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KPD Application | cupidhrtz


Level 0
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-game name):


Discord name and tag:
@galaxyseawolf | They’re both the same thing!

What timezone are you in?
Eastern standard time [EST]

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

N/A; this is my first time applying for a faction!

Describe your activity on the server:

Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday
4PM-11PM 12PM-12AM 1PM-10PM

I am a fairly active player on the server, from when I joined over a year ago, my activeness on the server has fluctuated between 2-8 hours a day.
My availability ranges depending on this table! It can be different depending on my schedule, or if I have any plans that day. Of course I take time off of SRP to spend time with family or friends. If anything, I will communicate with a higher-up if I am unable to make it to training.

What is your motivation for applying?

The only reason I have not applied for KPD is how difficult it seemed to get in. In all honesty, KPD has been a big interest of mine ever since I started playing SRP around a year ago, as it stood out to me by how interactive and cool it seemed. The idea of being a police officer and enforcing laws, being able to roleplay as a police officer, exclusive police events, and just doing police things! It has always been a long term goal of mine to join the KPD, with me trying out other factions such as basketball and especially crime, these factions now has taught me to understand how crime works after over 7 months of me being involved in it, even becoming a Higher Up in a Verified Gang. During this time, I have learned CombatRP, and interacted with more of the server. I have learned to be active and engaged with the group that I am in. With this, I feel like I am now ready to apply to the KPD unlike before where I felt under-qualified for this application. This confidence was further pushed with a few friends of mine being in KPD, or sharing the same motivation of applying for KPD. They motivated me to join the faction. Another motivation of mine is that I also want to make more friends, being able to interact with the community and people in the faction more. Additionally, I have always been interested in police work. I find myself asking my school resource officers questions about their line of work, and becoming interested in what they do, furthermore what else their line of work does in the background of what we do not see.

What knowledge do you have of police work?

I know mainly the basics of police work, and what their job is. I also have access to school resource officers, learning a little more behind how they work and how serious it can be at times. I know the tools they have/use, what they should know and how they act. I know the basics of police procedures and regulations as well.

Why is the police so important to SchoolRP?
The police are so important for SchoolRP as many other factions would not be able to function without them. The police take care of criminals, cracking down on gangs and taking care of them. They solve any problems and answer them. The police also take any injured people to the hospital, making sure that they are cared for by the EMS staff, making sure the people of Karakura are safe, and that everything is in order.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, and I will take the consequences if I ever do this.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?: Nodding, she kept her eyes on the person in front of her. “My full name is Iniko Banadzem Komaeda.. I don't- really use my middle name anymore though..”
How old is your character? (If accepted): Leaning in, she began rubbing her chin with her hand, her face remained serious. “I am 28 as of currently.”

What are your character’s gender and pronouns?: Scratched the back of her head, shrugging. “I’m a female, and I’d prefer to be called by She/Her pronouns only. ”

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application: Bachelors

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: Her face lit up with a smile, but she remained composed, the smile quickly fading. Clearing her throat, she clasped her hands together. “I know JSL, Spanish.. And that’s about it.”

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?:
Iniko is a African-American female, standing at 5 '6. When you see her, the first thing you would notice was her hair. Her hair was unique, unlike many others in Karakura. Cascading from a braid-out ponytail were black, blue, and white strands, transitioning into elegant curls at the ends where they were unbraided. When you saw her face, her piercings would immediately stick out. The piercings adorning her face were a silver septum piercing on her nose, along with silver snake bite piercings on her lip. Her eyes, a deep brown color, were charming. What makes her unique is not only her looks but her personality. Growing up in a tough household, Iniko learned to stand up for herself, becoming strong-willed towards tasks and goals she had set for herself. She learned to be kind towards others, showing compassion. She is never shy, often outgoing towards others in social interactions.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?:
In a professional situation:
Iniko will remain composed and serious, set on task. Very rarely will Iniko be seen acting childish/immaturely in a professional situation, often avoiding making jokes or immature comments.

In a typical casual situation: Iniko will be less composed, more at ease. She will make jokes, regularly attempting to make conversation with anyone around her. Her personality would be quite the opposite from when she is in a professional situation, but due to her age she attempts to set an example to others younger than her, remaining mature.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?:
Crossed her arms, tilting her head. “Well I suppose the whole reason for teamwork is to work together to get a common goal done, yes? She’d raise an eyebrow. "It wouldn't be fair if we were all working for one thing separately, we need each other for support and strength.” She sat up straight, smiling. “I love co-workers! I mean- I love working with people, that’s the whole point of co-workers.. I get along well with people and enjoy socializing with them.”

What's your character's backstory?:

Rubbed her chin with her hand, glancing up as she recalled her past. Pausing for a moment, it was clear she was deep in thought. Leaning back, she kept her composure. She furrowed her eyebrows, sighing.

