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KPD Application | caysvie


Level 12

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

caysvie (applying)
alts: lautturi & kamilover96

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

EEST, switching to EET at the end of October. (GMT+3/GMT+2)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

[ACCEPTED] EMS Doctor Application
[DENIED] KPD Application x2
[ACCEPTED] Professor Application
[DENIED] Shrine Priest Application
[DENIED] Caretaker Application
And a few others that I’ve requested to be removed.

Describe your activity on the server:

I’ve been a consistently active SRP player for nearly two years now, rejoining the server in January 2023 after an extended break. During this time I’ve had a few breaks here and there due to personal circumstances but for the most part, they’ve never been longer than a few weeks, the longest being around a month during both of my high school exam seasons. Since joining, I’ve been a part of multiple factions in all corners of the server. I’ve been a member of the College Track team, the Highschool Male Football team and a Journalist. I’ve also been a member of the faculty and a hospital staff member, which was by far the role I kept for the longest.

Currently, I’m a University student, so my schedule is fairly erratic and constantly changing. Nevertheless, I usually wake up fairly early each morning and you might see me online at 7-8 AM. On other days, I may be online anywhere between 2 PM to 6 PM. It’s all completely dependent on my classes, as on some days they may end as early as noon and on others, they may end as late as 6 in the evening.

One thing that I can say for sure is that I have a lot more freedom on the weekends. Though my schedules fluctuate, I can usually squeeze in an hour or two of activity per day at minimum. Of course, all of these are also dependent on my circumstances, my current courses, University events, etc.

What is your motivation for applying?:

This application marks my fourth time applying for the Karakura Police Department. Most, if not all of them were denied or requested to be removed out of my own volition. My motivations still stand equal to those in all of my prior applications with a few tweaks, considering that my first time was in early 2023.

First things first, the social aspect. A large part of my motivation is simply making friends and having fun. Most of my time in different factions was exactly that, meeting new people and interacting with their characters in different ways. My previous time in the Emergency faction was also one that I thoroughly enjoyed, mainly because of the people there.

I’ve also grown a fairly strong interest when it comes to the police and real-world police work, which caused me to create the character that I’m applying with now. Yet, the one thing that reignited my motivation to apply for KPD was binge-watching multiple seasons of Law and Order. From what I’ve heard, police work is somewhat similar to that of paramedic work. Patrols, going out on calls, etc, were all things that I thoroughly enjoyed during my time in EMS, which is also why I believe I’d enjoy being a part of the police faction as well.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

If I’m being completely honest, I don’t have much knowledge of police work when it comes to its conduction on SchoolRP. I can only speak about police work from the point of view of an outsider and a former EMS Paramedic, and of course, the things I’ve learnt from bingeing countless seasons of Law and Order… Even then, most of the knowledge I have relates to real-world Police Work.

The Police faction, on SchoolRP at least, includes two different divisions; the Main division and the Detective division, both of which have differing duties.

The general job of the Police is to ensure that citizens are following the law and to enforce it where necessary. They have to cooperate with the Town Hall to ensure that the citizens’ rights are being fulfilled since the Police aren’t exempt from the law either. For example, the police aren’t allowed to conduct searches on citizens’ properties without a search warrant that has been signed by a Judge. Even then, the police need to provide the town hall with evidence that supports their need for the warrant.

The police must also cooperate with the hospital, as many reports come from sustained injuries. During natural disasters and mass-injury events, they also have to cooperate with paramedics from the hospital. Also, since Karakura doesn’t have a fire brigade, the KPD is responsible for taking care of any fires in the town.

When it comes to most duties outside of the station, it’s recommended that multiple officers respond, and if the Emergency level, also known as the EM level is high enough… It’s mandatory, to ensure the safety of the officers.

Everyone in the faction starts in the Main division as a Cadet. Their duties are training to become a fully-fledged Patrol Officer. Cadets cannot leave the station until they’ve finished training and passed their exams, meaning they cannot go off-duty either.

As for Patrol Officers? They are officially police officers as they’ve gone through their mandatory training and successfully passed their exams. They’re now allowed to go off-duty with the permission of a higher-up and can patrol the town either by themselves depending on the EM level or with another officer, which is usually recommended. They can also respond to emergency calls on their own or with another officer.

