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Denied kufn | Event Team Application


Level 28
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Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:

I have a squeaky-clean record! I have never been banned before on SRP. I don’t plan on ever being banned for any reason. As for my activity, I play the SRP practically every day that I can. I spend my time roleplaying with my friends and IC family members. I have been a part of many different factions and teams. These factions include EMS, Shrine, HS Male Football, HS Cheer, and College Council. I have enjoyed my time within those groups, but now I believe that I have more to experience within the server. Outside of the server, I am a tailor. I enjoy making skins for the server, and I feel like I have been able to hone my creativity because of it.

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:

⋆ | Judge Application - Accepted | ⋆
⋆ | Priest Application - Accepted | ⋆
⋆ | Surgeon Application - Accepted | ⋆
⋆ | Student Council Application - Accepted | ⋆
⋆ | Shopkeeper Application - Pending | ⋆
⋆ | Lore Team Application - Denied | ⋆
⋆ | Event Team Application #1 - Denied | ⋆
⋆ | KPD Application #1 - Denied | ⋆
⋆ | KPD Application #2 - Denied | ⋆
⋆ | KPD Application #3 - Denied | ⋆
⋆ | KPD Application #4 - Denied | ⋆

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:

My discord is tim6thy, and I can confirm that I have a working microphone. I enjoy VCs and have zero problems being around new people.

What is your time zone and country of residence?:

I live in the United States, and I’m located in the Eastern Standard Time zone.

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?

I am aware that if I am inactive on the team I will be demoted.

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What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:

I have many past experiences working with teams. These experiences range from IC to OOC factions, clubs, jobs, and sports teams. I believe that my experience as a successful player on the server proves my comfort in working on a team. This factored in with all of my IC and OOC knowledge makes me a great candidate for this position.

During my time as EMS, I was able to learn and grow as a roleplayer. I met so many different people; both co-workers and patients. I learned to cooperate with people that I usually wouldn’t attempt to cooperate with. With EMS it is key to have great communication skills. Great communication skills make the road to success far easier with multiple opinions. Being a surgeon I had many different obligations. The calls that I received ranged from transferring a student from school to the hospital, all the way to handling bear attacks. Unless I was Superman, I can assure you that none of these calls have been handled single-handily. My time in EMS connects back to event team by introducing me to the emergency faction. Having more knowledge about different factions in the server can ultimately widen my reservoir of ideas

I am currently Vice-President of Projects of my school's business club. This means that I am in charge of planning all events that the club has to offer. Much like the Event Team Coordinator, I work with the members to carry out these events. I have to take into account all of the member's opinions, interests, and feelings when planning events. Being in the business club also introduces me to a whole new world of professionalism. We learn how to have etiquette and decorum when dealing with different situations. Meaning that I am well in depth of thinking before I speak. Overall being a part of this club checks off all of the criteria to be a great member of the community team.

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Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one do you think you can manage your activity in both?

I am currently not part of any other community teams. Even If I were, I am sure that I would be able to manage my activity in both.

Please provide a minimum of three (maximum of five) detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:
(Going over the set limit of event ideas can potentially jeopardize your chances of being accepted.)

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Tanabata “Star Festival” | Server Event


The Tanabata event, also known as the Star Festival is a National Japanese holiday. It is held yearly on July the 7th; the seventh day of the seventh month of the year. This event signifies the love between two celestial deities. Overall it would be a very romantic event, though it can be celebrated between two friends. During the festival, people write wishes on a small piece of paper and place them on decorated bamboo trees. These wishes can be anything. No matter if it's wealth or world domination. Our goal as an event team would be to inspire love. Different types of activities could be held at the event. These activities could be tarot card readings, fortune telling, traditional dancing, beauty contests, compatibility machine, and fireworks. During the event, two event team or staff members could play the star spirits. The spirits' names are Vega and Altair. The appearance of these two spirits would complete the festival. The spirits’ would be friendly communicating with the citizens of Karakura all at once. They could ensure to listen to their fortunes and take them all into account.

Event Announcement
/event [hex-code] Love is in the air, or is it in the sky? Visit the shrine to celebrate the Moon Festival. A festival centered around celestial lovers.

Preferably, this event would need to be hosted at the shrine. This means that priests and maidens would be needed. Builders would be needed to build minor things (i.e. bamboo trees, compatibility machines, etc.) The media team would be needed to create the skins of Vega and Altair.

Why This Event
I chose this event because I know that more shrine events are needed. My experience as a priest was very brief, but I noticed how monotonous the shrine can seem. There are rarely any visitors or anything going on up there in the mountains. An event can be helpful to draw attention to the shrine.

