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kufn | KPD Application


Level 32
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?:

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Judge Application [ACCEPTED]
Surgeon Application [ACCEPTED]
Student Council Application [ACCEPTED]
Teacher Application [ ACCEPTED]
Reporter Application [ACCEPTED]
Priest Application [ACCEPTED]
Numerous Langauge Applications [ ACCEPTED]
Media Application [DENIED]
Numerous KPD Applications [DENIED]
Numerous Event Team Applications [PENDING - DENIED]
Lore Team Application [DENIED]

Describe your activity on the server:
Since I returned to the server around a month ago, I have managed to return to my roots in the server. I joined the first team I was ever on; High School Cheer, and I’ve made many new friends along the way. Even though I left the cheer team to focus more on school, I still try my best to remain active on the server. Usually after school hours which is 4-6 pm EST. I play multiple characters across different slots on my main account, but I tend to play my college character more than anything. I have enjoyed returning to SRP after my ban, and I wish to return to my first-ever faction.

What is your motivation for applying?:
As you may have known, I have joined many different factions across the server. From student-related factions to town factions, I’ve done it all. All except join KPD. I don't even like to think about how many times I have applied to this faction. I am pretty confident in my roleplaying abilities due to these factors. I have joined three different teams within my two years on the server. Both the male football teams for high school and college and the high school cheer team. My time on these teams has honed my ability to interact with different types of characters. KPD has been the faction that I have wanted to join since the start of my SRP journey. As I mentioned before, I have applied numerous times and now that I am counting all of my applications, this will be my sixth, time applying for the faction. At one point my motivation tipped over into desperation. And to be completely honest, I am no longer as crazy as I was to get into the faction. One thing that I have learned during my time away from the server was to accept defeat. To address the question that any higher-up who may know my past may ask themselves, 'How has Tim's character changed since his last application?' I for one believe that my maturity has certainly grown stronger in between applications. Becoming more mature took me to realize who I really wanted to be, and a lot of the people from my past prohibited that growth greatly. I want nothing more than to prove myself by being offered the chance to become a distinguished officer in the KPD.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of the KPD has simply not changed since my last application. Most of my knowledge comes from what is publically said on the forums and in the discord. To avoid a plagiarism warning, I explicitly credit any of my previous applications for any of the information that is listed below. I also permit myself to use any of the information listed in any of my previous applications in this one. Thank you for understanding.

The faction is made up of thirty-one officers, eleven ranks, and two divisions. KPD is very seniority-based, meaning that the longer you’re in the faction, the higher rank you’ll be, and the more respect you deserve. I know that it takes a long time to get promoted in KPD to the next rank. It’s usually around a 2-month waiting period between each rank. Each rank typically requires training, evaluations, and exams. You’ll have to receive training regardless of your rank when you’re not a higher-up. This is to ensure that all officers are up to date on their training. I will now start describing the ranks. At the very top of the faction are the Commissioner, Captain, and Detective Superintendent. These three ranks are the most important in the faction. They are in charge of overseeing the functionality of the faction. Of course, the Commissioner is at the top of the department, and the Captain and DSI are the leads of their respective divisions (Main Division and Detective Division). The main division of the KPD is characterized by one thing: basic enforcement. You are far more likely to see a regular officer patrolling than a detective, but this could be because there are fewer detectives. Getting into the specific roles in the Main Division, the first role after Captain that you’ll see is Lieutenant. This is a higher-up position, primarily focused on supervision. They oversee training and cadet exams. The next two ranks in the MD are Sergeant and Corporal. From what I can tell, there is very little difference between these two ranks, other than the fact that Sergeant is one step away from becoming LT. This means that they are being watched closely as they are considered for a higher-up position. The next rank you’ll find is Patrol Officer, the second-lowest rank in the faction. Every officer has to pass through here before they can choose the path of Detective Constable or Corporal. To be honest, there isn’t much you can do in this rank. The final rank in the Main Division is Cadet. This is the entry-level position into KPD. It’ll be the rank I’ll receive upon acceptance. As a Cadet, you’ll be in charge of learning the basics of being an officer. You aren’t expected to be perfect at this point, so there’s a lot of leniency for mistakes. Now I’ll start with the Detective Division. The Detective Division focuses on investigations and other similar tasks. They still hold many of the same responsibilities as the Main Division. After DSI, you’ll see the Detective Chief Inspector role, which is comparable to LT. The next two roles in the Detective Division are Detective Inspector and Detective Constable. They are very similar to Sergeant and Corporal.

