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Kpd Application Attempt #2

Character: Alasdair Dior Mashefa.

Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time

Discord name and tag: i dont have discord but i might be able to get it

Week days: mondays 7-8pm tuesdays 7-8pm wednesdays 7-8pm thursdays 7-8pm fridays 7-11pm weekends not on

Why I want to join the Kpd: I am eager to join the police force and contribute to the safety and security of our community. With my unwavering commitment to justice, integrity, and protecting others, I am confident that I possess the qualities necessary to excel in this demanding role. I am driven by a deep desire to make a meaningful impact on society and believe that the police profession offers me the platform to do so.
My background and experiences have equipped me with the skills and knowledge required for a successful career in law enforcement. Additionally, I have undergone extensive training in self-defense and firearms. My proficiency in these areas has prepared me to handle high-pressure situations with confidence and efficiency.
Beyond my technical abilities, I am a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a proven track record of success. In my previous roles, I have consistently exceeded expectations and received recognition for my exceptional performance. I am adept at working independently and as part of a team, and I am always willing to go the extra mile to ensure the well-being of others. My strong work ethic, unwavering determination, and commitment to excellence make me an ideal candidate for a position within the police department.

What Knowledge do i have of police work: I would say considering police are apart of our daily lives, I'd have a decent understanding of how it works. I dont have full knowledge because i have not had a police job before.

Knowing what equipment is used in the police force.
Standard Issue Weaponry (All sources have been used from the KPD Information Page)
Only legal under Police possession

A straight, fixed-length baton made of aluminum steel, used by police officers in order to punish or sedate criminals.

Two hit K.O.
Can be mugged [Must have proper mug perms]
Has to be actioned to be taken out unless out of range.
Close-range weapon [TWO BLOCKS].

Police Handcuffs
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

Stainless steel handcuffs are used as restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists in proximity to each other. They comprise two parts, linked together by a chain

Can not be mugged.
All officers possess two pairs of handcuffs.
If you wish to resist being cuffed, you will need to roll out your designated rolling amount within a reasonable time to prevent stalling

Police Radio
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

A constant equipped, plastic waterproof communication device used by emergency services. Audio continues to come out of the device, and voice may only be recorded by the radio if activated by the officer. The radio may be placed on the right shoulder or in the hand of the officer.

Can not be mugged.
Action is needed to speak into the device IF in range of opponents.
Can be broken with the use of blunt weaponry. [Requires major assault or kill permissions on officer]

Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

Breathalyzers are used to measure the amount of alcohol in an individual's breath the individual must blow directly into the device for it to work.

Can not be mugged.
Must be actioned to be used on an individual.

X26 Taser
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

A brand of electroshock weapon made by Axon which shoots two small dart-like electrodes, which stay connected to the main unit by conductors, to deliver an electric current that peaks at 50,000 this reduces dramatically when it reaches the body, this shock causes the individual to be stunned for two minutes.

Can not K.O.
Can not be mugged.
Has to be actioned to be taken out unless out of range.
Must action to fire unless the target is in active movement.
Grants Major Assault Permissions if stunned (or attempted).
Seven block firing range.

Pepper Spray
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

Pepper spray is a lachrymatory agent, a compound that irritates the eyes to cause a burning sensation, pain, and temporary blindness

Can not K.O.
Cannot be mugged.
Has to be actioned to be taken out (rolled) and used (honored).
Grants Minor Assault Perms.
Blinds for a maximum of 30 seconds.
Four block range.

Riot Gear
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

Riot Gear is police equipment that specializes in supplying additional assistance for the officer wearing it. Will only be worn when the officer is responding to a dangerous call.

☆ Hides the identity of the officer wearing it.
☆ Supplies an additional magazine to the officer possessing a Glock 17.
☆ Can not be mugged.
☆ Can not be removed by force. [UNLESS KNOCKED OUT]

Weaponry Issue depending on your rank

Police Badge
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

A black leather wallet with an ID card and two different golden-colored symbols, this badge will have what department the officer works for, the officer's badge number, along with their rank.

Item Description
Can not be mugged.
Must be actioned to be shown to an individual and right-clicked while looking at them.
Only possessed by Patrol Officers and higher.


Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

An steel bar crowbar with a curved chisel end to provide a fulcrum for leverage and a swan neck to pull nails or pry doors open.

Two hit K.O.
Can be mugged. [MUST HAVE MUG PERMS].
Has to be actioned to be taken out and used.
Two-block range.
Only possessed by Corporals and higher.


Glock 17
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

The Glock 17 would be a known Service Pistol used by Police Officers all over the world. The pistol is billed as a "recoil-operated, semi-automatic handgun", firing the 9x19mm Parabellum cartridge from a seventeen-shot detachable box magazine. Despite the name, the Glock only holds eight bullets per magazine.

Can KO if shot in the head when the officer is in close-combat range or during hostage situations. [BEGINS BLEEDOUT TIMER & 10-MINUTE K.O TIMER UNTIL SAVED]
Disables the use of arm(s) when shot while aiming at them.
Starts a bleed-out timer and prohibits the use of deadly force from the target when shot in the chest
Slows down target when shot once and stuns targets when shot twice.
Can not be mugged.
Has to be actioned to be taken out and/or to reload if in range of opponents.
When in range and during close combat, the officer must specify who they're shooting and where they're aiming to. In this case, they can only shoot one bullet before their turn is over
When out of range, the officer must only specify where they are aiming (chest/arms/legs). In the case they do not, the bullet will automatically be fired at the target's legs
Thirty-block firing range.
Two block physical range.
Only possessed by Higher-Ups, Sergeants & Detective Inspectors.
Grants KPS if used during a CombatRP situation


Police Bike
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

The police bike is a small vehicle that allows selected officers to move at faster speeds and arrive at calls quicker.

☆ Can not be mugged.
☆ Only holds one person.
☆ High speed.
☆ Only possessed by Corporals+ and Detectives.


Police Cruiser
Only allowed to be carried by police, otherwise illegal to carry.

The police vehicle allows for groups of individuals to travel as fast speeds in a group.

☆ Can not be mugged.
☆ Holds up to four people.
☆ High speed.
☆ Only possessed by Higher-Up Officers and Detective Inspectors.

Kpd ranking system
Main Division (Starting Division)Detective DivisionTop Higher Ups (Leader(s) of the faction)
Police LieutenantPolice Detective Chief InspectorCommissioner
Police SergeantPolice Detective InspectorPolice Detective Superintendent
Police CorporalPolice Detective ConstablePolice Captain
Patrol Officer

Why is police inportant to schoolrp
The KPD has allways and will allways be important to the server as they work like cops now adays and protect the people of Karakura. They keep order and peace in the streets, without the police force Karakura would be over ran by crime but thanks to the police force that hasnt happend.
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of your applications detail & reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- Please use to better expand your knowledge of what KPD does for your next application.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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