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KPD Application #3 | tfyo


Level 6

☆ Created by tfyo
☆ 5/26/2023


IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Previous bans:

tfyo account
Throughout the time I have been on SchoolRP, unfortunately, I’ve been banned three times. The first ban was a mistake that was quickly amended after an explanation of the situation was displayed. Although, the next two bans were completely righteous. I understand my past can never be forgiven and I do not have the best past on the server. Although, I hope to redeem myself by becoming more involved in the community. I’d like to make up for my mistakes in the past by shouldering responsibilities to slowly make up for my misdeeds. I do hope I can be given a second chance to right my wrongs, after my time in the News Reporter faction, I'd like to continue my experiences elsewhere. I don't expect any leniency based on this small explanation, but I do hope that my application can be graded off my recent actions and judge of my character. The link to the two ban appeals are displayed below.

Appeal [#1]
Appeal [#2]

newpIay Account

playnew Account
Describe your activity on the server:
Honestly, I haven’t been the most active person on the server. I feel as if because I’ve played this server for such a long time, I lose interest quickly. Although this is a negative quality, I have found myself participating more in the server as of late. As of right now, I am more active on my highschool account other than my usual adult character. Recently, I’ve been setting my characters up socially and financially. From the time I’ve rejoined the server, I’ve bought an apartment to support myself in later endeavors. A few months ago, I left the news reporter faction after having to take some time off due to difficult situations outside of the server.

Now, I’m striving to have both my characters become working citizens in Karakura. If I were to rate my activity on a scale from 1-10, I’d most likely rate it a 5.5 / 10, seeing as I have only recently gotten back into the server and haven’t played as much as I’d hoped to in order to up my activity rating. I understand activity plays a major part in having such a responsibility and role on SchoolRP, but I'd like to use this opportunity and job to improve my activity on the server. I feel as if I've never been committed towards a job, because I struggled with activity. Although, I'd like to improve this quality by focusing on one job at a time and pursuing a career in this pathway.

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Karakura Police Application [ACCEPTED]
News Reporter Application [ACCEPTED]

News Reporter Application [ACCEPTED]
Teacher Application [ACCEPTED]
Nurse Application [ACCEPTED]
Highschool Councilor Application [PENDING]
Student Council Application [DENIED]

EMS Application #1 [DENIED]
EMS Application #2 [DENIED]
EMS Application #3 [DENIED]

Karakura Police Application [DENIED]

What is your motivation for applying?:
The responsibility is one of the reasons I was motivated towards applying to become an officer. My past reputation with the two previous bans has lowered my trust in the community. Although it may have been over two years ago, I feel that if I don’t participate in the community enough to better ameliorate past actions, my reputation will remain the same. However, the focus I have towards applying to become a part of the Police Force is the experiences that follow. Previously, I never really got the entire experience of being an officer as I quit too early. I understand that there are a plethora of people who have a way better reputation than I and much better activity, but I would be more than welcome to use my knowledge from past jobs and the little time I had on the police force to strengthen my chances of becoming an officer.

Furthermore, the Karakura Police job is one of the most respectable roles on the server. Through every job I have participated in, I always felt drawn towards the Karakura Emergency aspect of the server. My goal as a SchoolRP player has always been to widen my scope in terms of roleplaying. I've taught, I've healed, written, and played some pivotal roles throughout my time on the server. I believe that the first step towards a better future is helping out in any way I can, all I need is the opportunity wherever and however. Overall, I'm looking for a distinct experience other than the usual school roleplay. There is so much to learn on this server, and being on the Karakura Police Team would be an amazing experience for me. Despite my past, I wouldn't want that to prevent me from contributing to the team as a valuable asset.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police work stems from the research I have done in the past and my brief time as an officer. Although I hadn't been apart of the department for long, I was able to gain some general knowledge over the sections in the job. I understand the responsibilities that are shouldered by each member of the police department and have a general idea of the type of equipment each rank is applied. From what I understand, there are multiple procedures, protocols, and trainings you must undergo as an officer. Some general information about the topic will be placed below in short tables.

