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Language: Spanish

IGN: Katana_Z
Language your character knows: Spanish
How does your character know this language?:This character, known as Ame Vallet, grew up in northern Navarre, Spain; on the border of France. From a little school in San Sebastian, him and his brother learned the language of Spanish. Throughout all of their middle school and elementary life, their teachers hammered Spanish into their brains. So now they can fluently speak it. They had lived in the same house for 14 years, going to the same school, and speaking Spanish with their family. They did, however, decide to take up another language for the benefit. So they chose to learn Japanese from home. After they had turned 15, their parents sold the house and moved to South America. Him and his twin brother Conrad had nice lives until their parents moved away. The parents left them with some relatives more in the south of Spain. After some years, they were finally old enough to move out to find better schooling opportunities. They were already intrigued with Japan, since they picked up on the language from an online site. Therefore, moving to Karakura, Japan.


Level 104

Congratulations, your application has up-to-par with our standards, and has been accepted! You can request for your language to be added on the server through /help, or through direct messaging an Administrator+ on Discord. Good job!

P.S: If you have any questions/inquiries about this application, feel free to message me over Discord!; Knot#2096

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