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KPD app: #3


Level 6

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Lundragon66 (Main)
Lunadragonalt (applying)

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Luna's KPD app #2 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted - Luna's professor application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Luna's psych app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Luna's Councilor app! | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
L:una's kpd app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on the server:

I've had a few roles, student in grade 12, I've been a fox for a little while, however I got bored of it, so I got whitelist removed. I've also been a band leader on SRP for about 5 months, with about 6 other members, including a manager. I've also been a gang member before in SRP for about a year, in a verified gang. I quit gangrp after a while due to it going down hill in my opinion, I then got into street racingrp, and got invited to a crew in which I declined to continue going solo, I then took a break from street racingRP, however I intend to rejoin it, within recent times. I was then a professor within SRP for a while, four OOCly months, when I left due to my OOC mental health, so I left to not keep my spot held. Within recent times, I joined the HS female basketball team, as one of my characters (Chloe Shima) which I thoroughly enjoy. I am also very active, with over 1848+ hours. (11 weeks+ total playtime) So, I am positive I can be on time to everything I am needed to be on when needed. I have however taken a couple of breaks from SRP, but I’ve always come back, fairly fast, and let any teams or factions I’m in know that I will be gone, with a valid reason (Mental health, etc.)So they always had good warning of my absence, furthermore if I feel like I’m leaving for a bit, I’d DM the lead, to let them know I might be inactive whatever reason, if I’m still unsure.
The times I’m I am online are the following:

4-9 AST Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Wednesday, 1-9 AST, Weekends, Saturday, 9-12:30 AST (Work) then I return at 6-12 AST, where I can play however long I want (Can’t past 12) Sundays, I can mostly play all day, 9-9 AST, besides 45 minutes in the middle, in which I am occupied, with church. My schedule is unstable, however. As I am 1. I am a student, so my studies and school takes priority. During the upcoming months, my activity will be decreased, due to the end of the year coming. Just a heads up (Once Summer hits, I’ll be on almost for 12 hours a day.) I do apologize for this.

What is your motivation for applying?:

OOC motivation:
I, in real life, have always wanted to help people. I want (And I fully intend to) be an officer in real life. Which is part of the reason I am applying, to see what it’s like being an officer in a game, before I decide on what I want to be. Within SRP, it has a realistic legal system, and police system (From what I have seen) and for the most part is up to date. It’s legal system, for the most part, makes sense, and is fair. (Unless someone failrps, of course.) Another reason is, I have been on SRP for a very long time, I’ve been in a couple different factions, and I also want to try a new form of Roleplay which I never have. KPD. I could go for a lawyer, or something else legal based, and I am aware of that. However none are as interesting as KPD would be. On the field, patrolling, and actively looking for criminals. And bringing them to justice. Which interests me highly. The thrill of catching someone, who no one has been able to, if you got that lucky, with valid reasons to arrest, would give a smile to anyone. This is another reason I am applying, for the fun, and smiles.

IC motivation:
Rockwell, the character I am applying with, has always wanted to help people. Hence why he became a professor, to help teach the younger students. However during his time there, he realised he could be helping in much better ways, to help relieve the streets of the darkness that haunts them, criminals. He has thought about being KPD for a very long time, but never has. Which is why he’s applying. To finally do what he should have done in the start. He is determined to help Karakura, and to protect his kids, family, and friends. He can’t find a better way to do such than applying for KPD. The less criminals on the streets, the safer the streets become for everyone else. Especially for his kids. He’s more or less applying to keep his kids, family, friends safe from harm, and keep them away from the evil that haunts within Karakura.

Callsign motivation:
K407. This number holds meaning to Rockwell, as when he was a professor, his class room number was 407. So he holds some value to it, to him. He wants this number, so he can remember his struggles to get where he is now, what he’s done during his life. The jobs he’s had, his attempts to help people be better than he is. He wants to remember every struggle, every punch, everything that's thrown at him. It’s a reminder of his humanity to him.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I from wanting to be an officer in real life, have a fair bit of knowledge of Police work, from me genuinely loving what the police do in real life. Some others would have more knowledge then me, but this is what I do know.


Pepper spray - A defensive weapon which inflames the throat, eyes, etc.

Two pairs of handcuffs - Used to arrest and or detain people, who may or suspected of committing a crime

Police badge - Primarily used for identification, to show that they are with the KPD

Radio - Used to communicate between other officers.

