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KPD Applicaton || Skvllr0t <3


Level 3
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Art by Skvllr0t! :D

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
Eastern Standard Time (EST)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
Since the beginning of my SRP career back in early 2021, I have been involved in all fashions of RolePlay scenarios, ranging from GangRP and CriminalRP to FamilyRP and in general, StudentRP (referring to attending many classes and having actual interactions with not only faculty but other students!) Nowadays, I consistently log on daily for a couple of hours at a time and mainly focus on FamilyRP, LoreRP, and StudentRP, while also juggling my responsibilities as a working adult OOCly.

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As for my availability OOCly, here is a rough schedule I have for work, though it could change at any point! I'm completely available, outside of this schedule. (This is for EST, showing when I cannot be active at all.)
10:00-16:0010:00-17:0010:00-16:00N/A (All-day Availability)15:00-21:0010:00-16:0010:00-16:00

What is your motivation for applying?:
My main motivation in applying for a faction, specifically this faction is directly linked to one of my strongest OOCly desires to be a part of a police force at the core levels; Becoming a Forensic Scientist! Science has always been a major part of my life, and I exceeded my peers from an academic standpoint. Throughout my entire school experience, starting from the ripe age of 8, I had been an outcast from everyone else due to my desire to learn overpowering my desire to please others. Learning has always been a major part of my life, including the experiences I get to go through while learning.

This overall ties into my ICly desire to experience a faction, so I could learn more and take part in new scenarios and interactions I wouldn’t be able to include myself into, with just remaining a Citizen. Since starting to be an active player on SRP, I have always had my sights set on becoming a known figure in any of the factions, which I have accomplished with GangRP and SchoolRP, but from a different standing; I was never a member of these factions fully. I was always on the sidelines, assisting others from the backlines, and I want to change that! I never felt ready enough to apply to any faction, let alone KPD, a key part of this server, but throughout the almost 4 years of gaining experience in RolePlay in general, and interacting with countless Officers, going as far as writing my entire PhD project on KPD, I think I have made myself beyond ready to take on this new and exciting challenge! Speaking of my PhD Role, while working my way up to gaining this role, most of my characters have naturally become mature, evident by the way I roleplay now and this would be yet another opportunity to improve in their maturity and have my first ever adult-aged character!


"Why do I want to join, you ask? There are a few reasons behind my decision to apply, actually! To be completely honest with you, up until a few years ago, I never imagined myself sitting here, talking to you about a career in this field. I was raised in an environment where the police were an enemy, I was taught to hate Officers. I won't be dishonest, I spent a lot of my youth with the wrong people, causing more harm than I did good... It was all I knew how to do, at the time."
"Later in my teen years, I met someone- A woman. A woman who completely changed the way I saw myself, and life overall. She was so kindhearted, so pure, and she somehow showed me that even though I was in such a dark place, there was still light, waiting to shine through. She taught me so much, more than my own mother ever had. This woman ended up asking to adopt me, to which I agreed so fast... She helped me see that not only KPD, but all Officers were not my enemy, they were not the villains I had grown to know them as. She explained that yeah, everything considered, it was a harsh and demanding job, and that you need courage to face all the dangers that come in this field of work, but the feelings of satisfaction from helping people, were like no feelings she had felt before. That's it- That is what sparked my dream- A dream to help people like me, people who need the help."
"Things began changing, though... That same woman, the one I once looked up to, who inspired me to change the path of life I was walking, ended up walking it for herself. For her success, she began turning to the darkness... It destroyed her, I watched it ruin everything she worked for... But for me, I can't just sit back and let that be the end of my mother's story. I want to bring back the light she carried, the light she shared with me. So I found a new reason to join this field... I want to show everyone, that even after death, a legacy can be redeemed, and that the light that went out, can return once more. This means everything to me, joining the force became more than just a career for me- It became a way to rebuild what was lost... My mother, Amaya Omori O'Sullivan, left behind a tarnished legacy tied to the Omori name, a name that once symbolized pride and honor... I feel it's my turn now, to carry the Omori name forward, and rewrite the story- make it mean something again. That is all I could think about when I walked into this station, the one she once cherished and devoted her life to..."

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Overall, regardless of whether the Police Force is in a game or based in reality, Officers are here to serve and protect the community in whatever ways they can! They are specially trained to withstand all sorts of stressful situations and tense interactions while remaining calm and collected to not escalate a situation further.