Corporal is the first rank above Patrol Officer, with the same duties as the rank below except that now they’re also obligated to train any future Cadets that enter the department. The same goes for Sergeants, except they’re in a position of leadership. Sergeants have to be able to supervise a group of officers and would be considered a Commanding Officer whenever a higher-up isn’t available. Higher-up positions within the Main Division are Lieutenant, and Captain, both of which have the responsibility of supervising the Main Division as a whole.

What about the Detective division? It’s a division within the KPD that one can join after spending some time in the faction and passing their Cadet exams. Detectives are responsible for investigating crimes and interrogating possible suspects as well as witnesses in a crime. They have a responsibility of not only gathering evidence but also reconstructing a line of events based on said evidence. The same evidence and line of events are used to assist the prosecutor in either convicting or absolving a possible suspect if the charges end up going to court.

Detective Constable is the entry-level rank in the division, and they’re tasked with completing training to become a fully-fledged Detective. After completing training, they’re promoted to Detective Sergeant, who in turn are responsible for training any recruits in the division. The same goes for Detective Inspectors, the rank above, except they’re also responsible for overseeing investigations and being in a general leadership role. The higher-up roles in the Detective division are Detective Chief Inspector and Detective Superintendent, both of which are responsible for supervising and deciding on recruits for the division.

And then we have the one and only Commissioner. The Commissioner is the so-called ‘big boss’, the person leading the entire police force and the one to make any kind of big decisions for it. They’re responsible for overseeing the operations of the entire police department and are the spokesperson for the entire department during public events, such as press conferences.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Multiple factors contribute to the Police faction’s importance, the most prevalent of which is realism. The police faction, much like the town hall and the hospital, adds to the concept of Karakura as a whole and makes it feel more realistic than without; it makes Karakura feel more like an actual town and gives it more dimension outside of the school setting. Not only that but realistically Karakura would fall into utter chaos if it weren’t for the police. Just like in real life, the police exist to monitor the streets, to ensure that people follow the laws set in place, and to protect the general public. Serve and Protect, right?

Another significant factor that adds to the police faction’s importance is the Crime faction. As many are aware, Karakura is rampant with criminal activity and due to that, it would fall into complete and utter chaos if there weren’t law enforcement around. There wouldn’t be any risk to criminal activity either if there wasn’t the chance of being caught and dealt the consequences.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I do.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Merle Sinclair

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Transgender Male | he/him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

“I speak English and French.”
Note: I’ll apply for French if this application is to be accepted.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

“One track mind, one track heart; If I fail, I’ll fall apart”

Though his name, a homage to his ma, may have French origins… Merle is the furthest thing from it. He was born in Japan and later adopted to the United States, where he’d be raised by his mothers in the ever-so-famous Big Apple; New York City, which becomes abundantly clear once he speaks. His accent may not be strong, but it’s noticeable. Merle Sinclair stands averagely tall at 5’7’’ (170 cm) with grey stripes adorning his otherwise raven black hair. He has a few smaller scars on his face, most of them unnoticeable unless you inspect him closely; that is if he even allows you to.

He was raised among many aristocrats and their children, and it’s noticeable from the second you look at him. His posture is always flawless and he wears a deadpan poker face. Due to his highly competitive childhood, he developed a sense of perfectionism. Just one failure and it all comes crashing down.

Merle, though he may show a friendly appearance to most people he meets, it’s quite shallow. Though it’s not as deep down as he thinks, he’s quite pessimistic and sarcastic. That doesn’t mean that he’s a liar, though. Quite the contrary, he’s brutally honest. Maybe too much so, at times. Even if he may not speak his opinion, his thoughts can be read very easily just from his expressions.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Merle will keep looks up whenever he’s being observed by others. Perfected posture and deadpan expression, almost robotic, even. He’ll also speak formally whenever he’s presented with someone he finds of importance, such as a commanding officer. Merle might speak formally to a co-worker, at least at the beginning, but it fades away quite fast and he stops caring. He isn’t one to act disrespectfully toward people unless they act in that manner toward him. Even then, the most he might do is throw a sarcastic jab of mockery at them, without much of a reaction beyond that. Honestly? He could not care less.

Being the perfectionist he is, he’ll look over any paperwork for mistakes and ensure that it’s better than good before he sends it in, even if it might take him a bit longer to do. Merle isn’t one for sloppy work, even his handwriting is clean.

