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KPD Application | 80sKota


Level 46
Lore Team

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

[Alternates are; Kotaawa, oboLatoK, and 1NS4N3CLOWNP0SS3]

Discord Name & Tag:
_iko. (with the period)

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Describe your activity on the server:
I don’t have a set schedule for when I’m on or not, though I usually am on every day for at least 7 hours a day.
What is your motivation for applying?:
I'm almost in my fourth year of playing SRP consistently, so I've been in factions such as Caretaker, Shrine Maiden, Shopkeeper, Reporter [x2], EMS [x2], Teacher [x3], the crime faction for gangs, regular crime, and BMDA [x2], and even in sports factions like College Fem Football and Highschool Track [x2]. I know I've been in a lot of factions, though the only two I haven't been in at the Government and KPD factions, which I know I want to stay in for a long while, even extending up to over two years. Another factor is that my first-ever faction application was for KPD, though the denied application was deleted shortly after. After being denied for the first time, I never knew if I genuinely wanted to be in the faction, so I allowed myself to experience other types of RP, groups of people, and factions before deciding on what I wanted to do. I never dared to make a second attempt at getting into the faction until right now, so I hope if I do get into the faction, that I get to meet more people, build a bigger friend group, and gain more experience in both RP and server-wise.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police in general are people who promise to protect and serve the community they’re meant to work in. Some main jobs they do are assisting citizens [could be at the front desk or even taking reports], patrolling the city to make sure everything is safe and no crime is happening, and even arresting criminals [can even be interrogating]. Police do a lot both OOCly and ICly, that their job can be tiring, yet very rewarding nine times out of ten. While police work ICly is very similar to OOC police work, there are a few differences when it comes to some of the ranks and jobs some do.

There are two groups of officers, that being the Detective Division and the Main Division. The Main Division [highest ranking → lowest ranking] includes the Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol Officer, and Cadet. On the other hand, the Detective Divison [highest ranking → lowest ranking] goes by the Detective Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Detective Inspector, Detective Sergeant, and the Detective Constable. Of course, the police are led by the Commissioner.

In this case, there are two groups of officers, plus an extra. What can be considered the ‘Main Divison’ are [highest ranking → lowest ranking] Field Ops Patrol Captain, Patrol Sergeants, normal Patrol Officers, and P/T Reserve Patrol Officers. For the ‘Detective Division’ [highest ranking → lowest ranking], there would be the CID/SS Captain. Detective Sergeant, First Sergeant, and other Detectives. Though, regular Detectives are separated by Street, Poisons, Enforcement, Eradication, and Directive. The plus one would be the Administrative Assistant, also referred to as internal affairs, who manages accounts, creates annual reports, and handles personal reports, which is also under the Police Chief. The ranking is similar in many departments but can be slightly different depending on the country, state, or even county.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
While every role that’s created in SchoolRP is important to the server in its way, there are a few reasons why police are one of the most important. Publicly known, the server has almost always been very CrimeRP and GangRP based, which causes a high crime rate in Karakura in-character, so there’s almost always some kind of crime going on in any part of the city. Police are important to the city to set an in-character and out-of-character example of how Karakura is both protected and held under surveillance to keep the crime rates as low as they are now. If we never had Police in the server at all, there would be constant deaths, events, or anything else happening with no kind of RP to stop or help the situation out at all. Yes, the Police DO lower the crime rates, but when situations are happening out around Karakura, the Police are there to de-escalate and stop the situation from getting worse. In all, the Police Faction adds on a huge section of RP, whether through crime, natural disaster events, or anything else that I don’t believe we’d have without them being here in the first place.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I understand that I may be punished if I fail to attend and I’m online.

In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:

Calico O’SullivanOmori

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, she/they

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

College Bachelors

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Italian & French

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
At first glance, Calico looks like she’s been in Karakura for a while. She seemingly frequently walks with confidence, her head held high, however, her shoulders and movements are tense. Her skin is littered with weapon scars, burn scars, and unknown, almost permanent bruising from whatever she’s done in the past. Calico’s eyes are both prosthetic, and her right hand goes halfway up her forearm. A very faded tattoo of a deck of cards runs down the left side of her neck while a full-sleeve tattoo of cherry blossoms runs down her left arm, where you’ll eventually see the centipede tattoo from her side, all the way down her right leg.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In any situation, Calico is frequently open, honest, and respectful when it comes to interacting with other people. While the professional and casual sides of her have many similarities, there are some differences personality-wise when she’s faced with something.

