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KPD Application | SuperAwesomeName


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Previous bans:

None and I plan on keeping it like that

Describe your activity on the server:

I would say that I'm online most of the time, whenever I can. up to like.. 2-5 hours on weekdays and on the weekends it can be up to 4-10 hours or longer.

Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:


What is your motivation for applying?:

I've been in the EMS for about 8 months now. It's really fun and I never really got bored of it but I also wanted to try out something new while still being in the ems faction, and I had KPD in mind for a good time now. Now that a good time has passed, I think it's the right time to start applying. I’ve heard a lot of friends that are in the KDP faction talk about it a lot and I think it's a good time to try out a new faction. Seeing the roleplay somewhat in action always makes me motivated to apply for KPD. Me also being interested in police work out of roleplay makes me even more investigated in it.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

This is pretty much everything I've heard about once or twice while talking to my friends or watching the KPD in action with most of the items or them in the ranks/position themselves.


Patrols are little walks around the town. For patrols, it's always safe to have some officers join you on them since you could always get attacked for... Some reasons. As a cadet, you’re only allowed to go with a higher-up and not alone since you have less experience than the others and dangerous stuff could happen.


Training is something every new cadet has to go through. You’ll get taught a lot of things about how to behave yourself if you’re facing someone with a weapon, how all your equipment works, such as the taser which you’re surely going to use a lot, going over to how the station looks like. You get taught how you can fine other people or whenever you’re ready to arrest someone.

[Criminal Hotspots]

Criminal hotspots, there are a lot of criminal hotspots around in karakura, such as sewers, forests or powerplant. The criminal hotspots are of course very popular for most criminals, making the areas hard to enter since they can be very dangerous.



The taser is probably the most valuable thing you have on you. It can save your and other lives pretty fast, you just have to pay a lot of attention to your surroundings and be careful because you can always accidentally hit someone else with it.


The Radio is used for the officers to communicate with each other. They are also able to contact EMS for any kind of backup or help in a current situation if needed. The KPD has different kind of Codes that they use to communicate with each other in a faster and more effective way

[Pepper Spray]

Pepper spray is a tool that can make a specific person blind for a few seconds if used against them. Pepper spray surely is like a taser but a tinier version, where someone is still able to move around and try to run away. which makes pepper spray less effective, less harmful and easier to use.


The bodycam is a camera that's recording live, it can be very helpful in most situations since other officers can get access to look at it from the station, so very valuable information is recorded on that. It's best to keep it safe, don't want to have it destroyed.

[Luminol spray]

Luminol spray is a spray that has specific kinds of chemicals in it, making it easier to identify blood on surfaces. Such as blades, bats, and masks, giving the criminals a harder time hiding the blood on their weapons.


Handcuffs are basic equipment; you have them on you the whole time and use them to arrest other people.



Fines are low-standard breakable laws that you must pay EX. Jaywalking, underage drinking, alcohol with no I.D, refusing to take off masks, ETC. Fines can be fined from 5,000 yen to 25,000 yen.


A bail is something where you are allowed to get someone out of prison but with a price. Most bails are set when someone is able to be released from jail. Let’s say that you are put in jail and you are found with weapons and killed someone you would possibly not be able to be released from jail or will have bail over a million yen.

[Police raids]

Police raids are when Police officers break into a home, building, or apartment in search of weapons, alcohol, or a crime area. They’re mostly in search of something they can arrest someone for.

-Lowest to highest-

[Police Cadet]

Police Cadet is the lowest position of all of them. You basically just started and began to learn more things about the faction, climbing up higher and higher the more you play and getting to know more about everything each time.

[Patrol Officer]

Patrol Officer is the second lowest position of all of them. They are allowed to go on patrols and do not have to ask higher-ups to go with them.

[Police Corporal]

Police corporal, if you reach that rank then you’re most likely there to help train the trainees in many situations such as physical or theoretical stuff.

[Police Sergeant]

A higher position than the police corporal. They do the same stuff as the other ones, surely helping the corporal with some training, checking over them to make sure they are having a good start with it.

[Police Lieutenant]

They pretty much do the same thing as the other ones once again, it’s a really high role that comes with a lot of respect behind it. They can lead their own divisions, making this a very valuable position to be in.

[Police Detective Constable]

Police Detective Constable is a very hard-to-reach position since it's a very high position that you reach over time. Those detectives go around, investigate and raid homes. They also work on kidnapped people, getting them out back alright again.

[Police Detective Inspector]

[Police Detective Chief Inspector]

[Police Detective Superintendent]

[Police Captain]

This is the second highest rank, this role defines leadership, you are in this position to teach, lead and take care of the lower ranks. They are allowed to do a lot more than most of the other ranks and surely are the second person you should go to whenever something important happens.


