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Kuruoshii Kyoki - Character Biography


Level 5
Kuruoshii Toto Sakigami

{Not An Exact Appearance, Just A Reference}

First Name: Kuruoshii
Surname: Kyoki

Preferred Name: Kuruo, Kyoki

Aliases: Mint-Haired, Mint

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 6'2" (187.96 CM)

Weight: 203 (Skinny for her Height)

Build: Athletic Build

Skin Color: Pale, Lightly tanned

Eye Color: Light Blue (Kuruoshii would seem to be blind with her odd eyecolor)

Hair Style: Long hair tied into four ponytails (Two in the front and two in the back)

Hair Color: Mint Green/Blue

Fashion: Odd Fashion, Costumes

Several scars on her back
Scars on every bold bone in her body (Knees, Elbows, Fingers, and more)

A huge surgery scar under her hairline
Extremly strong
Abnormally tall

Date of Birth: June 3rd 1998

Place of Birth: Yokohama, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: None// Doesn't care about religion

Political Beliefs: None// Doesn't give it a thought

General Appearance

Kuruoshii is a rather thin girl who has light mint hair, Tied into four ponytails, The tips of her hair are blonde.

He dresses in a way similar to aclown, with the same red patterns on his clothes, she also has multiple scars on his body, which are prone to ripping. She also has an old clown costume.

Kuruoshii has a flawless doll-like face, with tiny nose and lips.

Kuruoshii is considered to be a childlike individual who happens to have a smile on his face almost all the time. Though, in battle, he happens to be quite ruthless and dangerous.

Kuruoshii is generally friendly to those who approached her.

Diseases/Illness: (Is being a psycho considered to be a disease? If so, then she's a psycho :P)

Character Voice:

Kuruoshii would have a childlike voice, with a few "Cracks" in it. she'd have a japanese accent mixed with a bit french.


A Wallet Kuruoshii stole when she was younger

Glasses Kuruoshii also stole when she was younger


(Something similar, not exactly the same)

Hobbies: None//She always finds something to do

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Extremly strong

Super athletic

Likes to ripp off her "victims" skin

Kuruoshii's mother - Unknown - Unknown
Kuruoshii's father - Unknown - Unknown

Foster Family:
Kuruoshii's foster father - Lale Sakigami
- Unknown
Kuruoshii's older brother - Toto Sakigami - Unknown


(The back story will be added soon)

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