While she usually isn’t professional, Calico can switch herself to be that way in just a snap of a finger. Along with her appearance, Calico can relax and can even be described as patient and collected when dealing with professional situations. Even though she may not enjoy being professional all of the time, she knows there will be times when she has to be that way to not only get her point across the right way but to also set an example to her co-workers and family of how they should act in certain situations where they need to be serious and respectful.

In casual situations, despite her appearance and movements, Calico is a very easy-going and caring person, though she can be described as stubborn, but even outgoing when it comes to a casual scenario. When in casual conversations, Calico can be very loud, crack jokes, or even show her stubborn side by frequently disagreeing with people just to debate with them on whether she’s right or not. Some may call her disrespectful during these times, though she does it to understand the other person’s point of view on everything.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
While in Karakura, Calico has been a caretaker, teacher, shrine maiden, and reporter two times, so she knows how to work in a team very well. While she may want to work on her own sometimes, she knows that she’ll always have to end up working with somebody, so it’s something that she’s learned to enjoy over the years. Her co-workers aren’t just people she sees now and then, she sees them as a sort of family, people she cares about and wants to keep safe. Calico wants the best for her co-workers, so she’ll do anything in her power to keep them well and happy whether she’s on or off duty, even lending a shoulder for them to cry on.

On the topic of co-workers, teamwork is often a factor that often comes into play. At first, she knew nothing about teamwork, but as she began to experience other factions and groups of people, she grew to like the idea of teamwork. Working with other people on a big project or dream is an amazing idea to her, especially if they all have the same or a similar end goal is something that she wants to help them reach. Even if she doesn’t get them all the way there, Calico wants to give them as big of a push forward the best she can to make them happy and fulfilled.

What's your character's backstory?
The Beginning
December 16th, 1993, a baby girl by the name of [REDACTED] is born in an alleyway in Southern France, forcing her to grow up in a bad area with herself, her mother, father, and elder sister. Unfortunately for the girl, it was like she had to tip-toe on seashells when she was around her mother, Victoria, for her mood was very bipolar. This had already set her back as she was frequently tense, quiet, and closed off from the people around her, everybody except for her sister and father. Growing up in Marseille, France, her father, Darren would rarely let her and her sister go out into the town due to the high crime rate, so the two were frequently kept inside and away from public schools.

Years pass and the girl is now 4 years old, though that’s not the only thing that’s changed. Darred had suddenly disappeared from the house, nowhere to be found by family, friends, or even officers who were given a missing person’s report on him. At the age of 10, she gets herself into self-defense classes to protect both herself and her family, hoping to be able to protect anybody she wants from the terrible crimes that happen around them. Years pass, yet nothing happens for the O’Sullivan household, not until her elder sister, makes a plan to run away from France to get away from the life they were currently living.

At the age of 15, she and her elder sister both get airplane tickets with their mother’s ID and card information to get out of France and head to Japan. Around 21 anxiety-ridden hours later, the two girls are now in Karakura, Japan. Luckily she and her sister had found an area under an apartment block to live until they could find money. One thing was setting them back majorly, which was the fact that neither of them knew Japanese. While the girl was exploring Karakura, she noticed a large library in the business district, so she decided to head there and grab some books for herself and her sister, which eventually taught them the words they needed to have a normal conversation with other Karakurans. Six months pass and she’s now in Karakura High School, attending as a student who’s outgoing and friendly with other people. The once-shelled teen was now out and about, talking and walking with her friends who also spoke French and Italian, assisting her in learning more Japanese, more so the slang that was frequently used around the city. Though this particular group of friends of hers was in a gang, she didn’t need to know this, not yet.

Settled In
Now at the age of 18, Calico was about to graduate high school so she could go onto College. While she was growing up in Karakura so far, she got herself involved in a lot of trouble, committing many crimes, not only petty crimes but even felonies if she was ever caught doing these acts. Calico’s elder sister was now a right-hand to one of the criminal organizations that was in the city, which just brought Calico down even more since she was expected to follow in her sister’s footsteps, which she didn’t mind at the time. Years speed by like seconds, committing crimes and getting hurt, even watching her friends, the people she saw as a family drop like flies because of what they were doing.

