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kishyu | Maiden Application


Level 4

IGN (In-Game Name):

kishyu (main: kishmaka)

What is your discord username?:
My discord username is @luciiia

What is your timezone?:
My time zone is Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Describe your activity on the server:
I find myself to be significantly active on the server despite OOC responsibilities. Apart from simply logging onto the server each day, I also make an ongoing effort to interact with others ICly and search for roleplay opportunities wherever they may arise. I do this in several ways, whether it be striking up an IC conversation wherever I can or causing chaos with my fellow team members. In my personal experience, there's scarcely been a completely dull day when I put my best foot forward into interacting with people on the server. I'd say that the main roots of my activity lie in my ability to make the most out of the resources I'm given. While there are times where the player count may be lacking, I am generally able to make do with the cards I've been dealt even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone to talk to a new person. Being able to genuinely enjoy playing a character has also been a huge motivation; I find interest in seeing how my character interacts with others and the entertainment that comes from it. Overall, if I had to rank my activity on a scale of 1-10 I’d rate my activity a solid 9.

For some clarification, I am a full-time student in high school and occasionally have work on Saturdays. That being said however, my work situation is very flexible and not set in stone so it isn’t too much of an inconvenience time-wise if I’m needed for something. Furthermore, I typically host practices for my team on Saturdays around 1PM PST. Seeing as how I have some sway with practice times and even my work schedule though, adjustments can always be made to this if required!

Below is a chart which visually represents my time availability!

4PM - 1AM​
2PM - 1AM​
4PM - 1AM​
2PM - 1AM​
3PM - 5AM​
2PM - 1AM​

List your current roles on the server:
Currently, I am the [Grade-12][Cheer-Captain] for the high school sports faction. This tag belongs to the primary spot on my main account, which also has a [College][B] tag as well as a [Dog] whitelist.
On my alternate account I have a singular high school tag.

Link any previous applications: (ACCEPTED) (ACCEPTED) (ACCEPTED) (ACCEPTED) (ACCEPTED)

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
The position I am applying for is Maiden.

What is your motivation for applying?
Throughout my short time in SRP so far, I’ve only truly dabbled in the sports faction. And whilst I thoroughly enjoy it and cherish my time there with each passing day, I’ve also recently felt inclined to branch out towards other factions in hopes of socializing with more people and seeking out a change of scenery in terms of roleplay opportunities. Especially granted that playing an adult aged character is considerably different from playing a highschool/college character, I feel it’s an experience worth trying my luck at. Based on interactions I’ve had on my cheer character with shrine as well, I can easily see it being a fun and roleplay-filled space.

A notable experience I have to share regarding the "why" behind my application is an interaction I had back in October of 2023. I was pretty fresh to the teams faction, cheer specifically, and it was back when team houses existed in place of dorms. I vividly recall having several run-ins with spirits seeing as how October is notoriously known for being the month when spirits are the most active on SRP. In light of those run-ins, team members of mine had become possessed on multiple occasions. This opened up a door for a priest and maidens to swing by and cleanse those who were possessed. This was an experience that I still have yet to forget about seeing as how fun and memorable the shrine characters made it, and even now it strikes me as motivation to be able to be a part of the faction - perhaps even give somebody their own little moment of realization like that someday! All in all, the opportunity to not only expand my knowledge regarding a critical part of SRP's lore but also interact with an entirely new side of SRP? Irresistible.

I’m very much aware that going from playing such a character as Valentina Cruz to an adult, which is more mature and level-headed personality wise is quite the change to grow accustomed to. Nevertheless, I can say with full confidence that I’m prepared to adjust to these modifications and thrive in a brand new environment. With the help of my peers and higher-ups, of course!

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
As of now, I have very slight knowledge regarding Shintoism. While that is true though, I am 100% willing and looking forward to learning more about it! What I do know - albeit very minimal - is the following…

Torii Gate
Ah yes, the two firmly planted posts accompanied by another set of horizontal beams typically colored red. The torii gate is a significant part of Shintoism seeing as how it symbolizes a space for kami to feel welcome in as well as a physical reminder of the transition from the average world to a much more sacred place - a portal, if you will. It is considered customary to bow before the torii gate before entering. Besides the literal spiritual significance, the appearance of the torii gate is another meaning worth mentioning. A legend is often told about how the very first torii gate was a bird post which eventually became utilized to save the world. This granted it a good and even prosperous connotation in Shintoism, still highly revered today.

Basic Facts
As simply as it can be put, Shintoism is Japan’s oldest religion and unbound by a book or specific leader to represent it. The basic idea of what it entails is numerous rituals - whether it be for a wedding, a cleansing, or a pursuit of good fortune for something in the future. Shintoism is known for the high regard in which it holds nature and overall tranquility. Being a religion that is not only highly integrated into the lives of many Japanese individuals, it isn't uncommon for there to be plenty of shrines all over Japan. Furthermore, it is known for its polytheism; having several if not millions of kami belonging to the religion.


Character Full Name:

Vivienne Fay

Character Title:

Character Age:
25 years old.

Character Marital Status:

Character Nationality:

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):

Vivienne Fay, a once esteemed daughter of a socially accepted family belonging to high society somewhere in the warm South of the United States. In the early beginnings of her life, she liked to think she had a good sense of who she was as well as who she saw herself becoming in the future. The picture-perfect Southern belle and shining debutante representing her family with the utmost pride. She was raised winning pageants, attending church each Sunday, and practicing etiquette. Comfort was merely a construct in her life, because in her eyes stability was much more gratifying. At least that’s what was drilled into her and her siblings’ minds.