As officers handle enforcing the law, protecting the citizens, and executing the will of human rights, the department is assisted with tools to help aid them in their endeavors. The use of these items each have a different task that provides the department with the necessary precautions that are in place to enforce the law and protect the citizens they have jurisdiction over. Through the rankings of an officer, the equipment you are given depends on your ranking within the department and experience. As you move up in the rankings, you'll see less restriction on tools you were previously restricted use.
The police badge is carried by every member of the department. The badge helps identify your status which displays which department you are apart of and the rank you possess in said department.
A restraint gadget that was designed to clasp a person's hands by grasping at the wrist, pushing both arms at a slightly slanted angle while being in a locked position. The item has gone through many evolutions over the years, yet kept the same objective. Handcuffs are comprised of two circular shapes linked together by what can be a bar, a hinge, or a standard chain. Usually, the device is locked with a key to prevent anyone from escaping detainment and can be unlocked by the same key / shape. Handcuffs are used by law enforcement to detain a suspect, restrain an assailant, or prevent criminals from escaping custody.
A radio is a water-proof tool used to communicate across short-ranged and long-ranged distances between those on the same frequency. Radios use different frequencies to send out vocal messages. The device can be compared to a phone's calling system, although only being used for strategical settings and convenient environments. Police departments use radios to quickly relay information to other on-call officers. This police radio is a standard item that is given to all levels of the department, which makes communication accessible and quick. The item has different settings and buttons embedded to help the user switch channel frequencies, prevent those on the channel from hearing every sound as the device must be activated, etc. All officers are required to have a radio present when on-duty.
A breathalyzer is a standard item used to examine a person's breath to determine the use of alcohol concentration in their blood. Usually, police use this item when attempting to measure someone they believe to be drunk and a danger to society in their current state. Often times, a breathalyzer is used during traffic stops when a driver may seem to be under the influence and must be pulled over for their actions. For the device to work, that who it is being used on must blow into the portable device which will then give off a signal that displays the percentage of alcohol that may be in their blood. This helps officers determine whether to charge someone with public intoxication, endangerment, all depending on the situation.
Pepper spray, a device that sends out a gust of an inflammatory agent that disrupts the eyes. It causes irritation in the peripheral and may stun whoever it is used on. Pepper spray can be carried by only higher ranking officers and is typically used to stun another, force them away, or distract. In the police department, the agent is typically used to stun a suspect who's actions led to the use of pepper spray, enabling a stun effect on whoever it is used upon. Although, the device is typically ineffective when aimed anywhere but the eye area. If sprayed in any other location, the effectiveness is at such a low percentage, but should be handled with caution.
The crowbar is a tool typically made of iron with a curved end. In the police department, the item is carried by higher ranking officers in order to force open doors that are forced shut. The device is carried with caution and is usually used in raids, allowing officers to pry open locked or barricaded doors without having to exert an extreme amount of strength / force.
A baton, also known as a truncheon is a portable weapon that can be flicked to a length of 12 to 36 inches. This item is used by officers to promote cooperation when dealing with difficult suspects. Officers are trained with the ability to subdue a suspect by using their baton to either protect themself or protect another. The tool is carried by all ranks in a department and is used in only immediate situations that present the opportunity. In police departments, before using lethal force, officers will use their baton to gather cooperation. It can be placed in the waistband of an officers equipment belt. The tool has gone through many evolutions, some departments would rather the portable item while others use the standard non-expandable weapon.
The X26 Taser is a standard device used throughout a Police Department. It is a small item in the shape of a firearm that propels out a wire aimed at the target which would then send a shock through the initial point of contact to the rest of the body. The taser immobilizes the target and should only be used in dire situations. Police can also use the taser to shoot up in the air which can cause citizens in the area to scatter from the area, a tactic to remove innocent citizens away from the area of a crime. Aside from legal tasers, the X26 is amped to a higher voltage in order to swiftly disable a suspect and prevent any further motion. As an officer, only dire situations enable one to use such force and the use of such can be seen as a lethal course of action.
The Glock 17 is a lethal device that uses a system of springs and gun power to propel a small bullet to the initial point of contact. This device is extremely deadly when used improperly and is seen as a lethal course of action. As one ranks up through the system, they are given less restrictions that will later give one access to the Glock 17. Each officer must be trained to use this item and may only be used in a situation that provides no other option. The device uses a trigger that lets out the bullet, when used correctly, can subdue a target indefinitely. The sight of this item may provide cooperation toward whoever it is being pointed at and/or remove a threat permanently. Only high ranking members of the police department are permitted access to this weapon.
The standard police motorcycle enables a small couple of officers [2 MAX] to travel to a point of conflict in a swift manner. The motorcycle is more ideal when it comes to arriving at situations faster as it goes out a higher top speed than the average cruiser. The standard police cruiser is used for a large group of officers when zipping from one travel point to the next. The two front seats are usually used for both officers while the back is where the officers can place a detained citizen inside. Inside, a small cage like figure can be found blocking access from the back to the front of the cruiser, preventing any harm from happening to the officers and/or detained citizens while in the cruiser. The cruiser has a lower top speed than the motorcycle, but is often used more when it comes to dealing with large parties.