"The start of my life... All that my adoptive father told me was that he was friends with my parents. They had met at the college when he went to study, there in California, where I was born. And.. the reason for me now being in the hands of my father instead of my original parents? That.. is unknown to me. My father was always vague about it, only saying that they had no other choice or that it was an urgent situation.. I was young when I was taken to Japan, I think I was around two, but I still remember it as if it was yesterday. I was in the back of this big car, it was cold, unlike where I lived, and we were driving to the airport. Mr. Komaeda told me I would meet my siblings where we were going, I remember not being able to understand him as well because his accent was so peculiar at the time!" She'd let out a chuckle. “I remember my life in California a little though, how calming the sounds of the beaches were when my parents brought me there.. It was unlike when I moved to the bustling city in Japan.”

Sighed, glancing up once more as she again tried to recall the memories. “When I made it to Japan.. I met all of my siblings, there were a lot- considering that I was an only child before then.. And, they were all.. Blonde? I had four other siblings at the time, their names Senju, Chino, Ayumi and Airi. They were all around the same age as me. Mr. Komaeda was around for about a year until he went on another one of his “trips” again, the others told me he wasn’t going to be around much.” Frowned, resting her back against the chair, she brought her hand out as if to reason against something. “They told me it was normal for him to do that, and that their mother was always working, so it was soon my responsibility along with the others.. to take care of each other, they all had to..” Her face twisted into that of disgust, she continued to frown. “I didn't know it then but my adoptive parents were quite irresponsible, leaving their children at home like that.. But that’s how I learned a range of my skills.” Paused, clearing her throat. “I was taken care of by the oldest of the bunch for around four years, they taught me Japanese, and they were quite knowledgeable, considering their age. It wasn’t too hard to get used to the city, considering how long I was there for, and how fresh my mind was, it was as if I was born there. The parents had us go to school, they paid all of the expenses any of us had, but I never really saw them around. After I turned ten was when I started learning more about how to care for others. I was taught to cook, to clean, and all of the needs of the others. We all learned the same things, we practically had to raise each other.

Smiled, to her this was the exciting part of her story. “I remember in elementary school, I was at recess, I saw this young boy being battered around by another boy, he was teasing him for some reason.. He reminded me of my younger brother... I was playing with my friends, but I knew it wasn’t right what he was doing, so I decided to step in. The bully, I can't remember his name at this moment, but he had always teased him. This day was worse than the rest because he was well.. Beaten up.. Typically it was just teasing with his words." Her expression shifted in to that of a frown, she brought her hand up to rub her temple. Maybe she shouldn't be smiling at the part where a boy was being hurt.. “I felt so bad for the boy, so I stepped between them. The bully walked away and shortly after the boy told me his name was Kōji, from then on I stuck by his side, sort of defending him against bullies throughout middle school. We grew closer over time, and I like to think of him as my best friend." She smiled, reminiscing in the memories. "During this time I found myself going over to his house, more and more often.. It was like I was a part of his family.” . . . “His father was an Officer, and Kōji told me about his job very often. While spending time with Kōji I learned more about his father’s job, his family made me feel at home. His home was where I spent most of my time throughout high school too, when I wasn’t taking care of my siblings that is.” Paused once more. “Around this time I started discovering what I wanted to do in the future. Kōji’s father really inspired me to be an officer, and he further encouraged me to continue my dream of becoming one... Shortly after I turned 17, my siblings decided that they wanted to move to Karakura. I agreed that a fresh start would be good, plus it gave me a good chance to study more to become an officer and focus on school. That's how I ended up here." She would smile, nodding to signal that she was finished speaking.

General knowledge:

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?: Shook her head. “No, you can not legally own a pocket knife here in Karakura."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:
“Hmm.. let’s see.” Iniko extended her arm out, her hand in a fist. She extended a finger from the fist each time she listed an item. “A Wooden cane, Paracetamol, Multivitamins, Melatonin, and.. Cough syrup.”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?:
Her face remained serious, leaning in, she’d raise an eyebrow. “Seriously? Who would do that..” - “Oh- well I would tell them to stop, clearly they should know that’s wrong.. and I would also report it, and interfere if they don’t stop when told to.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?:
Frowned, furrowing her eyebrows.. Even the thought of the question clearly made her upset. She sat straight, crossing her arms. “I trust that my co-workers can defend themselves against assault, but if I ever see that I will always help, calling for backup if needed.. I’ll be sure to defend them all that I can against assault.” She Sighed, crossing her arms. “I would also arrest whoever was doing the assaulting..”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?: Readjusted her position in the seat, clasping her hands together. “Well first, I would get evidence of them helping these.. Criminal organizations.. I would also be sure to tell the higher position police about this as well, so that they will keep an eye out too. And then I would leave it to the better skilled people to handle it.. Of course helping when needed, giving the information I have, plus the evidence. I would also further attempt to collect more evidence if needed.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?:
Silently snickered. “Bribe me? Oh- you’re serious..” Sighed.. “Well, if a criminal were to bribe me then I would deny the bribe? Then I would.. arrest them for attempting to bribe an officer, and the fact that they’re a criminal, if they had committed any crimes other than that.”

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