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Language Toggle!


Level 2
What's your Minecraft Username?: HisakiTheFox
What's the title of your suggestion?: Language Toggle!

What's your suggestion?:
I would gladly like a feature that would allow us players to toggle a language like there is time I need to talk in Italian. I think writing "/lang Italian" is a bit boring every time, especially if you forget it cause you are writing fast.

So I would suggest a command like:

/languagetoggle Italian (Or something like that) that will allow you to talk in that language for every text. Ofc you have to disable it when you are done. Ofc you could still use the classic /lang Italian for just sending a message.
Imagine just activating it for a text and disabling it after that, not efficient.

And for sending just a text without the language? Like if you are having a conversation and have to talk to a faculty who doesn't speak Italian, just for saying yes or no. Well, you could just remove the toggle or maybe add a /language Japanese for every player.

I don't think I can provide any picture or screen cause it's a command, not a visual feature.

I'm sorry for my poor English. My main Language is Italian indeed.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
More efficient way to communicate in language and a better RP, for those who want to roleplay like a foreigner.

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