The roleplay equipment are the items that aren't 'on-hand', which means there isn't a specific model for them. Although there isn't a model / item for it, officers are allowed to use these few items as such would be found on their uniforms or in their equipment belt. The department is assisted with tools to help aid them in their endeavors. The use of these items each have a different task that provides the department with the necessary precautions that are in place to enforce the law and protect the citizens they have jurisdiction over.
Luminol spray is a chemical spray used by officers to detect any trace of blood on an item. It is commonly used when dealing with katanas, bats, knives, etc. The use of Luminol spray can make or break an ongoing case. If caught with an illegal weapon, you'll be arrested, but if caught with an illegal weapon along with traces of blood found on the weapon, the sentence may be upped to a larger amount. It also may lead to the opening of long cases and investigations.
A flashlight is a cylindrical tool with a large light at the top of the device. It is used to light up dark places and often carried by police officers. It can be essential to their work and allows free movement. The use of a flashlight is more ideal than any other typical light device.
A baton holder is what the name implies. Officers carry a baton, also known as a truncheon in their daily endeavors. To restrict officers from always having to carry the baton in their hands, they have a baton holder, usually on their equipment belt to place the tool inside. It makes carrying the device much more accessible and easy.
A first-aid kit is essential to almost anyone, not just officers. A first-aid kit is a set of tools to extend the amount you may continue to live for when dealing with an injury. Officers are required to have a first-aid kit as anything can happen on the job. The police department usually trains the officer in the use of a first-aid kit.
A body camera is a small portable device that can record almost anything. It is placed on the torso area of an officer's uniform and should be activated when on patrol / on duty. The body camera helps the officer go through any missing information they hadn't noticed while on the job. It also helps protect the citizen's basic human rights as with the body camera, any form of abuse on an officer or citizen that goes beyond their rights can be recorded and submitted to a higher ranking officer.
A fingerprint scanner is a small item used to detect and match fingerprints. In the law enforcement world, fingerprints have become extremely important in cases as one wrong move with one single print left behind can lead to a whole new situation. Fingerprints lead officers toward a larger understanding of who was there and what happened at said scene. The scanner allows an officer to identify a person, match their fingerprint, or put them in a database. It is also seen used at the Karakura town hall.
The disposable latex gloves allow for officers to pick up items without tampering with evidence. It is commonly used when dealing with weapons used in a crime scene, canvasing a scene, etc. It is highly recommended for an officer to where the gloves when taking up evidence and is required to have on them at all times in case of emergency.

