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Format KPD Application | Rules, Format, and More

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Level 331

Welcome to the Karakura Police Department! This faction is in charge of protecting Karakura from criminals and enforce the law with the help of the Town and EMS faction. Below, you will find faction-related information that will let you know how the workers in the police department carry out their duties.

The police faction is one of the main ones in the server, given how many possibilities you have if accepted. From patrolling, to investigating cases and arresting criminals, there are countless activities you can engage in. Nonetheless, we also appreciate interactions between officers, as well as character development and a positive environment. Below are some of the main activities police can do.
  • Arresting criminals for various crimes
  • Taking reports about any sort of law-break
  • Taking care of inmates that come into the station
  • Engage in server-wide events alongside the EMS, Town and Crime faction
  • Overseeing the city with a custom-made CCTV plugin
  • Assisting citizens at front desk
  • Patrolling the city to look for criminals
  • Interrogating gang members
  • Filing town logs related to judicial cases
  • Raiding properties to look for contraband
  • Much more!
Despite just how much there is to do, it is important that you keep a respectful attitude in the force. Given the perks mentioned above, we are trusted as cooperative members of SchoolRP, and as such, you must avoid any sort of server rule-break or poor attitude.

The way police workers are paid follows a quota system, where you must acquire up to 40 quota points in order to redeem the maximum paycheck at the end of the month, which sums up to 400,000 yen, regardless of your rank.

There are many ways your character can acquire quota points. Some exampels are arresting criminals, patrolling, taking reports, carrying out visitations, etc. Do note that these activities vary on their duration, but any worker should be able to complete their quota limit within the first week of the month.

Do note, however, that police higher-ups will pay more attention to your overall activity (interactions with other officers, engagement in the faction) when it comes to potential promotions. In fact, if you do not wish to receive any money from your work, you're free not to log any quotas if you wish not to (though you will not receive any yen at the end of the month, even if you do your duties but you don't log them).

There are also alternative ways of making money, such as fines, achievement points, etc.

When accepted, the first and only role you'll be given is Police Cadet. This rank is quite restrictive in the sense that higher ranks will be monitoring your behavior in order to make sure you do not misuse your equipment or break any of the rules mentioned in this thread. Some of these restrictions are the fact that you can't patrol on your own without a higher-ranked officer (to protect your character from dangerous criminals) or the fact that you can't go off duty unless you're given permission by the faction lead.

During this period as a Cadet, you will be given a 2-week training, where you'll be taught the basics of policing so that you know how to properly use your equipment, or what to do during a stressful situation. At the end of these 2 weeks, you will first go through an evaluation process. This consists of a mock physical and informational examination that will let the police higher-ups know if you're ready to take your exams. If you pass these evaluations, you will finally take your examinations. If you pass these exams, you will rank up to Patrol Officer, but if you fail, you'll be given another week of training to make sure you're prepared for your next re-take. If you fail this exam twice, you'll be removed from the force, though you'll still be able to re-apply for the next wave.

Once you've passed your exams, you may be given the option to move to the detective division, or remain in the main division, depending on how many empty slots there are. These divisions have different ranking systems and equipment (click here).

Now that you know a bit about our faction, here are the basic rules that you should follow when applying. Make sure you go over these before applying, as there might be some aspects of the faction that might prevent you from applying.
  • Correct Fonts, Colors & Format. Your application should follow the format provided below. Moreover, you should also make sure to keep your application clean by only using the color black, as well as a consistent font size and type.
  • Plagiarism. You may not blatantly copy and paste information from other applications or third-party websites into your submission. If you are including references from other websites, you should quote these and change up the sentence structure, as well as add information of your own. Failure to do so will result in a blacklist from the faction.
  • Gang Members & BMD. Any applications from members of gangs or the black market will automatically be denied. Before applying, you must leave all gangs, black market dealing, etc. If you are caught as an active KPD being a part of these activities you will automatically be demoted (This does not apply to isolated CriminalRP).
  • Activity. If applications are being reviewed and you have not logged onto any of your SRP accounts for 2 weeks or more, your application will be denied.
  • Title. If f you no longer wish to apply for KPD, please change the thread's title to "REMOVE".

Although not necessary, it is encouraged that you meet these in order to boost your chances of getting accepted.
  • Reputation. Having a good reputation in the community will heavily boost your chances of getting accepted. Likewise, server punishments will affect the outcome of your application
  • Other factions. Although this is not necessarily a huge factor, if you are in another faction such as EMS, Government, etc. we will not prioritize your application to allow others to get a chance at receiving a role.
  • Server knowledge & CombatRP. We will prioritize those applicants who are proficient in CombatRP and know their way around this field (even if we will teach many aspects of it later during police training)
  • Microphone. If you are applying for the police department, it is heavily recommended to have a microphone to properly communicate with other officers, even if it through OOC means during training, events, etc.

How old can my character be?
If you are accepted, the youngest your character can be is 25 years old. Do note that your character doesn't necessarily have to be 25 years old or older at the time of applying. You can apply anytime regardless of your character's current age. For example, if your character is 19 years old right now, you can apply and, if accepted, that character would turn 25 (or older, depending on your choice)

Who do I send my application to?
In order to apply, you must go to the Police Applications sub-forums and post a thread (or click here) and paste in the format found at the bottom of this post. Applications that are sent via DMs or Forums Messages will not be reviewed.

When will applications be checked?
Police applications will always be announced around a week prior to being reviewed in the Karakura Emergency discord server (located here). We will generally announce applications if there are around 6-8 empty spots in the faction, meaning there are no fixed dates for applications to be reviewed.

How can I get the Adult role after applying?
Like other factions, you will need to remain in the faction for at least 2 OOC Months. Moreover, you will need to reach 40 quota points during those 2 months to show off your activity. This is made to prevent players from applying just to get the Adult role. You can also opt to have the College Bachelors role instead, should you meet the faction activity requirements.


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:

What is your motivation for applying?:

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

What's your character's backstory?

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
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