On the topic of siblings, Vivienne being the eldest was tasked with looking after the four younger than her; and it was a grueling mission. Her parents’ constant uninvolvement in their children’s lives left the eldest Fay with guiding her younger siblings as a stand-in parent - even though she herself was quite young. And perhaps it was this very same distant upbringing that sparked a sense of defiance in her teenage years, or the leniency granted to her by her parents in her travels; but regardless of its origin… Vivienne grew rebellious. Resentful even. Because how could the two people meant to shepherd her throughout her journey into adulthood abandon her so carelessly?

All it truly took for the girl to split apart from every moral compass and code of ethics hammered into her mind from a young age was a life-altering vacation to the humble town of Karakura. Why Karakura, you might be wondering? Well, it gave Vivienne a sense of home in a way. The same close knit community dynamic that she’d been exposed to and eventually grew fond of. It struck a chord with Vivienne, and eventually persuaded her to emigrate to Karakura. Everything about it hypnotized her somehow - the fall of the leaves and the gentle breeze, even the subtle charm in the less.. Posh places of the city. In its perfections and its flaws, Karakura was where Vivienne Fay wished to call home. Being the girl she was that normally got every materialistic thing she wanted. She went for it.

But of course, the two individuals she once called ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ did not take too well to her decision. Her early days in Karakura were spent with her cell phone and sore vocal cords from constant bickering with her parents. The declining approval of her parents made the girl wonder. Was the God she was taught about all her life real? If this rejection of who she was and what she ambitiously dreamed of meant her family loved her, she wanted no part of it. Regardless of the decision she'd soon find herself at the crossroads for, Vivienne Fay knew where she was and where she was going. And after a life of living to please everybody but herself, she was more than prepared to finally put herself first.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Vivienne holds herself with an utmost demurity in spite of her passive-aggressive nature. Well, mostly passive. Naturally she finds herself easily adapted to the respect aspect of her behavior on shrine grounds; and respectful she is. Whether it be bowing before the Torii gates without fail, ensuring visitors treat the grounds with care by discouraging them from jumping from roof-to-roof, or doing her part through chores in keeping the grounds tidy, Fay makes a full-fledged effort to return the admiration that Shintoism has shown her in her time following her conversion in whatever way she can. Total Snow White vibes, if you will. And although off shrine grounds she may come off as backhanded, Vivienne never fails to maintain the high-regard with which she keeps such a sacred place and show a high level of respect through her words spoken to others and the treatment of the wildlife belonging to Shinsei Seinaru Monastery.

Now with guests, Vivienne is quite the friendly person. Always ready to strike up an interesting conversation and offer her best advice to whatever soul she deems needs it. And for somebody with her own demons, she gives pretty great advice! By far however, her favorite way to entertain guests is through tarot readings. Give her a comfy chair and a deck of cards and she’s set! There’s never anything quite like seeing the reaction on her guests’ expressions when she reads out her findings. As a matter of fact, this warmth is felt by guests upon seeing the smile that tugs at her lips. Apart from her obvious friendliness in entertaining her guests, she also makes an effort to educate them! Interested in Shintoism and looking to convert? They’re in luck, because Vivienne Fay just so happens to know a thing or two about that. Even if educating guests means telling fascinating stories, count her in.

In terms of interacting with fellow shrine staff, Vivienne feels much more at ease than she typically does. It could very well be the sense of community offered by her peers, or even the change of pace from her previously high pressure and immensely stressful life. But whatever it may be, Fay demonstrates just how comfortable with her fellow maidens and priests she is on a regular basis. From the playful banter to the shared visits to Shinsei Seinaru Monastery’s hot springs… It’s as clear as day she’s a different woman nearby her colleagues from the front she puts on for guests. Being used to having things done for her, Vivienne naturally refrains from taking charge. After all, she wouldn’t want to overstep! Rather, Miss Fay treads lightly, waiting politely for instruction from her higher-ups in the case that her presence is requested from them.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
What an eye-catching sight! And even still, not shocking. The utter and unrestricted disrespect inflicted onto such a sacred place unsettles Vivienne Fay to her core. So much so that she doesn’t require any further prompting in this scenario to call out to the individual, warning them to behave themselves on shrine grounds if they enjoy their privilege to visit the location. Her first approach is naturally to kindly inform the offender of how and why what they’re doing is wrong and can be considered disrespectful. Despite her typically calm and easygoing nature, even Vivienne has her limits. If disrespect under her watch persists, Vivienne Fay doesn’t hesitate to let the guest know when it’s their time to depart from the shrine grounds. Furthermore, if even that is a trying task, she isn't beyond seeking help from her peers in resolving the issue. After all, she is one who places a high value on teamwork and togetherness.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
In defiance of her very Christian upbringing, a newfound interest in Shintoism was kindled and pursued upon her very first visit to Shinsei Seinaru Monastery following several squabbles with her parents. The kind smiles and helpful nature of the individuals she encountered there elicited not only an interest in the religion itself but an interest in devoting her life to it. Because if this is what family felt like, like hell she would cling to it.

With Vivienne Fay’s conversion to Shintoism, singularly knotted blood ties were snipped and connections with the family she’d nurtured and grown like delicate flowers in a garden wilted. On her first night in a new bed in the city of Karakura, Fay’s pillow was baptized with tears. This grief subsided over the years as Vivienne grew in her dedication to her brand new religious belief and formed new meaningful connections. She mingled with fellow Shintoists, being the little social butterfly she is. Plus, who can resist making friends with such a seemingly sweet-spoken and approachable person? It proved to benefit her well.

In her journey networking with others belonging to the Shintoist faith, she acquired more knowledge as well! What was once an unknowing and curious Vivienne Fay became she who owned several books on Shintoism and made regular visits to Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. It was safe to say that growth was made over the years. Perhaps it was blind hope, or a coping mechanism. But either way, her faith was placed in the kami and a life serving them as a maiden began its pursuit.​
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