The front desk is probably where you’ll end up as a cadet, as you’re bound to the station until you finish your training, evaluations, and exams. It’s also an easy way to rack up quota points. The front desk is where citizens can approach officers about various matters, such as making reports, requesting to post bail, or requesting visitation. The reports made at the front desk can range from petty crimes to massive riot. Officers have the right to detain a citizen for obstruction of justice, especially if they attempt to waste valuable time and effort. A citizen can request to post bail for inmates who have committed different types of crimes. Posting bail means paying for the release of a criminal. When the inmate is released from jail, their legal personal belongings are supposed to be returned to them. Requesting a visitation is simple to understand: citizens can request to speak to an inmate for some time. During this visit, an officer is supposed to be present at all times.

Patrol is arguably one of the most sought-after tasks in KPD, likely because Karakura is filled with crime. The responsibility and privilege of going on patrol are only given to officers who have passed their cadet exams. Officers are tasked with the responsibility of staying safe on these patrols, which means they can never go out alone and must stick to specific routes. If an officer encounters anything while on patrol, they must handle it accordingly, following the correct procedures and codes. The department is equipped with many items to help protect the officers and the city.

Handcuffs are always equipped by officers to detain criminals. They are very durable, made of steel, and consist of two wrist-sized cuffs linked by chains. They are placed behind the backs of criminals to prevent them from attacking officers. A baton is a weapon that can only be obtained by police officers. It is a metal, elongated object with a hit range of two blocks, used when detainees attack officers. The radio is a device carried by all of Karakura’s emergency workers. It is specifically used for communication between officers. Much like a phone, it directly connects officers, but unlike a phone, it doesn’t require ringing. The radio can also be used globally to call EMS when someone needs medical help. The X26 Taser is used by officers to stun perpetrators. It shoots out two electrodes that carry an electrical current. The shock from the taser isn’t enough to severely injure the target, but it stuns them for two minutes. Pepper spray comes in a small container and releases a spray that causes a burning sensation in the eyes, bad enough to cause temporary blindness. It is said to be excruciating. Luminol spray is used on weapons like bats to find any dents or blood on them. It is usually used when suspicious individuals are patted down. Two vehicles can be driven by officers: the bike and the car. Both move at high speeds and are used when an officer has to respond to a distant call. The bike is a one-passenger vehicle, while the car can hold up to four people.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
Police are a vital point in the functionality of the server. Without KPD everyone would pretty much be free to do whatever they liked with zero consequences ICly (as long as it complies with the rules OOCly.) KPD is important for keeping a balance between all of the town factions. They arrest criminals and gangRPers, assist in court, and make sure that protests remain peaceful amongst the citizens. Without KPD, the server would break out in chaos.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training is held while I am online, I will need to attend or I will be punished.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Uryū Tojo

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Generally, He/Him.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelors in Criminal Justice

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Uryū shared many traits with his family, who hailed from the sun-soaked southernmost island of Japan, Okinawa. Their heritage gave them a natural tan that set them apart from the paler residents of Karakura. Uryū might seem forgettable at first glance, blending in as an average Japanese man, but his subtle charms were undeniable. His dark brown hair fell gracefully below the nape of his neck, framing a youthful face that held a quiet confidence. Though he had no striking features, there was a warmth to his presence, a gentle aura that drew people in without them even realizing it. Uryū stood at 5’11, barely reaching the height generally accepted by the rest of society - lol. Uryū was a very obviously in-shape gentleman. While he wasn't exactly to the level of a bodybuilder or a 'big guy,' he worked out pretty much every single day. His main focus was cardio just so he could keep his slim figure. Outside of work, he normally wears the getup of a teenage dirtbag. He never really escaped the ripped jeans and random band t-shirt phase. Every once in and while he will switch it up when he is around his family.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Uryū has always been known to be a happy-go-lucky when compared to the rest of his family. He is the type of guy to drive hours for a first date just because the girl is pretty. He isn’t particularly unprofessional, just more free-spirited than the average Joe. Off duty, Uryū enjoys spending time with his family. In Karakura, that’s pretty much all that he has. On duty, you’ll never see Uryū off of his feet. While it isn’t diagnosed, there is a great chance that he has ADHD, and that may explain why he enjoys football so much. In professional situations, Uryū knows how to quiet down. He comes from an aristocracy-like family, so he never speaks out of turn.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
The question of 'Do I like teamwork?' has simply never appeared in Uryū's head. Of course, he enjoys working with his co-workers to get tasks done. It is only expected from someone who has never been alone in his life. He believes that others are resourceful but in not in the typical egotistical way. Instead, he knows that he can learn a lot from the people around him, especially in the work environment that the police department offers. Getting to know the people around him is important to Uryū.

What's your character's backstory?
Excerpt from his actual backstory - The story of Reijirōu Tojo. This is a defining part of Uryū’s life so I wrote it out for you to enjoy!