The commissioner is pretty much the chief of the whole KPD station. They are the highest rank, setting up everything for their lower positions, they usually are busy with paperwork getting everything done, such as getting new trainees in. They take care of everyone and make sure everything runs smoothly.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Policies are very important to SchoolRP because we do have a lot of gangs running around in Karakura. Without the KPD, the town surely would be full of blind, legless... armless whatever people. And to prevent such an amount, KPD is there to help the citizens around. Keeping the city protected. Trying to be there all the time, answering emergency calls, and taking patrols around the city. Which is important to prevent most crimes. It of course can go from someone jaywalking, having an outdated prescription on them, to people that are kidnapped or detectives investigating crime scenes, making it diversified.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes, i acknowledge

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

Yes, i acknowledge

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I acknowledge

In-Character (IC) Section


Character's Full Name:

Escher Kaiser

Character's age (if accepted):


Character's gender & pronouns:

all pronouns

Character's Academic Background

Master's degree in Criminology and Bachelor in Law

What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
art by me

Escher Kaiser is a nonbinary person that stands at 5'3. They have brownish-gray hair and appear usually with a blank facial expression. Even though they either look like they have no clue about whatever’s just going on or seem somewhat mad for no reason, they actually pay a lot of attention to their surroundings. Escher has very clean skin, living with heterochromia which makes their eyes quite unique, as their blue and brown eyes stood out even more.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Escher tries to act professionally. being serious most of the time, at least while working. They are quiet most of the time anyway, which makes it easier for them not to get distracted as they are working. Paying a lot of attention to their surroundings while keeping a good look at their co-workers.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

They love having some kind of partner by their side that they can rely on at any time. You never really know what happens and it's good to have one by your side in case something bad actually happens. Of course, Escher would need some time to get to know them to fully start trusting them. Keeping each other safe is something they prioritize a lot though. They love the idea of having one to ask about stuff you wouldn't really be sure about. It's always better to get more opinions on something rather than on only yours.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?

I see myself as both. Being a great leader or a great follower, If I know what I have to do then I'm going to do it right and clean. Leading a group also is something I surely could do easily. Being a leader somewhat gives you a big role that you have to take seriously. I think a leader should be someone you can rely on. Same with followers. If the leader doesn’t give you the right and understandable instructions, then how are the followers going to do great? And with followers, it's somewhat the other way around. The leader has to give a lot of trust in their group.

BACKSTORY (100+ words)

Escher Kaiser is a nonbinary person that was born on the 15th of November 1993. In a city called Leipzig in Germany. They grew up having a normal life where they had a pretty good relationship with their family. When they started school, their grades were actually pretty good due to the fact that their parents didn’t want them to fail. Which is also is the reason why they made them go to a private school. As a kid, they always wanted to be an officer. Of course a job a child would always dream of.

Growing older they started watching a lot of documentaries of crime situations that happened, Tv shows, and more. Not only that, but they also were highly interested in law. So of course... Why wouldn’t they also study it? While studying in the specific school they were going to, Escher was in a specific kind of class that was pretty much working on getting closer to crime/law-related things. The class had a lot of different kinds of ‘trips’ such as little visits to the police station to get a look at trails and watch them happen. Escher was pretty smart and since they always dreamed about working in a police station, they also were highly motivated in learning there was no such thing as boring topics or anything. There was not a year when they weren’t interested in it anymore.

After years passed, right after they graduated and mastered all the degrees. They have decided to leave their family and move to japan. After learning the language still with a lot of mistakes, they have decided to join their old friend who sadly moved away from Germany some good years ago. They of course kept contact. Which made it easier to move to karakura where they both still have some good contact. A year later after getting to know the city's laws, and learning more about the language and about the people, they decided to actually try and go for the police route they’ve always wanted to.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, you cannot legally own this weapon in karakura.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Cough Syrup

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

I would pull my co-worker away from the inmate, seeing if the inmate is seriously injured in any kind of way before starting to talk to the co-worker asking what they were thinking. Doing such a thing isn’t acceptable, even though the inmate did something wrong, they are already going to get in trouble for that. After i talked with them i would report it to a higher-up, letting them know about the situation, and making sure that they can take care of it

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

I'll quickly go over to check the situation out, making sure that they have gotten a good distance from each other. I'd make sure to keep the person somewhere where they aren't able to leave, putting handcuffs on them, as I would ask my coworker if they are alright before starting to question the person that was assaulting them about the situation. And most likely arrest them. If my Coworker would be hurt in any kind of way, I’d either bring them to the hospital or call EMS over as backup.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

After I find out that my co-worker is actually helping criminal organizations, I try to get as much proof as possible added to my list to then report them later on. There are a lot of ways to gather proof, such as using the body camera and finding different kinds of clues about my co-worker acting highly SUSpicious. Making sure that everything is on tape, I go and show it to my higher-ups, letting them know about it as soon as possible since this could lead many people into dangerous situations.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

Bribing an officer is not allowed, it’s a very dumb idea to even think about it. If someone actually tried to bribe me then I would immediately warn them about that and give them a fine, telling them to not do it again, since it's not allowed at all. If it would repeat itself, then I'd once again fine them and possibly arrest them the next time they do that again.

Last edited:


Level 328
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (Yonio#5112) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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