
Mikasa Akiyama is a 5'4" Japanese citizen who gives off both a calming and sophisticated presence. She carries a comforting aroma of both coffee and a hint of vanilla. This adds to her warm, inviting aura which is responsible for attracting the positive energy around her. She has both a composed and elegant demeanor, making her easy to seek for guidance and wisdom. She has long, soft brown hair which is partially tied in the back most times.

Her clothes are comforting to look at yet professional, often presenting herself as a well-kept and clean woman. She is often seen wearing soft, warm colors and can be seen frequently with a leather corset. She stands out from the crowd due to her perseverance as she is dedicated and executes her goals smoothly, striving to be the best at what she does. She is very open about herself and her past, as she will talk to you if spoken too, carrying a calming aura around her. She is somebody people like by their side. She is trustworthy and independent and has never needed to lean on anyone aside from her loving parents.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Mikasa's students are like her peers. She prefers to get along with her students as if they were her friends, often asking them questions about themselves to get to know them as more then just students, but as individuals. She has a bit of a younger mentality, as she is only twenty-five years old which is responsible for her welcoming attitude towards younger individuals. However, she still strives to teach Performing Arts effectively and by doing so she is willing to put her foot down if need be. She likes to create a positive atmosphere, however, has a bit of a twist to her personality outside of school.

She treats her co-workers with a similar attitude of respect, often trying to create a close bond with them as if they are family. She strives to make herself likeable, which can often push others away from her. Nonetheless, she always maintains herself in a warm and inviting way. She hopes that people will look to her for guidance, often accepting any task given to her. She is the type of person who goes out of her ways for others, even when she has no personal benefits from it.

What are their plans for the future?

Mikasa plans to further her career in Performing Arts, hoping to one day guide both her fellow educators in her department and her students. She has a true passion for acting, but instead insists on helping others reach her passion for the arts. She would like to one day raise enough money to open up a high school that focuses on the arts, retiring somewhere beautiful where she is surrounded by a lot of people on her death bed.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
As I walk the campus, I notice a large group of kids making a ruckus in the hallway. Their screaming, shouting, swearing. Before I approach, I maintain my distance simply by observing the situation and making sure it doesn't escalate. Once I have enough information gathered and become more aware of the situation, I would notify any other faculty member about the matter in case the situation was drastic. I would approach the students and attempt to deescalate the students' behavior, asking them to keep their noise levels to a minimum in the hallways and to watch their vernacular while on Campus. If the behavior continues, I will then award the students with detentions and notify one of the SLTs if possible before taking them to the front office.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
If my students were not engaged with what I was saying and being disruptive, I would begin by asking them to calm themselves and to focus on the lesson. I would attempt to change my teaching strategies in order to further help students engage with the subject and move the lesson into a more interactive and positive direction. If individuals were continuing to break the rules of my classroom, I would kindly warn them before handing out detentions and kicking them from the classroom if deemed necessary. I would hope that this sets an example for the other students that disobedience isn't to be tolerated in such a setting. I would do my best to maintain a calm and inviting environment, mainly focusing on interactive activities.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

Mikasa is extremely friendly to her peers, maybe even too talkative to some. She is always willing to strike a conversation with an individual, hoping to further their relationship and even gain a friend outside of work. She often finds herself making jokes and complimenting those around her. She is willing to switch her demeanor when necessary and match her energy to the one that exists within the teachers' lounge. She would focus much of her time on either speaking with her co-workers or working on lesson plans for her students. She loves to talk if you couldn't tell!

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

enters the classroom with both arms full of various props, gently setting them down on the side of the stage. She would then raise her hand to quite her students, saying "Good morning class! It's so pleasant to see all of your familiar faces today" She would begin to focus her attention on the props, pointing at them. "These props that you see here today shall be used for various scenes that I would like you guys to recreate today!" She then focuses her attention on her students, showing them a gentle smile

/me she would stand up from her desk, focusing her attention on the disruptive class. "I see that some of us aren't focused on the assignment, perhaps we could maybe decide on a different project to work on?" She glances around the classroom, waiting to see what her students have to say. "If the assignment is too hard for you, maybe we can write a ten-page play on some of your favorite topics?" She affirms her class with a soft tone.