Riot shield - It can be used for both defense, and offense

Body Camera - The Body camera is used to record where you are, and what you're doing to provide evidence if needed. It is destroyable.

Baton - The baton is used to Two hit individuals

Crowbar - Used to pry open doors.

x26 Stun guns (or Taser) - Typically used on people resisting arrest, to cuff them again. Or people running, or getting too close to a certain situation.

Breathalyzer - Used to determine the alcohol percentage of a drunk individual

Gas Mask - Typically used in raids, with riot gear.

Luminal Spray - Used to find blood on lethal weapons.

Med kit - Used to help someone, if they need medical attention.

Tranquilizer - A plastic device that neutralizes targets

Commissioner - the head of the department

Captain - Head of the main or officer branch. Anything of importance should be told to them first.

Lieutenant - second in command of the officer or main branch.

Sargent - the third in command, reserved for senior officers.

Corporal - they are the first line supervisors, overseeing the cadets, and lower ranks.

Patrol officer - These officers mainly patrol, or report to smaller crimes. They are typically assigned to smaller areas.

Cadet - Officers in training. These are the future officers of the department, who are under training.

Detective Superintendent - The head of the detective branch. Any detectives should report to them anything they find, or know. They will decide if it should be given to the commissioner or not.

Detective chief inspector - the second in command of the detective branch. They lead any and all major investigations, such as murder cases.

Detective inspector - they conduct detailed expeditions of complex criminal activities'. They also collect, and ****yze as well as preserve evidence.

Detective Constable - they investigate and solve crimes, and work on a various complex cases

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Police are highly important to SRP, due to the crime rates. If there were no KPD in SRP, the crime rates are very high in Karakura, without Police this would be even higher, which is some-what hard to believe, with how high it is already. KPD are there to lower it, and make a dent on the crime rates, however criminals can still take them down, with some luck and or skill. In crimeRP (or gangRP) Police make it fun, the thrill it gives of potentially getting caught, manhunted, or chased by KPD without this, the server would ultimately slowly die.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I acknowledge, and I accept this. I am aware, and I intend to head to every training there is whilst I am online, even when I’m not, if I can, I’ll get online to participate.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Rockwell A-Loke S.

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

34 years of age

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

“I am male. I don’t care what you refer to me as, however He/Him are what I officially go by, however use what you want. Just know, I’m male.”
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

“I have a PHD in Ethics, Masters in Criminal justice, and Science, biology, specifically. I and I have a bachelors in maths.”
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

“I know two besides Japanese. Latin, and Korean. Korean from what I’ve observed is highly used within the criminal world. I also am planning to learn JSL. I learned these two languages, for two reasons. One, as a professor, I need to watch student’s languages, which is why I learned Korean. As for Latin, it was years ago, when I was probably around 17. I am rusty in it, but still considered fluent.”
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

“I am 6’4, and weigh 210 LBS. I have brown hair, brown eyes. I have a couple of scars on my torso, due to having been stabbed about three times in Karakura. One of the reasons I am applying. I typically wear more formal attire, a dress vest, tie, shirt, and dress pants. This is so I look presentable at all times, without needing to worry about being judged. This is also so people mostly leave me alone, as they’ll assume I’m busy. I do not look, I observe. I pay attention to all of my surroundings, watching everything. All angels, and if I can’t see that angel, I pay attention to it, listening to it.”
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

Rockwell, is a more laid back fellow, always paying attention to everything around him, always listening rather than getting involved, unless he sees a fight about to happen, in which he’ll watch, either from a distance, or not. If the suspected fight does start, he’d then get involved, jumping between the two parties to break it up. He keeps to himself more so than anything, remaining quiet. If someone starts a conversation with him, he’ll talk back, but is more focused on what he’s doing. He’d also try to stay away from making friends within his job, so if anything happens where he has to stand up for people, he cannot be called biassed. So he can avoid as much conflict as he can.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Rockwell in a casual situation:
He’s laid back, often seen off to himself, thinking about what he’s going to do. He’s often seen drinking a coffee, as he does so. If he’s off duty, he’s more active with talking, chit chatting here and there, but he never starts the conversation himself, allowing people to come to him first. He’s more of an introvert, and would rather do his job, or do something else productive than spend his time away chatting and talking. He’s always there to help however, and if someone came to him looking for a hand, he’d be more than willing to help out. He is fairly emotionless however, showing little emotion at all. Despite this, he has some emotion, mostly love. He loves his family, and children more then anything, and would do anything to protect them, which is why he doesn't talk about them. Unless it's someone he trusts, a lot.