Now in her fourth crime organization, Calico is forced into her first gang war where she’s allied with many, but an enemy to over half of Karakura. A while into the alliance, she decides to make her family bigger, stronger, and better by moving allies to be under the O’Sullivan name, where she can make sure they are safe and protected, which she still does 13 years later.

Current Day
Now at the age of 31, it’s still unknown how she got the nickname of Calico, though it’s one of the things she’s held so close, ever since she got into Karakura, it’s the one thing that was her own. Calico looks back on her old record, happy that it’s cleared so she can have a brand new start. She keeps the memories of every faction she’s been in, every job she has ever had while living in Karakura since she was 15, glad she met every single person she’s ever talked to, whether good or bad, she knows she learned a lesson from all of them.

Wanting to move forward with her life, she quit her crime life and shoved herself right into work as a teacher, though quickly left when she realized she wanted to help people, she wanted to change for the better. Wanting to make sure she had no option to go back to her old life, Calico looked into Government, EMS, or KPD for months until she could decide on one, and that was KPD. In her eyes, the other two options were great, but she wanted to protect and help people. Knowing who had sworn to protect and serve were the people she used to hate, but learned to love, so she decided to shoot her shot and apply, hoping to work alongside the people she now loved.

General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, pocket knives are dangerous in the city and are deemed a threat, so you will be arrested for possession of illegal weaponry.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden Cane
Iron Supplements

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Immediately, I would put myself between the officer(s) and the inmate involved without any kind of hesitation. In an attempt to de-escalate the situation, the officers will be brought away and the inmate will remain in their cell. Each side will separately tell their story so I can figure it out before doing anything else, which will also de-escalate the situation. Afterward, the correct higher-up(s) will be informed about the situation and they’ll be the ones to decide on what happens to both of the officers. Even if we have more authority over people doesn’t mean we should use it to our advantage, especially if it means physically assaulting anybody, not even an inmate.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
I would immediately want to stop the altercation, though there can be different ways of doing so depending on the situation. No matter what goes on, I know that I should stay calm, try to keep my mind clear, and focus on what’s going on rather than what can happen in the future to lower the percentage of a possible mess-up. At the end of any situation, I will make sure my colleague is checked out at the hospital, where I will stay with them until they don’t need me.

Example One - No Weapons:
If no weapons are to be involved in the situation, I would tell everybody to back away from the officer while having my taser out and ready to use. If continued, they’ll receive a second verbal warning after I fire the Taser into the air and call for backup, giving information on the situation, if necessary. If all else fails and the people continue or even run, they will be tased. In a situation like this, charges like the assault on a government official, or anything else may be added depending on the situation.

Example Two - Weapons:
If weapons are to be involved in the situation, backup will be called immediately and they will be given the information on the altercation. It doesn’t matter whether the weapons are blunt or not in my eyes since both can do very bad damage to the person being attacked, but it will be said whether sharps or blunts are involved. If I could get the people to drop weapons and get on the wall, it would be the ideal way to stop it, but it’s almost impossible. With tranquilizers and tasers ready, we could circle and surround the area to give them no room to work with, forcing them to give up unless they’re tased or tranquilized. When the situation is handled, the criminal(s) will be arrested and charged with assault on a government official, and an assault charge depending on what’s being used as the weapon.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Before trying to get any sort of evidence of this, I’ll make sure to inform a higher-up about anything like this that happens because it can cause harm to both the community and the department. Once I notify the higher-ups, I would give any information I have about it to them, along with the evidence if I have any to show them. Giving evidence of this happening will make it easier for a punishment to be given to the officer(s) who are helping criminal organizations. Lastly, sharing this information with anybody else shouldn’t even be a thought running through my mind because I know it’ll be handled accordingly by anybody who needs to deal with it.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
There wouldn’t be an immediate charge given since there should be a verbal warning at first so the criminal is allowed to re-think their choices. However, if they continue trying to bribe me with anything, they’ll be given the Bribery charge since it’s trying to prevent me from doing my job.​
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