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Denied Lane Jin-ryuk H.S student council application


Level 0

What is your Minecraft Username?:

What is your timezone?:
Please provide your Discord tag:
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending): (denied posted on old account) (denied posted on old account) (accepted posted on old account) (denied posted on old account) posted on old account) (accepted) (accepted)

Describe your activity on the server:

List your accounts and roles on this server:
Kori Jin-Ryuk(College)
Hiyaku (pet)
Lane Jin-Ryuk (Grade 12)
Riley Sakae (Grade 12)
Kaiyo Schäfer(grade 12)

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

i am very aware that if i am inactive a lot i will be removed from council

What is the student council and what do they do?:

The student council is a faculty from grade 12 to college. They are there to help if teachers or professors are unavailable and they are there to also help with enquiries regarding school. The Student council can also warn you and give you detentions if you are not obeying school rules.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

What motivated me to become a student council is because of my friends, my friends said that it was really fun and entertaining as it helped them make new friends as well as new Roleplay scenarios. Another reason that motivated me to become a student council is that my IC family members were also apart of faculty and student council which interested me into trying something new in SchoolRP.
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
I am highly aware that i would need to be present on coming up with future events and even helping people with their events and ideas for a wide variety of events to enhance there being more fun within school hours
Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

the council?:
Student Council president and vice president
The president and vice president of student council are the higher-ups of their faculty and they have the authority to issue and warn members on if they mess up or not aswell as letting SLT know on if they should demote some council members incase they are barely around or really unable to do their job or even get caught being near criminals or arrested
H.S student council/college council
The student council is a faculty from grade 12 to college. They are there to help if teachers or professors are unavailable and they are there to also help with enquiries regarding school. The Student council can also warn you and give you detentions if you are not obeying school rules. Student council also helps to coordinate with higher faculty such as SLT and professors and teachers aswell as vice president and president student council


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

I personally would take the student outside of the assembly hall to talk to them one to one to understand why they disrupted the assembly and if it was for a silly reason i would issue a warning or even a detention if it was for something that could issue harm to people
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
I would issue a warning first then if they continue i would give them a detention as well as saying that i would report it up to Senior leadership team SLT if they’d continue to not remove it even after a detention would be issued
A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
I would intervene by walking up to them asking if they need assistance and if they say yes i would help separate the situation up in the calmest way possible i would issue detentions to the people who are making the situations worse than it already is and then give people warnings on if they are trying to intervene even though we said no
A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
I would allow them to do their protest as long as they are being supervised by a faculty member or some student council members. If it disrupts the school environment then we would issue them to stop the protest by issuing detentions or involving SLT.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
If i was told that i was doing something wrong i would apologise and would try to improve on my mistakes and learn on how to make things i've done wrong turn good and fix up my mistakes
Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

“Come down to our school gathering where people can make cards for each other make new friends in the friendship tent as well as races with teachers/professors or even just come down to explore and take some pictures”
In the Friendship Tent, a warm and inviting space adorned with twinkling lights and cozy seating, individuals from all walks of life mingled seamlessly. Laughter and animated conversations filled the air as they shared stories, embraced new connections, and forged bonds that would endure long after the gathering had ended. The tent served as a sanctuary where friendships blossomed amidst the shared desire for human connection.Adjacent to the Friendship Tent, a lively hub of activity awaited at the Racecourse. With infectious energy, teachers and professors shed their formal robes and took on the role of spirited competitors, eager to challenge students and visitors alike in a series of lighthearted races. The cheers of the crowd echoed through the air, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and sportsmanship. Laughter and playful banter filled the space as participants crossed the finish line, fostering a sense of unity and shared experience.Beyond the Friendship Tent and Racecourse, the school grounds transformed into a vibrant canvas of creativity. In the Card-Making Corner, individuals gathered around tables laden with art supplies, their imaginations soaring. With pens, markers, and colorful paper at their disposal, they poured their hearts into crafting thoughtful and heartfelt cards, each one a unique expression of friendship and appreciation. The sound of pens scratching against paper mingled with the gentle hum of creativity, creating a symphony of artistic expression. As the day progressed, participants alike took advantage of the picturesque surroundings, capturing memories through the lens of their cameras. The vibrant foliage, the smiling faces, and the festive atmosphere provided ample opportunities for stunning photographs that would serve as cherished keepsakes for years to the sun began its descent, casting a golden glow over the schoolyard, the gathering drew to a close. However, the bonds forged, the friendships created, and the cherished memories made would endure long after the festivities had ended. The school community emerged from the day with a renewed sense of unity, camaraderie, and a profound appreciation for the power of human connection.

Personal Information
(in character)


Lane Rin-Ryuk
Phone number:
How would you describe your personality?:
How would you describe your personality?:
Lane Jin-Ryuk exudes an aura of serenity and composure that belies his imposing physical presence. Standing tall at six feet, his demeanour is marked by a gentle and relaxed disposition. His voice, a soft and husky timbre, carries a hint of warmth and tranquillity. Whether amidst bustling crowds or in quiet solitude, Lane maintains an unyielding sense of calm. His presence has a soothing effect on those around him, inviting them to slow down and embrace the present moment. His eyes, a deep and enigmatic blue, reflect a keen intellect and a compassionate spirit. Lane's personality is a harmonious blend of strength and gentleness, creating a captivating and unforgettable impression on all who encounter him.

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

What separates me from other applicants from seeking this position is that i would be more calm and collected and not as up right rude to most people misbehaving i would try and talk to them first trying to see why they done it and if they do not comply or if i let them go with a warning and they continue to do it then i would issue a detention
Why do you want this position?:
I want this position because i want to help improve and change people's ways and how they view things in school and how they should respect and value their teachers/Professors this is because it is best to respect others because if you disrespect you can lose people
What interests you the most about student council?:
What interests me most about student council is that it can help provide more ways to meet people and interact with a wide variety of people you have never met before as well as possibly making new friends
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

What i would be able to contribute to making the school safe and a fun environment is now and then having people do a little questionnaire on what they find safe and what needs to be improved via faculty wise and better ways we could help students besides being rude in some form of way
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Level 223
Council Lead
Thank you for applying to the Council Faction.
Unfortunately, after the higher-ups have reviewed your application; We've decided to deny your application. Your application was denied due to the following reason(s) below:

Recent Player History:
Although infractions and server reputation are not detrimental factors to the initial application, we prefer players who have had a recent clean history and were more active within the integration of the server.

You have not been active for a significant amount of time. Please raise your current activity and feel free to reapply again to the faction.

Please make sure to follow the provided format for the application process.

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