Desk work is a task typically assigned to newer officers. As any officer can partake in desk duty, it gives the newer cadets a chance to provide their skills towards helping the city. Desk work may include a plethora of things such as filing reports, which is an essential part to the job. As citizens walk into the department to file a report whether it for assault, carrying a weapon, etc. From what I remember, after filing a report, you consult a higher up about the issue as you place the report in the chest that contains most of the ongoing citizens reports. Another crucial part of desk work is managing bails. It is common for someone in the city to be arrested for some sort of crime, whether it be big or small. That being said, while on desk duty, you are required to manage bails for citizens who have the opportunity of bail. As desk duty contains many factors, filing a restraining order is one of the larger aspects of the job. It is common for someone to file a restraining order on another citizen and as officers, it is our job to carry out the task depending on the situation.
CCTV, known as Closed-Circuit television is the camera system the police department utilizes to monitor activity in the city. The cameras around the city allow for officers to get an understanding of a situation when a crime is reported, although, officers must be monitoring the cameras when a crime is being committed to understand what has happened. With the new updated version of the CCTV system, it adds a realistic setting to the monitor aspect. Officers are now able to view through the cameras lenses and be able to see what is going on and when it is going on. CCTV is essential to police as it helps display incidents throughout the city. If there is extensive proof of a crime being committed through CCTV, it speeds up the process with helping identify and preventing crimes from re-occurring.
Patrolling the city is an essential task that officers must fulfill as they go through their daily duties in the police department. Excluding cadets, usually each rank is allowed to patrol with at least one other officer. It is unlikely for an officer to go out on patrol without another officer as they may find themself outnumbered in any situation. When on patrol, the routes usually vary, sometimes it may include areas of high population areas while other times the officers my find themselves dealing with a route that crosses paths with an area that has a high crime rate. While on patrol, officers are usually looking for masked citizens, those publicly intoxicated, violent situations, etc. Officers can be needed anywhere, being on patrol allows the officers to be at a point of interest in a swift manner.
When a person is arrested, they must be processed through the system. As you detain and arrest someone, the officer is obligated to put their information in the criminal database, this includes taking a mugshot. The officer will line up the citizen in front of a camera, back faced away from the background as a picture was taken of their face. They would then turn right or left depending on where the officer tells them to, then getting another two pictures taking of them of both of their side profiles.
The arrest logs are used to navigate and determine the recent arrest. Officers utilize the arrest logs to locate the arresting officer of whoever was arrested, the bail amount if they meet the requirements, general information about the citizen, the date of their arrest, visitation permissions, and their sentence. The arrest logs are extremely useful, especially when on desk duty as the document is crucial to the job.

☆ Police Detective Superintendent
☆ Police Detective Chief Inspected
☆ Police Detective Inspector
☆ Police Detective Constable
☆ Commissioner
☆ Police Captain
☆ Lieutenant
☆ Sergeant
☆ Corporal
☆ Patrol Officer
☆ Cadet

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The SchoolRP server is designed to provide its players with the most realistic experience possible. Despite the name, the entire roleplay experience is not about school. Players are exposed to small and large events on the server to enhance their roleplay awareness. There have been a number of different jobs across the server that have played an important role in some particular event, no matter how big or small. In contrast, the Karakura Police Department has become very influential on the server. This is due to the fact that over the seven years the server has been up, criminal activities have been introduced, natural disasters, man-made incidents, and etcetera have all applied themselves to the server.

The introduction of government roles has added to the power dynamic that already existed. Formerly, they were the most active and leading force driving the city to be better and keeping citizens happy. Despite many criticisms, officers are also very valuable in teaching organizations ways to better conduct themselves. This keeps the legit organizations in line while spreading warnings to those who participate in the less legal actions around the city. Without a police force, the crime aspect of the server would be severely limited, which many people enjoy. As a result, it would demonstrate how easy it is to commit crimes without being punished. Despite the advancements the police have made, they have recently become more self-involved in the server and upcoming events. Many may not have been possible if not for the presence of the Karakura Police.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do acknowledge that I can be demoted at any given time, I'd like to dedicate my time to this role and continue to keep the job if given the chance.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I acknowledge that by applying for this role, I agree to put my full attention towards the Police Officer position. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I completely understand, if I cannot attend a training, I'll be sure to relay an inactivity log so that I have a reason for not being able to show up.


Character's Full Name:
Hyeon-Yu Kim

Character's age (if accepted):

Character's gender & pronouns:


Character's Academic Background


What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

ComplexionHyeon-Yu bore a pale complexion, his skin rather lighter than others.
HeightHyeon-Yu would stand at 6'0 / 182.9 centimeters.
Weight184lbs / 83.5 kgs.
Eye ColorHis eyes glowed with a blue, ocean shade, naturally one being slightly lighter than the other.
Hair ColorHis hair fell down to his shoulders, the blonde locks of hair waving throughout his head.
BuildHyeon-Yu hailed a lean build, not too skinny with noticeable muscles. He wore a medium sized scar that passed his lip, leading over towards his cheek.
Attributes↭ Speed
↭ Combat Experience
↭ Reaction Speed
↭ Leadership
↭ Endurance
↭ Intelligence
↭ Physical Strength
↭ Swim Speed

