Level 2

What is your Minecraft username?: Nekkorogaru
Other account(s): Tatsunoto
Do you have Discord?: Yes, my Discord is eeyeelia#5419
How old are you?: I am 19 years old.
What is your time zone?: EST
Describe your activity on the server: I am quite active on SRP. I have only just created my Nekkorogaru account in pursuit of this role, however on my Tatsunoto account I am online at least twice a day from anywhere between 1-3+ hour(s). I will ensure to be active on both accounts.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I have never been banned on any of my accounts throughout my time in SchoolRP.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I acknowledge and fully understand that if I’m inactive I will be demoted from my role.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you’re in college, specify your degree level): As I have just created my Nekkorogaru account, my only role is Grade-9. However, on my Tatsunoto account I have the Grade-12 and HS Female Volleyball roles. If this application is accepted, it is ideal that I would use my Nekkorogaru account. If that is not acceptable, I am willing to use my Tatsunoto account.
What shop are you applying for?: LARENCO
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?: Ever since I began my first job on SchoolRP as a waitress at Kissako, I’ve always had the constant urge to do my best and earn my way up the ranks by hard work, rather than by having connections. Of course, the connections are great, however, I’ve always wanted to prove myself to be better. I want to continue my journey in rising through the ranks as becoming the Shopkeeper of the restaurant, LARENCO, I’ve grown to know and love, as well as make changes to improve the shop that I have well thought out.
In my other experiences at jobs, I’ve worked my way up by motivation, hard work, and consistent activity in openings. I’ve earned the title of Senior Employee/Restaurant Trainer in La Casa Nostra and Manager/Event Planner in LARENCO as well as been trained in several sections of a shop. For example, I understand and have learned how to run a shift, take inventory, calculate our losses and gains for the month, work the panel, and I’ve come up with my own ways of encouraging customers to return for another opening. I have created many adverts for LARENCO when the shop owners could not or wanted me to instead, and have assisted in creating the adverts for La Casa Nostra the past few shifts.
Aside from my gained knowledge with how a shop functions, I have also developed my customer service skills. For example, how to talk to a customer, how to provide solutions that make both the customer and the employee leave happy by the end of the shift, how to make adverts that will grab our customer’s attention, and how to share this knowledge with other employees during training sessions. The customer’s happiness and satisfaction with their service is of utmost importance and teaching new employees who have never had a job before or never been trained in depth will also benefit from their future positive interactions with the customers that they serve.
I want to apply my gained knowledge to the employees at LARENCO so that together and as a team we can bring LARENCO up to better successes. This will also bring a whole new roleplay experience for me, which I highly look forward to.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?: I want to maintain LARENCO’s current theme of traditional Japanese cuisine. I believe the theme has proven to do quite well, however, there’s a lack of variety on our menu. First off, We have very few items that are a specialty of LARENCO (Tonkatsu Plate, Yakitori Plate, Red Velvet Donut, Yuzu Sparkling Juice). I want to expand the menu further with new custom items that other shops do not have. Before the past owner left, the staff team had already discussed adding new items, which are on the way. For example, we have lined up a Hanako Sake that’s taste was created to invite the feelings of the story of the Flower Maiden (the famous Japanese koi fish that lived for 200+ years in the waters of Mt. Ontake), a Tomomasu Peach Cider in which the taste was created to mirror the taste of summer throughout the year, a Burnett’s Pink Vodka that has a strong citrus taste due to the natural lemon flavoring, and a Kokoro Cherry Blossom Gin which is infused with natural flavorings and fresh sansho berries. I want to add more dishes after this line of alcoholic beverages that our customers so eagerly desire as well, like Tanuki Soba which can be eaten hot or cold, Champon which is a dish that originated in 1868 and consists of pork, seafood, and vegetables; and Fugu which is a pufferfish dish typically served as a form of sashimi.
Secondly, I want to add an inventory auditing system. I have noticed quite frequently that our real stock in the storage room is not accurate in comparison with the theoretical stock listed in the panel. The numbers are typically quite off on certain items. With the inventory auditing system, we can catch the items that are critically missing before the next opening. In my time and experience working in restaurants in SchoolRP, theft has always been a concern no matter the shop. Currently at LARENCO, we have our waiters/waitresses log their total owed to ensure they pay the correct amount. With these logs and the inventory auditing system taking place at the end of every shift, we can better identify which shifts items are going missing from. We can also calculate our total losses within a month and determine how to go about logging or identifying theft better. LARENCO staff will not be in charge of inventory auditing, as I will take this job up myself and entrust it to Managers only.
A feature of LARENCO I most definitely want to keep is our Infractions Records. Our Infractions Records is a 3-strike system we use for employees. If an employee breaks a rule or has complaints made about them (with evidence), they will be given a strike. On the third strike, the employee will be removed. I understand the frustrations of working with a coworker that doesn’t follow the rules or acts toxic towards others in the workplace, and I want every staff member and customer to feel comfortable within the restaurant and to return to other openings, so giving them a safe outlet to report toxic acts will be beneficial for everyone.
