players online



Level 6
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

Central Standard Time (CST)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:


Describe your activity on the server:

My current schedule allows me to log in for at least 1-2 hours per day (minimum) but I try to stay for as long as possible (I've stayed online for up to 24 hours in the past)

Due to me going to college this year, my schedule may change depending on how I'm doing but I'll log in for at least 1 hour per day

as of right now my schedule of when I'm online looks like this

I was gonna make a grid with my schedule but due to Me not having an exact schedule at the moment I cannot make one, the only thing is ill be available 80% of the time every day unless I'm at the gym or out with my friends but I will always be home otherwise (unless something unexpected happens in which case I won't be home)

What is your motivation for applying?:

For starters, I've always been interested in police work in both SRP and in real life, so I think this is a perfect opportunity for great roleplay. One of the other reasons I'm applying is due to my past roleplay experiences on the server. Being involved in CrimeRP felt like I lacked meaning and purpose- and I think KPD. Quitting GangRP made me realize there was more to the server to explore, and I want to help both the server and the community surrounding it by contributing to the server in a new way, as well as creating fun RP scenarios for others. It would also give me a new roleplay experience from a perspective I never thought I would see before, helping me expand my immersion and engagement in SRP activities

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Most of my police knowledge comes from oocly research, but in SRP I know cops are in charge of keeping order in Karakura. They do so by answering emergency calls or by going on patrol (Usually in groups of 2 or more cops). While patrolling, they keep an eye out for any fights or criminal activity (Masked individuals, people holding weaponry, people passing illegal substances (alcohol), etc)

KPD officers are also stronger than regular players this allows them to roll 200 in-game due to their training experience

Here is a list of the tools available to KPD officers (all this information was taken from my research on the forums and personal experience with KPD officers)

Police Baton

[Accesible to all officers]

Police batons are blunt weapons with a 2-block range, they’re made out of steel and require 2 hits to knock out a target, they can also be mugged (with proper permissions)


[Accesible to all officers]

Those are steel handcuffs used to restrain the target, they require a successful roll if the target tries to resist (A target can’t resist if they are tased), short-range tool [1 BLOCK], Cannot be mugged

Police Radio

[Accesible to all officers]

Waterproof radios used to communicate with other officers or EMS workers
can be destroyed with a blunt or sharp weapon these cannot be stolen nor used offensively (I don't know why this is listed like…. why would someone even try this)

Stun Blaster

[Accesible to all officers]
The most iconic weapon used by almost all KPD officers

This is a stun device used to immobilize a target for up to 60 seconds, it's a long-range tool [8-blocks] it doesn't require a roll to be shot HOWEVER it requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out while in range during combat


[Accesible to all officers and EMS workers]

A device used to check how drunk a person is, its accuracy varies with how far away the device is from the KPD station, it can’t be stolen nor used offensively

Pepper Spray

[Accesible to all officers and EMS workers]

A device that can be used up to three times before running out of pepper spray, it requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out while in range while in range during combat (and while in range), it blinds the time for a certain period of time making them unable to roll when targeted (unless its a restraining action) nor can they perform any offensive actions while blinded


[Accessible to Police Sergeants and Detective Inspectors]

A plastic device used to neutralize threats from a long-range distance

Requires a successful hit to put the target to sleep [No roll required]

Needs an action and a successful roll to be taken out when in range while in combat

Requires an action and a roll (while in range during combat) to be recharged [Can have up to 2 darts loaded]

Cannot be stolen

Long-range weapon [30 blocks range]

Riot Shield

[Accesible to all officers]

A shield made out of tempered glass, it's used by KPD officers for protection and is most likely used to block certain areas or during events

This tool has two modes one being defensive mode and the other being offensive mode

While in defensive mode (main-hand) the officer won't be able to use offensive weapons nor use the shield offensively (besides pushing the target) however while in this state the shield will block any incoming attacks no matter the weapon (As long as the weapon hits the front of the shield or the side)

While in offensive mode (off-hand) the shield serves no purpose HOWEVER an offensive weapon can be used in the main hand leaving room for more offensive measures