I have limited knowledge of what goes into actual police work, as I am more interested in the forensic side of this field. From what knowledge I do have though, I can list off rankings (ie. Chief of Police, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, etc.), general code of conduct, and radio codes for emergencies. I am aware of basic job responsibilities as well such as patrolling, cell security, and inmate booking once an arrest is made, and positions that are available under the police force as a whole and not just the officers' rankings! As well as how intensive the entrance training is to even become an official Officer!

As for an ICly knowledge basis, I know of the ranks and their hierarchy and what each position entails for their job duties, the process in detaining/arresting anyone necessary, as well as a basic understanding of their equipment and how/why/and when it is used. I am hopeful to learn much more than just the basics soon, and apply all of the learned information towards a role in the KPD!

General Ranks/Ranks in Karakura
CadetEntry-Level Officer in Training. Shadows superiors to get a better understanding of what's required in their line of work.
Patrol OfficerAn Officer who responds to emergency or non-emergency calls. Patrols regularly and follows routes to keep a safe environment on the streets.
CorporalA supervisor of sorts, though only oversees a small group of Officers. Patrols the streets, serving as a liaison between Patrol Officers, Cadets, and other superiors.
SergeantSupervises and trains Officers under their command, often participating in policy development or conducting disciplinary reviews.
LieutenantLeads Patrol Division and provides the proper equipment to Officers for them to accomplish their respective duties. Captain's subordinate, often trains their subordinates further and supervises shifts. Can be involved in administrative work.
CaptainOversees a Division, ranging from homicide to civil disputes. Involved in Administrative work, and ensures their subordinates are trained well enough to successfully fulfill their respective duties!
Detective ConstableOften works in a variable of investigations. They investigate crime and are often the first to respond at a crime scene. Responsible for securing all necessary and provided evidence, and speaking to suspects or witnesses to further gather evidence.
Detective SergeantOften oversee a segment of the Detective Division, including investigations, and training subordinates! Processes crime scenes and ****yzing evidence to construct more in-depth cases against offenders. Have the same duties as Patrol Sergeants, whereas they supervise shifts regularly. Often involved in administrative work.
Detective InspectorI know they exist, but I'm unsure of what their responsibilities include...
Detective Chief InspectorKnow of their existence in the ranks, but unsure of what they do...
CommissionerThe head of the Police Department. Responsible for its operations ensuring enforcement of laws and directing Officers under their supervision. They develop and implement policies, as well as coordinate with EMS to ensure quick and effective response techniques. Often addresses public concerns and represents the KPD as a whole!

Police Equipment
RadioCommunication devices used by both KPD and EMS. Similar to a cell phone, but more accessible to the Officers and other Emergency Units whilst on or off duty.
TranquilizerA dart-like device made out of plastic to tranquilize hostile threats. Only accessible to Police Sergeants, and Detective Inspectors.
BatonAccessible and used by all KPD Officers to apprehend criminals or hostile individuals. Made of steel, or often a thick plastic to not cause severe injuries.
Stun BlasterA stunning device used to temporarily disable a hostile individual. Accessible to all KPD Officers.
HandcuffsAccessible and used by all KPD Officers to take an individual into custody. A restraining device, often made of steel or other similar metals.
Riot ShieldAccessible and can be used by all KPD Officers. A protection device made of tempered glass.
Luminol Spray (ItemRP)Accessible and can be used by all KPD Officers. A spray that is used to detect blood on various surfaces such as weapons. Can still detect blood after the item is cleaned with soap and water, but loses this ability if the item is cleaned with peroxide or bleach.
Body Camera (ItemRP)
A recording device, used to capture video and audio. Accessible and used by all KPD Officers to ensure safety and correct behavior/use of other equipment. Recordings can be used as proof in court.
First-Aid Kit (ItemRP)A kit used by all KPD Officers to provide first aid to other Officers, or injured civilians until EMS are available.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
I strongly believe the entire Police system is necessary to maintain and uphold in SRP, as it entails a sense of balance against the heavy GangRP and CrimeRP that goes on amongst the streets of Karakura. I feel without the KPD and how active they are, to put it simply, the city would fall into disarray and crime rates would shoot through the roof if players had no fear of repercussions or consequences when partaking in a high-risk occupation like being in a gang. Not only that, but the officers keep the peace, they provide good moral standings and hope for the youth of Karakura who want to see the city prosper and thrive, despite the wickedness of some of its inhabitants. KPD is of importance to SchoolRP in the face of any monumental disasters, where they are the first responders that many call when faced with an extreme situation that many citizens are not prepared or accustomed to dealing with, such as natural disasters, riots, and civil uprisings. As I stated, I think the balance that the Officers bring to SchoolRP is necessary to portray good and bad, yin and yang if you would, people would be quick to take advantage of circumstances if there were no Officers in a city plagued by crime and misfortune.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I fully understand that if there is training being held while I am active, I must participate. Upon my refusal to join if I am capable, I will face corrective action.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Lyric O. Yokuna-Chizuru