Rockwell in a professional situation:
He is serious, ready to do anything that is needed at the time. Listening to his superior officers, etc. He’s quick to get what is needed done, and will get it done as fast and the best he can, whether it’s at the front desk, he’d listen to everything, and not cut anyone off. He’d always be ready to change jobs in an instant, going from front desk to, to detaining or patrolling. He somehow talks even less when he’s in a professional situation, taking his current job more seriously than having friends. He makes sure to keep his private life private, to make sure his family and friends are safe. He knows the risk that comes with the job.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Rockwell knows he is better in numbers than alone. He’s willing to work with anyone needed, and work with them the best he can, even if he doesn’t like them. He’s willing to admit he needs a helping hand, or ask for one when it is needed, he is aware the other officers can help him where it is needed. He’s a team player, he doesn’t go off by himself, rather working together, and coordinating with the team he’s in first before doing anything by himself, unless it is needed.

What's your character's backstory?


Rockwell had a pretty rough childhood, with his parents taking care of him, and being there for him. His father was a lawyer, and his mother a nurse. They weren’t overly wealthy by any means at all. None-the-less they took care of him, occasionally buying him a treat despite the financial problems. Rockwell loved them in return, making them the best gifts he could as a child. Which were pretty crappy however they still smiled and thanked him for his gifts. Eventually they got better financial health, so they adopted another kid, Rockwell’s little sister who meant the world to him. He taught her as much as he could despite their age gaps, and he’d attempt to help her with the simplest things if she needed. He's always retained a polite, loving, and caring demeanor. He has been called a gentleman among gentlemen before. He was a hard worker, helping out his dad and mom anyways he could, weather it was helping to sort papers, or sweeping around the house, even babysitting at times. He loved working, doing it as much as he could. Due to this his parents decided that he should have an allowance, of $2 (CAD) a week, he saved it, and spent most of his allowance on his younger sister, giving her small gifts, or taking her out for ice-cream, as a treat. It'd often take him weeks of saving up to do this, but he wanted to see his sister smile. This lead to him building a tighter bond with his younger sister. Early on in his life, seeds were planted for law enforcement however. Someone once tried to kidnap his younger sister, when an officer noticed, and acted quickly, and arrested the male quickly. He begun to admire police's work, but thought it'd be too dangerous at his time. He told his parents about his new found dream job, but they said he wouldn't want to be police, as it'd be too much work, and he'd get killed young. This added onto his belief of the dangers of being police, but that thought about being a police officer remained in the back of his mind, throughout his entire life. Even as an adult, he admires the police. Watching them carefully, thinking to himself every time he saw one.. "What if?"

"Hey, sis, why don't we do some homework?"
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

"Hey sis! Why don't we get some ice-cream? I've been saving up!"
(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

In his teen years, he moved, from New Brunswick to England, in Oxford. He’d be picked on by the older college kids, but this didn’t ruin his spirit. He also at this time started working for a small company, working in a pharmacy, starting when he was only 14. His employer once said "Rockwell, I've seen you do the impossible before. You can damn well do it again." -(His employer) He’d enjoy life. As he got older he realised something, via people saying he’d be good at teaching, he decided that would be what he wanted to do when he got older, a teacher. He kept this dream through him all throughout his teenage years. He decided what subject he’d like to teach, and ended up deciding he’d rather be a professor, and he’d like to teach Ethics. He studied ethical stuff, and took courses over his free time, which helped him understand the ethical standpoint of various things. He loved Shakespeare, and ****yzing who was in the right and wrong in the plays. The first of which he did was Romeo And Juliet. He continued to teach his younger sister as much as he could, doing it all the time in his free time, teaching her everything he could and all he could. This is part of where he got some of his early teacher experience and why being a teacher has been recommended to him. He eventually felt like he should join the police force, rather then being a teacher. However he ignored it, till he got older. He thrived to help others, in whatever way he could. He wanted to help people as much as he could, so he perused teaching. As he was learning teaching, he made many friends. Rockwell at this time was bold, and daring. He insulted another guy, this insult would lead to his best friend's death. Rockwell blamed himself for this, but decided to do better, which caused him to look into police work more so, despite his love for teaching. He'd move on to go to teaching however, but law enforcement remained an interest to him. He'd consider this job even more with this.