As for uniforms, I wish to leave that up to the staff team of LARENCO. We can either keep the current uniforms, or we can update them to a different design or color palette.
Skin Credits: rslyn (aka jailbxit)
Dress-Up Days:
I want to give the LARENCO staff the opportunity to express their creativity and have fun on the job by introducing “Themed Dress-Up Days”. These days will be planned and announced three days ahead of time. The set date will come with a specific theme for employees to dress according to. For example, themes we will use are:
Sailor Moon
Beach Barbeque
Early Autumn Day
TV Show/Movie Day
Superhero Day
Sailor Moon
Beach Barbeque
Early Autumn Day
TV Show/Movie Day
Superhero Day
Employees are not required to dress up with the theme on these planned dates. If an employee chooses not to dress up, they will be required to still wear their proper LARENCO uniforms. If an employee’s outfit is deemed inappropriate for the workplace, a Manager or the Shopkeeper may ask them to return to the proper LARENCO uniform.
Stage Events:
I want to often utilize the stage built inside of LARENCO. We have hosted a few events in the past, like comedy shows and band performances. I want to continue this LARENCO tradition and more often invite bands, comedians, and school clubs to come up to the stage. Clubs will be able to advertise themselves to the customers and provide a demonstration or show of what they do. Bands, comedians, or any other performers of sorts will not be paid, as we are providing them a platform to present themselves to the public. Stage guests will be able to advertise and hand out applications/website links/flyers to customers if any customer wishes to pursue them.
What will you sell in your shop?: We will maintain our current stock, as well as add the incoming customs described above (in the “What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?” section). Our current items on the LARENCO menu that we plan to keep list as follows:
Bento Box (¥2,500)
Sushi Box (¥1,500)
Takeout Noodles (¥2,000)
Nakamura Ramen (¥3,500)
Lamb Donburi (¥2,500)
Yakitori Plate (¥7,000)
Tonkatsu Plate (¥7,500)
Beef Curry (¥2,500)
Onigiri (¥100)
Rice Bowl (¥1,000)
Ham and Cheese Sandwich (¥1,400)
Cooked Crab (¥1,800)
Fried Chicken Bucket (¥1,500)
Green Tea (¥2,500)
Milk Carton (¥100)
Water Bottle (¥100)
Iced Coffee (¥500)
Yuzu Sparkling Juice Bottle (¥4,000)
Hot Chocolate (¥500)
Pink Bulb Drink (¥4,500)
Taiyaki (¥1,800)
Ice Cream Sundae (¥1,000)
Strawberry and Vanilla Icecream (¥300)
Red Velvet Donut (¥2,500)
Hanako Sake (¥???)
Tomomasu Peach Cider (¥???)
Burnett’s Pink Vodka (¥???)
Kokoro Cherry Blossom Gin (¥???)
Bento Box (¥2,500)
Sushi Box (¥1,500)
Takeout Noodles (¥2,000)
Nakamura Ramen (¥3,500)
Lamb Donburi (¥2,500)
Yakitori Plate (¥7,000)
Tonkatsu Plate (¥7,500)
Beef Curry (¥2,500)
Onigiri (¥100)
Rice Bowl (¥1,000)
Ham and Cheese Sandwich (¥1,400)
Cooked Crab (¥1,800)
Fried Chicken Bucket (¥1,500)
Green Tea (¥2,500)
Milk Carton (¥100)
Water Bottle (¥100)
Iced Coffee (¥500)
Yuzu Sparkling Juice Bottle (¥4,000)
Hot Chocolate (¥500)
Pink Bulb Drink (¥4,500)
Taiyaki (¥1,800)
Ice Cream Sundae (¥1,000)
Strawberry and Vanilla Icecream (¥300)
Red Velvet Donut (¥2,500)
Hanako Sake (¥???)
Tomomasu Peach Cider (¥???)
Burnett’s Pink Vodka (¥???)
Kokoro Cherry Blossom Gin (¥???)
Incoming custom item’s prices are yet to be determined until we know their shipping prices.
How many employees do you plan to have?: Employees are a key part in the restaurant business. They must maintain polite language and give our customers a positive experience at LARENCO. This, of course, depends on their position (waiter/waitress or security). At most, we will have 30 employees in total.
Seasonal Employees [?/5]
Essentially, Seasonal Employees are also referred to as “trial employees”. They are in their trial stage upon hiring to observe and ensure that they will be extraordinary workers at LARENCO. After about a month of working at LARENCO, the management team and I will be determining whether they are a sufficient fit for the restaurant or not. If not, they will be removed. If so, they will be promoted to their designated position (Waiter/Waitress, Security, or Bartender). Seasonal Employees will be required to attend two training sessions during their one month trial period.
