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KPD Application


Level 0
IGN (In-Game Name): RookB4

Discord Name & Tag: @swallowawhale, L U R C H .

Which timezone are you in? Mountain Dailight Time

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: EMS and BMD

Describe your activity on the server: Frequent.

What is your motivation for applying?: The role fits my character and the position seems like fun. Not only that, but I normally don't have much to do on the server, so I have plenty of time I'm willing to use on patrol or doing other things related to the faction.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I watch a lot of police bodycams, so I know that it includes a lot of partolling, a lot of rather difficult situations with other players/characters, and that I and my character must remain professional at all times.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP? Simple, a major part of SRP's community is in some sort of crime faction or are committing crimes daily. The police act as a balance, so that the server doesn't end up like a roleplay anarchy server.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished? Absolutely. I am actually excited to attend these training sessions.

What's your character's full name?: Koji Tsukuyomi.

How old is your character (if accepted)?: 19

What are your character's gender and pronouns?: Male, He/him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: None.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique? Koji is 5'9, has a lean physique, and a rather intimidating look. He has a lightning scar going down from the top right part of his forehead, across the bridge of his nose, and down his neck and across his left shoulder. He also has a large puncture scar on the right side of his obliques, and a burn scar on his right forearm. Koji has short, Red-ish black hair and green eyes, and normally looks tired.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation? Rather well, being polite and kind throughout most situations. Even if he's confronted with people yelling at him or getting super upset, he tends to be kind to them anyways. He is rather sarcastic with people he knows well, but is still pretty considerate with them.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork? Koji loves working in groups, and will do his best to work well with someone even if they don't like him.

What's your character's backstory? Well, buckle up, this is gonna be a little rough. (Please note that most of this I didn't decide for Koji before creation, 90% of the events that will be listed happened on the SRP server.)
Koji Tsukuyomi lived a decently normal life in downtown Kyoto, Japan, sharing a small apartment with his mother and father. At this time, he was five years old, and had little to no experience with any form of violence. During this period, he and his father would go shopping together regularly, since his mother worked, and they would normally cut across town to get home quickly. One day, Koji and his father were taking their regular route home, getting jumped by one man with a 6-shot revolver. Though his father, Shinjiro Tsukuyomi, was able to get the gun away from the man, he was shot in the process. Koji, out of fear of losing his father, grabbed the gun out of instinct and pulled the trigger, killing their attacker. Shinjiro Tsukuyomi died that day, as did the other man. After quite a bit of therapy, Koji was able to go to elementary school, now being age 6. On his way home from school one day, Koji saw his apartment building ablaze, multiple fire crews already isolating the area and attempting to put out the fire. Koji could only watch as his home burned, later finding out that his mother was inside, and she ended up burning alive. After this, Koji decided to work any job he could to attempt to get a decent home, while still attending school. Most people shrugged him off when he asked for work, except for one man, who let him work at his coffee shop for a average living wage. He worked there diligently for years, only leaving when his uncle, Kareru Akuyami, invited Koji to live with him in Karakura. After packing his things and saying his farewells, he boarded a ship headed to Karakura, affiving in late August. When he arrived, he didn't have much money, since most was spent on the boat ride, and decided to just explore for a while. After a few days, he befriended a senior student named Autumn, who acted as a motherly figure for him for a little while. He spent a lot of his time around the lighthouse, enjoying the cold air and the view. A few days after he met Autumn, someone (who I distinctly remember wearing a eat ear headband) pushed him over the lighthouse railing, sending him plummeting towards the ground. He ended up dispelling most of the fall with his legs, shattering his legs in the process, but keeping him alive. He also ended up falling on a rather sharp rock, puncturing his right obliques, resulting in the scar there today. He passed out because of the pain, the rock stopping him from losing too much blood. He sat there passed out for a while, and ended up bandaging himself up with torn pieces of his own clothing while waiting for EMS who never came (There weren't any EMS on at the time). He ended up using a stick to hold himself up as he gathered bits of metal from around the beach. He found a welding kit outside at the time, and used that along with the scrap he found to make a pair of makeshift prosthetics. He was able to walk somewhat, so he used all the time he could while in school to research how to correctly weld and basic mechanics. After a while, he was able to make a pair of decent braces for his legs, as well as a frame so he could actually walk. He continued improving his makeshift prosthetics for a while, during this time he made two new friends, who gave him a small room in their apartment. After thanking them more than he'd be willing to admit now, he used this room to continue improving his legs, so they'd heal faster and so he could move more easily. A few weeks after he was given that room, Autumn died of lung cancer, and he ended up depressed again. He lost a lot of sleep over that death, while still attempting to work. He eventually got to the point where he was working with electronics to make his prosthetics better, which leads to the next major event. One day, he was working on a rather powerful setup for his prosthetics, but ended up forgetting to install the cooling system before testing due to his lack of sleep. The setup exploded, which is why he has that scar on his right arm. After he got that healed up, he was able to make a final version of these prosthetics, and lived happily for a year (icly). After that year, he was left alone, since his friends moved to Russia. He then spent most of his time alone, either training or studying. After a while, he ended up getting a girlfriend, and his legs eventually healed, though not completely. After another year of peace, he was suddenly struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, as he was talking a walk by the beach. He called EMS, but nobody responded. He then just muscled up, and walked to the hospital, where he was treated. After that, his girlfriend broke up with him and then went missing, sending into the rather depressing state he's in now. Despite this, he's living peacefully, and doing pretty well now.

General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription Paracetamol, Multivitamins, Iron Supplements, Cough Syrup, and a Wooden Cane.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do? Attempt to stop them, and then report them to my supervisor.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted? Intervene if possible, and make sure they're alright, though I know I might have to make a report on the incident later.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations? Gather as much information on their involvement as I can, and report them to my supervisor.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you? Not take the bribe.

Note: Thank you for taking the time to read my application. I do apologize if it was a little long-winded in some portions, but I am trying my best. I wish you luck reviewing the other applications, and hope you have a wonderful day, night, morning, and evening!
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