Gas Mask

Those are police issues gas masks that are available to any on-duty officers

they can be used to protect their user from any biochemical or biological threats

These can be mugged but they require proper mug permissions (They require an action and a successful roll to be mugged too)


[Accessible to police corporals]

A police-issued crowbar that can be used to pry open doors or crates/ containers (Chests)

These can be mugged but they require proper mug permissions (They require an action and a successful roll to be mugged too)

Luminol Spray

[Accessible to all on-duty officers]

A container filled with luminol that is used to spray weapons or surfaces to identify any blood stains (Weapons can be cleaned with bleach/hydrogen peroxide to remove those blood stains)

Disposable Gloves

These are worn by all on-duty officers by default (non-fingerprint-proof) (they're part of the uniform basically)

Fingerprint Scanner

[Accessible to all on-duty officers]

This tool is used to scan a suspect's fingerprints. it can be used to find out if the target fingerprint matches a fingerprint sample

First-Aid Kit

A small med kit used when no EMS workers are available, it can be used to extend a bleed-out timer for an extra 5 minutes

Body Camera

[Accessible to all on-duty officers]

A body camera that’s constantly recording and live-streaming

it can be accessed from a cloud system where it stores data or it can be checked from there

The camera is waterproof and works in and has the same properties as the CCTV system recording anything from the players' point of view

The camera can’t be removed but it can be destroyed either by hitting it 2 times [Blunt weapon] or by stabbing it 1 time [Sharp weapon]


Here the ranks from the main division and the detective division


Patrol Officer


Detective Superintendant
Detective Chief Inspector
Detective Inspector
Detective constable

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Due to the high amount of crime going on in the city of Karakura police officers are needed to keep the people of Karakura safe, KPD officers are also in charge of responding to fires, and noise complaints but also to help during certain events

Do you acknowledge that if training is held while you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I understand that I have to be there when training is being held and I will also do my best to get online when asked to

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Jax Yamashita Zhukov

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Any pronouns

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


he joined the military after high school and stayed there for 6 years [Lore]

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

JSL and Russian

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Jax is a 6’0 Russian male with long- white hair, he's missing his left eye over which he wears an eyepatch. His body build is slim yet slightly muscular, what he lacks in physical strength he compensates with his incredible agility

He is a kind man who tries to leave his past behind trying to change his ways from a merciless fighter to a more light-hearted person.
Jax is a man who loves with his whole heart (especially his family) but can also be a strict one if pushed too far

“Every man has his limits, me included”

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

During work hours Jax will act professionally and will stay alert for any potential trouble during patrols trying to keep himself and his co-workers safe from any threat that could be lurking around

When offduty Jax will try to remain serious but will be more kind-hearted when speaking to others

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Jax is a humble man, He is down to earth and he knows he can’t do everything in life alone even if he wishes he could, he knows he's gonna be working with more people in the police station

Jax would treat his coworkers with respect and would try to keep it all professional but would become friendlier with them over time as he starts to slowly trust them more and more

What's your character's backstory?

[Story is told from Jax’s perspective as he monologs to himself]

⫘⫘⫘⟢ “Only the dead see the end of war”⟢⫘⫘⫘

“Ever since the moment I was born my life has been nothing but a living hell, had an alcoholic father while I grew up and my mom, well she wasn't much better neglected all of her children for a long time…. and by all her children I mean me, I like thinking that if I wasn’t an only child life would have been so much better, I would have had someone to be there with me during those cold winter nights those stormy days or even… just someone to be there with me on a regular sunny day”

“As I grew older I realized I wasn't like the other kids, while they would run around and play I usually stayed in a corner of my classroom reading any book I found slightly interesting, one of the series to catch my eye all the time was that of sherlock holmes “The worlds greatest detective”, that title ignited a flame inside of me that day and I didn't even realize it. That's probably how I ended up here today….”

“Sure high school was hard at least it was better now that I had been taken away from those shitty parents I was born with, my new family was a clear improvement they would show me love and affection but I would push them away as I wasn't used to it…. they understood that and they gave me my space still caring and trying to make conversation every chance they could. I wish I had appreciated their efforts more before… that night.”