Waiters/Waitresses [?/15]
It is of utmost importance that Waiters/Waitresses maintain proper language whilst interacting with customers. They are the bright smiles of the shop and we want our customers to have a great experience and want to come back for future openings. If the employee becomes uncomfortable with a customer for whatever reason, they have the right to come to a Manager or Senior Employee and ask for them to cover the table(s) for them. I will be asking that 5 Waiters/Waitresses come to each shift at the most.
Security [?/5]
Our Security team is highly depended on at LARENCO. We have had many issues with customers acting out on the property in the past. I want to find a way that Security and Waiters/Waitresses can take steps to deescalate the situation before any physical harm is brought to anybody on the property. For example, retrieving a Manager or the Shopkeeper to talk to any customer who has an issue they’d like taken care of, or maintaining polite language to ask what happened or what the issue is and have the customer explain. I try to find a solution for customers that allows them to leave the restaurant happy and stay within our policies. If the situation does end up escalating anyways, that is when we call in our Security team and they will be removed from the property. The steps to deescalate a situation will be discussed during training sessions. I will be asking that at most 3 Security staff come to each shift at most.
Bartenders [?/3]
Bartenders will be introduced to LARENCO when our incoming alcohol custom items appear on the menu. They will be in charge of running the bar, where single company customers will be seated. Age does not matter to sit at the bar, however, only customers who are 20+ in age will be able to order any alcoholic beverages. Bartenders will have their own chests that they have access to behind the counter. I will be asking that 1 Bartender attend each shift at most.
Senior Employees [?/3]
I will be looking for three candidates to fulfill the Senior Employee title. This title entails employees, whether they are Waiters/Waitresses or Security team members. Senior Employees know their position like the back of their hand, and can provide assistance and answers to any questions employees and seasonal employees have.
Managers [?/3]
I will be looking through Senior Employees who are trusted and have a better understanding of how to run a shift and deal with customers acting out compared to other employees, and sometimes other Senior Employees. Managers will be in charge of running a shift and opening if I am unable to do so for any reason. They will also be in charge of receiving the total owed of all the Waiters/Waitresses and paying the Security staff on my behalf if I am unable to run the shift myself. I will be asking that at least two Managers attend a shift if I am unable to open the restaurant myself. If I run the shift myself, no Managers are required to attend, but are recommended to.
What are the LARENCO Staff Rules?:
Customer Service: Waiters/Waitresses will be required to use polite and positive language towards customers. They are not to lose their temper when a customer is struggling or being insensitive. If the Waiter/Waitress ever feels uncomfortable or if they are about to lose their composure, they are to retrieve a Senior Employee or Manager to cover their table.
Late/No-Shows: If an employee has arrived significantly late to a shift or never showed up, despite reacting to the opening announcement in the Discord that they would attend, they will be warned. After the two warnings, they will receive a strike in the Infractions Records.
Storage Room: Employees must never bring a customer or friend into the storage room. If they are caught doing so, they will receive a warning. After the first warning, if caught again, they will receive a strike in the Infractions Records.
Uniforms: Employees must always show up to a shift in their proper uniform. If they are at any point during the active shift out of uniform, they will be given a warning. After receiving three warnings, they will receive a strike in the Infractions Records.
Loss Prevention: With the new inventory auditing system in place, we will be able to get a better idea if the act of theft is taking place within the restaurant. If proper evidence is ever brought forth about an employee stealing, they will be removed effective immediately.
Inventory Auditing: Inventory auditing will only be entrusted to Managers and the Shopkeeper at the end of each shift. If an employee has made a mistake upon completing an order by adding too many items that were not sold or in the case of accidentally consuming a product, they must report this to a Manager or the Shopkeeper so that the panel can be updated to the proper stock amount without causing misinformation during inventory auditing.
Positive Environment: We want to maintain a positive environment at LARENCO. If any employee is acting out or being toxic towards another employee, the victim must report to a Manager or the Shopkeeper. The employee in question will receive a strike in the Infractions Records.
Felonies: If the management team or Shopkeeper are informed of an employee’s arrest ICly, the employee will be removed and may reapply when shop applications are open.
What are LARENCO’s store policies?: As a shop we do have policies of our own. These are policies customers may have questions about that our staff team must be familiar with, despite their position.
- No refunds. Customers who have already ordered and received their meals may not receive a refund.
- No fighting or acting out. Customers may not fight one another, or an employee, on the property. If a customer does so, they will be immediately removed from the property and/or authorities will be called, depending on how intense the situation has escalated.
- No masks. Customers may not enter the restaurant while wearing a mask. If they wish to enter, they must remove their mask.
- No weapons. We want to keep LARENCO customers and employees safe, so no weapons are allowed on the property. On-duty officers are the only exception to this policy.
In-Character Age:
If my application is accepted, I wish for my character to be 43 years old.