"If you're trying to hurt someone, you should punch harder."
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

"I caused this... This is all my fault. I swear to you, to all of you, I will redeem myself. I am sorry, Jake Pierre. I hope when we meet again, you can forgive me, my friend."
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)


As he went to university he decided he’ll teach at Oxford university, as an ethics professor. He’d have an advanced understanding of ethics, as he got a 96% as his final mark in ethics. He applied to Oxford university as an ethics professor and taught there until he turned 27. Eventually he quit there due to many reasons. He then moved back to New Brunswick where he taught at UNB until he was 33 he enjoyed teaching there, but eventually needed a break and quit there. He moved from Canada to Japan, to Karakura in Japan. He typically talked to his friends and gave them advice of every kind. Eventually he got the courage to go back to being a professor, and applied to Karakura High, once again for Ethics, as that is what he loves teaching. However despite his love for teaching, he always felt like he wasn't doing what he really wanted to do, and why he became a professor. Shortly after he became a professor, his younger sister was murdered whilst she was in Canada. The killers were never caught, they drowned her. This was the final real push of him wanting to join the police force, to help others. Eventually he decided that, he wanted to help people, in a better way. To help protect them, and every citizen. He quit his job at Karakura College. Despite his age, he decided to go for a masters in criminal justice, at Oxford, whilst he taught there. He studied hard, and ended up receiving a 96% as his final score, and placed top in the school. He was admired by the other students, and even some teachers. This was another big cause for him to re-consider his choice of jobs. Looking into Law enforcement even more so. He eventually got a family of his own, his own kids, of whom he loves, and wanted to protect. So he decided to try to protect them from the evil that plagues the streets. So he attempted to become a KPD officer, to help make Karakura safer for everyone, and especially for his family. It didn't help with his concern for his family, when three masked people jumped him in an ally once, stabbing into his back. This added onto his fear for his family, which is why he decided to ultimately change jobs.

"Why hurt, or kill? What's the point? We all get angry at times, but the difference is.. I use it wisely, and use my anger to help. You. You use it to hurt others. That's the difference between us."
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

"Layla.. May your soul rest peacefully.. I forbid my tears for you, as you have had too much water. Good bye, sister."
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No. You’d be charged with possession of illegal weaponry, unless there is blood on the knife, where it’ll be possession of illegal weaponry, and assault with a deadly weapon.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Paracetamol - Paracetamol is a pain medication, often bought for minor pain
Melatonin - Melatonin is used for a lack of sleep, it helps the user sleep better at night.
Wooden cane - A cane is often used when a patient has injured a leg, or has trouble walking properly.
Eyepatch - An eyepatch is used to help keep the eye protected from the outside elements.
Cough syrup - cough syrup is recommended to help with cough pains, typically resulting from lung issues, or a respiratory infection.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

I would quickly radio for backup, before jumping in to help the inmate, getting the KPD officer off the inmate. I’d then take the officer aside, and ask them what happened. Before asking the inmate what happened. I’d make sure the officer and inmate are both okay.

“Your job is to serve, and to protect. Good job. Unless I got it wrong, in which, I apologize. But If I am right, you aren’t any better then some of those criminals on those streets, and you. You should be locked up with them.”
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

I would radio for backup, before jumping in, to help my co-worker, and at least hold them off, whilst backup arrived. I’d then make sure the assaulters are arrested, and bring my co-worker to the hospital, whether they look or say they’re severely injured or not. Better safe than sorry.

“You don’t touch them, and stay the hell away from them.”
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

I would collect proper evidence, and inform my higher ups of the suspicion, showing them any and all evidence I have collected, why I have the suspicion.

“Pathetic. You are the worst kind of people, the liars. You steal, and lie to hurt others, you are pathetic. Less than nothing. The world is better without scum like you.”
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

I would remind them that bribery of an officer is illegal, and that I am not taking anything they have to offer me. I’d then add to their charges of bribery of an officer.

“You think I do this for money? No. I do it to help those I care about, from people like you. You couldn’t pay me enough to let you go, without you getting what you deserve.”
-(Rockwell A-Loke S.)
Last edited:


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of your applications detail & reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- Please use to better expand your knowledge of what KPD does for your next application.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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