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Pending Lawyer Application | newkski (WIP)


Level 2

Player Information

In-game Name:

newkski [APPLYING]
Nookski [ALT]

Discord Tag:


Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes I do!

Timezone & Country:
United States | EST

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I am a very active member of the Roleplay Hub community, and of course that means I’m extremely active in SRP! I’m currently one of the leadership roles in the Unverified Gang Black Dragons and a part of the female college football team! Overall, I’d rate my activity as a solid 8 as I’m on whenever I can; however, I am a full-time student. With that being said I'm mostly on during the afternoon or at night, usually averaging 5-8 hours and even more on the weekends.. (Typically over 15 hours depending on how much work I need to get done on the game and how long I stay up. . .) Even if I'm not on, as long as I'm not in school or out of my house, all it takes is one ping/dm and I can basically get on whenever!



What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:


I joined SRP roughly three or four years ago, but I wasn’t active until the summer of 2023. I had always been interested in joining a faction when I played on this server in the past. Yet the only things I tried out were gangrp and jockrp. Though I think both of them are great, I feel like I need something more. Things seem repetitive to me in both factions, and I am searching for something new. Not only does it seem repetitive, but I’m honestly just curious about what it’s like to work in a faction. My friend Zai explained how some things worked once he got accepted into government, but I feel it’d be much better hands-on. In general, I like to learn/experience new things. I’m always willing to branch out, try new things, meet new people, and more. However, like Zai mentioned in his application (shout out!!) I feel that if BD were to reach VG, my gangrp "career" would be over because I wouldn't have anything else to accomplish and I wouldn't want to endure the hardship of starting over. To quote him ‘I don't want to quit, but nothing else excites me.’ Yet, where would that leave me? I already have all the knowledge of Karakura laws and how court cases work, yet there is one less faction to occupy me. Given my inclination to join another faction and my passion for law, I believe that the government faction - and specifically the lawyer role - would be the ideal fit for me. I am committed to working hard. I believe I can bring new ideas, perspectives, and strategies to the faction. And honestly, all I want is to have fun, and I think that becoming a lawyer would provide me with just that as well as more roleplay, especially for this character.


“My goals?” Konishi paused, clearing his throat, before continuing. “I’d have to say my goals are pretty simple, honestly.” Folding his hands, the male would lean towards the interviewer. “I’m back from caring for my parents, and I miss my family dearly.. My main goal is to be able to reconnect with them.” He nodded, trying to piece his response together. “By taking on this position, I’d be able to provide for them. . possibly make up for what I’ve missed. Besides, Karakura has a special spot in my heart.. See, although I’m not from here- my grandparents were. We visited commonly; I even moved here myself for some time. I owe a lot to this town, and I’d do anything to see it thrive.”

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
In simple words, yes. I have read over them multiple times, mostly for gangrp lawsuits.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I could talk for hours about the amount of backstory that has been written about this character. To put it all together, though, my IC hopes that he will have a "redemption arc." In his lore, he was not the best person overall and wasn't around much. He was mostly too worried about his job and showing off rather than caring about his family. However, now that he is back. . He really wants to be able to settle down in Karakura and reconnect with his family as it’s been years since he’s last seen them. Obviously, he has missed out on A LOT. . so now it’s time for him to not only catch up on what he missed- but he has to prove that this time he’s making an effort to improve! Spinning back a tiny bit, like I said before he was extremely focused on his job, adding that he’s an extremely flashy person. He likes to portray himself as a put-together man. But more importantly, he likes to come out on top. He will turn anything into a competition, not only getting work done himself; but motivating others to follow in his steps. He is prepared to invest the time and energy necessary to advance both professionally and personally. However, that is also a result of my OOC goals. In general, I consider myself to be extremely competitive and always aim to be the best at everything. My goal in the faction is not only to have fun but also to work hard and advance through the ranks. I want to set a good example for other players, and I hope that this rubs off on them as well. I am also motivated by the idea of being able to contribute to the success of the faction.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Lawyers have many jobs, for example they can assist clients in understanding legal matters, drafting and reviewing legal documents, conducting legal research, and negotiating settlements. In addition, attorneys draft and submit court documents, ensure compliance by researching laws and regulations, and represent clients in court proceedings.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, and I accept these conditions.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted:
I am willing to devote myself entirely to this role and am fully aware of the responsibilities that go along with it.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I completely understand and agree with this! I find it hard to work with people when there’s a clear bias.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I understand and agree to all the terms and rules of the Government Faction

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I should be able to; I’m willing to clear my schedule for this and if I’m not able to make it under any circumstances, I’ll be able to explain why

[OOCLY: In this section i'm writing it as if it was happening ICLY, Personally I find it easier to add detail to my responses this way.]

