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KPD Application || Rip_Fluccss


Level 3
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Rip_Fluccss(Applying On)

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Professor Application (Accepted)
Councillor Application (Denied)

Describe your activity on the server:
I try my best to get on every day and when I am, it is normally for at least 5 hours that day!

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have been wanting to have new srp experiences as I have been doing gangrp for over a year now and that is the main thing I have done. Being a part of KPD would bring a whole new aspect of srp to me, where I have always been on the other side! I have also been wanting to join KPD for a while to figure out how they work with each other to see if it is any different from gangrp. I have also been a professor for a little bit and I saw how different that was, it was nice to have a small difference not fighting all the time! Furthermore, I also have a few friends who are a part of KPD, and they have told me how fun it can be with the types of roleplays they have been brought into and seen.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I don't know too much about police work only the basics as I have been an officer in a different roleplay game called fivem what is a GTA extension during my time on it, I got up to the rank of sergeant.

I understand the basics, for example always having your body camera on, as you will always need your situation's recorded in case something goes wrong or if someone tries to call you corrupt. It will also help you in case you ever need to go to court, you will have proof of the situation.

As a police officer you must always have your duty belt on as it will old all your equipment what includes, handcuffs, A taser, pepper spray, radio and a notebook and pen in case the officer needs to write anything down.

As an officer you must also wear a vest at all times, depending on where you are it could be a bulletproof vest or a stab proof vest. Officers must wear this as it can be a dangerous job, and you will never know what type of person you will meet nor if they have a weapon on them and are planning on using it against you.

As an officer you have duties you are meant to do, these duties could change depending on what division you are going into as a normal officer you have the duty to protect the public by going out on patrol and making sure no crime is going on. If you arrest someone while out on patrol, you must make a file report on them explaining everything that has happened in the situation.

If you are a part of the detective division, you may also get the extra duty of questioning people if multiple people have come in to figure out who committed the crime. You would also be leading a team of people to collect evidence from a crime scene.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The KPD is important within SchoolRP because there are still laws, and it's the experience although SchoolRP is based around the school there is also a whole town what ads multiple different roleplays and police may be needed incase someone is being stalked or someone has broken into a house as there are also criminals and gangs so the police is there to make sure the civilians feel safe inside the town of Karakura!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes I acknowledge this.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Haise Hashimoto

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, He/him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
College Bleachor

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Haise is a male in his late 20s with a Japanese ethnicity, he stands at 6’5” having a pale skin tone with chocolate brown eyes and a dark blue hair colour. He has a scar on his left collarbone, reminding him of his past. He has tattoo’s that cover his left arm and back.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In all situations, Haise normally keeps a calm expression trying to understand everything that is going on to try to work it out

Haise would walk up to the situation with his body camera on, trying to understand what is going on, He would take out a notebook writing down all the sides of the story from the people involved in the situation he would then tell the civilians for their phone numbers, he would then go back to the station looking at the CCTV to see if the civilians were telling the truth to then call the civilians letting them know that the situation has been dealt with and to thank them for working with him.

Haise would once again walk up with his body camera on, but his posture would be a little bit more laid back as it wasn’t a serious incident he would once again talk to the civilians asking about what happened he would listen to them very carefully taking in everything that they have said once taking it all in he would thank the people letting them know that everything is fine as no crime was actually committed, if it isn’t a busy day he might stay back for a little bit letting out a few jokes before going back to the station.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Haise loves the idea of co-workers and teamwork, as before joining the police force he worked in the school as a professor!

If any of his co-workers came up to him asking about going out on a patrol together or needing help, Haise would immediately agree to it, helping the person with whatever they need. He would then stay behind for a little bit in case the co-worker needed any more help!

If any of Haise’s co-workers called Haise while he was off-duty asking him to come into the station to help with something, he would agree to it once again coming into the station helping the co-worker he would then ask if he is needed for anything else if the co-worker said no Haise would then ask if they want him to grab anything for them after grabbing a few things for them, he would wish them luck with what they are doing before leaving the station going back to where he was before being called in.

What's your character's backstory?

[Young age]

Haise Hashimoto was born in Japan with a loving mother, father and older brother, Haise was always glued to the tv watching crime and police TV shows while looking up to his older brother as he was an officer himself! Whenever his brother would come home from work Haise would ask him how his day was and what happened, taking in everything his brother had to say once Haise started school he slowly started to back away from his brother as he started his passion for history reading on books on it although in the back of his head still loving the police.

[After school life]

Once Haise got out of school, he decided to move to Korea for more education on history, not knowing the place he moved to was full of crime. On one night while walking back to his apartment he saw a young boy being attacked by some men, Haise ran over to help the boy seeing he is wounded Haise took him back to his apartment finding a first aid kit and helping out the kid fell asleep in Haise's arms to where he laid him down on a bed coving him up before going to sleep once it became morning Haise got up making some food for the kid asking what his name is and to see if he had any family Haise could drop him off at finding out the kid had no family Haise decided to take him in like his own son.

[Returning back to Karakura]

After a few years watching the kid grow up Haise decided to move back home, giving his apartment to the kid so he had somewhere to live with an envelope having money and a letter inside telling the boy where he has left too and once he has grown up would love for him to come out so he can see him once again. After a few more years Haise heard a knock on his front door with it being the kid he watched grow up Haise pulled him in for a hug after not seeing him for so many years finding out that the boy is taking classes in the school nearby Haise decided to apply as a professor at the school where he met his loving wife.


Haise was informed that his brother was killed in action, what destroyed him completely but gave him the drive to look back into the police force after a few years of reading books and going through the police academy he has finally lived up to his dreams while he was a kid being an officer of the law!

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No you can not, You are not allowed to own any kind of sharp weapons in Karkura

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden Canes
Iron Supplements

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
As I see this situation happening, I would turn on my bodycam to have proof of it in case asked by a higher up. I would then walk up, standing between the inmate and the officer I would ask the officer to back up and ask the inmate to back up as well to get some space between them once they have both backed up I would check over the inmate to see if he needs any medical attention after that I would go up to the officer asking them why they were abusing the inmate once hearing their side of the story I would ask the inmate the same thing hearing their side after being told both I would ask if a higher up could come to the area to tell them what has happened so they are aware of it. I would then hand my higher up my bodycam so they can check the recording.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
After seeing my co-worker being assaulted, my character would run while radioing for back up, explaining the situation at hand he would raise his voice telling the people to back up from the officer if they do not listen he would unclip his taser firing it up in the air getting everyone's attention he would then tell all of them to get on the wall and try to keep them there until backup has arrived. I would then search them one by one to see if they have any weapons on them, if they do, I would radio for a background check once that is done I would see the people's hands to see if there are any bruises and arrest the person who has bruises for assault on a government official.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
First I would report to a higher up that the officer might be corrupt, but I don’t have any proof of it, I would then have my body camera on whenever I am around them in case he does anything suspicious trying to get any information once gaining the information I would give it to the higher up I spoke to before. I would then keep a close eye on the officer, making sure they don’t do any corrupt activities around me, although there won’t be much I will be able to do as a lower class beside keeping an eye on them.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
I would turn to them, giving them a warning, telling them that what they are doing is a crime and if they would wish to proceed with what they are asking if they decide to keep trying to bribe me I would ask them to face the wall and search them to then arrest them for bribery

At the time of this I still have my professor tag I have made a ticket requesting it to be removed​

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