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female (She/Her)

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Studying towards a Doctorate in Criminal Justice (Currently a PhD student)

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
German, Russian, JSL

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Lyric is a rather tall young woman, standing at an impressive 6’3 (192.8cm) while having a healthy build of muscle and curvature! She was born with a rare genetic mutation known commonly as Albinism, making her eyes appear a red hue under lights and draining not only her skin tone but her hair entirely of all pigmentation; she resembles the purest of snow. Though her natural eye colour is a striking red, an unfortunate event required her to get a prosthetic for her left eye, and she now chooses to wear a fake heterochromatic black iris. Lyric's skin is covered in an abundance of two things; Scars, and Tattoos, all of which signify the ups and downs she has overcome in her lifetime. Her most notable tattoo is that of Pure Black Roses which cover her entire right arm and leg, spiraling up onto her hip as well, and if you were to ask her about those, only a few words could describe them; The beauty in uncommon natural phenomena.

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Art done by Skvllr0t! <3

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Lyric is most often known for her spontaneous and silly behaviors, and how fast her demeanor can change when she is faced with a situation where there is very little room to be unserious and silly.

Professional: While there have been many times where professionalism is mandatory for Lyric, it was not until her adult years that she fully matured and figured out how to be professional. Over the years, her levels of respect for those in power and even those who aren’t have improved, to where you would not be able to tell upon meeting her, that she used to be a delinquent. Tying in with her respectful nature, Lyric’s great amount of patience and calmness is shown in stressful or obscure situations to not lose focus or sight of what is important at that moment.

Example Situation: Whilst doing research for her PhD project, Lyric wanted to include personal Interviews with the Officers of KPD themselves. During these interactions, she remained completely attentive to all details and kept the environment respectful while also devoting herself fully to what she was passionate about. This was repeated numerous times, and when difficulties or conflicting opinions on her topic arose, she remained level-headed and faced them with calm reactions.

Casual: Outside of every professional setting Lyric has been a part of, she can commonly be described as fun to be around, always lighting up the room she entered with nothing but compassion and love for not only her family but also friends; almost as if she would do anything for her loved ones. While devoting most of her time now to her own small family, her playful and outgoing nature is naturally highlighted! Outside of interactions with her family and those she is close with, it is not often she goes out of her comfort zone to meet new people, unless the stranger requires help, in which Lyric is the first to jump head first into lending a helping hand! When alone in a public environment, although she is rather introverted and would never approach someone for any other reason, she is always open for conversation with new people who approach her and provides them with a sense of security, which can be compared to the nurturing care of a Mother.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Throughout Lyric’s teenage years and her past occupation, she gained a heavy opinion on teamwork as a whole. Her viewpoint on the whole idea of working together as one team and not separately is deeply rooted in her morals as she found it much easier to accomplish a team-based task when those involved put their efforts into accomplishing the task together, rather than fighting amongst each other to do it their ways and failing. Without being broad, teamwork is a much-needed aspect of her life currently as she raises her twins with her husband, they take turns caring for and providing for their family. Without the teamwork in this part of her life, Lyric feels strongly that she would not have been able to take on the complicated life of being a mother. This ties into her outlook on having co-workers for a few reasons. The most important of said reasons, not overworking and burning out while on the job. She feels it’s necessary to work well with others, especially in the field her passions lay in. Situations are quick to turn bad if you are unable to communicate with your co-workers and peers! Though she relies on a steady flow of teamwork from her peers and colleagues if allowed to lead in these situations, Lyric would jump on it in a heartbeat to provide reassurance that if all else fails, they at least worked together to overcome the difficulty.

What's your character's backstory?