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
↭ Professional ↭
In a professional setting, he'd speak in a respectful and calm tone. Hyeon-Yu acts with efficiency and care when it comes to working. Although his qualities don't resemble that much of a leader, he has a good skill when it comes to peak group performance. Hyeon-Yu works extremely well in teams and contains the positive quality of good communication. He is an active listener and a good speaker when it comes to voicing his ideas and actions. He can adjust himself to better improve relationships with those he is working with and his outlook on his co-workers can be put into one word, inspired.

↭ Casual ↭
In a casual environment, Hyeon-Yu appears very approachable. He has an extremely social quality to him while displaying charismatic traits. On and off the job he is not that different, he's able to freely speak his mind and enjoys going into detail about topics he has a clear investment in. People describe him outside of work though to be easily distracted. This makes him extremely bad when it comes to listening to others off the job. People find it odd how he can listen so well on the job, yet be so distracted once that uniform comes off. He's extremely family-oriented and displays father-like qualities.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Hyeon-Yu sees the idea of co-workers and teamwork as an essential part in the working areas of life. He understands that everyone plays a major part in whatever role they are destined to play and that one person cannot depend solely on themself. He believes that co-workers and teamwork are needed to push through the obstacles that daily life throws at you.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
"There hasn't been a strong point in my life where I can strongly say I've been a leader, to me a leader means a multitude of things. At my age and what I've done with my life, I can't confidently say I see myself as being a true leader. Throughout this job, I hope that one day I'll be able to live up to a leader's expectations, but right now, I've got a long way to go... I can't say whether I have the qualities to be a strong leader, it's not just something you say you are, it's your actions and mentality that bring out leadership qualities."

I would say Hyeon-Yu has the qualities of a follower, his life and experiences hasn't led him to gain the qualities of a confident leader. Of course, not everyone can be a leader even if they aspire to be, there are many ways to lend your positive traits in any line of work without having the leadership attribute. As he said, being a leader isn't something you think you are, it's what the people around you see you as and the actions you take in order to keep it that way.

BACKSTORY (100+ words)

