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Lance Herrington | ランス


Level 135
[Credit to Suneater for the amazing art]

Basic Information;

First Name: Lance
Surname: Herrington
Preferred Name: Lance
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Height: Lance would stand at around five-foot-eleven [5'11"] to six-foot [6'0"]. Somewhere in between there, but he likes to say he's six feet.
Weight: He's 167lbs.
Build: Lance is fairly muscular. With a somewhat athletic, mesomorph type-build to him.
Skin color: Lance has somewhat pale, white skin.
Eye color: Light Blue. One eye is a different color to the other due to unfortunate circumstances.
Hairstyle: He'd have silk brown hair, poorly *******, drooping over his right eye.
Fashion: Lance likes to fress with jackets often. He wears fancy, rich-looking outfits all the time.
Abnormalities: Lance has a burn mark on the left side of his face, around his eye due to unfortunate circumstances. He'd have a major symptom of schizophrenia, making him sometimes talk to himself, and drift off into another direction whilst in the middle of a conversation, other weird episodes take place, but very rarely. He'd also be very psychotic, but he Never shows it, he tries his hardest not to.

Date of Birth: 14th of February 2001.
Place of Birth: Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Nationality: British
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religious Beliefs: The portrait. [To be found out ICly]
General Appearance
Appearance: Lance H. would be a 5'11" to 6'0" male with pristine brown, poorly ******* hair slightly drooping over one eye. He'd have a massive, clear scar over his permanent bloodshot left eye. He'd give off a light scent of rich cologne.
Personality: Lance has a personality that is just on the edge of being pushy. He tends to edge people into doing things that they don’t particularly want to do, although he does know when to quit. He’s not too sensitive, he doesn’t care too much. His hopes for the future are something he reserves for another time. Korin doesn’t like to talk about his past nor does he like to talk about the future. He lives in the present.
Diseases/Illness: Asthma
Character Voice: Lance has a fine Birmingham, British accent.
Equipment: Lance carries an inhaler, a white flip phone and a packet of cigarettes.
Clothes: Lance dresses to cover. He wears rich clothes and likes to show them off. [Not made by Amanadiel Herrington, he doesn't want it.]
Hobbies: Lance likes all the common teenager sports, volleyball, basketball, swimming, but most of all, football.
Serious problems/flaws/addictions: Lance likes to drink and smoke. He knows it will somewhat take action on his footballing career, but he likes it. When around his cousin, Marcel, Lance seems a lot more confident and outgoing. When he is without Marcel, he seems 'lost'.
Skills: Lance is very good at playing football, he is also very intelligent in school.
Quirks: Lance can be controlling. He's not a control freak, but he likes to feel that he's not being suppressed.
Family: Lance has only got a good relationship with his father. He does not know his mother all that well, but he has very good bonds with his father, Kai.


Level 185
News Lead
Lance: Has asthma
Also Lance: Smokes and drinks

Well made though.

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