A curse born from the tournament of the family can be a force to be reckoned with. When you take away everything from someone, then they have nothing to lose. No reason to hold back. The strongest of criminals and officers fall into this category. And Lyric is no exception.
Born as the White Curse of the Hunter Family, she succumbed to years of neglect and abuse from her own mother and siblings. Born in a city in Norway, she lived in a household where abuse was a common factor. Siblings turned against her as she grew older, leaving her alone in an area in which only darkness surrounded her. Her mother was an abusive woman, a woman who sought joy in the pain and suffrage of others. And she saw Lyric, a young albino girl, as the perfect target to label as a curse, a mistake, a failure of a daughter and sibling to the Hunter Family. Lyric was forced to be physically beaten by her mother and father, alongside mental abuse from her mother. She would degrade Lyric, calling her nothing more than a curse and a useless failure to the family name due to her skin condition. The young girl, once filled with joy and a childlike wonder in her eyes faded into someone with a hard shell around them. A shell of that bottled-up anger and rage that only satan himself could have loved. What made it worse was that her 4 other siblings left her alone with her mother, running off to a small island off the coast of Japan. Her loneliness, a void that her siblings left behind guided her down a path where she sealed redemption. A path on which she wanted to find others like her who could fill the void her siblings left behind. And she did. She found others who were abused, but the difference was they used their anger and negativity to hurt others, to become the very thing that made them who they were, to begin with. Lyric joined in with their ways, mostly because all she wanted to do was fit in. She wanted to fill that emptiness, she wanted to find those whom she could finally relate to, people who could protect her like her siblings once did. She wanted people who would finally see her as a person, a protector, and not a curse or a failure. So she did anything to fit in. She took her rage and hurt others in return. Her rage turned her into the very thing she hated, an abuser. She attacked the kids at her school who dared bully her or others who were in the same situation. She was the anti-hero to the abused, a White Blessing to those whom she protected. But a curse to those whom she attacked. One of her victims was her very own mother. At the age of 12, Lyric finally snapped and attacked her mother in the kitchen on a glistening afternoon. An afternoon that would burn and edge into Lyric’s memory, guiding her down the very path that led her to meeting the person who built her to wanting to become an officer.
After the almost murder of her mother, Lyric ran away on a train across Norway to the other side. A side which she attended to also free herself from. She knew the cops would one day search for her even if her mom didn’t want them to. She was just a girl, a young child who had no idea where to turn to after committing such a horrid crime. During this journey, a young Russian child ran into Lyric whilst she was stealing from a grocery store. Her body collided with his as she attempted to run away from the clerk, just trying to feed herself with whatever she could find. The young man, whose name was unknown, helped Lyric up and asked if she was ok. She nodded nervously, as all she wanted to do was get out of there, but the young boy had different plans. He saw how beat up she looked, how poor and lonely the white curse was, so he took her in. It had turned out this young boy belonged to a wealthy Russian family, a family that moved to the very city which her siblings had run off to so many years ago. Upon finding this out, Lyric’s glistening red eyes finally lit up after so many years of being dimmed by the darkness that was abuse and neglect. The young boy said he would take her there, under the condition she would stay close to him. Lyric was only 13 at the time, she wanted nothing more than to reunite with the only people who she ever truly knew in her life, so she agreed. A mistake that would shape her to become who she truly was.
Upon arriving in Karakura, the island of Ignorance and lack of Morals, she immediately began to search for her siblings. Luckily, due to the island's small population and size, she found them pretty easily. They looked so much different, with scars spread across their body, markings of misfortune and loss. Part of her was so happy to be reunited with her brothers and sisters, the other part saw how they had turned out. Something in her heart held her back like a ball and chain tied to her very flesh. But she went along with them, going with their ways. The way of Karakura criminals. She learned how to steal, how to fight, how to kill. The Hunter Family became a family of crime, a family that made their mark on the criminal underworld way back during the golden age of crime. An age where a golden dragon and black and red devil ruled over the criminal underworld with an iron fist.
At this point, Lyric had seen it all. Death, torment, the blood of her enemies and her friends. Her mind was tainted by the corruption and darkness that the criminal underworld brought. As time went on, and the family grew up, they began to split apart as did most families who were forced to endure the crime life in this city. She pursued her education, focusing mostly on becoming a better person. She didn’t want to be known as a White Curse, she wanted to be something better, someONE better. But she couldn’t do this up until someone entered her life when she was a young adult in college. A bright light, shining warmth onto her broken and tainted soul, entered her life. Amaya Omori, an officer whose smile shinned like gold underneath a lamp welcomed Lyric into her life. Amaya became her adoptive mom, the mom that Lyric never truly had. Amaya was more than a parent her birth mom ever was, and Lyric loved that.
Amaya taught Lyric how to love again properly, she taught her that even in the darkest of hours when nothing but a blinding fog surrounded your mind, there can still be hope. “Fog and storms will always pass my dear Lyric. And when they do, you will be greeted by the shining light and glorious nature that lies on the other side. Just hold on a little more ok for me kiddo? I know you can do it.” Amaya would always say to Lyric. And Lyric, with tears in her eyes and hope in her heart, would always listen and believe. Amaya adopted Lyric officially a few months before the incident. Lyric, the White Curse of the Hunter Family, was welcomed into the Family of Honor and Protection that was the Omori Legacy. A Legacy that Amaya, her aunt, her mom, her cousin, and more had built.
It wasn't until one day, that everything would change. The very thing that Amaya would fight against, the very thing that Amaya wanted to get rid of had corrupted her mind. Driven by the urge to succeed and take down an organization that took almost everything from her, she became the very thing her family worked against. When Lyric heard the news that Amaya had fallen, her legacy becoming tainted with corruption and darkness with her, her heart broke. She spent months, watching the Omori name be dragged through the mud as people talked about the horrible acts Amaya did against the citizens of Karakura, and Lyric couldn’t stand for such things. She couldn’t sit there, and listen to people talk about the only mom she ever truly had in such bad ways. She knew she had to recover the Omori name and prove to the world that what Amaya said was true. That light and warmth could be anywhere, even in the darkest and coldest of places. A legacy tarnished by corruption was going to be Lyric’s drive to join the police force. A once criminal, a Curse among others, was soon going to become the person who saved a legacy tarnished by darkness. Lyric Hunter was going to become, the Savor and Blessing of the Omori Legacy.