May 23, 1995, Hyeon-Yu was born in Busan, Korea. He was born to Tae-so Kim and Eun-Soo Park. At the time of his birth, his mother was 37 years old while his father was 35. His family was financially stable, his father working as an accountant and his mother being a stay at home parent. Hyeon-Yu's father was the family's main source of income, providing for the basic necessities. Once Hyeon-Yu had an elder brother who radiated with joy each time the two would interact. At a young age, Tae-so Kim enrolled both of his children in boxing lessons, giving them a basic idea of the combat world. As Hyeon-Yu grew older, he began to take the sport more serious, becoming extremely active in the boxing world. On February 17, 2007, The Kim family emigrated from Busan, Korea to Karakura, Japan.
Over the course of this new transition, Hyeon-Yu began to focus more on his studies after enrolling into Karakura Highschool only a year after the emigration. At the time of Hyeon-Yu's early enrollment, his elder brother had begun to graduate college and pursue a career in journalism. Hyeon-Yu wasn't the smartest out of his class, but he could hold his own. He kept his grades high, yet struggled in some aspects of school. His grades would fluctuate at times, causing him stress and discomfort.
Hyeon-Yu took an interest in the study of computer science, but found it much more difficult than it seemed. He steered himself towards a less challenging pathway and focused more on finishing school than anything else. As he advanced throughout highschool, Hyeon-Yu finished his final exam which led him towards college. At the time, he hadn't figured out what he was going to pursue once he finished college, his entire family had something set for them, yet he couldn't figure out what would best suit him. He pushed through college, ending with a solid GPA.
After college, Hyeon-Yu took some time off to figure himself out. He moved back to Busan where he lived in an apartment for around four years. He bounced around from job to job, not being able to stick with one working place because of his lack of commitment to the job. Hyeon-Yu couldn't find an area that would interest him enough to stick around. At the age of 26, Hyeon-Yu decided to move back to Karakura, Japan, setting himself in the Apartment Complex K. He hadn't found his sense of belonging, but overtime began to notice a small spark for criminal justice.
He almost filled his apartment with criminal justice research books, indulging himself with knowledge on the topic. He didn't have the experience that most would prefer, but he was determined to give emergency response an attempt. Once Hyeon-Yu Kim turned 28, after a few months of preparing himself, he launched himself towards the Emergency Response area in the working careers in hopes to find a suitable career he could invest in while becoming more dedicated to the job.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"It is prohibited to carry a pocket knife in Karakura. Any sort of lethal weapon besides a bat is considered illegal and cannot be carried on person / owned. If caught with a pocket knife, you can and will have it confiscated. Furthermore, if the weapon is sprayed with luminol and any blood is displayed across the knife, you can and will be arrested and questioned."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
↭ 'Unbranded Bandage'
↭ Paracetamol
↭ Cough Syrup
↭ Surgical Mask
↭ Walking Cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"Thank God for body cameras."
To begin with, I would activate my body camera since I would need evidence later to report the officer(s) for misconduct and lack of restraint. After the body camera was on, I'd quickly call in EMS to identify and care for the inmates injuries. I would then approach my coworker(s), placing distance between the inmate and the officers in attempts to de-escalate the situation as we waited on EMS to arrive. Depending on whether the injuries are extensive, I'd apply first aid to the victim to stabilize them as we waited on the emergency services. Once the situation had been dealt with, I'd relay my body camera footage of the incident to a higher-up.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
★ Unarmed Target(s) v. Co-worker
- If they appear to be unarmed, I'd first radio in for backup as I described the situation whilst turning my body camera on. I'd then confront the target(s) who are assaulting my co-worker as I equipped my taser before letting off a shot in the air in hopes of scattering / scaring the individuals. Once I've put a good distance between the officer and the assailants, guarding the injured officer, I'd call 110 and relay the information, telling them the location to then care for the injured officer. My first priority would be to keep my co-worker safe before placing myself into a situation where I am outnumbered and without backup. Once backup has come, I'd begin to detain each individual involved, if possible.

★ Armed Target(s) v. Co-worker
- If they appear to be armed with lethal weapons, I'd first radio in backup as quickly as possible whilst equipping my taser. As I had my taser equipped, when given the opportunity I'd radio in for EMS and describe the situation depending on my co-worker's injuries. I'd keep a good distance between me and the assailant(s) as I aimed the taser at the individual(s). While awaiting for backup, if the targets began to rush at me, I'd make good use of my taser as I'd slowly back up whilst tasing the targets to immobilize them and keeping them away from my co-worker. Once reinforcements have arrived, I'd then be able to outnumber the target(s) and attempt to detain the individual(s).

★ Co-Worker Assailant v. Citizen Victim
- Following basic protocol, I would use my body camera to obtain evidence of the situation and the officer(s) involved. I'd then step in verbally in attempts to de-escalate the situation as I put a good distance between the victim and the assaulting officer. Depending on the citizens wounds, I'd call 110 to the location of which the attack happened and have the citizen taken to the hospital. Once the situation had been dealt with in present time, I'd display the body camera footage of the attack to a higher-up.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"To figure out that your co-worker has been aiding in criminal organizations in reality is quite a difficult task. Not only are they an enforcer of the law, but depending on their rank it can be extremely difficult to not only investigate them but to provide evidence and stay out of their radar. At the end of the day, you are entitled to reporting the officer no matter their rank, you are just as bad if you let them off knowing that they are ruining the city and our police force. It's our job to put others before ourselves and despite how you may feel, officers can break the law too, everyone has to be punished for their offenses. Even if you have to confront your own commissioner about their corruption, the political system Karakura has is equipped with a great mayor and great governors. You are never alone when it comes to corruption inside the force."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"Bribing an officer?"
Despite how desperate they criminal seems to be, I'd charge them in addition to their fine or arrest,. Bribery is the lowest of low, and as an officer you are expected to have some self respect, pride, and common knowledge. You can be demoted, fired, and or arrested for accepting bribes and cooperating with a criminal.
Last edited:


Level 328
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (Yonio#5112) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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