As for casual situations? Merle takes his time to unwind, he isn’t one to work until he drops. He knows his limits and will abide by them. Even when he’s on the clock, if he has a break, he might sit in a corner somewhere and scroll at his phone. So long as nobody’s watching, of course. Merle is also a lot less “stuck-up” in casual situations, acting with more nonchalance.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

He’s fond of the idea of having people who will watch his back, in a literal sense. Merle’s always been the type to want to work with other people; in a team, so to speak. He isn’t the so-called ‘lone wolf’ type, or the type to wander off to do his own thing. If there’s an opportunity to have someone help him with his job, he’ll gladly take it. It’s one thing less for him to worry about.

Oh, and also… He needs someone who’ll listen to his ramblings at his workplace. Somehow, he always has something to say. Who better to do that than co-workers?

What's your character's backstory?

“911, what is your emergency?”
“My-my friend, I found her. . she-she’s hurt. She needs help, please send help.”

Merle Sinclair was born on the 19th of November 1997 and spent his first year of life in a Japanese orphanage. His time there was a short one; one that he has barely any memory of, as he was adopted and brought to the United States at only the age of 1. Sinclair spent the majority of his life in the same city that he was brought up in, New York City. It wasn’t the best place to live in, he’ll admit that… But it was home. His mothers were fairly well off, his mom working as a professor at a local University. Thanks to that, he was able to get an education at a private school. The school uniforms might’ve been the bane of his existence, but he still did well in school, excelling in most of his classes.

For most of his childhood, it was Merle’s dream to become a scientist. He wanted to explore the likes of chemistry, physics and biology. His friends were like-minded, especially his best friend. The person whose fate changed everything for Merle, someone whose name he’d never come to forget.

Her fate was sealed on a chilly autumn afternoon, one just like the others. A walk home from school, with a young Merle accompanying her. Everything was fine until it wasn’t. He went into a corner store and left his friend outside to wait for him, only when he returned; she wasn’t there anymore. Merle, determined and worried for his friend, went on a timid search through a darkened alleyway. He turned a corner and-
Suddenly, he stood in the middle of a cascade of blue and red lights, police and paramedics surrounding him, running in every direction; with one uniformed patrol officer approaching him. He was escorted away from the scene and returned safely to his parents by the same officer, who stood by his side throughout the legal proceedings.

Everything came to an end, but Merle himself couldn’t stop thinking about the incident. He couldn’t stop thinking about how defenceless he felt; how he never wanted to experience that again. He never wanted his best friend’s fate to be someone else’s. It was safe to say that his dreams of being a scientist were thrown out the window, by none other than himself. Instead, he spent hours on the family computer, vigorously researching the requirements for the police academy. Merle set his sights on becoming an officer, and he wasn’t going to let up anytime soon.

And Merle succeeded in that, entering the police academy and graduating with exceptional numbers.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

“Nope. No matter if you’re a felon or if you aren’t, you still can’t own a pocket knife. . . at least not legally.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

“A wooden cane, paracetamol, multivitamins… What else? Uh… Melatonin, and reading glasses.”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

“Yikes… First, I’d make sure that my body cam is on, and then I’d have to find some way to separate them and the inmate, be that dragging ‘em away myself, or getting their attention some other way. After that, I’d probably have to check the inmate’s injuries out, and if they need it… I’d call EMS over to have them check it out themselves. I’m no medical guy, doctor, whatever you call it. Either way, I’d also have to note down everything that happened, and ehm… Tell a commanding officer about that all, and hand over the body cam footage.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

“That’s never something you’d want to see…”

“Well, first, call for backup to the scene. Then, if I can help out without putting myself in trouble, I will; either by dragging the assaulter off of them or using my taser or baton on them. After they’ve been neutralised, I’d check out the victim, and call EMS over to the scene. The assaulter would be placed under arrest for assault on a police officer, and then brought over to lockup.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“Start gathering information on them, and whatever it is they’re doing. Then, I’d tell a commanding officer about it, give them the evidence and all the information I’ve got. Obviously, I’d keep it quiet. There’s no need for everyone and their mother to know about it.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“. .Well, I quite like my job and having it. I’d rather not be put into jail, either. I find it insane that anyone would even try this, but… You never know. Anyway, I’d deny their offer and send a nice little fine for bribery their way.”

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