/me She notices her students are being disruptive and disrespectful. She lets out a pleasant sigh, standing up with an upset demeanor. "I would like to ask that you please refrain from the blatant disrespect and stay focused on the task at hand" she says, in hopes her students listen to her. As the distractions continue, she sits on her desk with her legs crossed. "Unfortunately, I do not have the time to warn you lot over and over, so I would like to ask for you to again, please refrain from this intolerable behavior before I start awarding punishments". She states.

/me She walks up to a student who seems to be visibly upset, as she leans over the desk she’d ask, "Hey dear, is everything okay? You seem a bit off today sweetheart." She sits beside the student, maintaining a soft tone and keeping a respectful distance. She would look worried, putting her hands on her knees as her eyebrows tensed, her eyes lowered. "You know if you need , you could take a break from the lesson. If you would like I could get you in contact with a school counselor, or you may even speak with me after the lesson!" She affirms the student with a warm and inviting tone.


Mikasa Akiyama originally was born in the Kyoto region of Japan, residing there with both her mother, Ayane Akiyama and her father, Seojoon Akiyama. She was born into a well-off family, being provided the basics of what she needed both mentally and physically. Her parents sought to see her strive and become an individual who stands out. Mikasa was consistently pushed into becoming someone who is successful which in return put a lot of stress on the young woman. However, her parents were supportive of her no matter what and did what they could to make Mikasa feel both grounded and protected. Her father is originally from Seoul, South Korea which is where her knowledge on the Korean language comes in. He often spoke Korean in the household in hopes that his daughter picked up the fluency of the language, which is why she is fluent in both Japanese and Korean.

She went to one of the best high schools her parents could offer her, which was Kyoto Gaidai High School, a three-year private institution. Mikasa held a job at a small café near the school at sixteen years old, earning money in order to save up for college and other future endeavors she had planned. Her job allowed her to open up a bit socially, aiding her in making conversation with peers and creating welcoming environments. At school, she strived academically in order to keep up with her peers, graduating near the top of her class. She sought to attend a four-year university, which was heavily suggested within the schooling system. While Mikasa was in High School, the private institution held a Performing Arts club and academic course, which is where she fell in love with both acting and the theatrical side of life. Theater brought Mikasa the most joy in school, as she would often suggest the subject to students around her, however they seemed more interested in other specific studies such as math or science. This is when Mikasa began to realize that her goal in life was to teach the beautiful art within theater, and how it can not only bring a closer community together but also allow people to express themselves through character roles. She began to research what was needed in order to become a performing arts teacher and acted accordingly.

Once she had finally met the requirements needed to graduate, she applied to the Kyoto City University of the Arts, where she was eventually accepted and focused her major on Education of Performing Arts. She studied vigorously in order to obtain her bachelor's degree, showing her peers time and time again that her goals would be met. While she was in college, she began working at a fancy restaurant as a server in order to maintain a steady income. Once she had finally graduated from Kyoto City University of the Arts, she began to seek out new beginnings. Mikasa realized that although she loved her city, she didn’t want to share her dream with anyone in the region. She did intensive studying in different cities and regions, attempting to decide where she would like to experience her dream of becoming a drama teacher. In her search, she came across the city of Karakura. As she scrolled through various photos of the region and did research on the settlement, she almost immediately began packing her bags, selling her apartment and finding the cheapest flight. Throughout the process she kept assuring her parents that she was making the right decision. As she arrives in Karakura, one of the first steps Mikasa takes is finding a place to live and filling out a teaching application at Karakura High School.


In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Mikasa Akiyama

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):
I'm 25 years old!
Religious Denomination:
Atheist! My father is Christian, but I never really took after him as it didn't spike my interest!
Marital Status:

Current Location:
City of Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

I've been working since I was sixteen! So, you could say I've been working for around nine years now! I worked in a coffee shop for the longest time, about four years. While I was in college, I volunteered to help tutor and aid at both high schools and middle schools in my area to further expand my knowledge in the profession. As for where my salary came from throughout college, I maintained a job as a server at a restaurant which I ended up resigning from shortly before moving to Karakura.

Academic Degree:

Bachelor's degree on Education of Performing Arts
Year of Graduation:
Performing Arts Education Major
Acting Minor
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
I do not have any of these certificates, however I'm willing to get them if needed.

Additional notes about your application:

I had a previous Teaching application in the same department which was also accepted; however, it has since been removed because it was deleted by a former staff member.

Do you have any questions?
I do not! Thank you so much!


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Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.​

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