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Fishing Contest | Server Event


With the addition of the fishing attributes and the fishing plugin getting an overall buff, a fishing contest would be perfect. This contest would be between a select amount of people or groups. Registration will be placed into the RPH and SRP discord servers like other contest events. The participants should have a high level in fishing attributes and should be equipped with all of the right materials. The participants are also in charge of equipping themself with fisherman attire, and other small details like that. Each participant or group will be given a relatively small fishing-style boat. The contest will be held at the beach or the pier. As for the actual contest part, the teams will be competing to see who can catch the most fish in a certain amount of time. The top three teams will receive cash prizes, with the top prize being 1,000,000 yen. To prevent cheating, everyone's inventory will be checked beforehand. For activities at the event, different beach shops can be opened. Viewers can also enjoy the carnival rides on the pier Along with the decoration of the chosen location.

Event Announcement
A discord announcement is needed. This announcement will hold a Google form for interested participants and they will be responsible for listing their own information. Tippie or any other higher-up would be in charge of overseeing the application process.

Not much would be needed for this event. As I said in the overview, small fishing boats and minor decorations would need to be added to the chosen location.

Why This Event
Honestly, I really enjoy the fishing plugin. I would like to see more events happening at the beach other than tsunamis and earthquakes.

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Tokugawa Faire “Edo Period” | School Event


The Tokugawa Faire event would be an event that brings Karakura back to the Edo Period. The Edo Period was during Karakura’s feudal times from 1630 AD to 1868 AD. It would spread over a small part of the school. This event would be based on the written lore of the Edo Period. This means that there would need to be a player for Yoshiro Kōta the lord of Karakura, the kabukimono, and other important figures. For this event, there would be several activities. The main activity would be a reenactment of a dispute between the character mentioned above. While I am not sure of the relationship between the citizens at the time, we could work with the lore team to create some good old lore. The reenactment would include some type of combatRP, comedy, and suspense. The other activities could include a photo booth, catering, a strength contest, another beauty contest, etc.

Event Announcement
A discord announcement would first be needed. This announcement could alert players to get their outfits prepared. Outfits are not required but are strongly recommended because participation is fun.

/event [hex-code] Woah! Was that just a dragon? Visit [Location] to experience Karakura over 300 years ago. Make sure to wear your traditional attire!

This event would be perfect for clubs to get involved. The theatre club could play the people in the reenactment, and photography clubs could handle the photo booth. A location would be needed. A lot of help would be needed from the lore team, they are pretty much the most important people here. The build team would need to recreate a very small Edo Period Japan.

Why This Event
This event came to me when I was reading the lore to come up with ideas. I thought that this would be a fun event for the server to do and incorporate more knowledge of Karakura’s lore into the player base. Personally, this is my favorite event that I have listed.

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Fire in the Park | Flash Event and Chain of Events


The Fire in the Park event would utilize the park area located near block L. This event would be very minor and would be quickly taken out by KPD. This event takes place in the Japanese dry season of winter. Every single day, a group of delinquents would crowd around in the small park located near their apartment complex. This apartment complex was fairly new to Karakura, as it replaced the Saiky Estate. The teenagers took part in activities that they had no business doing. One of the teenagers had a cigarette lit and thought nothing of it. It was a normal day for them. Once the group finished up for the day, the one who had the cigarette lit decided that it would be a smart idea to throw it on the ground. Since he was an uncaring teenager he didn’t bother to look back. One of the teenagers decided to stay in the park for a couple of minutes. He sat beside a tree holding his head down towards his phone. He smelled something in the air. Was it smoke? The teenager finally looked up from his phone. A large flame manifested before him. Luckily, a civilian was walking by the small park. They managed to call KPD. The entirety of apartment block L had to be evacuated by KPD and EMS. Word got out to one heroic officer that a child was stuck behind the flames. This officer's name was Isoroku Okinawa (Any Officer can volunteer, Isoroku is just the goat.) He rushed into action, wearing his fire-resistant gear, and managed to save the kid. The kid would immediately have to be rushed back to the hospital to deal with things like burns, smoke poisoning, and other things. This chain of events sparked a nickname for the kid and led him to be put all over newspaper headlines. The officer’s work didn’t go unnoticed either. He was rewarded with a medal of honor from the Mayor and the commissioner.

Event Announcement
/event [hex-code] A loud siren-like nose came from inside block L. The fire alarm had been pulled. A male voice began to repeat, &f”Attention please, attention please. A fire has broken out, please leave the building immediately. Please leave the building immediately by the nearest exit.”

A couple of volunteers would be needed. While the situation with the fire doesn’t need to be rped out beforehand, a character will have to play the boy in the fire. Participation from KPD and EMS will also be needed as they play a big role here. As stated before, a certain officer will need to volunteer for the role of the hero. Minor edits to the map will also be needed.

Why This Event
I honestly just think that this event would be fun and would attract people to factions like the reporter faction. I know that it has a very minor influence and I feel like it could be a better part of SRP with the fun events that the event team creates.

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Additional notes (You may leave this blank):

I've already spoke to tippie about this, but my event titled 'Tanabata "Star Festival"' was already done by the event team after the fact that I uploaded my application. That means this was my own original idea.

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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for your application, unfortunately, we have decided to deny this application. I sadly do not believe you are suitable for the event team at the current moment. You're welcome to try to apply for this position again in the future.

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