As Konishi entered the town hall from the blazing sun, the cold air blew against his face as he bowed to the person in front of him.

"Good morning," He said as he followed them into their office. His voice boomed, effortlessly filling the empty room's silence. He cleared his throat, taking a seat in the chair. Konishi straightened up and extended a hand across the desk to the person who was now seated in front of him. ‘I am very grateful to be here today.’

‘Of course, shall we begin?’

Full name: 'What's your full name?'
“My full legal name is Mattheo Konishi” A warm smile spread across his face as he nodded.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): "What would you prefer to be addressed as?"
“With coworkers, I don’t mind being on a first name basis. Although in formal situations I’d prefer Mr. Konishi”

Current age: "How old are you currently, Mr Konishi?"
A sigh escaped his lips. . “I am currently 43 years old, sounds a lot worse saying it out loud.. Doesn't it?” He let out a short laugh..

Date of birth: "What is your date of birth?"
“I was born June 18th, 1980”

Gender: "What is the gender you would like to be referred to as?"
“I am biologically male.”

Academic Degree: "What academic degree do you currently possess?"
“I have attended law school at NYU- Well. . New York University, and I graduated with my PhD in Psychology”

Major(s): "What did you major in?"
“Like mentioned earlier, I have my PhD in Psychology. However, I also majored in sociology.”

Minor(s): "I see. And did you have any minors?"
“I majored. . . minored?" He paused, awkwardly smiling "My minors consist of Criminal Law of course and philosophy!”

Work experience: "Tell me about your past work experience."
Paused, nodding along as the individual spoke. “Let me see. . I met my wife at a young age, I was in my first few years of college; I think I was around.. 23?" The man shrugged. Awkwardly adding on "Things moved fast and I had to quickly start working. ." Konishi cleared his throat, continuing on. "Well, I started working as a Lawyer in New York City for roughly 16 years before I moved me and my family to Karakura." He nodded, along as he spoke, trying to recollect the previous years. "With that being said, Problems arose with parents in New York. At this point, my eldest son was 16. . And their mother had everything in control. So I had to take a leave. Obviously years passed, everything is settled, and I'm ready to settle down again and take on this job."

Nationality & born location: "Where are you from? I'm assuming New York City?"
“I am a mix of Mexican and Japanese, though I was born in Mexico. I spent a decent amount of my childhood in Mexico but I did move to New York City when I was around 10. .”

Fluent languages (Underline your native): "Mexico, I'm assuming you speak other languages aside from Japanese then?"
“Aside from me being fluent in Japanese. My first language is Spanish

Criminal record: "If you have one, How would you describe your criminal record?"
“My record is completely clean, I've worked too hard to keep my name clean.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?: "Finally, One last question Mr Konishi; What makes you a good candidate for this job?"
“I've had the chance to work in this field, which has given me valuable experience and knowledge. I have a solid understanding of the expectations and criteria of this role because of my prior job experience. I have a strong bond with Karakura, too. Throughout my life, I have lived in this town several times, and it has greatly influenced who I am now. Even though I may not have a formal duty to the town, I am incredibly appreciative of Karakura and want to positively impact its advancement. I am committed to making a positive difference in this town and using my skills and knowledge to help it achieve its goals. I am confident that I can bring value to this role and make a meaningful contribution to the town. ”​
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Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

After discussion with the Higher Ups of the Government Faction, we have chosen to place you on pending:

- Your application is well structured & written, but other applicants stood out more

Once a position opens, you'll be contacted to see if you'd still like to be part of the faction !

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