“I remember that single night as clear as day, it was the day after my graduation I had turned 18 just a month before that so to celebrate they wanted to take me out for dinner, I remember waiting outside my school for hours and hours… at one point I started thinking they had abandoned me, that is before my friend came in rushing…. his face filled with dread as he handed me a letter. both my adoptive parents had died in a car accident as I was just waiting outside that school….I still remember falling to my knees my eyes flooding with tears as my best friend tried to comfort me, I'll never forget the amount of grief I went through and it all started at that moment”

“A couple of months later my best friend confessed her feelings to me… while I felt the same way my heart just couldn't bear to lose another person I loved so I decided to run away That was when I enlisted in the military…”

“My first six months in the military was a living hell, my drill sergeant was a man with no patience at all straight out of those cliche army movies, he would yell at me for anything…. that is until I realized what I had to do, I realized I was nothing but a mere tool for them and I should act like they want me to, listen to every single order and stop questioning myself that's when I stopped thinking, I stopped caring about anything all I did was following orders, surprisingly that made things way better, everything seemed just a little easier after that, it also stopped my Seargent from yelling at me”

“After two years I had already made a name for myself people knew I wasn’t the strongest soldier but I made up for it in other ways, I would be the fastest and most agile soldier in every single fitness test we would take…. it would also make it so I don't rely on pure raw strength, I think critical thinking and quick assessment of every situation makes up for that lack of strength”

“Six years passed and before I knew it my contract was done and I was discharged, my life after this took an unexpected turn and I no longer felt like I had a purpose, the woman whom I once tried to run away from had married someone and had a pair of beautiful twins… or so I was told, I never talked to her after all that time. After a few years of working at a construction site, I was tired…. tired of my life having no meaning, of feeling a lack of purpose That’s when this letter arrived…. call it destiny call it luck but whatever it was is the reason I'm boarding a plane to “Karakura”... seems like a nice city, hopefully, ill get a new start there… a new life where I can finally be myself… a life where I can stay away from my past”

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

Possession of a pocket knife or the act of carrying one around is not legal and being caught with one will result in a punishable offense

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Paracetamol, cough syrup, melatonin, glasses, and cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

I would first try to approach the situation slowly before pulling my phone out pressing record and keeping it around (Mainly to record audio more than video) then I would try asking what was happening trying to slowly ease the situation calmly but if the situation escalates to threats and possible physical assault I would try to immobilize my target as soon as possible either by cuffing their wrists or pinning them to a wall or the ground

I would then check on the inmate and if he were injured I would try to either carry him to the hospital (while he’s cuffed of course) or call an ambulance depending on the situation.

I would also ask for the help of any co-worker who can assist me deal with the situation by keeping guard over the abuser or by taking care of the injured inmate.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

If I see a co-worker being assaulted I would quickly assess the situation primarily by looking at:

How many people/individuals there are, if there are weapons like bats or knuckle dusters included, and if there are extra masked people around

after doing this I would ask for backup over the radio if there's more than 1 individual involved or there are weapons involved trying to make quick work of how little time I would have
after this is done I would pull out my Taser and I would warn the assaulter(s) telling them to surrender the weapons immediately, if they try any sneaky moves I would fire my Taser at them trying to cuff them as quickly as possible making sure to eliminate all possible threats

if one of them tries to run away I would either chase after him while keeping contact over the radio or try to shoot them with a tranquilizer dart if I have access to one

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

I would spend my “free” time trying to investigate into this case trying to gather any possible evidence, this could include but not be limited to pictures, video recordings, audio recordings, and/or any possible evidence with fingerprints on it

after gathering enough evidence I would let a higher-up know of my investigation and show them what I’ve found so far. Additionally, I would keep the evidence in a safe place for it to be used in any trial that might take place in the future

“Crime doesn't take a break so why should I?”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

I would simply chuckle before denying the bribe, I'm in this job for a reason and that is to serve and protect

if they keep trying I would first give them a verbal warning before fining them for bribery

“Don’t even try to buy me kiddo, that will only make things worse”
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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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