Born to the Prestigious Tojo Clan as the heir to the family glory, Uryū Tojo is all but the opposite of what you’d expect. Uryū’s upbringing reflected that of what his family lived for: modesty. Since he was the youngest of his generation, only two months older than his oldest nephew, he grew up around his nephews and nieces, seeing them more as cousins than anything else. As one would expect from someone who grew up in a large family, he had a very close bond with all of his family members. One family member comes to mind whenever he thinks about his past, Reijirōu. Uryū still considers Reijirōu to be one of his oldest friends. The story of their friendship is rather complicated to understand, especially from an outsider looking in. Reijirōu, known as Reiji to Uryū, was his closest friend until secondary school. They lived nearly the same life, but it always seemed Uryū could do no wrong compared to Reiji. Uryū was rather ignorant of the privilege he had over Reiji. Their brotherhood, once strong, began to drift apart slowly. Uryū found himself spending more time practicing football, while Reiji pursued his interests. And then, one day, before Uryū even realized it, Reiji was gone. Just like that, in a flash, Uryū lost his cousin and friend. Making an effort to move on with his life, Uryū decided to focus on the things that he still had left. Football, family, and his studies. He was rather successful in all of these things. Some years later, Uryū entered college in Karakura, choosing to major in Criminal Justice. He made the football team and grew close to his teammates and the people around him. He grew even closer with someone on the cheer team – Naisha. Uryū was head over heels for her, and to this day, he would do anything to just speak with her one more time. Unbeknownst to Uryū, someone important to him returned to Karakura. Reijirōu enrolled in the same school as Uryū. Anyone could’ve guessed that Uryū was excited about his cousin once more, especially after the mysterious disappearance years earlier. It was safe to say that Reiji did not feel the same towards Uryū. Days passed without Reiji responding to Uryū. Not even a glance from his cousin. Who wouldn't have been confused by this? Uryū tried to push the unsettling feeling aside. He told himself that Reiji needed time and that things would fall back into place as they always had. Yet, something gnawed at him. The distance between them had become a bridge, and no matter how hard Uryū tried, he couldn't cross it. He finally decided to vent his feelings to his girlfriend, and at the mention of his name, Naisha grew weary. Uryū respectively grew suspicious and pushed for more, but she just wouldn't give a response to why her weariness was so sudden. Then came the moment it all made sense. Naisha was the answer. Uryū has been dating Reiji's ex-girlfriend this entire time. Naisha, unknowingly, had been the thread that unraveled everything. She was never just another girl in Reiji’s life. And now, their history had come crashing down on Uryū all at once. Naisha explained everything. Reiji and Naisha were in a relationship before he left, and of course, our elders didn't approve of their relationship. This with the added pressure to be better was too much for him to handle, so he felt forced to leave Karakura. // w.i.p.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Owning a weapon in Karakura is illegal, including pocket knives. So, no, you cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Bandages • Bandages Cost around ¥1,000, with a maximum purchase limit of two. They are standard adhesive bandages that stick over minor cuts and other types of injuries.
Eyepatches • Eyepatches cost ¥5,000. It has a maximum purchase limit of two. Eyepatches are white bandages that roll around eye injuries. They can be purchased by anyone.
Wooden Canes • Wooden Canes cost around ¥7,000, with a maximum purchase limit of two. It is a walking device. It can be bought by anyone.
Cough Syrup • Cough Syrup costs ¥6,000. It has a maximum purchase limit of two. Cough Syrup is used for minor colds, allergies, and other types of respiratory illnesses. It can be bought by anyone.
Paracetamol • It costs ¥1,500 and has a maximum purchase limit of three. Paracetamol is a drug that is used for minor pain relief. It is the lowest tier of pain medicine that the hospital holds, and it can be bought by anyone.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
In any situation like this one, I would make sure that my body is recording. This is to ensure the safety of everyone, and body cam footage can be helpful in court. My next action could go one of two ways. It all depends on the behavior of my coworker. If they are behaving irrationally, I would pull out my taser or pepper spray to incapacitate them. If they are behaving rationally, then I would try to use words and then physically remove them away from the inmate. In both situations, I would radio for backup and allow my higher-ups to handle the situation from there.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
I would respond as fast as possible. First, I’d radio for help in case I’m overpowered. Then, I’d alert the assaulter and tell them to step away from the co-worker. If that didn’t work, I’d unholster my taser and warn them again. If they still didn’t comply, I’d use the taser, detain them, and place them in a cell for questioning. With backup arriving, EMS would tend to the co-worker.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
First, I would gather all of the relevant information that I possibly can on my own safely. Once I believe that I have sufficient evidence, I would turn it over to a higher-up and allow it to be handled from there.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Turn them down and fine them from bribery.

(funniness, don't take this seriously)

The amazing oppruntiy.png

Last edited:


Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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