Note: This is a VERY shortened version of her story overall, to not flood any part of this app with too much writing. I will be posting her entire lore (Including more in-depth details of how she changed, introducing her husband into the story, and all of the silly details starting back in early 2021 *yes, I've had this character since I was a greenie!!!* that were unnecessary to put here! <3) eventually on the forums, for whoever is interested to read! <3

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you cannot. Owning or being in possession of a pocket knife is illegal in Karakura and those found in possession of, carrying, or even storing one of these aforementioned illegal weapons can be charged criminally as it goes against the city's laws.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Bandages¥1,000. Can purchase 5 at a time. Can be used to either stop bleeding from minor injuries or lower the chances of infection!
Multivitamins¥3,500. Can purchase 5 at a time. Used to treat a range of vitamin deficiencies, helps to fill in whatever nutritional issues someone might have!
Melatonin¥3,000. Can purchase 3 at a time. Used to assist in sleeping problems. Most commonly used by those who struggle with Insomnia, and old people who now lack Melatonin from aging!!
Paracetamol¥1,500. Can purchase 3 at a time. Used to relieve body pain from concussions, cuts, etc. . .
Cough Syrup¥6,000. Can purchase 2 at a time. Helps to relieve common symptoms of colds, or allergies. Ie sore throats, runny/stuffy noses, or coughing!

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Instantly approach the co-worker and remove them out of range from the inmate in the process. If they were to begin to fight back or refuse to move away from the inmate, I would radio request a backup of a minimum of 2 other officers. One to assist the inmate, and the other to help me pull away the co-worker. Once the Co-Worker is away from the inmate, have an officer check up on the inmate to ensure no damages were done too badly, if injuries are bad enough to where medical attention is needed, I would call for an EMS worker to report to KPD and assist in transporting the inmate to the medbay so EMS can assist them. Once the inmate is properly handled and their safety and health are out of concern, I would start the report on the co-worker to one of the higher-ups within the faction, taking care to provide as many details as possible.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
My answer to this entirely depends on the situation that arises.

Station (In A Cell) Sometimes during the transportation of a prisoner or a mandatory search, inmates in the cells will attempt to assault the officer. If I were to witness this and am capable of getting the inmate, tase or pepper spray the inmate immediately. If the inmate is using my co-worker as a body shield, I would radio for backup and attempt to make an opening to be able to stop the assaulter.

Patrols or Calls (1 Person) If my co-worker is being assaulted by one person during a patrol or a 110 call situation, armed or unarmed, I would immediately approach and tase the assaulter then follow through with the basic arrest procedures.

Patrols or Calls (2 or more people) In these cases, I would stay out of range and radio for backup right away. Whilst I radio to request backup, I would inform KPD on how many assaulters there are, if they are armed, and the location, then instantly run into the situation and yell. This could result in them scattering, but getting 1 is better than getting none. I would tase the assaulter who would be considered most dangerous (if 2 of them have bats and one a katana, the tase would go towards the katana-wielding subject.)

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would not confront the corrupt officer head-on under any circumstances, as most of the time attempting to confront the officer may result in my life being put in danger. Instead, I would inform a higher-up of my suspicions and proceed to make a report with all the evidence and reasons I have behind my suspicions and allow them to handle the rest from that point.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Inform the criminal that bribery is against the law, and it can lead to a fine or even an obstruction of justice charge (depending on the situation) if they do not stop with the behavior. If they continue to attempt to bribe me after the initial warning has been stated, I will start the basic arrest procedures.

Additional Note
I hope whoever is reading this has an absolutely wonderful day! Thank you for taking the time to read <3 <3
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